Daily British Whig (1850), 20 May 1921, p. 15

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FRIDAY, MAY. 20, 1921. WHIG. . THE DAILY BRITISH Take ad | « James Sowards Coal. Co. : 'MAY PRICES Egg, Stoveand Nut . . . . ... $16.50 delivered Pea . ried, 50 cents extra). vantage of this price, as JUNE Prices -- = Ee ws ~ TE ---- ee -- From The $15.00, delivered higher. FRONTENAC od | ARDEN "HOW WOMEN AVOID SURGICAL OPERATIONS | Some Aro Extromaly Necessary, Others May Not Bs Every Woman Should Give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a Trial First ' Ford Touring, 1914 ....... ... .$250.00 Chevrolet Touring, 1918... ... .$550.00 Ford Touring with Ford starter . :$600.00 feesaveea i000, 0 $850.00 [fin the hall on Friday evening. At the Ford Sedan All cars painted and with excellent tires, all mechanical parts in Al shape. ' These cars sold on easy paymerits. We have iow started our all night ser- vice for motorists. VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609, ¥ : thought of recovery Sanan the Loa to strength IF it successful. Piakham's Private Text-Book apon "Ailments Pecus will be sent to you free RAL GIS F ootwear intended for every | been spending a few days. H, Har- jper spent Sunday at Bordenwood. in Tamworth after spending [a few days with his parents, Mr. and | Mrs. 8, Alexander, | A baby boy.haé come to stay at George Thompson's. Mr. and Mss. Alexander and son Harry, also Mrs. Fitchett, motcred to Deseronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barker made a flying trip to Kingston Tharsday. G. Steele and family spent Sunday at J, Clark's, Borden- a wood, Chicago, Ill. = ""T was in bedwitha female trouble and FLORIDA. inflam May 17.--The farmers have finish- ed 'their seeding and have started planting. Mr. and Mrs. William Huff, Lapum, at George Redden's: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burgess and sons, Maple Avenue, Sunday visitors at Walter Compton's; Mr. and Mrs. H. West | brooke, and family, Hartington® at their son, Stanley's, Westbrooke; Mr. mation and had four doctors but none of them did me good. Theyall said I Id have to have an oper- ation. A druggist's wife tol 80 well. I have a xter Redden's; Mrs. Andrew Comp- 8ix room flat and do all my Sok. oy two sisters are ng Compound upon my recommendation and you may publish my letter. [tis the gospel truth and I will write to one who wants {onal etter." --Mrs. E. Havpock, 6824 St. Law- rence Ave., Chicago, 1. A Vermont woman 'TH RO adds her testimony to $ PERTH ROAD 3a the line of those May 17.--Sacramental service fortunate women who was held in the United church on have been restored to Sunday evening, Rev. Mr. Duffield health by {din E Siiciating, Suaddy evening services operation was necessary: Bay, spent one day las: week at Al- fred Compton's; Edwin, Ray and brother's, C. W. Jeffrey's; ton at Enoch Snider's. er's Sunday was observed at Wil- and Mrs. R. Ritchie attended ' the op funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas le Compound to a pum- L"'--Mrs. H.R. SHARON, surgical operations, and there t ration and the day afternoon. Miss Jessie McKenzie, Wilmur, spent the week-end at Mrs. H. E. Stoke's. Mr. and Mrs, G Lees fand B Lees were Sunday guests of G Green. Mr and Mrs J. Henry and family motored to J. Robb's Batter- sea, on Sunday. Mrs. L. Brooks has returned from Kingston. Mrs, J. Ruttan spent a few days at Verona. Master Clarence Stonness is very ili. 2 -------- » MYER'S CAVE. May 16.--F'ire destroyed the house and most of its contents owned by George Salmond's, on Tuesday after- noon. The origin of the fire is a mys- tery. Clarence. Menor and James Smith, Odessa, are spending a few days at C. MacGregor's. George Sal- {mond spent Thursday night at tle jCave. Mrs. J. R. Perry and Miss Eva i Hamilton spent Wednesday at Mrs. Donald MacGregor's. Mr. and Mrs. T. |D. Perry spent Sunday at Mrs. J. {McCausland's. Mr. C. Menor, J. Smith, Willian MacGregor and sister | Tena, took in the dance at Michael |8chuager's, Ardoch, on Friday night, [Mr and Mrs. Donald MacGregor and ison, Charles, spent Sunday at J. R. { Perry's. A couple from here attended {Flinton ball on the 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood, Harlowe, called | here Tuesday evening. Michael Sch- MacGregor's, MOUNTAIN GROVE. May 17.