5 i 10 J RR 1] | == Writer RETURNS TO FICTION I [J Td 1 i) if J J v "Being a novelist," according to this uthor, ing a lawyer, an architect, oF a banker. But 13 just as much a business as be- the writing of books is the riskiest investment = man can make of his time.' » Coningsby Dawspn HE internationally famous as a novelist before the war but entirely abandoned his fiction-writing while in uniform. he is proving rare ability to stage a ' 'come back" by bringing out the It is titled "The Kingdom Round best novel he has ever written. Now the Corner,"' and early indications are that it will be the most popular book of the year with the thousands who admired his earlier fiction, which included *"The Garden Without Walls,"' and with the hun. dreds of thousands who were inspired by his many war books, the best-known among which were ' 'Carry On" and * "The Glory of the Trenches.'* Both were among the best selling books in America for several years. The author was an officer in the Canadian Forces during the war, and was wounded twice. While speeches recovering, he delivered patriotic in'many cities here and abroad, traveling at his own expense, and consistently declined to write more fiction at that time. .The new novel which he has 'just brought out, his first since the war, is a present-day story comprising a tense romantic situation in which a mari fiids himself competing, a former valet--and his own former valet risen to fame and prestige.' The solution for the hand of a girl, with at that--who has suddenly to the problem is as unex- : pected as an O. Henry ending. And it's a healthy sort of book con- taining as vigorous a carry-on message for peace times as his compar- * 'atively recent non-fiction volumes carried for war times. Though Mr. Dawson was raised and educated in England, both he gnd his father, the Rev. Dr. W. J. Dawson, a noted clergyman and writer, have lived in America for many years _ GIVEN PURSE AND ADDRESS Rev. 8. E. Harrington Beloved by His Congregation ° Tamworth, May 20.--On the even- ing of May 13th the citizens of Shef- tield 'filled the town hall of Tams- . Worth to its utmost capacity when they assembled to presént Rev. 8. E. Harrington with an address and ~. purse in appreciation of his services prior to his leaving the village. A. B. Carscallen acted as chairman and Mrs. W. W_ Redden presented a pro- gramme of musical merit which was splendidly rendered by all taking t and thoroughly appreciated by @ large gathering. The speakers of © evening were A. B. Carscallen, mes Aylesworth, Mr. Moir, Mr. 4 "Nor so very long ago I was in the same in health as yourself. oh responsibility of filling drug «and busy hours, the 's work proved a strain. other dhities of the da Milburn's Meart & A tPA NP NN Mr. Richardson, Mr. Beck- worth, Mr. Brown and Rev. Mr. Clarke. The address of appreciation wag read by J A, Hunter and the presentation was made by A. B. Cars- callen. After the reading of the address Rév. Mr. Harringtan fittingly replied in a few appropriate words, and the very pleasant evening was brought to. a close with the singing of the national anthem. W. J. Paul, M.P., who has been seripusly ill for the past week, is re- ported to be much improved. Way, Wilbert Ashley Dodge, Cardinal, ~has been successful in securing the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Me- Masten University, Toronto. eryday lifc fits your case in one way or another. days of strenuous living it is only natural § Serial, thus xffecting the a a. or any people ignore the symptoms of heart and nerve trouble. Every day people ople drop dead, simply because of i ing them. Y. ~~ dothis. Ask yourself, "Have Tony or Pi ord to '_ Dizsincss, Headaches, work prov ts I Rok a Souplent boxes of erve Pills and ca nestly sent splendid condition. on Be Yim lemy pe the following complaints ?*' Palpitation, Breath Shortaess, Brain Fag, Loss of Flesh, THE DAILY BRITISH | WHEN BABY IS SICK | When the baby is sick--when he {is cross and peevish; cries a great {deal and is a constant worry to the | . '1 QUIPS AND QUIDDITIES {¢By P. W, Luce in Vancouver Daily World. | mother--he needs Baby's Own Tab- | | lets. cine for little ones. They are a gen- tle but thorough laxative which re- 4 Eulate the bowels, sweeten the sto- | mach, banish constipation 'and ind:- gestion, break up colds and simple evers and make teething easy. Con- cerning them Mrs. Philippe Payen | St. Flavien, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets have been a wonderful { help to me in the case of my baby and |I can strongly recommend them to | other mothers." The Tablets are sold { by medicine déalers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. * STRENGTHENS HIS PARTY {By His Attempt to Retake the Throne of Hun= gary. | Budapest, May 20.