boasting and so on, at Kingston, Cape Vincent and Clayton. ! "I played on one or two occasions with and against the Old Park and Princess Street nines of Kingston, at that time remarkably weil known in baseball circles, and I may say felt quite at home from Belleville to Brockville on the Canadian, shore dnd from Sasket Harbor to Alexan- dria Bay on the American shore. * "1 think on one occasion at the | Cape Vincent fair, whén I was play- , ing with the Wolfe Island team we crossed bats with the Watertown baseball team. "I am proud and happy to say I have many warm friends in Kingston and Cape Vincent, and it is neediess to say that I am devoted to the won- derful old St. Lawrence river, and its beautiful surroundings." -------------- Candy Made of Lampblack Causes a Child's Death Chicago, May 20.--Licorice candy made of lampblack and sweetening substance and sold to the retail trade at less than 10 cents a pound was charged yesterday, with the death of one child and the poisoning of thir- teen others. The poisoning charge was made when the coroner began an investiga- tion of the sudden death of Raymond Doolittle, aged four years. Preliminary investigation by the police showed fourteen similar cases of poisoning in the immediate neigh- horhood. BOYHOOD DAYS AROUND HERE He Was Born in 1869 on Wolfe Island And Played Base: - . * ., ball in Kingston--An Interesting Interview With : _ Hackett in London, The Watertown, N.Y., Times has | plays. the following: lows: Memories of his parents, his early "Another turn in the whirlgig of days spént along the siores of the |experiences! On Dec. 13th, 1863, Ha" St. Lawrence river in northern New | kett, the actor, spent the evening at ( York state or across the river in [the White Hbuse, and in their talk Ontario, Canada, and of his sum-|the president showed "a very inti mer home, "Zenda" near Clayton, | mate knowledge of those plays. of N.Y., were recalled by James K. Hac- | Shakespédre where Falstaft figures, kett a few days ago a conversa- | He was partictlarly atizions to know tion with a rep:esentative of The | why ohe of the best scenes in the Times. = "Zeénda" may not see its |play--that where Falstaff and Prince famous actor owner this summer, for | Hal alternately assume the character Mr. Hackett. is busy playing "Mad- | of the King--is omitted in the répre- beth" on the London stage, his first | sentation. Hackett says "it 1s admir- ' {appearance on the stage in that coun | able to read, but ineffective on the try, despite the fact that he has | stage. Two nights later the presi. visited there more than 30 times. |dent took his secretaries to Ford's Then, too, some time this spring or | theatre to see Hackett as Falstaff in summer he will appear in Paris in | Henry IV. He thought that Hackett the State theatre in the Shakesper- | mis-read the line, 'mainly thrust at fan production "Macbeth" at the in- { me.' (the emphasis en the 'thrust'), vitation of the French government. | which should be 'maitly thrust at The Times representative was par- | me,' (the emphasis on the 'me'). ticularly interested in-learning from [Hay dissented. 'The president thinks Mr. Hackett himself of his northern | the dying speech of Hotspur an un- New York connections, Said he: raatural and udaworthy thing--and "My mother was borii on the banks | who does not? of the St, Lawrence on or near the "Although born on Canadian soil, American shore, about half way be-|I am a natural born citizen of the tween Clayton and Cape Vincent. He* | United States," said Mr. Hackett in madden name was Clara Cynthia Mor resuming his story, "My parents gan. She was the baby of the family | were merely sojoiirning in America, and her father died when she was [I was bors, as it were, under exter. very young. Her eldest brother, | ritorial rights, I may say that this Captain Daniel Morgan, -~nlisted in peculiar situation has often caused the Civil war as a private, made 4 | me a great deal of trouble with com- splendid record for himself, was pilers of the census and inspectors of known under the soubriquet 'of | passports, 'Fighting Dan Morgan,' and emerg- "Now to my own association with ed, through several acts of personal | Wolfe Island. When I was a student bravery, as 'captain.' le had been | at the College of the Oity of New previous to that a farty-niner in Cali- York, from which 1 graduated in fornia, ard after the war he se'tled | 1891 as bachelor of arts, I spent most in northern Minnesota, and subse- | of my last thfee vacations at Marys- quently in Ashland, Wis., where hé | ville, opposite Kingston, Ontario, and died about 30 years ago at &n age | while there took active part in the approaching 90, various sports, such as baseball, 'Another brother of my mather's; o not or FS ing Flew 0 thrgtesl rn George Morgan, moved across the pay Be SOE > 3 ers bi tree yor acotien The Directors of THE HOME CAN.