Daily British Whig (1850), 21 May 1921, p. 19

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SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC. 3 4 Hon. Pres--Dr. J. C. Connell. Hon. E. Rosy President--Mrs. 1. G. Smith. 1st Vice-Pres Chown. 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. Goodwin, Secretary--Miss A. 1. Minnes. | Treasurer--Miss Winifred Burns. Committee--Mrs, Dufr, Strange, Mrs. Robinson, lisy Myps. Snelling, Mrs. King, ruthers, Dewey, van, M. Redden, L Ross, F. O'Do Ruttan. The Local Membership Campaign CANADIAN RED | CROSS SOCIETY May 220d to May 28th Membership Fee . Enrollment open at:-- ! _The British Whig. | The Kingston Standard. . The Public Library--all week, And on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of that week at the local Baaks. > This is part of the Red Cross world-wide canipaign and it {is hoyed that all citizens will enroll with the Society. - KINGSTON EXECUTIVE | Theatrical At The Strand. Ethel Clayton's latest "Crooked Streets," will be the at- fraction at the Strand theatre, Mon- day and Tuesday. It is an savenfury remance of China and was addpted story by Samuel of the photoplay, from an original Merwin. Miss Clayton has the role of Gail Ellis, who, answering an advertige- ment, becomes sectetary to an anti- |quarian on a trip to China in seargh [de rare vases; In Shanghai, Gail be- Comes suspicious that her employer's errand is not an honest one. Ventur- jing alone into the native section of the city, she is involved in a brawl bétween some Chimamen and rbister- ing French sailors on leave. An Irish adventurer named O'Dare rescues her with difficulty, but the adven- will be from .. .One Dollar bureans will be thought and a broader mental vison than ever before Possessed.--Advt, ree emsermee R.C.A. GO TO PETAWAWA ON THURSDAY NEXT Lieut.-Col. W. H. P. Elkins Will Be in Command of the Camp. --pn. The R.C.A. leave for Petawawa Camp on Thursday, May 26th. The camp will be under command of Lt.- Col. W. H. p. Elkins, D.S.0., M.C., and will be administered from district headquarters, The units in camp wil Royal Dragoons, Toronto, artillery from Kingston and and the R|C.H.A. Lieut. Hughson, camp engineer, has gong to Petawawa and is in charge of a party getting the camp into shape, Major H. O. Lawson, director of me, anical leaves on Sunday by roa be the ture is not half so startling as the {one which follows. Suffice it to say that the pigture ends happily for Gall and her rescuer. An excellent cast, including Jack | Holt and Clyde Filemore, supports | Miss Clayton in "Crooked Streets." -- [Advt. At The Allen. "Trust Your Wife," Katherine | MacDonald's latest starring vehicle, COMMITTEE: Vice-Pres.--Brig. Gen, A. ns. completing all arrangements for transportation, ' The Late Charles Clarke, Charles Clarke, aged twenty, son . 7, | Released by Assocaited First Nation- hw Mrs, G. ¥. ho - rs x la » will be the piece de resistance at jthe Allen theatre next Monday. Ths | iproductfon was directed by J: A, | Barry, being a screen adaption of Harry 8. Sheldon's play, ."Con- science." David Winter, wealthy Los Angeles clubman who looks like a twin brother of Douglas Fairbanks and who is described as a screcn M. | y, Mrs. O, Mrs. El. Francis of Charles Clarke, section foreman of the G.T.R., Alfred street, pass- ed away on Friday, following an op- eration at the General hospital. He had been in splendid health and Was a fine, phy.ically developed yourg man and his death is the occasion for deep regret among a great 'many friends throughout the city. o- , Mahood, Mrs. Car. rs. Constantine, Mrs. The Misses Frances Sulli. Kirkpatrick, Ross, nnell, Ardagh, and "fin," makes his debut in motion pictures if "Trust Your Wife." Hc will be seen as the American Beauty's leading" man. - Charles Richman, ao favorite of the silent drama, has an R.M.C. CADETS APPEAR MOUNTED AS CAVALRY 3 i hE ---- NOTICE Members of G.W.V.A. are request- ed to be at Club Rooms, Princess Street, Sunday morning at 8.45 to take part in Garrison Parade. 