--The attempt of former Emperor Charles to re- take his throne as King of Hungary hae strengthened the position of his party, in the opinion of well-inform- ed politicians. Recent events. in the National Assembly of Hungary seem to justify that claim, When Charles left Hungary after his failure to regain his crown, the camp of the anti-Hapsburg deputies was clamc. ing for the scalps of those | who participated in the abortive coup or who supported it. But their | voices quickly grew fainter and they forgot 'to move for the punishment of the plotters for Charles' restora- tion. The leaders of the party of small landowners, Stephen Szabo de Nagatad, Minister of Agriculture, ad- vised moderation. The followers of Charles grew bold and loud, They abused the anti- Hapsburgs as cowardly traitors for driving away the lawful sovereign in obedience to the command of the Czechs and Jugoslavs, The majority of the stormy inci- dents which have since taken place in the House of Deputies were pro- voked by the Charles' supporters. no- tably by George Szmrechanyi, chair- man of the Awakening Hungarians, | and the erstwhile Minister, Beniczky, who ostentatiously remained sitting when the House arose and cheered Admiral Horthy, the Regent, for his partiotic' behavior during Charles' attempt to win back his crown. The partisans of Charles use every opportunity to canvass for the. dy- nasty. In a sitting a fey days ago Count Julian Andrassy praised his courage and declared the King was Justified in fleeing from Hungary in the turbulent autumn days of 1918 because the revolutionaries attempt- ed his life and the life of his chil- dren. Andrasky's speech was fre- quently interrupted by cries of "long live the King." The conviction is gaining ground that an appeal must be made to the nation by issuing a writ for a new elections, Steel ribbons are woven into a new glove for metal workers in such a way that its inventor claims that it gives as much protection as though made of solid steel, yet it is as flex- ible as leather. The man who really knows it all, And tells it, we adore; But he who only thinks he knows, And tells it, is a bore. THB HIRE HH A ; 842) iti a a et 3 FOr" HY EL 0 ply ~ * : . The Tablets are an ideal medi- | é The Woes of the Schoolma'arm- The principal of one of the pub- lic "schools of Kingston has started something she can't finish. With j characterizes the pedagogic person, teen years of age to wear bare knees, right-- or too late to do anything about it. come to school decently garbed in future, without a pronounced hiatus between skirt and sock. The girls reported to their mothers, who were greatly shocked that a school teacher should be shocked over such a trifle. The mothers, whose skirts are three and a quarter inches shorter than their daughters', took the matter as a personal affront They told their husbands about it: The hus- bands told their ward aldermen. The aldermen told the mayor. The mayor told the board of school trustees. And now an emergency meeting of the board has been called, and the matter of bare knees is to be properly aired. : What will be done to the school teacher is no concern of mine. I will not even hazard a guess. Ail I know is that there is a large peni- tentiary at Kingston, and that there is a section of the Criminal Code which says something about dis- turbing the public peace being an in- dictable offence. And just now the public peace in Kingston has been greviously "disturbed--a certain in- judicious person may well shake at the knees! School teachers have a hard time of it. After teaching the young idea . how to shoot the young idea, proceeds to use teacher as a target for a pea-shooter. Ever since the rod was spared the child was spoiled, and now' he is very bad, very bad indeed. The only consola- tion we have is that the child grows worse with every generation, and | the little devil of today in an angel compared with what his grandson will be in 1987. Long before that day arrives, it will be necessary to | teach children by machinery,' as the {schoolmaster and schoolmistress type { will be as extinct as the dodo, Killed by grief. Speaking of the mann@rs, before it is too late, I would urge every child to obtain a copy of a little book just published by Miss Fannie Smith, dean of Wendell Phillips High Schdol, | Chicago, which justly claims to be the Hoyle of Adolescent Etiquett. 