THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1028, OtaronD <> QUALITY 4 / : New collections of -- FRESH DRESSED FUR SKINS Hudson Seal. Beaver, Fisher, Mink, Er mines, Alaska Seal, Otter, Foxes. "Every Fur in Fine Fur." | JOHN McKAY, Ltd | THE FUR HOUSE 149 to 157 BROCK STREET * Lieut.-~Gen. Sir Henry *- Burstall, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Burstall, | C.B.,, K.C.M.G., D.8.0., militia gen- | eral headquarters, Ottawa, inspedtnd |the R.C.H,A. and the heavy ba- | tery on Barriefield common Friday morning. The units consisting of UA" "B" batteries, R.C.H.A., and No. 3, heavy battery were in fu)! strength and the personnel, which | "made up of fifty per cent. C.E.¥ {men, is the finest shown by any per- | manent unit, { The movements, which consis'ed | of drill movement and column of | route, were all carried out in perfect | order showing the high degree of el- | ficiency attained under Lt.-Col. W. {H. P. Elkins and his staff of war- | seasoned officers. All of these of {flcors were among the firs to leave {Canada for the front in 1914 and jall rendered conspicuous service. i Col. A. T. Ogilvie, G.8.0., com- |manding the R.C.A, accompanied | Gen, Burstall, who will remain jv { the city over Sunday tc take part in the church parade and the unveil ing of the R.C.H.A. memoria! in the ¢ity park on Sundey morning when the district headquarter's staff will TIRE PRICES "NEW DOMINION TIRE PRICES 30x3} Nobby .............$21.25 30x3} Grooved ............$20.00 30x3} Tubes vier 3 265 All other sizes reduced, 9) ASK US Make Dominion's your next Tires. | rooms; large lot. : $8800--Barrie St. near City | Park; brick; 6 rooms; bath; electric light;. hot air fur- 1 1 nace. . | Prunes '(extra choice) 8 Ibs 25¢ * Evaporated Apples .2 Ibs. 25¢, | Extra Fancy Oranges 45¢c, doz. ll Canned Cherries . . +2 tins 45c¢. Canned Pears . +2 tins 45¢, Extra good quality Rice »-- $8000 Grocery and dwelling, Hi . © conalsting of brick st ¢ and § Hi © room residence, electric Night; it 00d cellar; garage dnd sta le; 1H Arge Jot. We established HHH business. Owner selling, ow- fii I ing to ill health. A rea bar. iH I gain, | x T0 LET Two or three turnis ed 'Bouses June 1st to October 1st, food locations, GENERAL INSURANCE Rolled Oats B00 bottles Vaniila . .8 for 250. Bananas . .35c., 40¢,, BOc, doa. Kingston Dairy School ALFRED and PRINCESS 78. ZAEEREE BEREEEEERE 2, NB Creamery Butter | uy 4 STORE | and Navy Veterans ll| seriously injured 'when ji car, an Overland, ll| shall's hardware i and in sopie way = | all other units. The complete {ors and warrant | Colonel A. T, |R.C.A. RBA. asd DR.--It -Col, W. if, P. Elkins, D 3.0.; 1£.-Col. C. FP. Constantine, 1.5.0. {on cominand, England) ; Major HH. PP, Lufterty; Captain R. L. Forit, Captain A, Light, Captain H. Pp. Geary, Cap- tain W. A, Kruger, M.C./ (on ecoum- mand, militia headquarter), Cap- tain F. C. Haningtor, M.C. (on com- mand, England), Captain J. H. Ro- berts, M.C ., Lieut. J. A, McDonald, Lieut, w, Hird, M.C. S8.M.W.0, Class 1 T. W. Eggle- stone, 8S. M.W.0. (lass 1D. M, Pennie, 8.M.W.0. Class 1 W. Lowria, SM.W.0. Class 1 WW. L. Wolfe, 8.M.W.0. Class 1 W. R. Pugh, §.M.W.0. Class 1 P. H. Rider, Q.M.S. WO. 11 A. QC, Cruchley, BoM. MM. Q.M.8.1.WO0. iI F. G. Temple, Q.M.8.1.Wo0. 11 J. Clark, Q.M.8.1.WO. 118. G. Wil liams, iC.8.M.(AC)WO. II A. Aldridge. HA Battery--Major and Bvt. Lt- Col, J. C. Stewart, D.§.0.; Captain and Bvt. Majér 'F. J. Alderson, |P.8.0., to "B" Battery; Lieut, {and Bvt. Captain R. 0. @G. Morten, | Lieut. and Bvt Captain J. ©. { Murchie, S.M.W.0, Class 1 J. La- tlamme, B.S.M,wo. Class 2, Pp. M. McKinlay, B.Q.M.8. Class 2 G. E. Morris, Q, M.S8.WO, Olass 2 II. D. Fields. *B Battery--Major and Bvt. Lt.- Col. C. /. Stockwell, D.8.0.; Lieut. and Bvt. Captain H-. 