DAILY BRITISH WHIGC. SATURDAY, MAY =i, 1021. PERSONAL GRIFFIN Now Playing 3 RD DE PRICES | BACHELOR, 33, WITH $35,000, WOULD L marry. 4-gox 325, it. Wayne, Ind. Y PICKF + | Matinees 15¢ and 11c 3 : DO YOU NEED A WIFE? ware MRS, In Another Big Treat for our PALTONS-- Evenings. : Willard, Box 749, Chicago, nois. [73 B IT? 200 seats at ....15¢ SEND A DOMINION EXPRKSS MONE) THE LO v E LIG HR General admission 23. oF dolla costs three rectontssumnsnnnn {1 S@SICAEE rau pty lve doliary Added Attraction ~--CHARLIE CHAPLIN WIDOW, 32, WORTH $30,000 WILL marry, 1-Box 432, League, Columbus, ---- DENSED ADVERTISING RATES: WANTED GENERAL FOR SALE Ohio. - d. Bach eva- ee 3 : Baeuativ aseriion. th ter, naif | OAK DESK GLASS TOP, 36x42. J. 5. R.| PRETTY MAIDEN, 18, WITH INCOME, STRAN Mon. & Tues. Secutiv insertion theresiter, . - ENO- ! 1 0 VITH 2 cent a word, Minimum cnarge tor| POSITION BY COMPETENT al : FOUND McCann, 86 Brock Streef| will marry. box 186, Winter Gar- T A a 1 : AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, CANOES, WO D ys ( n y grapher. Experienced. den, Fla. &0 cents. y iy. - RES. | PAIR OF BROWN BOOTS ON On ke. WIDOW WORTH $100,000, WANTS : Sr eases Are tor cash nly VARM TulENT, ANODUT 208 ACRES, | athletic grounds. Owner can (| __ Phone $11 ¥. W. Cooke -- husband. Lo Box oo League Tor ' *& 29 od chase. Brank Herring, Coleman | bave same by calling at 2:0 | A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. PHONE ledo, Ohio. In y One insertion, bc; three insertions I535w. | Albert Street. { w -m, and § p.m. HELP WANTED, P. Ss 5. Toronto, [| PAIR OF KAITING NEEDLES || __ 9% Between s am 2 - | LADY, WORTH $35,000, WISH TO 4 ! : - SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO pitked up" At post onice | A SOLID OAK BUFFET, FUMED FIN= correspond; object matrinfony. Box Vivid With Mystery-- Flushed With Love _ . he! 4 10 . >ostmaster | St i la. - EE ysNThn Ax ALni0s HOTEL, Pianos And gratencine' CW. Land. [dames Stewart © %maste ish, Appiy 174 Sivan Street 35, Oxiord, Fie ORT R CONCERT HY THE FAMOUS STRAND QRCHESTRA } ; , Y CALIFORNIA CONTRACTO mee 8 HAD EUR LALNDRY WORK. Ar. say Limited, 21 rinses survel. ie GAS STOVE IN GOOD CONDITION: wealthy, wants wife. k-Box 1134, ADDED ATTRACTIONS: By Swugsion sutra) Hospital LAWN MOWERS TO GRIND. WiLL|| FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- top oven. "Apply 17 Union Street League, Detroit, Mich. . +The Back Yard. --Tom Santachi--z reels. IRAN RE ey ol ; rour | - west. ~~ 2 ~Toplcs of the day, Latest News. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE woun, call at your home and grind your| TISED FREE. | -- MARRIED, DEer MATRINGE % ston B vn ly. D | ~- I SIDDIY 105 Weilington Stee SE (one SIopely, htop af THE SAFE WAY TO SEND BY MAIL ial paper published. ' iree for -- AS be SC s 2047 Anyone finding anything and oN --~BEGIN- Street. Ph 2047Tw. i § THERE LN AND un AKENEN pain. ree E aa = SN aNAk Jsach the uwncr may ders. : Ohio, : 204; 7 e 1a Write Railway, care British Whig Fi i ye oN apc - - " srs Soa - -- DENTAL. Lhe British Whig. The adver A COMMODIOUS MAHOGANY SECRE-| CApHOLICS WISHING TO MARR Last Showing To-day. «8 by Dominion Express Money or stamp. Corresponaent. Toledo, 1 NCE ; ; " tisement will be printed in this { tary. Apply 'to Mrs. Rodger, 151 wantin introductions, PERIENCED GIRL OR WOMAN TO | | Berit | Susiat in care of three children. AD- | BR, A, ki. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE|| SO'VRAR free of caarge. Earl Sireet. Iree. e Tatuolic Ag al CONSTANCE TALMADGE n / b, ura 'Rapids, Micn. % ply 284 Division Street. Telephone 258 Princess street. Phone 652w. | "Found articles" doeg/not in- ence Clu nd » A WHITE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE | clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, y as in good condition. Apply 118 Wel-| yoUR FUTURE FORETOLD: SEND DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, LEN. ete. These, it iost, may be ad- lington street. dime, birthdate for truibful, reli- "T, 2 ¢ | ks convincing trial reading. he Love Ex ert ¥ . > Soa tists, 159 Wellington street, ove: vertised for in the "Lost" column. | { abie, GOOD RELIABLE WOMAN FOR GEN. Carnovsky's. Phone 346. s | BUILDING*LOTS, CASH AND $5.00] Hazel Hause, Box 215, Los Angeles, Episode 10 "Son of T " 'al, od n arzan 8 home at nignts If desired. Appiy 5 PE P. LLAN, INTIST, 8 Eee 3 - 9 La - + e 8 DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 | ------- | Brock Street. Phone 326 or 621. MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY eral housework, May arrange to go { mil | Loy Geol 8 ASH AYP wa Mrs. W. H. ¢riendship, 33 Front. Princess Street. Phone 1550. Open 9 BOOK OF NATURE--BY DR. FAULK. énac street. eveulngs by appointment. LOST. | BIG SALE OF TIRES FOR THIS ner. Plain facts for those married ng > i mie iete Rome Pn gt enti Vl i Y "TRUST YOUR WIFE" THE story or A wir » 3 L8O 6 ITT g NTIS" g.| A WELSH COLLIE PUP, ABOUT FIVE | sale at George Muller's Bicycle United Sales Co. Dept. $v, Spring- n 2 russ and iy EANKITTER | yu, AYKROYD, DENTIST. WAS Mi. | A mouths' old; black and red, a brin-| ~~ Works, 371-378 King street. fietd, 111. Featuring Katherine Macdonald ENCE AND REASSURED pe The Screen's Greatest Beauty LOVE ! - Hifat class meu. ohly. Steady work} sumed practice at 33 Princess St. dle. Kor any information $5.00 re-| ia wy Sucd Mechanics. Ap yur, Bank of Nova Scotia. Phong ward. Dr. Evau's breed. Apply at| A WELL BUILT BRICK HOUSE WITH | Ninny ror WEALTH, HAPPINESS ply, 8 ng 8 ' 02 Whig Office | all improvements. price --nundreds rich, attractive, cone ad] Hw : i "to The Jonn Lewis Cu, Lta, Belle : until June 1st enlal, willin ve L 4 & to wed; photog free, N - . iville. TAILORING Apply Box L-21, Whig Office. Be years' experience. Lie, Warn, But What Happened - . - on - i Wie TOLEN V7 Lankershim Bldg. Los Angeles, - ¥ CADIES--WANTED 10 DO PLAIN! S108 | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA ANU _TEN| (hy sib on To Make Her Do It? i RB ., "and light sewing &t home; whole] GET YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER selections; your own choice, $42.50 if . 3 ' » ,w ~ 14: : an . ly - | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Or spare time; good pay; Work| suits cleanyy and repaired now. we | A CHILD'S EXPRESS WAGGON S1T0L- Terms §7 cash; $6 per month. C. W. | $200.00 GOLD GUARANTEE. PAINLESS gent any distance; charges paid. pairing pressing done prompt. en frum 15 Pine street. Wil the Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. 