's Birthday Celebration gE 7 KINGSTON, JUNE 8rd, 1021 FAIR GROUNDS, 2 p.m, BASEBALL PONIES vs, OTTAWA HORSE RACES Classified ARace KINGSTON GENTLEMEN'S DRIV. ING AND MATINEE CLUB ; Kingston, Cape Vincent Ferry For an outing Satu a real chance steel steamer Leaving Kingston 700 am. pm, i Fare $1.35, wit TENDERS Kingston oN Rockport Navigation Co, Ltd. Kingston, Ont. STEAMER WAUBIC rday and Sunday, to have a trip on the new and 115 h rebate of 50c. on re- ets good lo return o day. WANTED General : Hospital ------ Tick boat 'Same Sealed Tenders, marked "Tender for Betvice 'Hospital, ~dersign srelgned up 'till 13 ool an trades under a general thé above building. Te Building, Kingston Genera) Will be received by the un- ock noon, on Une, 1921, for contract nders to 'the 3rd day of J ae forms furnished by the Archi. ts. vio An &ave able to th tess, Kin of the tender y the tender bond. On eques ha be returned; ul tenderer hal d as provided for aa Bren rer and after and tende, of the Architects, Stsve Charles Street Toro: East, | 2 4 rll lowest or any Sdcepted. bled bank cheque, madé pay. ® order of the Board of Truss, Eston General Hospital, for together with a bia awarding the Jontrget 'the of the unsuccessful lepderers that of the su be retained until a in the specifica- ted. ia May the 18th. draw? Specifications may be seen r forms obtained Trem th ns' & oe 'of J. C. Newlands, ' &t the Bullders' Exe 23 ond Building, Montreal, PQ. tender not neces- 8 Architects. , Genera! R. B, decided he will not has fandidate for parliament. Be § n#ented by the I : A price shall aceom the ccess- | of 'the angels Are Inspected by Lieut.-Gen. 'Burstall--8howed Super- Tor Horsemanship. important role, while others in' the cast are Miriam MacDonald, the star's sisters, and Mary Alden. In "Trust Your Wife" Katherine MacDonald is said to have beén given 2 an especially suitable vehicle for her B I yank = Bone he talents and advance reports state the . tl a det 'of th Royal that it represents her very best work, het gen olen at ig . Ea She portrays the part of a newlywed, d lary so oge a . t » m. vi) the bride of a young architect why, £8 oy were Sun . i Saxe leaved the middle west for New York |" me v A ar ii ance an to. put over his big idea on a blue, | "ord, and In going throug 2 ya- Dick 'and Margot Hastings take up rious drill movements showed su- {on expensive apartment and Pit. on perior horsemanship and proficiency a bold front so that he may obtain In the mounted exercises. Maj-Gen. Bir Archibald Macdonell, financial backing for hig scheme, Dick meets Slater T. Holcomb, a 11. | foMmmandant of the R M.C., has given nancier and a fancier of pretty wo- Specie) ausntion o> savalry Susig, men, and endeavors to interest the ute to his wisdom and also to the millionaire in his plans. Holcomb js york of Captain Bray, riding mas- {at once interested in the beautiful ter, whose work shows such a high and young Mrs. Hastings and agrees degree of excellence to advance money, but when he : ---------------------- learns of their bluff insists that the architect put up a large sum of his THE LATE SISTER MALONEY Own as evidence of "good faith." This hm Dick cannot do, and the arrival of a | The Burial Took Place at St. Mary's letter from his bank demanding pay- Cende ment on a note completes Wis dis- couragement. Margot arranges a Secret meeting with Holcomb on his yacht to persuade him to live up to his agreement. This is just the op- portunity he has been awaiting. A dramatic scene takes place on the yacht, but Margot finds a way to stic the conscience of this designing man. Dick arrives at the pier just as the yacht draws away. A stirring climax takes place when Margot returns home, but ail the misunderstandings are 'happily smoothed ouf as a result of the conscience which ghe has re- stored to Holcomb. 5 The play is said to be the most ab- sorbing in which Miss MacDonald has ever appeared and presents a powerful moral which emphasizes the true vilue of conscience.