- 'NERS'. ASSOCIATION wish to inform the Farmers and Public generally that all arrangements are completed, office opened at the under-mentioned address, stock of the Utility Outfits on hand with all acces. sories and are now ready to place the Out- fits on_the market. Salesmen are already in the districts demdnstrating. The Directors feel confident of the ulii- mate success of the Association and extend a cordial invitation to all interested to visit ". the office where full particulars will be cheerfully given, The Ontario Home Canners | Association, Limited . 18 Market Street - . . Phone 2032 Mr. Thayer tells of it as fol- YES! you must have a few Jazz numbersin your collection. Here are two of the latest, Played by none other than the Original Dixieland Jazz" Band. Home Again Blues--Fox Trot Crazy Blues--Fox Trot On "'His Master's Voice" Record 18729 10-iiich Double-sided 91.00 All these new selections are on "His Master's Voice" Records Make Believe--Fox Trot Rega Ore low! Evie Ratndrop--F. Trot pO m esome ox Trof Kiss 8 Mise am Sate oon To 4 ox Ve 0 < Diamond Diamond Martucel's Venetian Garden Orchestra wt" Star Trig assisted by theif Ofghestra [18738 tet Skies Albert Cam iy Bars 10720 (Tenor) . 18741 Rie tn Ghano-Accordion) Plétro dion) Pletro 1074 All on 10-inch Double-sided Records $1.00 Sally-- Fox Tro* Fox Trot os. C. Smith' i wy LOST IN- QUEBEC WOODS Stouftville Man Disappears While Setting Traps. Stouftyille, Ont., May 20---Milne Stouffer, formerly of this town, is belleved to have perished in tho backwoods of Quebec. On April 12th he went out to set some traps and no trace of him has since been dis: covered. His father, Bli - Stoufter, who spent the winter with him, be- lives his son broke through the ice on a neighboring river and was drowned. The first word of the tragedy reached here this week, when" Mr. Stouffer, senior, returned to Stoufr- ville. He and his son had been act- ing as game wrdeng on a large pre. serve sixty-five miles trom a railway. Both were experienced trappers. Milne Stouffer was born hbre about 36 years ago and had many relatives in this district. On his physician's advice he went to the Quebec woods last fall, Jos. Don't You?--Marimba--Medley Fox Trot hid All Star Trio and their Orchestra [35707 Siren of » Southern Sea ? On 12vinch Double-sided Records 81.59 Ask to hear them played on the Victrola + At Any "His Master's Voice" dealers Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o.phond Co., Limited, Montreal. 11251 || BB: IE Mahood Bros. Agents Victor-Victrolas, 113 Princess St. F. W. Coates Everywhere in ; the Dominion about four and a half miles above the foot, on the south shore, neat what Is now known as Morgan's Bay and Point. He spent nearly all his life on Wolfe Isl' 4 and died on his own homestead there in 1914, I think, at the age of 89, a much honored and respected man. 5 "My father met my mother when he was visiting a sister near New York about 1862, and in 1864 they Were married in New York eity at the old cathedral, by the vicar gen- eral. Having been bofn on the banks of the St. Lawrence, my mother al |: ways--as I think everyone dods, who once knows the glorious old fiver retained a sincere affection for the place of her childhood, snd when, what to my parents, at least, seems ed an interesting occasion was im- minent my father built a small ex: Jeweler. ' river and settled at 'Wolte Island, u temp 16 pay fs ttn intl BETRAYED BY TATTOO A ---- Females and King William om Joe Murray's Hide, Saskatoon, Sask., May 20.--The long arm of the law reached out from Baskatoon to Edinburgh, Scot- land, this morning, and gathered in Joseph Murray, alias Joshua Mure roy, wanted here since last Decem- ber for a $700 forgery. Tattooed Tg ures of women and Kigg William on horseback betrayed Murray to the Scottish police. The man will be brought back here for trial. Ordered to Return $80,000. R. J. RODGER VICTOR RECORDS AND NEEDLES « 183 PRINCESS ST. ik BL RED and BREEN Drive Absslutely Hard RE 3 os i rd : n Honored Emblem Re 4 £4 "in a New Field The banner of the Red Cross, bearing J tersion to my uncle's home on Wolfe Island, and went there with his wife for the summer. On Sept. 6th, 1869, I intruded myself on this terrestrial sphere, This accounts for my having Wii Not Rad Off STEVENSON & HUNTER " Victoria, B. C., May 20.