THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, MAY 39, 1921. Honesty is the Foundation of Our Business CLOTHES MADE TO MEASURE "$4500 up English Worsteds . ..... .. $55.00 up Indigo Blue Worsteds--fast dye | $49.50 up . JUST ARRIVED An extensive range; of Scotch Tweeds, Home-Spun-- suitable for Sport and Golf Suits. Golf Hose, Shirts, Neckwear; Under- wear, and all Men's Furnishings. Don't order your Suit until you see our spring fabrics. Livingston's Founded 1847, 75-77 BROCK STREET "lf Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." l derson Bros. Limited We have made large purchases to cover heavy selling Saturday. TONS OF FOOD to select from--all purchased from reliable sources, with a view to furnishing our pat- rons with every item of their purchase, at the lowest possible cash, couplied with quality. 2,000 Ibs. Finest CREAMERY BUTTER 32¢. Ib. 'MEAT DEPARTMENT Spring Lamb cuit to order. : BEEF ; | Stewing cuts . . 124¢c.| Pot Roasts . ... . 16e. Oven Roasts . . . 25c¢.| Boneless Roasts 28¢. . Hamburg Steak 121c| Steak Mince . . 20c. Shoulder steaks 22¢. Beef Dripping 14¢. Ib VEAL Stewing cuts . . .7c.|Loin Roasts . . .15e¢. } Fronts .. 10e¢. exis val. | Rack Roasts . .123¢.| Veal Chops . ...15¢c. Shoulder Roasts 22¢.| Hocks , : .....123¢. Te Shoulder. oe Liver... .... Be | Pork Chops ...25¢c. : ~ CURED MEAT SPECIALS 1,000 lbs. Boneless Corned Beef . . - Boiling Pork (cuts 2to51bs) . . .. . Pickled Hocks New Texas 0 apd groallsize) |... .128c. 1b. ~The new price for Majestic Oleomargarine New Vegetables will be plentiful to-' - 1B. &0. .% . YWCA. ANAL NEETING GARRISON PARIDE SUNDAY E12 (Reports of the Splendid Work Done During the Past Year. | | The annual meeting of the Young | Women's Christian Association was {held in the reception room of the {bullding on Johnson street on | Thursday evening, with introductory remarks by Mrs. W. E. MacNeill and short devotional service by Rev. A, B. Ransem. Miss Helen Patterson's piano solos were much enjoyed. The reports of the treasurer show- ed receipts of $9,706.78, which cov- ered the expenses and left a balance on May 17th of $309.24. The secre- tary, Miss Packer, read a" splendid report of the yea work, outlining the aim of the institution, which is to. stimulate the four-fold develop- ment of girls, the spiritual, mental, physical and social lite, which make for a right of poised womanhood. There were 275 transient'and over 100 guests welcomed in the home, which under Mrs, Moscrip's kindly care and interest, is indeed a real home. The three clubs, the Unity Corps, Recretation Club and Girls' Fellowship Club, have an enrollment of 100. The classes in cooking and sewing held on Saturday afternoon have 145 mémbers. There hive been Sunday Bible classes, classes in gym- nasium and swimming, and the chor- | al work, which have been much en- joyed. During eight months there have been 25 calls made at the sev- eral hospitals, new arrivals located, work and friends obtained, number- ing about 126 Employment has been found for 75 girls and women. The board acknowledged the generosity of friends in .supplying household ar- ticles, books, etc. It is also grateful for the interest of the press, and thankful for Mr. Price's generous Christmas gift of a receipted milk bill, and for the courtesy of the busi- ness men and merchants, It also ex- pressed indebtedness to the volun- teer workers and tireless efforts of the Board members. Reports of the Finance, Social, Membership and Religious commit- tees were read, showing that excel- lent work is being done, the mem- bership fees being increased $189 last year to $2643 The sdcial committees' report showed that many interesting social events had been held during the year, The nominating committee report- ed