'ure of external cancer yitnout th REANCR 1 Bend stamp for particulars. Na- | (y. Al'WOrk guaranteed, W. Robe Parents of the child wno took this | que extern Sanu ry thom Re 5 More appealing than tional Manufacluring Co, Mont- | erison, 213 Bagi street, near Prin- Waggon, please return same? PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE thirty days. The Southwest Cancer 4 3 ver is the most beau- real. cess Street. mmo Nr eimione eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 Cure, Duncan, Ariz. Hef. Bank of e€ mouth. MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS : . - SP TY try me; vest and most successful A Screen. as the one coKE FoR SUMMER USK; CHEAF ES "home Maker;" hundreds rich, wish ' 3 h d \ 3 uel on e - marriage soon; strictly confiden- \ ever y= livering 1-4 tons at $2.50; ual; most reliable; years of experi- i: :, who area , or & full ton -00. ence; descriptions tree. "The Suc- \ 5 , thing for her hus- Phone 111m. W. C. Bruton. cesstul Clb Mrs. Nash, Box 556, SING . Vakiand, Calf. R Ho MASONRY AND CARPENTHRING | spire esonm---- HEMSTITCHING, FICOT EDGING, AC. is 4 y 3 band ! P AN WHO HAS A GOOD LOCAL "TROJAN" ELECTRIC WASHER, | cordion, knife an ox pleat HAIR, MOLES, WANTS, BIRTH. , N nr willing to better /MeCLENNAN =~ & BATTERSHILL ~<| iPrice $135.00, 3 burner gas Stove. HO S30. Mis, EA. Uhr, marks, skin Cancers, Scars, etc. ro- ; : "himself. Good opporiunity tor a brick work, plastering and general Apply 8 Krontenac Street, North. 179% Wellington Street, above Mrs. moved permanently. Satisfactory oi , live nonest man tu make money house repairs -by the day. Also Potter's Shop. glasses ritied and furnistied after x MR. FATIMA 'When answering this advertise- painting. Satistaction given. 10 NEWCOMBE PIANO, NEARLY NEW ove - W--. ar - vihers have failed. Uoltre removed, BD . ment give nadies of references. Ap- ratrick Street, Kingston. Phone and in perlect condition, for sale| WE SELL AND BUY ALL KiXps oF 45 years' experienice. Dr, lslmer g. § § Ry A Special Christie Comedy SL ply Stadium of Uttawa, Limited, 2153. cheap tu quick. buyer. Apply Box Jausieal plhatruments, A ol: Lane, INye, lar, Nose, Throat, Skin, is p $tre i ¥-1d, Whig unice. a a 4 L448 Sparks Street, Ottawa. g . prices, fl. Routbi rd, 259 Princess MARKY FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE, 's i - Gf MEDICAL. McLAUGHLIN TOLIING CAR, FIVE sireet. Fnone 1723. absolutely the best, largest in the : BRUCE SCENIC OME AT ONCE--~MEN $6-10 DAILY pl passenger, 1yl¥ mudel; 2 spare " " - x i country, established 16 years, thou- EES td uk oe aT shurt courses; ome month » H. BLLIOTT, 362 BROCK ST. tires; in oud runuing order. Caeap| UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO {jonb. sands weaithy members, botn sexes 4 d Selections from Auto Mechanics' course 350; vine| sm--------oes oto sy for casn. 114 Queen Street. heimer), mahogany ase ly os an WISDINE eAriy marriage, strictiy * "TALES OF HOFFMAN" fivath-tas Tractor tourse jou. RUGAINS IN FURNITURE, % et Doras Sanaential, Qesdription free, ane da p Allen Premier Concert "pt time t nish "for the " 2 BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, %TC, 18 ns APD Old Keliable Club, MRS. WRUBE - » plenty ot eto Hnishlo SIGNS 1 Cotiage Plano, upright, $55.00. J-20, Whig Office, for particulars. Box 26, Oakland, Calif. % i AGENTS--TEN DOLLARS A DA LAND] ARCHITECT pl sell vonderfu A ---------- rtrd I ay Sither w-- | GREY WICAER BABY CARRIAGE IN Sex; good paying proggsition. Lose | POWER, SON AND DREVENR, ARCHI. | #ucd cuvadituion., Cheap. Apply 1n 'Tio tie wrung for eral agents tects, Merchants Bank .Chawrbers, the evening at 225 stuart ait. _ vier. Particuiurs s free. kx corner of Brock and Wellugton egy , re { cello Products Company, Trots-Hi- | streets. MOTORCYULES AND BICYCLES "vieres, Que. ms bought aud sold. Palmers Garage, : } corner Bagot and Queen Street. | 00 for 15. Also 60 egg Cha- |: AD. : 3 A FOR SALE. | Ba Ar Fb a egg he Duncan a tiful woman on the | i | | i i Lbs uractur School, 188 King st, "SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, } BY CAF TAE y Toronto. Board and rooms ote. large or small, guaranteed XX | 1 Daby Liga S1v. 0 euch, single frame; electric lights; gas TO LET. artistically written and designed an ; lance time. = R. Shaw, ar 208 Princess Stream, Farr tables 31.30 to $4.00 Chass Boil, 130 Clarence: Steet. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE WITH ALL To We buy all kinds of Kurattare, " gs ' Sp » ). y 46 er KR Phoue 1046w. 007 Princess Street. BARGAIN, ONE UPRIGHT STEAM mouth. Apply 46 Lower Rideau si. Kingston's Musical Organization -- x week; edu~ N hy t TE. 3 Te RET | Si AE gn RE co pets ppl KINGSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ~ Bign school Or equivalent. For in- SITUATION, WANTED AS HOUSE. i oh Sag Irom cheap. Apply H. Webber, Regent ta. Apply 243 Brock Street. Pa Avenue Clinical Hospital, steady and reliable. Apply Box 438 Fark Aveiue, Kocnester, New D-20, Whig Office. luonth to Ji. Urders left at Gil- SAN LLARS YEARLY, of Wellington and Barrack street, i afk. ae bert's Grocery will be looked after, | SIX rahousaND 0 LARS 31 ARLY: by May 1st. Apply 31 Rideau St. Will give its ai he---- i y s feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also cr on each ninety cent order., Fast i s ee : ' 4 MTIOUS Muy | WHosE' amity! thoubtor, 140 ekk, and two brood.| business builder, B. & L' Mfg.| oier King kdward; jossession Maj | nnua oncer 'eoghized, and wno aspire to do| AGENTS 500% PROFIT GOLD LET- ers; hot water seated. Only used Lo., London, Ontario. - 8 #pring rush. Hemphill Bros, Auto Rosewood Plane, 5.00 zz ta jusew uu "Yay. $3,500 WILL BUY A SEVEN ROOM © $8.50 up. Call or write. Lr gold leaf; posters, showvards, etc Camp Cots $8.50. for cooking; Johnson street. §1,- b Rbtyiry a RnR, LESSE'S ANUIQUL SHUP vvilveniences. Rent $17.90 . per course; st. new; cost Be or Pa Blmust Rew, CO | EE Ciass ROORE ov BOARD; Rovnation apply to Superintendent keeper, in working class home; $ 4 o 3 ; $3 a detling; reduced ror this Street. STABLES AND SHEDS ON ono MR. O. F. TELGMANN, CONDUCTOR : AGENTS WANTED CITY LOT, 0 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 3% Sa Diece dish set to Sustom | ARGE LODGE ROORS. B= Toe 1t., | ters for Stores, office windows; cas- once. Cawson, 24¥ Cu. on St, have 'been' looking. for' & nid: Samples, ACTS BIEN Cou 848M | ear Victocla Street TP LI BEARING | FIR ny iaos cai ANY ONTARIO HALL, MONDAY, MAY 30th p d 5. § oy X \ S : De ' Ca Te RA Wells, Chicago, IIL, PURE BRED BARKED ROCK AND gressive -and Americus, $3.00 per 29. _AUPly 24: Breck sirect. Seats on sale at Uglow's, Monday, May 23rd. most remunerative r White Wyandotte Baby Cnickens, hundred. Mail orders filled. prompt- NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, . puceessful field in all the Domine 4 ; 4gc. each. Hulching eggs from ly. Phone 1970J. 8. MoCormack, $6 146 Montreal St., all improvements. "helenae, :80c., 75c, and $1.00 fl or Canada. For confidential in. | MEN AND WUMKS, S2T TO CANVASS, prize winners, $2.50 per lo. Joseph Collingwood street. Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April ary ew. give ph ber Bos but to travel and appoint local rep- White, phone Zul r. 4, Portsmouth, 1st. S, Whis yt one Runiber to Box resentatives, $1,092 and expenses Ont, BRICK DWELLING. 