--Isaae¢ Greenisen, barrister, Petrolea, Ont., must return $30,000 and interest at five per cent to members of a syn- nection with a sixty-acre .ownsite property at Nechaco, B, C., accord- ing to a judgment handed down in the supreme court here by Mr. Jus- tice Clements, Emerson Libby, aged eighteen, killed at Owen Sound by touching live wire while painting. First mail of year leaves Dawson by launch, been born on' Canadian: sof) dicate of British Columbians in con- S * -- "My parents, especially on my father's side, came ftom one of the oldest lines of American stock, and date back to the earliest settlers of New York city. My gresat-grand- father, Rev. Abraham Keteltas, and John Adams, our second president, married sisters. The Rev. Abraham Keteltas was ome of the Continental chaplains, when the Declaration of Independence was signed, and drew the constitution of the city of New York. "My father was born in New York city in 1800. In 1818 he married a very beautiful, woman several years his senior, and by that marriage had three sons, one born in 1819 and one in 1821, and another in 1823. The son born in 1821 wat John Keteltas Hackett, my half-brothér, who was one of the greatest ofiminal judges New York city has ever seen. He served on the bench for 19 years, and Recorder Smyth was appointed to succeed him." Although Mr Hackett did not ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22.28 touch upon it, a word as to the stage Enroll dr Idea : experience of his father might be vg there' 1ahe al Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Committee, Interesting to show that the eon INCIAL VISION 410 BHERBOURNE STREET, TORONTO your community, with the ONTARIO PROV- > he comes naturally by his liking for the stage, iy Membership Foes: Annual, $1.00; Life, $25.00 Canadian Red Cross Soci ty James H. Hackett, the father, as a boy of 16 appeared several times Ontario Division eo an emblem universally honored, trust- od and loved, covered with the glory of faithful service during war, is now carried into peace-time fields of ' an- deavor. "The improvement of health, the pre.' vention of disease and the mitigation of suffering" --that is the great peace- time mission of the Réd Cross Societies of the world. Organized voluntary effort, supporting ow supplementing Government action, is Sain to make effective the great Crusade for Good Health. RN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAINS -- THEY ARE ALL BELOW | REGULAR VALUE ; J * WINDOW SCRIM 400 yards, colored bar- der Window Scrim -- was 40c. yard. On sale at .........25¢c. yard . DRESS GINGHAMS '* Hundreds of yards of beautiful Check and. | Plaid Ginghams-- reg-~ ular 35¢. and 40c. for . SILK HOSE 25 dozen Ladies' White Silk Hose: regular value 85¢c. Spedial . ......2 pairs for 98c. LISLE HOSE: er 31 dozen Ladies' Cotton Lisle Hose in CHILDREN'S HOSE| Cream, Navy, Light Grey, Dark Grey, and Girls' Ribbed Hose in| White. Regular value 50c., for. . 25¢. pair Black, White and Tan. LISLE HOSE : Special ..3 pairs for $1| | 8 dozen, Ladies' fine, soft, Cotton Lisle : : Hose in White, Black and Navy; regular BUSTER SROWN price 50c. to 65¢c. Special at . . . . 35¢. pair Ey : ee i COTTON HOSE GLOVES. All sisee in Bays' heavy 10 dos. one size. fre ao Cotton Hose, in corroN = Buster Brown Hose --| lack only; reg. price 50. Saturday 28. pr, Ladies Black and: ; > i ; : Special at i . 28¢. pair i Mi insizes 9} and 10 only. Reg.40c. OnSat-| NEW MIDDIES MIDDIES dey iii 25. pair MIDDLE Chi v's Mid i aE aa) me CAMARO: : New Admiral Middy made of dh = SILK LISLE HOSE with colored "Collar. Twill Ladies' fine, : Black and Brown. Reg. 75¢., for 50c. pair. CORSETS Ladies' short - waisted Corsats in every size. Special ... . . $1.00 pair i ; - . a under an assumed name with a strol- ling company in Newark, NJ. He had a natural bent for the stage and when business ventures proved uns successful he definitely adopted a x stage career. He began his career in ; the part of Justice Woodcock in || ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPER "We IIE stack of: 31 9 and 3 ply Rosi Rooltug in plain and Slate surface. Be : Also Building Papers of all kinds and our prices are right. Lemmon&Sons Eo '187 Princess St. Sh Go into any home tn which there | in the [is a cheesy-looking old plano and iM J i nted | you'll learn that they wouldnt swap | thet Mr. Ha kett made to the #&n uncut ruby the size of a hen's [it for a new one because it has such | House in 1863 and of & con 8 a sweet tone. : with , & part/wherein he gave striking imitations of moted and sketches of Yankee characters, '| In 1827 he made his first appearance in England at the Covent Garden snd Surrey theatres in London. He play- ed "Richard 111" in London in 1838, Other Shakesperian roles included most popular of all lish audiences was Falstaff. Mr. Hackett had much to do with the be- ginnings of American comedy, for many years Be Mpa one of leading on the stage in country, His last public was in 1871 as manager {ard athenaeum in Boston, - § = seamless, Silk Lisle Hose in| Allsizesat-- Liles $1.5 0and $1.75 fg i i "Te : is 5 --t | § ~ if iii