the following members of the board resigning, Mrs. C. Anglin, Mrs. Hedley, Mrs. LaFlair, Mrs. Lough, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. VanLuven and Mrs. Lothrop. Mrs. Snellings, Mrs. Jackson, H. L. Chown, Miss Gwatkin, and Miss Ireland, were elected to Mill their places, and the following ladies who have sigpified their willingness to act were minated: Mrs, W. M. Goodwin, Mrsd Travers Hora, Mrs. Ernest Cunnidgham, Mrs. F. Re'd, Mrs. H. E. Richardson, Mrs. H. F. Richardson and Miss Helen Chown. The representatives of the Satur- day class sang and played delight- fully, "The Books of the Bible", by six little girls being especially good. The report of the cooking class showed splendid results in this most necessary department. The gymna- slum and swimming classes, - which | Were held in Queen's gymnasium, which was given free of charge, with Miss E. 0. O'Connor as instructor, were much enjoyed by the 38 girls. The Unity Corps have been learn- ing first aid, sewing, etc., and is in- creasing in membership and is a val- uable asset to the institution. The Recreation Club'which meets on Monday evenings, has had some pleasant evenings and are looking forward to many picnics, The Uwanto Camp was a great success l#st year and will be held again this summer. The Fellowship Club has done much good work and has had various outside speakers, who were héard with interest. They had an average attendance of 20. The Bible class reported interest and good at- tendance. : The rooms were gay with lilac and the musieal programme much enjoy- ed. A pleasant event was the pres- entation of Mrs. W. E. MacNeill with a bouquet of flowers with the love and esteem of the girls to whom she is so kind. ---- STOCK MARKETS Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot ' Street. | New York Stocks. ; Opening. Closing. Am.-Loco. ... .... 87y% A Am, Sum. Tobacco 63% 64 Smelters ... .... . 42% uy Baldwin Toco. ., .. 86% S444 40% 39% 593% 58% « 114% 114 403% 39% 4% TY Beth. Steel "B" .,. SPR... .. .; Central Leather .. Crucible Steel .. Inter. Paper Mex. Petroleum . .. Northern Pacific .. from | Miss To City Park For the Unvell- ing of the R.C.H.A. : Monument. Orders have been issued from dis- trict military headquarters for a gar- rison parade on Sunday. It will form up in Artillery park square ahd move oft at 9.30 a.m. to Macdonald park via Bagot street, Princess to Welling- ton and out Wellington to the park. The units in the procession will be district headquarters staff, gentlc- men cadets, R.M.C. headquarters, Royal Canadian Artillery, R.C.H.A. brigade, headquarters, "A" and "B" batteries, No. 3 company R.C.G.A., the Princess of Wales Own Regi- ment. ~ In addition all ex-service men and the naval: brigadé are invit- ed to attend, ex-members of garri- son units will parade with those units and the remainder will report to the Garrison Serg't Major at 9.15 am.: all ex-soldiers and members of mili- tary formations are authorized to wear uniform. The district chaplains taking part in the religious service will be Lt.- Col. the Rev. A. M. Gordon, D.S.0., M.C., Major the Veny Rev. Dean Starr, Major the Rev. W. E. Kidd, M.C, Captain the Rev. J. Nicholson, M.C. The programme at the park will be as follows: Hymn, R.C.H.A. band, "For All The Saints"; prayer, Colonel A. M. Gordon; address, Lt.- General Sir H. B. Burstall, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., A.D.C.; unveiling, Lt.