Daily British Whig (1850), 20 May 1921, p. 3

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FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1021. or tos THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. fm -------- -- { ; \ | ?| r world has scarcely arisen from chaos ' Bring Your Films to | ' S while the world of ideas is still seeth- . y | | ing. And the world of ideas has - : WITHIN BRITISH EMPIRE for more than two years been my PROBS: --Saturday, fair and warm. 5 | fv world, After all, newspaper offices ; . . es S 1h! are the chief clearing houses of . i (Continued From Page 1) ideas." One learns there to watch the Rev. Dr. Stuart, lived and labor-{thém rise and fall as the stockbroker [EE \ DRUG STORE WE TAKE THE ji ed. I can say of him with pride, | watches stocks. and, shares; but with ; \ ' New 48-hour service on all de- if | that few men had a greater wisdom |two differences, first, that he takes [1 i ' om 5 # personal interest in almost every Fn y i 1 printing. Lowest " 2 li of the Canad " velopicg and printing. we GREATEST I f e ada of to-morrow--our an of them, and, Seton ma. tow | i | prices in the city. ll | Canada of to-day. "I wonder how much you people of | of them seem to pay a dividehd. But, Oc. 1 | 1 Developing 10¢..a ro CARE Kingston appreciate the city in which |a8 pet investment which means far PRINTS 3 } you live, for there are few places in | more to me than any other, this great | : : . ff | Canada with tradition equal to jt. | market of world thought has a pecul- | p . each both as to quality and {The names 6f Mackenzie, Mowat and {gr fascition. I make no shame of | : : each . : h 1 : if Cartwright have left their indelible |it that, long ago, I disregarded the | 3 : \ price in the selection ff} mark in Canadian history, but above [old adage against putting all one's : / & \ : & j { euch jall stands the name of our greatest | eggs it & single vasket, and commit- ' Nh ke of all our-- citizen--Sir John Macdonald. We [ted all I had to that great and very (All work guaranteed) : [nar woo raed th ue Brand | ce, Canad Uulimiter. LT. Best, Druggist | Ei os Too, =, thet sat went A day of wonderful bargain opportunities that all thrifty wo- Acscrtgtion intr i y | ine to havo's at You Gre so. Fedgind ny £0, uy isd 3nd eas. men will do well to take full adva ntage of. | rontenac in two years, It is a splen- | not merely from the standpoint of a Open iL Day Sunday || did idea, and I hope that if I am in | Canadian in Canada, but also from i JGatass; you will allow me to come [that of a Canadian in the world be- back and share with you in the suc- | yond, I am emboldened to talk to you I. . ~ l-cess of Kingston of to-day, hallowed | who, like myself, are all sharehold- | Rings, Brooches, Bar | by the memories of its great pioneers |ers in it, both of its present prosper- . { I hope by ther that Dr. Young's life | ity and of its future so far as human Pins, Pendants of my great, great grandfather will | vision can foresee it. | be published. "Perhaps when one is far from home one sees most clearly how y Wedding Marriage Sutin ! Ri > Li Conditions Are Improving, great a conception that "Canada Un- J ngs. Mcenses, "But gentlemen I know you will |Hmited" of our dreams and our en- : 3 want to hear something of the old |deavors really is, Were there ever land from me. I have'read in many | wider articles of association? I do papers since I landed that the old {not think so, for neither you nor I Province of Ontario | ; e | land was going to the dogs, that re- | dare say that any development which : New 18sue | volution was at hand, that disease [we can imagine is forbidden by them. . was rampart, and that trade was |Those who first formeg the amalga- Interest dead. , Let me assure you that noth- | mation which made "Canada Un- payable half ing is 'further from the truth: Con- |{limited" a. practical undertaking-- yearly, Jewelers - ditions are improving daily, and will [the Fathers of Confederation--had continue to improve. Trade will lift | vision beyond their immediate aim. up its head to an extent it never did They built deliberately upon a grand Price $99.50. ' Registered Opticians before the war, of that we have un- scale in order that the generations A 1 i . ] mistakable signs. I speak to you as [that succeeded them should be grand- V PP1y for particulars || 856 King Stiect no idle optimist I speak to you as|ly and spaciously housed. God 8 'one who has some knowledge of the | knows we have good reason to be 1 C a aX by let e-- y ter or phon i problems and conditions in the [grateful to them; but gratitude, if it motherland. We will not muddle | be real, implies fat more than pious through. We will get through very | sentiment. We who have gone fur- Jerr EEE S. Roughton NEV FRENCIE: abl well indeed. ; ther along the road than those who THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY, B ' . """ . 