318 = . t guaranteed first year, with good SEVEN ROOM J! NG, . . Sta BP AUCTION SALE ---- sects y n . hx ~ 9 dy ;| A FURNISHED LARGE FRONT ROOM Ob, RELIADLI: MAN WANTED 10 Chance 30 ake Joti ans 2x STEAM YAUHT (CEDAR) wo x 6 ft . Te Satie; splendid basement, --all conveniences. Apply 313 Uni- TO DANCE 102 Upper Charles Street y . - 4! r » : 2 ; bh a sy . "take orders and deliver the finest "Hong. Experience unnecessary, ay boiler, aoa Tee plece bath; good condition. Pos- Yetsily aviue or phone 852W, after All the latest dances taught at the, 1.30 p.m., Wednesday, May 25th . Fr an, olives, ot . in, Can Winston Co., Dept. G., Toronto. condenser, heater and vacuum session June 1st. $3,700. Apply on pam. Garden Studios. Lessons given by ap. Household fufniture, carpets, ete. Suncern ih the country paid: ail = bump. (APPLY James Keyes, srew- premises, APARTMENTS, UNFURNISHED; ALL | Pointment only. x WE Nd MURRAY, Auctioneer. "goods are guaranteed or money re- HELP WANTED 3's Milla PERFECT, COLUMBIA, AND HYSLOP modern; bright, airy rooms, "325| MRS. 8. COHEN 111 BROCK ST.|.._._ _. MURRA ' funded, Each applicant must be COUNTRY CLUB, OVERLAND, OVER. Bicycles. Also bieye! es, accessories and Jou a month, at 520 Princess Studio Phone 3. Residence: a AUCTION S E financially responsible. If you are SALESMAN -- SELF - RESPECTING hauled and newly painted; 5 new and tires. Special attention given Street, Ontario Street. os posite G. T. KR. Sta. AL : looking for a good, independent, salesman, whose ambition is ber Lires with spare wueel; bargain tor to all repair work. Baby _garriage | Tomes BRICK HOUSE WITH ALL | Uo" Phone 1578. Of Furniture, 179 Stuart Street, Wed ~ permanent position With unlimited yond his present place, might fin Muick sale. Apply to Dr. gordon tires put on while you walt. Mul. | * Improvements; in 00d 10CAIILY. | pom mm ee ry mesday, May 25th, 1.30 p.m. earning possibilities, this is your more congenial employment with Cuiner' hing and Johnston streets ler's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King Pussession June 1st. Phone 2251m or " Leather covered rocker; mahogany opportunity. Quick action neces- us, and at the same time double hiz| . hone 2043w. St. . Phone 1032w. Box K-21, Whig Oftice - and wicker chairs; mahogany electrid es) oiricla_llend Jou & Cof- insome, We Jeauire a man of clean PRICE eee -- r Wh Y E t tree, 1-plece Sak dining gudte oak Lib. ee, ueen Street Last, Toronto, character--soun hn mind and | BARGAIN--SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 13 SOLID 3 58 NCE, 217) S| ; : rary table, brass bed, r A h Ont. : body, of strong personality, who rooms; J batns, 5zv t'rincess ry Bagot street; § rooms and i ioce HE) ind Ns at A LED en on 2 : Dbirdseye maple. dressers, card fables, ' - " p ver ypew er " - i 2 ' a fast growing concern, where in IL. on Alfred; two gurages. Also electricity and gas; side verandah; oh Te phen 3: Jay, Week or Let It Be the Best. fice chair, letter fillng cabinet; combi- PPLE PELE PPO E De dustry would be rewarded with far deep lot, 45 tt. on Princess; % cash. lot 33 x 66 ft. Possession July lst. . Ask for nation range; kitchen cabinet and cup- y above average earnings; married D. A. Weese, Art Store. Apply Rees Bros, 244 Bagot St. TWO APARTMENTS, FURNISHED boards; utensils; Cypress wardrobe and man preferred. Apply Mr. White- for light house-keeping; suitable numerous other articles. head, 2nd floor Royal Bank Build-| PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD » tor married couple without child- ALLEN, the Auctioneer. ing, Kingston. furniture, including tent and| CARS LISTED FOR SALE AT THE Ten. a 250 Dacrie oat, cn e GOLD BOND Teleph 252. Camping outnt. Apply atternoons new auto repair shop. will be in . ' and evenings, at isy Bagot Street Al running order. All makes re-| nyo poowms FURNISHED; ANOTHER "ANNE . 