--M. R. Reid has been in- specting schools in this vicinity. The :L.O.L. held a Royal Arch meeting Close the members sat down to a | | = DODD'S AL A oF LL ] § 34-38 Princess Street. x 3 . y hed EVERY DAY WEAR These features are very (il which onally prominent in our Oxfords, od May 16.--Mr. and Mrs. E. Fitch- ] StL Sudbury, are spending a few | days! visiting her father, S (Alexan- '|der. Mrs. Jack Pringle has returned home from Kingston, where she has wagar, Ardoch, spent Sunday at Mr.d Countryside | | Fred Alexander has returned Lo high | | school | i ton and little son, Murray, Collin's | pow | mur, Mrs. William Ritchie and Mr, | sehool . for a 'TORPID LIVER FOR OVER 4 MONTHS. The duty of the liver is to prepare | and secrete bile and serve as a filter | to the blood, cleansing it of all im- purities and poisons. ., When the liver becomes laxy, slow or torpid it is not working properly, | and does not supply sufficient bile to | thoroughly ac on the bag Is and learry oft the waste products of the system, hence the "bowels become clogged up, the bile gets into the blood, constipation sets in and liver troubles follow. 2 Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills quickly { remove the secretions, clear away the | waste and effete matter by acting di- rectly on the liver, and making the | bile pass through the bowels instead of allowing it to get into the blood, { and cause so many troubles, Mrs. Alice Mekill, Napanee, Ont., | writes: --"I was very badly * run | down, and had a torpid liver for four months. 1 tried several remedies, 4'but got no relief. One day my hus- band brought me home a Yial of Mil- burn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and' before I had used half of it I was much bet- ter. -I only used two 7ials, and I am a different person to-day. I can safely recommend Laxa-Liver Pills to any ane troubled with liver trouble." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 26c, a vial at all dealers or maled di- rect qn receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Conn mime sumptuous repasts prepared by the ladies of the L.O.B.A. All are glad to see Rev. W. Buckles is convalescent. The Ladies' Institute held a special meeting for the close of the year's work and installation of officers in the hall on Wednesday. Mrs. J. D. Clark was re-elected president and Mrs. D. MgDonald retained as sae- nd Mrs. Charles Curl, Yarker, at retary. A good year's work has been done. George Flynn lost a valuable recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. Uens, Napanee, accompanied by Miss Elsie Coulter and Mids Gertrude Hilton Jeffrey, Hartington, at their Price spent Sunday in this vicinity. Shorey | visitors: Mr, and Mrs, Peroy Gray at Snider visited his sister, Mrs Byard | g, McDonald's; Mr. and Mrs. 7. Snider; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Comp- | Asgelstine, Long Lake, at C. Cow- dy's; Miss Bessie Price, at D. Me- Donald's; Miss H. Greene spent the week-end at her home in Arden. -- McLEAN, May 16.--The farmers are nearly the Free Methodist | through seeding. -Mrs, Alex. Embury | church by Rev. Mr. Simpson. Moth- | is able to, be around again after her | recent illness. There was not any couple of days on account of our teacher, Mr, Cassels, being sick, Miss Orpha Wagar has {Nancy) Ennis, Battersea, on Mon- | returned home from Belleville. 'Sun day visitors: Mr, acd Mrs. Alf Cousins and Ross, Mrs. O. Keller and Elva and Leon at Alfred Hearn's; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snider and family at Frank Snider's; Miss Lena Good- berry at George Goodberry's; Mr. and Mrs. Willls Asseltine and son, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown and family and Bert Asseltine and Wil- liam Garrett at John Raycraft's; Mrs. George Alton and Guy Wagar and Miss Tillie Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCumber and Mr. and Mrs, Ard. Wagar and family at William Cousins'; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keller and Phil Embury at Alex. Bmbury's; Mr. and Mrs, Richard Beverly and family and D. Kirk at Milford Wagar's; Mr. 