Daily British Whig (1850), 20 May 1921, p. 14

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Swit ny y Ry. a mae eres ------ AR 14 PUBLIC OPINION J | Reconstruction Due, | J | | 3 = | tives will be neither skilled nor dis- | | creet. We trust they will be both. | If they are not they can and we as- | Sume will be withdrawn. -------------- An Explanation, (Watertown Press) Thx wax the laxt editorial in this Cur economic machine ig like the | ixxue to be xet up, and juxt ax the Irishman's roof. When it rains We type manipulator attacked it be | ; ean't fix it, and when it isn't faining broke the matrix for a certain letter. | It might be a shack, or a house in weglon't need to a row, Home The little old house where struggles were spent | Where you strove for a living, and | fought for the rent: i Where each drop 'of success was al well of content -.. | That was Home. your | (New York Globe) |It ix not eaxy to xpecify it, but we | ; | may xay that it xtandx between r and | With a little ola garden that you | it in the alphabet. He found an extra ; used to hoe; X, howefer, x0 he xupplied the mix- | Wherever your fortunes have led, Xing letter by making thix ridiculoux | this I know-- Xubtitution. It ix perhapx fortunate | shat was Home. that we have no xpace to Xay more. | |Your evenings were full No Alarm Here, algary Herald) hester - Guardian (« ] The Mane thinks | Canada is biting off more than it can | chew. Canada showed in the great | War that it can chew a fair sized bite. of the A f'ommon Sense (Hamilton Herald) The «Oumon sense of most Cana- dians will ensble them to see the folly of lowering our tariff barrier at a time when other countries {more particularly our big neighbor) are Jalsing theirs, ------ee, The Flaw in His Eloquence. (Buffalo Express) * . Senator La Follette's gloquent es- Pousal of the cause of Ireland might have more influence if he had es- poused the cause of the United States & little higher during the recent war with Germany, Quebec's Gold Mine. : (Vancouver Province) Montreal boasts that it excelled all the other cities in the Dominion iu the volume and . promptness with which Its citizens paid their incomn tax, The enormous remittances from the dry provinces may explain the plethora of money. A Socialist Debacle. » (Chicago News) The municipal elections in Milwau- kee have swept the slate clean of Bocialists with one insignificant ex- seption, and a year ago the city gov- ronment was almost solid Socialist. How are the mighty fallen? Evident. ly Milwaukee "knows how." With so Jatisfactory a result it would be un- Jracious to challenge the assertion that it was due to the vote of the women, . Cannot Stapd Aloof (Chicago Tribune) The restoration of our own normal Prosperity is dependent upon the re- Moration of Europe. Representation Is expedient, therefore, if not neces- sary. There is no reasonable ob. Jection thus far, and fears that we shall be drawn too far into the Eu- ropean situation seem somewhat Premature. Perhaps our representa aaa a "E. LUCKIN VETERAN'S MEAT MARKET Cor. Princess & Clergy Sts. ft ; RRA As You Like It. (Canadian Railroad, Montreal) Are we going to have hard times? | Some prophets say we are. Not long ago the prophets told us we were go- | ing to have a better world after the war. It is not a better world, but it', might have been. The what could have transpired if the | people had wanted it. And the same is true of their vision of bad times-- we can have them if we want them; We are not compelled to have econo- mic distress unless we want it. -------- The Need of Faith. (Manchester Guardian) We had to fight the greatest of wars and we are getting some of the wounds of it now. Most of us, in all classes, are wounded in purse, wounded in character, wound- ed in our faith in things that we took for granted as true be- fore the war. We have had darling illusions bled to death and cherished symbols shown up as old rags, signi- fying nothing. How is it possible that a world grown so poor in that which tan move mountains should remove from its way the piled fence that now confronts it--concrete expressions of a spiritual loss of trust and friendli- cay in personal self-mastery? Well, from any very bad illness? You ¢ol- lapse from the height of your strength and are wasted and bled and enfeebled almost to death, and then, when you have hardly strength to turn in a bed, some natural mir- acle fills you with power to turn out the giant disease that your fuil force could not keep from getting in at the door. That is the hope left to us now. -------------- Strong Thread. Swedish experimenters have spun "| Detailed to the wite, and, { "Twas your duty to go and prophets saw | you'd start work {Ana ness between men and of a wide de- |- how is it that anyone ever recovers |" things done and said, the chil- dren in bed, kiss each éurly head-- That was Home. - at eight of the clock, maybe seven, work, perhaps, overtime, work to eleven; And when you got home--why! it seemed just like Heaven-- That was Home. And now you've a mansion, your for- line did grow | You're a big man of business--yet | sometimes I trow ! You'll think, with regret, of the | house, long ago-- That was Home. --Wolfrun. thread fifty per cent. stronger than pure wool and closely resembling it from sixty per cent. peat fibre and forty per cent. wool. Saturday Is Bargain CHOICE WESTERN BEEF This is the finest obtainable Stewing cuts at ..10c. Ib. Choice Boiling at 15c¢. Ib. Pot Roasts at . . . 