60 Brock Strest THE raised the first signposts, we who 3.0 " Power of The Press. have less need for faith and firmer ' 00 yds Mill Ends, light and dark American Prints Phone S10. { N N 2 "The power of the press, a power | basis for hope than they, have in- . if well used, for lasting good--a | herited from them a task, well begun from the famous Borden Mills direct to us. Over one hundred - No. 1 for Oa . 2 for power if wrongly used, for world- | indeed, but still a long way from Skin No. 3 for 'Weaknesses. : i i SOLD BY LEARING CHEMISTS. PRICE (x knoLanD 3s. | Wide evil We talk of alliance be- completion. It is surely for this ' W H STEVEN Er claiclinith Arwen NULICAt [tween our nation and forelgn na-| genration. for. out. Bestrailon. to new patterns to choose from, the lengths measure fromone-half ; . BRIT. GOVE. STAMP AFFIXED 10 GENUINE PACKETS. tions, we talk of better understand- |see to it that those who follow us tot d h If d . 1 ; "After a man has helped raise a half | In8S between our motherland and | shall have as good cause to be grate- O two and one ha ardas i h--Pri After a man has helped raise a half shall ha 8 8 8 in lengt rint > ' P How can we help | ful to us as we have to be grateful y g patterns, Percale pat : HORSE SHO A » Weszons and Tracks iepairea. | dozen of them Be Tedlizes that the he grou: comains, J or' assist th to th ti t a United Canad t d Gi h ces moderate. Ib t in yo hildren is to Ss m T assis Ose | to the creators of a Un anada, e 951 Way 10 train Your ¢ ns undertakings more, than by alliance ™Thsan ng am patterns to choose from -- absolutely the Established 1540, 381 KI) ite do it fi KING STREET EAST let your wife do it for you, and understanding between the Should Share Wide Vision. - b ' . world's: press, and particulasly the "Gentlemen, it is not everything greatest argain offered mn five years. 3,000 yards in lengths section of the world's press imbued | that we should share the wide vision ; with the best ideals. We > av. in our [of our forefathers, we must share measuring 1 to 2} yards; full 3 6 inches wide-- regular worth SPRING TIME hand a great instrument, and I am [also the stern rule by which they sure that nobody realizes this more | bound themselves. * Above all else it . . { than do we people of the fourth | wae the secret of their success that 35 and 40c. a yard fans ne a eee SATURDAY 15c. yard estate. The people of the British [they saw Canada as a single entity. . It was indeed the mightiest achieve- Onsale 9.30 o'clock. : Cash and carry ; Empire have their task--the task of keeping tight the bonds which | ment of their statemanship to realize i ; } exist between them, Can we embark | that behind the apparent diversity of ; Y 3 on a greater task than to study the |race there lay the possibility cf unit- See wind ow display. f : yy problems of the British Empire? Is ed nationhood. Few, if any, wou'd, that wieans vou have to have Chicken there a better field for this work than [even if they could, break up the in the interchange of journalists | union of provinces which is the sole - FT Ww J: ¢ 2 a ire to keep the chicks ont of the garden. throughout the empire? We formed | guarantee of Canada's place in the : a committee at the Imperial Press| modern world: but the purpose of < ® --You also want Chicken Wire fan your conference which met in Canada last | those who made that union was not : year, to do this very thing, and I am | merely that Canada should be a geo- hi - - SPECIAL ONE-DAY garden for Sweat Peas, Nasthursians be sure that it is a real step in the right | graphical or a political unit. It was 1 * : : direction. It is doing something in- | that she should be one in national : Ri z climb on. We carry Wire mn all sizes. stead of talking about it Policy de- | sentiment and national idealism. Let CHT " "fu : » maw» that the working of the colon- | Canada speak with all healthy diver- 34) / Sale f Ne S ] | alc O w Silk . i « """ . 