'and Mrs, Andrew Em- bury at William Hare's. KEELERVILLE. May 16.--A number from here attended the funeral at Battersea to« day of the late Mrs, Ennis. A few cases of scarlet fever have been re- ported. Dr. Freeman, Inverary, visited our school to-day and had the school fumigated. Dr. C. K. Robin- son has had many calls here recent- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Bdward Andrews visited at James White's at Jones' Falls, recently. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon and Master Wil- lie, at George M¢Farlane's. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sands, Milburn, at James Mcliroy's. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sleeth, Cedar Lake, spent a day last Week at E. Sleeth's. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pipe, Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boals and family, Round Lake, at James Boal's, Sun- Owen Burtch's. Miss day. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac McIlroy pent the week-end at John Sills, North Shore. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry and family, Wilmur, at John Robb's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Beott, Milburn, at David Sleeth's. Miss Alice Jamieson, Battersea, at J. E. Ang- lin's, Sunday. Rev. E. Codling, Bat- tersea, made pastoral calls here last week. Charles Clark shipped a loai of pigs to Elgin on Friday. Isaac Mc- Iroy took a load of cheese to. King- ston Saturday. J. E. Anglin is attend- '| ing the district meeting at Kingston, Robert Tighe and family motored to Kingston Saturday. Wallace Jack- son is in Kingston this week. F. WW. Balls, Kingston, is selling meat, Wil- liam Anglin, Brewer's Mills, is at J. E. Anglin's. tt iin LEEDS MORTON. May 16.--Mrs. B, Burtch, Jones' Falls, spent a few days last week at Florence De- lone, Gananoque, visited friends in the village last week. A number here attended the meeting of Ladies' Institute held at Mrs. W. Hiscock's, Spring Vale, on Tues day last. Miss Estella Sly has gone to visit friends at Franktown. Miss Edith at. | cheson spent a few days last week the guest of Mrs. Daisy Somerville. Clifford Earl motored to Gananoque | on Tuesday last. Charles York, Pie ton, spent a couple of days aw. York's, last week. | frost has spoiled the early gardens. [some and Son, Plum Hollow, a new | Ford car. Mr. and Mrs John King, 10ak Leaf, were Sunday visitors at! [E. Foster's. A sad death occurred | | at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas | |Hefferman on Thursday, when Miss | | Gertrude Glenn, daughter of Mrs. {Oliver Glenn, passed away. Deceased {had poor health ever since she had | the flu but was able to be up and sat out on the lawn on Thursday. About eleven o'clock at night she haa a {hemorrhage and died at once. Her mother was with her all through her {illness, The remains were taken to | Westport, her home, on Friday even- fine, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Hefferman, Roy and George Heffer- {man, The funeral was held on 'Sun' |day at Westport, and was largely | {attended. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Green, {B. Hefterman, Miss Beale and Miss | Finley motored to Westport on Sun- day to attend the funeral, Deceased leaves, besides her mother, two brothers, Lewis, Bancroft, and Oliver, Westport; and one sister, Mrs. Mary Gibson, Cape Vincent, N.Y. One sis- ter died last October. Many floral tributes rested on the casket. Lenox & Addington ' CLOYNE May 17.