16¢. Ib. Pot Roasts Boneless at .........17¢c. Ib. Ovex Roasts at . 18¢. Ib. Rump Roasts at 23e. ib. | Shoulder Steak ..23c. Ib. ! |. Round Steak . . .32¢. 1b. Sirloin Steak . . . 35¢. Ib, Choice Farmer-fed Pork (None better) Legs, whole . 26¢. Ib. Legs, half . . 27¢. Ib. Shoulders . . 20¢. Ib. Collars... ...25¢, Ib. 27c--30c.--35.. Day Legs ....38c¢. Ib. Loins . . .35¢. Ib. Fronts . . 25¢, Ib. Chops . 32¢. 37c. ' REV. J. H. RUSHBROOKR Upon whont the degree of doctor of divinity was conferred at McMaster University, Mr, Rushbrooke is the European commissioner for the Baptist World Alliance, Se: Sovem Sentence Sermon. Nothing is conquered until self is overcome.--Chinese Proverb. . * . Selfishness is the making of man's self his own centre, the beginning and end of all he ddes.--John Owen. Sometimes an hour of Fate's seren- est weather Strikes through our changeful sky its coming beams; Somewhere above us, in elusive ether, Waits the fulfillment of our dear- est dreams, --Taylor. . They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, -and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint --Isa. 40:81. ; - * Faith in God is something far deeper and more vital than any theory or opinion about God; and it draws after it imniense consequences 'S AND BOYS' BE GREATLY PREMISES SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES ON ALL LINES OF MEN FURNISHINGS, HATS AND CAPS. OUR STOCK MUST REDUCED, AS WE HAVE TO VACATE OUR PRESENT JULY 1ST. SALE STARTS SATURDAY, HAY 21 25 35 50 75 = Arrow Collars, Boston Garters. Boys' Stockings. Knitted Ties. Arm Bands. Wire Arm Bands. Silk Soft Collars. Silk Ties. Lawn Hdkfs. Arrow Soft Collars. | gill Ties. Leather 'Belts. Cotton Socks, black, | Relax Garters. {Leather Belts: ot on Socks, black, Cotton Socks, Navy," eather Delts. Silk and Cashmere rown, grey. Black, Brown, or | Silk Hdkfs. fancy Socks. Grey. border. Silk and Lisle Socks. - O08 Lisle Socks, black, Men' Bathing Suits. Silk Socks. 1 1 3 Boo Navy and | oll Wool Cashm Work Shirts. English Wool Socks. Socks. Silk Ties. at Balbriggan Skirts Boys' Blouses. gg Boys' Waists, 1 48 dD : Black Balbriggan : and Urawers Knitted Ties. Cotton Night Shirts. Shirts and Draw- : Rubber Belts. ers. Athletic Combina- 1 7 5 Silk and Wool Socks. tions. Cr Work Shirts, Work Pants of Cot. Boys' Combinat : v. Co Nii Cream Outing Shirts ton Tweed. > Merino Shirts and Work Pants of brown rawers. Duck. Delpark Combina- Work Gloves. tions. 2 48 . Cotton Pyjamas. Boys' Shirts. : Arrow Athletic Flannelette Pyjamas Combinations. Union made Overalls erer " Boys' Combinations, enman's best quality, Shirts and Drawers, - 198 Flannelette Night Shirts. Boys' Waists, Men's Tweed Hats: "S% MUTTON Legs ... ...28¢c. Fronts .... 15c. Chops .25c¢., 30c. Loins, whole . 30c. Ib Loins, cut . . .33c. 1b Side Pork--streaky : : . 26c. Ib. 1 Everything you require in Pickles, Sauces, - COOKING BUTTER........... 25 Ib. IB ; | | BEST i 4 ? 3 CREAMERY ........... 37.1. | BREAKFAST BACON, sliced . .35c. Ib. { in logic and in life.--Charles Gordon Ames, - . » Thou hast made us fof Thyself And our hearts are restless Till they rest in Thee. ----St. Augustine, Moral changes "are" slow: God's footsteps are sometimes centuries apart.--Edwin Taylor, Tips to Housewives A lump of camphor placed near silverware that is not in use will prevent it from tarnishing A shirtwalst box stood on end fitted with shelves makes a good 1it- the cupboard to hold hats in. Seeded raisins and chopped green peppers marinated with French dressing and served on crisp lettuce are good. ---- South American Monopoly, According to the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, -quebracho wood, which is extensively used in tanning, is one of the natural mono- polies of South America, as potash was a ndtural monopoly of Germany and jute is of India. The trade at first was established in quebracho logs, but in the last 25 years the in- dustry of preparing the extract has been built up in South America and is now in a flourishing condition. Quebracho is not indispensable to the tanning industry, but it is a use- ful reagent, singe it produces in a few days results that other Outing Shirts. Balbriggan Combs, Men's fine Shirts, Men's Bathing Suits, Striped Outing Shirts Poris Knit Combina- 2 i and Smocks, Dents' Gloves, tan, tions. 2 1 9 ' . grey, chamois, $2 9 5 Guaranteed Shirts--- Straw Sailors, Arrow Shirts. Forsythe. 25% oft Lace 'Mesh Combi. Arrow. Men's Odd ; " Tookes. nations. Trousers. Boys' Twead Lang, 25% off 25% oft Bath Robes, wool, Fine Khaki Pants, Men's Pyjamas. Sweaters and Sweater Coats, entton or silk mix- . tures. Ei Men's Caps, values : up to $4.00. $5.00 All $8.50 Felt Hats, Colors Brown, Green, Pearl Grey Silk Pyjamas. 25% off All lines of Boys' Bloomers. : 25% off 25 % Off RAIN COATS Gaberdine or Tweed.

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