5... ' . St. * paired, wibhed, polished and Ereas. flat of tour rooms turnished or un- | CANNED TOMATOES, Administrator S ohice ed. Satisfaction guaranteed at lurnished for night houses:epiug CORN and PEAS GUUL USED CARS . reasonable rate. Apply 286 Queen, A ¢ Oc i ; Hel Wanted ord Rouadsier, ivy cash, balance ar- just back of Y. M. C. A. Phone|, Pily Whig vmice, Box U4 : : e - Tahged: ToL 1270m. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS; EVERY i IRS. ors 4g Chevrolet Touring, $200 cash, bal-| se------------ a a apg Sb convenience; modern; sui.able for AT ALL YROCERS 0 { e ance arranged. THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY ON light housekeeping; good locall - McLaughun Light 6, $400 cash, bal- Division 'Street, within the city Ah 302 Colling avon od oe iy Experienced Cigar Makers. Also ance arranged. limits, known ac the Murdock -- - In the Entate of Mitchell Tisdale, late Rar. of 490 Chevrolet Roadster, $200 cash Farm, containing forty-three acres RENT, OR FOR SALE, COTTAGE of the City of Kingston, in the Coun« Girls to: rales. stead x || baisnce arranged. more or less, now owned by the on Wolfe Island water-front; large FINANCIAL ty of Frontenac, Sawyer, Deceased. #iris to learn trade; steady worl Ford louring, $150 cash, balance ar- Kingston Brick and Tile Com- garden; hahdy ta boat landing. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to - ranged. pany. For particulars as to price Phone 12 £ 2," Wolfe Island. the Trustee Act, R.S.0., 1914, Chapter for 1921 guaranteed. Apply-- 4v0 Chevrolet Touring, $250 cash, bal. and terms apply to the undersign- BUY YOUR OUT OF TOWN SUPPLIES | 12; Section 56, that all parties having Seessessecasnned ince arranged. ! ed solicitor "the company. J.| THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON with Dominion Express Money Or-| ciaims against the estate of the above Ee a] BAWOEN AND EDWARDS B. Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. bath room flat for light housekeep- ders. Five dollars costs three named Mitchell Tisdale, who died on or GEO. A. MCGOWAN CIGAR Montreal Street Re NADIE Ing; ai Solxeniences. 8 plarett cents. > ; about the 34th aay ot Apiil, A. Da one - - 1 EC 8 ACRE CAN! 2 street, o vision, near Princess thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, FURNITURE FINISHING ein Wi HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS up 3 "0 Sr Home, where fruit. grain > STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE| qt thé City of Kingston, in he said . -- MFG. CO. §ood secund hand Iurniture and and general farming pay g00d| STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, agents; established in 1860; only | County of Frontenac, are required on or OR DROF A CARD TO W. DRIS. Sioves. Any person baving stoves money; prosperous community, alay, airy rooms; your own lock the most rellable companies fepfe- | before the 7th day of June, 1921, to "Goll, 23 John street. -- #4Q turniture to dispose of, we wis; convenient advantages; 43 acres end key. Frost's City Storage, 299. sented. Qffice 95 Clarence street,| send b post, prepaid or deliver to the - ' kay highest prices. J. Thompson, machine-worked; balance pasture; 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 959w. vpposite the post office. undersighed Solicitors for the Admin- $33 Princess street. Phone 1500w. fine orchard of 50 apple trees; other - Se - istratrix, King & Smythe, 71-73, Clar- - - - fruit; good $-room house; 50 ft. TWO OR THREE ROOMS FURNISHED | WOULD YOU INVEST 810 IN A TEXAS | once Street, Kingston, Ontario, their SCHOONER "BERTIA CALKINS," barn; garage; poultry house; etc.; or unfurnished for light house- oil fleld business offering chance of | pa, addresses and. full particulars Carrying capacity 500 net tons: Cap farm income last year $1.300; own- keeping; gas for cooking, and all making' $5,000. Particulars free.