--Advt. The fnueral of the late sister Mary Maloney took place from the Hotel Dieu chapel on Saturday morning to 8t. Mary's cemetery. The solemn ro- gujem mass was sung by Archbishop Spratt rg here was a large attend- ance of frieuds of the deceased, the Sisters being present in a body. Mg. Hartigan was high priest, Rev. ratlh- er Hogan, deacon, Rev. Dr. Casey sub-deacon, Father Lacey master of ceremonies. The follow.ng priests of the diocese were Present: - Rev, Father M. M. McDonald, Ports- mouth; Rev. Fathers Kehoe, Ganan~ oque; O'Connor, Napanee; Killeen, Belleville; A. J. Hanley, .St. Mary's cathedral; Dr. Kingsley, Kingston Mills; Staley, Chesterville; Farrell, Enterprise; Carey, Lanark; Meag- her, Erinsville; Scott, Marysville; Powell, Railton; O'Reilly, Sterling; McDonald, Toledo: Fathers Keaney and Hyland, St, Mary's cathedral; J. B. Meagher. The pall-bearers were Drs. Gibson, Phelan, Ryan, Kane, Lawler and PF. J. O'Connor, ---------- Photo Drama of "Creation" Showing the Parts Threerand Four, . Last Sunday evening the Allen the- atre was crowded to Its capacity to witness the showing of the wonder- ful photo-drama of creation as pre. nternational : Bible Students' Association. : All who witnessed it were most en- thusiastic regarding the production and expressions of heartfelt appreci- tation were heard on all sides. Part One, as shown in the after. noon, carried the minds of the andi. ence through the various epochs, or periods of time, during which, Je- hovah was preparing or ordering the earth for the habitation of man, The le declares nothing in regard to the creation of the earth, but simply | makes the statement, "In the begin- Ring--the earth was without form and void" --shapeless and emp- ty; therefore nothing was revealed upon the screen showing the process of creating the earth, but rather the IN MARINE CIRCLES The steamer Simla and barge Da- vie cleared for the Welland canal, The tug Mary P. Hall cleared on Saturday for Oswego. The steamer Maplehill pases steam- @own on Friday night and the er Argo passed up. The steamer Jex arrived, coal Ja- den, from Oswego, and is discharging at Rockwood hospital, The steamer Jeska Cargo of coal at Swift cleared for Oswego, ee t Victoria Home and School Club. The annual meeting of the Home and School Club of discharged a 's wharf and From that Point then was pletured of mankind from Eden ge, and on to A y¥ i Incidentally showing the fal Who kept not their first , and the result of their reign, and the reascns of the flood. Part » @8 shown in the evening. began with Melchisedec, and then de- pleted the exodus and the of Isreal in of the ammite's son Saul's vigit to Next Sunday Riva Pare Three, as ; ng, Part Four. T of tae drama are bd wring in- Spiring and instructive. It gives ver Sees #t a wider scope of | ¢ oh AX 3 Salaen g SPORTING NEWS | Sunday School Baseball. | In a senior group game played. at | Victoria Park, Friday evening, in the | Sunday School League, Sydenham de- | : '| feated Bethel, 27 to 11, in a batting | practice for both teams. Four men frorg 'the Bethel team did not tan up, one of them being the catcher | and this may account for the defeat | being such a decisive one. The Same was not up to the standard bf base- | ball that it should have been, but | both teams had some fun, which Is | one of the big things. Mr. Pound act- | ed as umpire, o | -- ' BASEBALL ON FRIDAY International Toronto, 7; Buffalo, 0, Baltimore, §; Newark, 0. Rochester, 4; Syracuse, 3, Reading, 4; Jersey City, 3. . ---- American League. Chicago, 6; New York, 5. Cleveland, 16; Philadelphia, 3. Detroit, 12; Boston, 2. St. Louis, 5; Washington, 4. -- National e. New York, 10; Chicago, 6. Pittsburg, 3; Brooklyn, 2. Philadeiphia, 4; St. Louis, 3. Cincinnati, 5; Boston, 4. . ~ ---- Y.M.C.A. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY -- Annual Meeting Held--Much Work | Done During the Year, * An interesting meeting of the VY. M. C. A. Women's Auxiliary was held on Friday afternoon, The occasion was the annual meeting and election of officers, and the reports present- ed by the various committees were very encouraging, containing as they did both a review of past work and an outlook for the present year's ae- tivities. After the devotional period, which was in charge of Mrs. William Jackson, the president, Mrs. John | Wright, gave a splendid resume of the work of the'past year, including the various