0. N. Brownfield, M.C.; Lieut. Ww. B., R. M. Stone, 8.M.W.0. Class 1 Ww. H, Borland, D.C.M:, B.8.M. W.0. Class 2 8. Moore, M.M., B.Q. | [be bresont, also representatives from list of artillery oftis- Mflicors {3 as follows: Ogilvie, D.S.Q : M.S; Class 3.:W Gray. No. 8 (H) B I ------------ SERIOUSLY ARE t Frederick Sawyer Lost Oon- | . trol--Removed to the Hotel Dieu. ---- Frederick Sawyer, of the Army canteen. was he ran his right into -Mar- store at the cornor of Princess and Montreal streets at 1 3 p.m., Thursday, and is ip the Hotei if | Dieu hospital, He was driving along Montyenl street to Princess stroot he Lecawme cop. fused or lost contro! end the car plunged into the shop window, - He sustained severe cuts aboal the iarms and head ard was otherwise ser. {iously injured. R. J. Reid's motor ambulance was called and the un- fortunate man was removed to the Hotel Dieu hospital where he was at- tended by Drs. Huyek and Howard. The car was considerably damaged, and the plate glass front window of the store was shattered into Dleces. Two bottles of liquor were found in the car and the license in- Spector, W, McCammon, is investi- gating the matter. Sawyer was delirous upon arrival at the hospital and blood was run. ning from his ear a symptom that uneasiness | caused the doctors much as It might mean a fracture Bawyer is a returned soldier, hay- ing served in France during the war, He was wounded and suffered from shell-shock. : nd, visited St. George's " [stop this practice. * INSLCTION OF ARTLLERY INDENT OF TE DAY On Barriefield Common by Racy Local News and Items of | General Public Interest. Try Chadwick's coal. , Prone 67: | Coal is selling at $16.50 in Beile- | ville. vas W. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders at | 200 Clergy street. 'Phone 564w. . | ! Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W { Lindsay, Limited. Page & Shaw Chocolates, fresh, all { varieties, $1.00 1b. Mahood's. ; i The city park walks are favorits | | runs for bicyelists, The police shouid "Queen Zephra" was presented in Brockville on Wednesday and Thurs-, day nights under the direction of Mr. ahd Mrs. Drake, Dr. Bruce Hopkins has been made | & member of the executive committee of the Canadizn Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis : "Lindsay's, 121 Princess street, are receiving new player plano roll "hits" every month, Send In your name for our monthly mailing list. Miss Nellie Hanley left on Friday for Toronto, where she wiil be the guest of Mrs J. P. Fitzgerald, at her summer home, Hiawatha avenue, Hanlan's Pofht. and \ L venture, Picture, Classic, McClure's, Robert W. Service's After ax months' rental we wil) aliow money paid {n rental to apply | on purchase of piano. C. W, Lindsay, : Limited, ' ! | 8ir Campbeli Siuart spen' Friday | merning inspecting the Royal Mili- | tary College, heing taker 'herve by | Dean Starr. He had lunch at- the | college ana left on the aliprnoon { train for Montreal, "Week-end" Chocolates, regular 60c, for 3G¢ id, Mahood's Drug Store. Walter Shipton, a young man em- ployed by the Whig, met with a pain- ful accident late Thursday afternoon, wien he had the tinger of his right- hand caught in the press, and had the top of it nipped off. pr ---- J. B, TURNER Principal of the Collegiate Institute. Lip from. Goons Universicy er? ot se ------------------ Sand Bay Farmer Run Over John M. Ferguson, Sand Bay, met with a serfous accident while oper- ating a new manure spreader. He was going down a grade when 'the neck yoke broke. He made an attempt to Jump, missed his step and the wheel ran over his body, bruising him se- verely. a E. V. Elliott, son of Fev. W. Ell Ott, pastor of the Tabersacle Metho- dist Church, Belleville, jas complet- ed bis course at the Royzl College 6f Dental Surgeons, Toronty, The fact that a dog has a pédigree a mile long won't keep .him from having informal manner. WIA ts ct? a "The Hat Ston" The Straw Hat Sea- son Always Starts 'About "The 24th of Choose your new Straw or Panama to- morrow from our im- mense variety of splendid values, . Our display Indindes. every. thing that fs new, pretty and of on Thursday afternoon good taste, and the prices ake very reascmable, > ' Straws ....... $2.50 to $5.00 Open Nights, We are still sellfng all Magazine For Sunday Holiday Reading June Issues Red Book, Parisienne; Everybodys, Smart Set, Detective, Ad- Popular, Cosmopolitan, Photoplay, Smiths, Blue Book, Green Book, Vanity Fair, Modern Priscilla, Motor Boat ing, Motion Picture, etc., et c., etc. For the Sunday Tripon the Waubic, Get a Copy of ' Saucy, Good Housekeeping, Motion Pictorial Review, - McCalls, ¢ "Ballads of a Bohemian," his latest," biggest and be st book. MUSIC SALE 40c., 50 c., and 60c. latest Sheet Three For One Dollar M usic--e THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Phone 919, Ladies' Crepe $6.50 . . 16, 18, 20 or 38 in a you. . $1.50 for Large Size Middy Blouses 38, Collar. Priced up to $2.95 each. Saturday snap ...... $1.50 Extra quality Black Pailette Silk; 36 inches wide--$2.25 .$1.50 Saturday Profitable Items FOR THE THRIFTY BUYER Kimonas--plain and floral--sizes 38 to 44. Priced . t+ vue... Saturday $5. 40, 42; plain white and with Color IS YOUR SIZE Ladies' Suit? If it is, we have a big bargain for ; A WINNER i Extra '§uality Navy Serge: all 'pure Wool. Note the width, 54% inches, and the Sauda cut prices... ... .; REMNANTS OF oll,C in large and small sizes, 500 yards of CURTAIN SCRIM Saturday ...... .. 18¢. per yard LOTH Every piece a bargain, Pink or white . . ;, Misses' Bloomers . . See the special in rsets at , . Sizes 19 to 26. Large Size Bloomers-- New Model-Corsets-- "heen First Communion-- -_ : suns +» 30, White Silk Gloves, Ties, Hose, / 39 ** Ribbon. 131 Ae | Men's Lisle Socks : Black and colors 35c¢. and 50k. Men's Mercerized Silk Sox Combination colors. Extra... . 7 : 75c¢. pair new model ..$1.49 ART BLINDS to fit any sized win dow. DRAPERIES that please. fos on Newman & Shaw | "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" NONEY SHOWER AND SALE Held Thursday Afternoon in Aid of the House of Providence. The shower and sale held at the House of Providence on Thursday af- ternoon was a most successf® affair. It afforded tho friends76f the poor an opporiunity of pleasant mutual inter- course and of witnessing the work carried on daily by the sisters. Th: house was decorated with flowers and bunting; and the inmates in holl- day attire, presented a charming sight to the visitor. oA The sales' department; children's colthing and mahy useful articles, work of the sisters, were disposed of. There were tables containing home- made bread, buns, cake and candy, all of which were eagerly 'sought, Two articles werg disposed of by lot, a table scarf 4nd a camisole, won by Miss Loretta Swift, Kingston, am Mrs. O'Horo, Belleville, Refreshments were served in the reception room, during which time the listener enjoyed swee! a ------------ _ Andrew Tuttle, son of the late Dr. Tuttle, died in Port Huron, Mioh., efewing an operation for Sipandigi. aged twenty years. He form: Hved In Brockville, ] RUGS specially priced. ---- Why Carry The Burden OF Paying Reat Own Your Own Hoine IVIS STREET--Semi-detach ed brick dwelling, south of Prine » id rooms; furnace; electric light; gas: newly shi 3 800d cellar; house in first cla ss state of repair. $3,800, Complete list at office. ( Houses to rent in various parts of the city. , Large stable and storage to rent in downtown location, . E. W. MULLIN & SON. Buyers and Sellers of Ret! Estate Insurance of sil kinds, ' Cer. Johnsen and Division Streets. Annie --$4, 03 : 120 pairs of Men's high grade Boots--black and brown---- narrow and wide toes, and all. solid 'leather Goodyear welted soles. Lines sold in a regular way at. $8.00 and $9.00. , 'SATURDAY, ALL SIZES ¢ y Ladies' Patent Leather Oxfords. | Ladies' Br Ladies' Black Kid Oxfords, $3.05 i les' Brown Kid Oxfords Ladies' Brown Two-Strap Semi. a with High heels; lines regu- Brogue Oxfords Aarly sold at $6.00 and $7.00, ~--500-- Saturday, ail sizes .... $2.95 Men's Brown Brogue Oxfords. own Brogue Oxfords. "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" Phone 2218. < --------