| of thoi. claims, and the nature of the be inspected at Picton, untario er to sell quickly, will sell for $2,- other conveniences. TAp,iy 168 Di- Warren, 718% Ohio, Wichita Falls, | securities. If any, held by thew, and Further particulars and price on 300, less an value of buildings; vision Street. Texas. | that after the last mentioned date the - would appreciate a life's job with Lot 83 ft. on Frincess Street; 35 bath room; hot water For the Kingston Collegiate In- titute--a teacher for junior Ma- ics and Science, two gen- ® gistants, one of whom must be an Art specialist, and both to Jiate subjects | they prefer. A le teacher, specixlist tn physi- cal culture, . applicant to state ler work he is prepared to do. 0 specialist' teacher for sénior History. Maximu.1 salaries, male clalists $2550; graduates $2350. 'female specialists $2150, gradu- A $1950. Initial salary in each according to qualifications experience. Apply to Secre- Treasurer, Board of Educa- ele despot dobbd dts application. 7. iL. VanDusen, Pie: | only $1000 cash; easy terms. De- Administratrix of the said estate will tun, Unt. : tails page 2 'Strout Farmgetter." | TWO FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOMS . . - proceed to distribute the same among - ST ------ Catalog Canadian Farms, FREE on bathroom flat; electric light; al)| FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST-| J.e parties entitled thereto, having re- 26 WELLINGTON ST. NEAR CITY Strout Farm Agency, 206 AF. Man- sonvenineces. Use of phone. Ap- ment Society; Incorporated 1361.) gard only to the claims -of which no- Park; semi-detached solid brick ning Chambers, Toronto, Can. ply 376 barrie street, near Frincesy President. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- | tice shall have been given and that residence; iY rooms; oak flvors; - ur phone 2235w. ' resident, A. B. Cunningham. the sald Administratrix will not be open fire place; electricity and Bas; USED CAR GARAGE--SMASHING ofiey issued on city and farm liable for the assets of the ei Rohe aier heating; hot and oly REDUCTIONS THREE UNFURNISHED Jrooms ON Broperties, municipal and Sounty any part Le ree foors; two toilets; Lh rooni tliat, suitable ror light ebentures; mortgages purchased: Stationary tubs; side door to cei. | These cars Tilt he sold ty make room housekeeping; gas for light gat investment bonds for sale; deposits ceived as above required. lar, seven feet hign. Large porticy im cooking. Apply 38 Clergy - street received and interest allowed. R. KING & SMYTHE 4 and balcony overiooking tae park. | $1850--McLaughlin Special 1920. west or phone 1095. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- Solicitors for Administratrix Tne aera lait storey psutiving, $1200--McLaughlin Special D45. ence street, Kingston. Dated at Kingston, this 20th day of . J. . Mg n, fai 3 r. A.D, Bruck street. hone 326 or 811.0% | $500--Ford Special--something new. ONE BLOCK FROM PRINCESS ST. May, A.D. 1921. unfurnished 2 os 3 room Hat; elec- | PAINTING AN FER HAN N---- Be tia Tuing - tric ligating; Bas Jor gaoiing; pri- P e b rar HANGING J CLOTH. CLOTH. CLOTH. DO Your gt - vate cony. Apply No. 4, Victoria » . PT % women folks need materials $500---Chevrolet Roadster 1919. Terrace, Montreal street. WH re tiny. PALY PUNY te eet. . $260--Ford Touring; new tires. "- 5 TWO FRONT APARTMEN ES A. Mountver, $4 Arch $250--Harley Davidson Motor Cycle clally furnished for NTS vd E- . USED CARS FOR SA (5010 43 low and Side Bar. 2 be keeping; gas for cooking and ligne, PAINTING AND. PAPER BANGING LE excl 28 Inches wide. So iment fb Salt hea. 214 Division street mene' iad] | FoomiSasqd Bate: low peices; paper | popgiring, washing and polishing | TE rr. | Wie SR AF | GRA USA SEI | and esse dome 1 nan us- : KING STREET APARTMENTS, 0 . Howiey, 135 Bay street. live ually found in women's fabrics, and 7--Aclaughiin Truck - y oa AnARTMEN a : Give us a trial needs. Call at or oy Silas an o te Pine Garage Paieity and an hot water heat HENRY WARD & SON, PAINTERS, Satisfaction guaranteed. Fat . For eaiate possession. - a Hangers an : - . i 3 & Scotch Woollen Company, 79 Cor. Bagot and Queen Streets ply H. B. Wartell, 358 King St. J bape alge . na interior dev. 256 Queen Street, J * Engines; Automobiles and general line of - fopiitan Sire. i our Interior "docorntedt 'Paves | of the Yoncon lachine repairs. Work done by practical me- | Sou EAL SHTATH. PO OG, APARTHENT, HARD. . " -t "chanics on short notice. CR ae rniae "Pht AE MONI GRASPING | Hee heater, Serif hodthE | mafying avo paren BANGING 3. Ty HOLSTERS: 3 DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. ~~ J""™afintigmn vm nl fd Sds a mille) oe ob Ee | eo Ey £ . cw -- : timate, w. ; = Es letters ve Sture- and office Gavine, upholsterer, 218 Bagot st. ' . A IS! $2.800--R. ©. SEMI-DETACHED; SIX Street; 4 m bath; hard Pr 1452 2 FW. ® UP. x rooms; B. S: MOVING AND NG BY ¥ fooms and bath; hard-| ns : : * holster d Wenera, ; he East End of Wellington St. 8; B. and C.; down town. JING AN CARTL BY MOTOR rs; electric; gas stove; re : : : holster ng 25a Nei in Soairiag. a C . ear and Pon Sirect Pnoos I34SF. | sypEVHAM ARTM BROCK Windows. = 247. Montreal siree: HAROLD FOR YOU 1 ave ©. a -- : ; laundry; o Tr. 3 $300 FRAME, NEW; ¢ ROOMS: B. 1 Possession June 1st. TAREE LEGAL 104 Clergy st 8nd C; electric lights.: / ! 4 « COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. ; 5. ARR or | CUNNINGHAM. & SMITH, BARRIST- der n all popular shapes And ATS hid Hannin hdc ers and Soheitors, 79 .Clarence| | Upholstering and jipairing Ba ' # rr ---------- A ea] $4.300-PRESSED BRICK; 6 on Dé hot Ar; 3 piece bath; e ie Sint : oar ices ] treet, Kingston. A.B. Cunning. E. J, Goodridge, 244 U « end gas; . v. Hoots 'ana Cypress \ WHE ANCE oo tonne, Baim, Cyt M. Smilin. ng Riu raw of . - 3 AMBROSE SHEA, BA. BARRIS TLR FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ; = . 8nd Solicitor. Law 0X) Juries of ished; guns, gramaphones, ete. re- a : Trad! SOO Laresr| VEL RARE Li ae et Beis beanie ' Ta Stanton & Sieeth, 35 Princess St. $10,000 -- THREE sT0 sultation free. : 001 north ot NE HOUSE; ~ 5%) Picton is to have a new lawyer. ; ER -- bl Sy pay . Qe go Fal ou Samat. : _ | Fred Wardy-B.A., son of George -- HOUSE a EXT: I8 ROOMS; ALL By 8 , s B.Ap.. Ls. | Ward Picton, who has recently pass- WHEN YOU W. ik CARPENTER modern; » wo es -- reasanable prices. ; Ont. On-f oq Bis final law examination at Ox- a) 2 . TEMAN'S 2 . TY 179& 'Well on ° Surveyor. & / Taverns Boi Phone 184 1598w. Weill EAL TE ; McCormack, rw parior over Sire: fo Bee: Walkem & Walkem, goode a" + 3