5 3 1 in. Mesh I : A ial omce (I hope it will soon have {sity of voices at home; but when ' 8 wide to 48 wide some other name) must be carried | Canada speaks to the outer world . " . "" : out on private lines. ' Policy too, de- | let her speak with one certain and ; 2 m. Mesh, 12 wide to 72 wide mands that the press shall use its [united voice, Let her wear publicly WP : Ask f 1 dof b power to see that that problems-af land boldly the true insignia of na- 3 IESSes 8 or color card o auti the empire are placed before its read-| tionhood. b e utiful shades of ers in a 'sane manner. At that Im- "Why indeed should she not, shall . : perial press conference we, who were | she not dé so? 1 may be told that % b Alabastine, Murusco or Jellstone there, knew the high spirit of re- [there are still two races in Canada, 4 ' a . "Oe . . . sponsibility which permeates the | that we have our own domestic ques- y 7 ay SS C Best wall finishes. Simply mix with a little whole of the press of the lsiitish [tions and difficulties. I know and eve : Empire. It {s in the direction I think | you know that before the war and \ , water and put it on. of a complete understanding between | during the war there was diversity of \ ; 200 charmin N Y. k Silk fe the English speaking press of the opinion here, and diversity of parties. A r g INew Yor 1iK, Satin and world that the future well being of | We all admit it readily; but, gentle- Foulard Dresses -- the seasons smartest . / : , the world lies. To know the truth, | men, to me at all events, these les- ) C ; to tell the truth, to explain the truth, | ser issues matter scarcely, if at all. / | styles and colors. A fascinating array of : é 9 » is the function of the press and I|I care nothing for your politics if 1 1 - . : oh Loh extremely clever adaptions of Paris models Bi B P. . ¢ St : may say that in this respect we can | your politics mean the elevation of 1g, Busy am! ore perhaps do as much for the future {the smaller things above the greater. ll iit Jd in sizes 16 to 44 ur entire stock toch of mankind as the League of Na- | But I cannot believe it, - On the con- . trary it is my dearest hope and my : > If from; priced regularly' from $18.75 to Phone 237 - ; Kingston tions hopes to.do in preventing wars, . which in nine cases out of ten arise | belief that a better day is dawning. | J $75 00 A 5 through misunderstandings which [I think that I can feel a"new fresh- ; «VU; your, choice for One Day Only. are never properly explained. There- [ness of that dawn--a new largeness fd fore, I believe that to be connected |--in my hative air. If it is so, al 2 SATURDAY BEES SS Vee aia LESS 20% with journalism in this great twen-|thank God for it. I, 'at all events, a tieth century, with a proper appreci-/ remember proudly that I was born in or from re rrrvms ssi aed $15.00 to $60.00 ation of its responsibilities and i a province where there inhabit the : | Opportunities is a great opportunity | two greatest races of the world, and : land a great responsibility--in fact |to me it seems po vain aspiration : . it. is not only the responsibility of | that the very entente cordiale that : T 2 i opportunity, but the opportunity of {saved civilization should make of ; 7 i Buy Hear The | responsibility." Canada one of the strongest butt. CHILDREN'S CLEARANCE resses upon which civilization shall TT er ree, In tho, future. SILK LISLE SPRING MILLINERY Continuing his address Sir Camp- Phonograph i ad a to me that I have been - a, Sree Foren, must : SOCKS; 33c. PR. HALF PRICE : if | away a very long time, and all the | speak also of Canada as Ihavelooked x : longer because that time has been [upon her from without. I tell you' : . 0 ? x . 1 by Piano [}{ so crowded and so eventful. It has , proudly and Dappily that never Je 600 pairs of fine, Mercerized 200 Matron and Misses' trim- A if | also been a time of many anxieties. | fore has her yoice rung across tl - i ; : : . We live, gentlemen, in stirring and {Atlantic with a greater authority, Lisle Socks; mn colors Black, 'med and untrimmed Hats ina : almost too exciting days. "It is now |and I shall tell you why. More than 3 = i ; Craftsmen mis. | six years ago we Canadians earned White, Tan, Brown, Pink, Sky broad variety of styles, shapes Who doesn't like to lis- | pe Da natace the Amis {Continued On Page 7) 3 \ ten to a good singer and etc., in sizes from 4} to 9; | and 'colors, Our entire range sims ff LET'S GO! WHERE? [| [rosa soc vou: whi they | of Spring Hast hos fom, rly played? Ww Rp: cc Grimey : 1last-- *. * ; 4 Pri it ; sic oybody enjoys mu- WHE To buy a pair of those new Oxfords-- the a Sa d F om S490 191320.00 Pt toe wha Leip it y : best Goodyear Welt. Br a Calf Ox- Ws iaena Price "shows?" : i i fo x It, rown / - ey > Hom ia blace a Gerhard by : fords .............. 0... $9.00 ' . : : : ? ; ; : your home and you can Jf BN Other lines of Welts at Faia ...$6 4nd $7 r: ne enjoy a "show" whenever i 2 Eyiis " 2 SR . y : you feel like tt "ne While here, don't fail to see our new line of Any evening. Every o (6vening. In arm chair comfort. Yi . | t Ck for ped Canvas 50d Tennis goods .---. El ------ = BA ad eee et ees Er --_

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