entertainments that the Auxiliary had successfully carried out, and the improvements that the Auxillary were able to effect in the furnishings, etc., of the local "y" by means of the funds raised by the va- rious schemes, such as the refresh. ment booths at the fair, the St. Pat- rick's Day sale, ete, The election of officers resulted: President, Mrs, John Wright; vice- presidents, Mrs. W, Jackson, Mrs. F. J. Wilson, Mrs, J. D. Boyd; secretary, Mrs. Ruttan; treasurer, Mrs. E. P. . Jenkins, Committee convenors: Social work, Mrs, R. H. Douglas, Mrs, C. Baiden; rooms, Mrs, J. §. McBride, Mrs, F. R. Anglia, Mrs. F, J. Wilson; buy- ing, Mrs. JE, Gow, Mrs, J. E. Sin- gleton, Mrs. R. Meek; membership, Mrs. C: C, 'Nash, Mrs. H. A. Chad- wick, Mrs. R. M. Ward; devotional, Mrs. 'W_ Jackson, Mrs. J. Wright, Mrs. F. T. Anglin, Mrs. J. E. Gow, Mrs. C. C. Nash, Mrs. F. J. Wilson, Mrs. O. Chown. Among the new plans undertaken by the auxiliary is the work of redéc- orating the main hallway, "and the work will be proceeded with at once, Several new pieces of furniture will also be added to the. parlors, h,' ---------------- NO CUT IN FORD PRICES. ' Van Laven Brothers Deny the Rumor 10 That Effect. In the Whig's issue of Thursday, May 13th, appeared an article telling of the rumors of a price-cutting war among the automobile manufacturers around Detroft, Among other makes the Ford was mentioned as being the « [Toe. Barometer of prices and it was hinted that a decrease in Ford prices might be expected shortly. Van Luven Brothers, local ¥ora re- presentatives, at once got intd touch | with the Canadian Ford headquarters regarding this rumor. They received | a reply that the rumor was absolutely false, as a cut in Fopd prices had not evén been contemplated as yet, the Price now being as low as Jabor con- ditions® will allow. The Ford tactor- les are operating to full cadacity wigh conditions generally normal and ex- pect to make a new record for tarn- | out this month. The objective for May is 100,000 cars, which, it od tained, will break all records. ---------- SATURDAY'S MARKET, Prices Were About the Same as a i Vv Week 5 3 Saturday morning's market was a healthy one, although not quite ab large as last Saturday's. Prices were a little bit inclined to stiffen early in the day, but started back to lower levels after eleven o'clock Between ten and eleven some of the prices asked were: Butter, 35¢; ®ggs, 26c.; radishes, Ge; lettuce, be.; green oufons, ; # Peeeeses PEP ee +00 soe 0 {will be given some: dase of § Bn %!ing his father, EE ------ - Gr = Ii | i DIED AT TAMWORTH Mrs. George Diack Passed Away on -- Wednesday Morning. Tamworth, May 20.--On Wednes- day morning, May 18th, at 6 o'clock, after an {lness of but a few days, | Mrs. George Black passed to her rest at the age of fifty-eight years. The late Mrs. 'Black was one of the most highly respected citizens of the township and was born in Sheffield in 1863, where she lived all her lifs and was beloved by.all who knew i her. She was a devoted .member of the Methodist church, an ardent and faithful supporter of all church ac- tivities, and a valued citizen of the community. In 1880, she married George Black, and to them were born seven children, three of whom are still living, Archie Black, of Tam- worth; Mrs, M. Paul, ,of Hartney, Man.; and Mrs. B. Close, of Croydon. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Alexander Roberts, and Mrs. York, both of Port Arthur, Her funéral took place on Friday at 2 o'clock to the Methodist church. ~To the mourners in their sad berpave- ment is extended the heart-felt sym- pathy of the community. ---------- Peerage for Lowther. London, May 21.~--8ome amiable curiosity is aroused here on the de- ferment. of the announcement of a Peerage for Rt Hon, J. W. Lowther, the ex-speaker. It is understood Mr, Lowther, who is on a visit to Can- ada to present the speaker's chair on behalf of the Empire Parliamentary Association, preferred to reach the dominion holding the name he has carried through the long years he Was speaker of the House of Com- mons, and that he will accept the beerage on his return. -------------- New Baseball League Brockville, May 21 --The Eastern Ontario Baseball League, composed of tedms in Brockville, Prescott and points in the counties of Grenville and Dundas, has been organized; with E. A. Cook, Prescott, ex-warden of Leeds and Grenville, as president. The schedule has not been complet- ed, but three games were arranged for Victoria Day at Morrisburg, Spencerville and Brockville. Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, who reprsents Grefiville in the provincial legisla- ture, has donated a handsome silver trophy for the winners of the league championship. * i ------------ Brockville Machinist Found Dead Brockville, May 21.--The lifeless body of Samuel Gunn, aged fifty-two, machinist, was found last night in his apartments in the Tompkins block. He had evidently beeh dead several hours when found by a fel- low-workman. Gunn had been Te- ceiving treatment for heart trouble for some tithe. He leavees a wifa and ohe daughter. TT ------ Sweariggen Is Moderator, Winona Lake, Ind., May 21.--Rev. Henry C. Swearingen, of St. Paul, Minn., was elected moderator of the cne hundred thirty-third general con- ference of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America. " ° He defeated Rev. John B. Laird, of Philadelphia, by a vote of 56¢ to 312. Rev. Mr. Swearingen succeeds Rev. Samuel S. Palmer, of Columbus, 0. Church Mortgage Burned. Belleville, Ont., May 21.--A mort- gage which has been resting against Holloway Street Methodist Church Ot this city, was destroyed by fire at the annual meeting .u the school par- lors. The mortgage was put on for $6,000 in 1912, when the church was renovated, and: an addition built. The indebtedness has now been paid off, a i ------ \------ For Quick Sale. That splendid farm, with very fine buildings on water front about two miles west of Ontarlo Park, well known as "Wellborn's Point," or "Robinson Dairy Farm." Send otters to Mill's Company or D. A. Cas, > CY ---------------- The annual Empire Day concert 3 by pupils of Victoria Schoo] in Grant hall, on Monday at- ternoon, at 3 o'clock, Ad: children free. ) | money market after an absence of rs. through the sale of iu 2,600,000 seven per cent. to Wood, Gundy Harley White, Charles White, of H, | ONE POUND DARRY SCHOOL Eventually you will eat Dairy School Butter. The cleanest, pasteurized and best made Butter in PARKHILL & CO. Phones 68 and 2240m eater in Food Energy than any of the following amounts 3 Ibs. Wheat Bread 34 lbs. Tomatoes 40 Ibs. Lettuc 34 Ibs. Asparagdras 37; doz. Eggs 4 lbs. Sirlion Beef 8 qts. Oysters Why not to-day? Canada or Europe. » Distributors Brick and plastered dwell ing, hot water heating, electric lights, fire place, gas for cooki Rg, garage and another out- building with room for two cars. A nice comfortable sized home in good location, not far from City Park, and half a block from car line. Price $4.6 50. Frame house, 7 rooms, gas for cooking and lighting, 3 piece bath, good barn. Price § 2,600. " Brick Veneer and Rough Cast dwelling, with. bath and toilet, gas for cooking and ligh ting; good yard and cellar. Price § ' E THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY A : 56 Brock Street, POSITIVE CHASSIS LUBRICATION SIMPLE--SPEEDY--@LEAN ALEMITE HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATING SYSTEM Automotive Equipment Tourists' _Burean--Mfg. - Agents--Accéssories Phone SiSw, 109 Brock Street, Kingston, THE RUDD HARNESS CO. announces that it will close its King- -ston store on Saturday, May 28th. AH be sold, i i Bags and Valiges. Some rare bargains for those who come early. THE RUDD HARNESS CO. 143 PRINCESS STREET | mission 25¢, | of Kingston, 1s visit-| ANNOUNCING A NEW MODEL |. The "FB 50" (Baby Grand) Special The famous Baby Grand Engine and Chas- sis, with Special Body, Special Top with' I | Bevel Glass; Rear and Side Curtain _ights, | Cord Tires, Bumper and several other im. 1 'provements, Body pa ted d ln with A white stripe. Price : | The grea test car value ever offered adian public. Note the cord wd u We are now demonstrating y thiscar, May we show itto you. Ba hm Sa BAWDEN & ¥

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