-General Bunmstall; dedication, Major Starr, hon, chaplain, R.C. H.A.; salute; one minute silence; "The Last Post"; "The 'Dead March," R.C.H.A. band; "Hallelujah Chorus." . ! Presentation of the Rolors; conset- ration service, Major the Rev. W. E. Kidd and Captain the Rev. J. Nichol- son; presentation by General Burs- tall; general salute. Presentation of medals by General Burstall, march past in column of route, eens CLF HPPPPPPIPIEIIP + & # NO HOLIDAY ON TUESDAY # The British Whig will not ob- % serve Tuesday, May 24th, as a # holiday, on account of it follow- 4 ing so close to another holiday, # that of June 3rd, and will pub- % lish a newspaper on Tuesday. + #+ next as usual. The merchants # % will also keep open all day. » * z - CEP PP EPP P 2020000 Sister Mary Maloney, one of the older members of the Sisters of Char- ity in Kfiigston, passed away at the Hotel wieu on Thursday The de- ceased was borm at Broadford, Coun- ty Clare, Ireland, seventy-one years ago, and came to Canada when a child with her uncle, Rev. Father Clune, for many years in charge of the parish of Smith's Fells. Sister Maloney entered the Hotel Dieu in 1878, and was forty-three years a nun. She was esteemed by all who knew her. Her life was one of min- istry to others, and her warm sym- pathies won for her hosts of friends. She was most attentive to her re- ligious exercises and gave her life to the sick dnd the poor. The funeral is to take place Sat- urday morning. Archbishop Spratt will sing the solemn requiem mass, which will be attended by all of the priests of the diocese and the Sisters. ""Week-end" Chocolates, regular 60¢, for 35¢ Ib. Mahood's Drug Store. Mrs. M. P. Keyes, Princess street, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thomas Prior, Howe Island. ™ Iceberg -head lettuce. Carnovsky. MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. CORN. PERRY--On May 18th, 1921, at the Royal Milita College, Kingston, the wife of Lt.-Col. K. M. rey. D.S.0., a daughter. DIED. MALONEY---At the Hotel Dieu Hospital on May 19th, 1921, Sister Mary Ma- loney, aged seventy-one Fears. Funeral mass in the hospital chapel at a.m. Saturday. Friends and acquaintances invited to attend the mass. 3 rRASNDECS, IiaE, me oof rancis H., so of our midst at noon on May 20th: 1520. One year has passed since that sad day God called the one we loved away, A cart alt oh a Thnk of inh atill ly mi by his wife, daughter Lt-|! ORTANT SALE | R SATURDAY | COMMENCING 10 O'CLOCK TAFFETA FROCKS and SERGE DRESSES At Extraordinary Reductions. TAFFETA FROCKS--regular price $45, $50, $55, $64, $62.50. Toclear away $33.50 15 distinctively styled Frocks of Swiss Chiffon Taf- feta-- eyelet work, embroideries, beading, self sashes and puffings are outstanding trimming fea- . tures. The colors are sensible too--Navy and black --sizes 16, 18, 20. 25 Only Serge Dresses Formerly priced $38.50, $40.00, $42.50, $45.00--your pick-- $19.50 25 Fashionable All-Wool Serge Dresses, less than half price. Among the latest trimmings that enrich these Dresses are beaded and braided designs, silk rope girdles, satin girdles, some pleated skirts, sleeve styles, half and full length. Colors Black and Navy. Sizes 18, 20, 36. : Middy Blouses FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN MODERATELY PRICED SAILOR MIDDIES for women, with detachable Navy Blue Wool Flannel Collar, button and braid trimmed, made from an excellent quality Jean cloth. Priced ...........$4.25-$4.50 BALKAN MIDDIES--Sizes 16 to 20 -- developed in a good quality Middy Twill, Navy Blue, Square Collar detachable, and laced at neck; braid trimmed, sleeves in all styles. Price . . $2.50 CHILDREN'S MIDDIES--made from a sturdy quality Satin Drill--all white and white with navy detachable collar; long and short sleeves. Sizes 6to 12. Priced .........$1.50 and $1.75 (\ i Jobs Laidlaw & Son, Limited RGAIN \IN LOTS IN LITTLE KIDDIES SHOES 4 Baby's Chocolate Strap Pillow Welt--sizes 2,3,4 ..........$1.98 Aye Bo ei. ee "ie Bon ae 407 bber Heels--size 3 to 74 Skuffers--sizes 5 to 74 ....... little Shoes here and . . "ne