1 rip these few sentences from a ques- tionnaire which Miss Smith asks all boys and' girls to honestly ans- wer: 4 y i How can a girl be a real lady if street cars? sion if she chews gum in public? How can she expect to be popular it she sings ragtime? How can she be natural if she rouges? : How can she walk the straight and narrow path if-she toddles? How long-can she expect to remain a "peach" if she keeps "dates" on street corners? . How can she go through life smil- ing if she giggles? - How can she expect to be clothed with modesty and mighty little else? And while the girls are trying to remember how to blush over these very pertinent questions, the boys the Chesterfieldian standard by Lolling in front of pool rooms flicking an amiable eye at the girls, Monopolizing ing the wallflowers. until after 10 oclock. Being cheeky enough to cheek to cheek. Strutting arounl with his hands in his pockets. Whistling Hawaiian tunes in pub- dance | lie. a Lo prescriptions an the heart to get below Putting' macerated gum in little girls' pigtails. x No wonder teachers are at their wits' ends. No wonder school ma- 'arms are always ready to desert their desks for the matrimonial al- tar. be taken from them, for here is an eastern school superintendent adver- tising piteously for '"'love-proof teachers," and lamenting that he has lost sixty in the past three years. I much fear the worthy superin- tendent is doomed to disappointment; there is no such animal as a "love- proof teacher' Some seasoned spin- sters may think they can quality, but I know better. So does cupid. The Nation to Honor Its Dead Chief Justice 'Washington, D. C.,, May 20.---Ed- ward Douglass White, chief justice of | the United States! lay dead 4t his home here today while men highest in the nation's councils vied with each other to do him honor. . By order of President Harding, the business of the government will coms | that - recklessness' which sometimes | {she has issued a 'fat that it is im- | {modest for a girl of twelve or thir- | Over thirteen, apparently. it's all | The, youngsters were advised to she crosses her knees on trains or ' How can she make a good impfes- | are kindly requested to stand up | and tell whether they fall short of the most popular | girl's dance programme and ignor- | "Sticking around" at a girl's home | But even that last resort may SATURDAY, MAY 221i, 1921, Making History. | JNEANT MORTALITY in past ages has been something frightful, something | | almost beyond belief, and even today it occupies the time and the mind of leading physicians in all countries. The death rate among infants is being grad- ually reduced through new methods of hygiene, new preventatives and new reme- dies for infants, This reduction in the death rate has NOT been accomplished by | adapting the precautions taken and remedies used by adults. Rather has it been to keep clear of the old methods, and choose after long research the precautions and remedies specifically applicable to infants. This being so, is it necessary for us to caution mothers against trying to | give her baby relief with a remedy that she would use for herself? Will she / STIR HITS the old ni ENTS At Ganon RB Doses Exact 'Copy of Wrapper. THE MAN ON WATCH AN AA remember that Fletcher's Jastoii. is strictly a remedy for infants and children ? - Children Cry For V0); Of Course You Love Your Baby. You love it because of its very helplessness, because it tant tell you what is'the matter when it feels bad. It can only cry and look to you for help. But the more you love baby, the more you want to help baby, the more you ought to realize what a wonderful remedy Fletcher's Castoria is. It has been used for thirty years. An experienced doctor discovered Fletcher for babies' use. It is a harmless su babies' ailments for over 's Castoria especially tute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Doctors who know what is safe and best for babies have only good to say of it. Don't neglect your baby. Get a bottle of Fletcher's Castoria and give baby a few doses of it. if trying to thank you for helping it. Soon you will learn to Hatent-medicine. men | almanacs with ancient jokes to show | their skill in prolonging life. | AAA AA rrr i rm cs co sn. Bears the Signature of o THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. fill their always looks it, ~~ One reason why women much is because a comfortab See how the little one smiles at you as pend on Fletcher's Castoria, made just for Infants and Children, and of course you would not think of using anything for them that was not prepared especially for Infants and Children. So keep it in the house. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS z er, 8c shoe ed { Seems funny to read about the | consecration of a church after it has { been used for religious purposes | forty-three years. { The Earl street liberty league man | who has no liquor in his cellar will | not sympathize greatly with his | | | | | | wealthy neighbor who has a good | | supply, if government confiscation is | decided upon. When this confiscation takes place | then we'll hear the names of our | | prohibition friends who are so well | | stocked up. However, if this confiscation busi- | ness proceeds, it will soon be that there will be no rights of private pro- perty at all. : But Ben. and his associates at To- | ronto have to do something in order | to hold their jobs and make an an- { nual levy on the church-people for | their living. Like living on one's | | wits, + - | That must be tasty ice cream sold {by a street vendor who puffs his {cigarette smoke into the cones as he {fills them. ~ ° : People who do not keep half the | Ten Commandments should not be so { hard on those who fail to keep- the 10. TA. | -- . i Now the Verona folks should | hearken to our friend the insurance agent and be prepared for the next five; Eggs, butter, cream and sugar are much cheaper, and yet the ice cream and egg-nogg patrons tell us that the prices they pay are the same as last year. There is no reason for that, neither is there any for the twenty-cent egg sandwich. : What should be done with young school girls who go to class with their noses powdered? Why, sead them home to have their faces wash- ed. They have not the rights of shop and office girls. The Lampman has sympathy with the majority of. landlords, but he has none for the ingston own- er who recently raised the rent of a house occupied by an honest workman out of a job and whose Phone 542 "HARVEY MILNE Hyslop, Rambler and Cleveland Bicycles Auto Tires and Violet Ray Lenses, Electric - Carpet Cleaning, Sewing and Laying 272 Bagot Street fe MILLER'S WORM POWDERS BELIEVE THE RESTLESS CONDITION BROUGHT AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH. : ¢ ON BY THE PRESENCE OF WORMS NO NARCOTICS --~PLEASANT AS SUGAR 3 ON rr Nr Pr, St tn. A NA "a a ait Jani it and How Are you thinking of doing time ? . the magic floor varnish wh defi -- - Misimr™ v i LT eet Beautiful Lguid Granite your floors at house cleaning * f "» ! ich gives a lasting lustre that rough and constant wear, is easy to apply, and dries Depression, Slesplessacss, "Ansemis. Tobsceo Heart. Less of Appetite J] These are some of the sensations which are experienced. They ay va of vital importance. If would be well an ng, your druggist to-day for a box of Milburn's Heart & Nard Spon gi family did not know where their next meal was coming from. That landlord does not belong to the Ki- wanis or the Rotary Club, both of to a standstill on Saturday, when the body is carried to its final resting place in Oakhill cemetery, George- town. services will be pri- quickly. At can be kept clean with a damp cloth without destroying the gloss. Equally good for wood, lino- YOU WILL BE SIMPL them. Remember, have Ny Sears and you are using a preparation recommended i$ ie country over. _ All busy druggists sell Milborn's Heart & Nerve Pills Mailed direc gn receipt of pcs br The 5 Milburn Ca. at Y ASTONISHED sat the fast recov . ; vate, but wherever the American flag flies over American troops ashore or American saflors afloat, or wherever it waves above an embassy, legation or consulate, the colors will be low- Jered to Ralf staff that the world may know America mourns a great loss. In Washington t depart- ments will be closed ail day from the which stand for service to others. ~--THE TOWN WATCHMAN. ' Every now and then a dan decides to take better care of himself, And he sticks to Lis resolution w breakfast time next morning. 5 Walter Marshall, Ameliasburg, has purchased the Trumpour farm from Mzs. S§. D. Trumpour, Picton. f - leum or oilcloth. pi rervill a Fri Ontarle On sale at sour dealers.