--Murel Denison is now at Bon Echo Inn and purposes making things boom this summer. The heavy Mr. Sanderson, Yarker, accompanied by D.'Kirk, Arden, was in the village Thursday. J L. Yoyed and family were guests at W. Booth's, Sunday. C. Booth : and F. Stine, Denbeigh, were in the village last night en route to Tamworth. Court will open here Wednesday. Hunting out of season is the charge which is being dealt with, More men have found employ- ment at the ore chimney mines, H. Spencer and H. Hawley have been called as fire rangers this year and purpose going on duty this week, S Wheeler is improving his premises by putting a well at his door. Prince Edward SELBY. May 17.~L. Rickley and E. Doldge have been repairing the bridges be- tween here and Napanee. F. Farns- worth, who is attending college in Toronto, returned home on Saturday for his holidays. Mrs. E. Robinson is improving. Mrs. R. Paul spent last week in Napanee with her son. Mr. and Mrs. Sea and baby, Arden, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Belleville, spent Sunday with their parents here. Mr, and Mrs. Doidge spent Tuesday in Kingston. Mrs. B. A. Lucas, Belleville, spent a few days with Mrs. F, Rose. The funeral of the late Mrs, Henderson passed through here on Sunday. Mrs. H. Graham spent last week with her sister. Mrs. J. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Lapeau, Centerville, spent Sunday at J. Rose's, BONGARD'S, May 16.--Sacramental service was held at Bongard's chiirch on Sunday, May 15th. At the May meeting ot the Ladies' Aid held at the church an Thureday, the following offices were elected: Mrs, F. Eaton, presid- ent; M-s. Allan Harrison, first vice- president; Mrs. Carnahan, second vice-president; Mrs, 0. W. Hicks, secretary; and Mrs. I. B. Lucas, trea- surer. W. J. Hawker is repairing ahd painting his home. Mrs. A. Hicks, Picton, was a recent visitor at. Thomas Bongard's. I. B. Lucas has started operations on his new farm. Mr. and Mrs. "A. Dulmage, Glenora, spent Monday at E. Dul- mage's. J. D. Bongard continues in very poor health. Mrs. Allan Harri- son spent several days last week with her parents in Cressy. Mrs, Thurston has returned after several weeks spent at Black Creek. Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Bongard and son, Toronto, are expected this week to spend a short time visiting his.parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Bongard. The farmers have completed seeding. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Waupoos, were recent guests at J. D. Bongard's. C. Jinks and wife, Greenbush, were Sunday visitors at C. Storms', ---------------- LANARK LAVANT STATION. May -16.--Mrs. B. Wilson, Finch, is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Lee visited the lat. ter's brother, Peter Barr, Poland, one day last week. Clement Paul, Poland, 1s spending an indefinite time at E. J. McFarlane's. Miss Winnie Taylor spent Sunday with: her parents, at Ompah. Fred Me Farlane, Drummond, is. visiting his brother, E. J, McFarlane. Lionel Barr spent the week-end-at his home in Poland. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gray, Caldwell's Mills, visited at L. Lise's oie * day lass week. Mrs, George Thomas is vis ing "her mother, Mrs. Gilbért White, Poland. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sproule left last week fir their new home in Canonto. : Miss Dorothy Weekes, daughter of Mr. Mrs. G. 0. Smith's Falls, has left for ; N.Y, where she will enter a'conrse | in nursing. j : MY LEASE EXPIRES AND I AM CLOSING MY KINGSTON BRANCH My entire stock of $30,000 worth of Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats and Pants must be sold regardless of cost and former selling price. EVERY GARMENT SACRIFICED AT | PRICES THAT WILL || MAKE YOU BUY Suits & Top Coats Values to $35 MY SALE PRICE $1450 Suits & Top Coats Values to $45 MY SALE PRICE $24.50 $29.50 Suits & Top Coats Values to $40 MY SALE PRICE $19.50 Suits & Top Coats Values to $55 MY SALE PRICE BLUE SERGE SUITS All wool, fast color, Indigo dye. $55 and $65 values My Sele Prices $29.50 and $37.75 ODD ~PANTS Hundreds of pairs. Sizes to 48. My Sale Prices $1.95 to $6.45 N\ RAINCOATS and) GABARDINES $18 to $35 values My Sale Prices $9.95 to $19.95 EVERY WINTER OVERCOAT included in this sale --it will pay you to buy yours now. | | | | i | N i | 1 i | i | |

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