is + : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC. a] saTCiDar, nix im. MUST SHON THER MONEY [~7ora 2 oo 5 FOUNDED 1847 a rofuters Wi Twilight ji] S PEC TIAL S A LE | . 8te to Incorporate. Miss Blott, who has been the guest i | Ottawa, May 21.--No promoter |of Mrs. C. T. Dickson, Aberdeen ave- need come before the senatorial com- | nue, teturned to Dunnville to-day. Il % : i 4 | mittee on banking and commerce la Mrs. 3 J. Caron, Romilly : with the object of getting power to | House," has returned from a visit to i s | incorporate a at OE first a | Mrs. Hubert Strathem, St. John, Que. | = ; 5 Major and Mrs. Horace Lawson, Il . : | substantial body of men has subserib- r | ed sufficient money to make. the com- | CentTe street, will go over to their t | mittee belleve that a real, solid finan- | cottage on Wolfé Island as soon as : . | cial institution will be established. |the events in/ conmection with the i 7.30 Oo CLOCK | This is the decision arrived at by | June closing of the Military Collage | the Sompities afte: considering sev. A ve ilig iy ih i Thrifty shoppers will immediately avail themselves of this 1] era P 8 r | Madame Rochereau de la Sabliere, I} : ] : | of Danke, One of these projects was |, LTS, octiereay de aa Sablierw. BE opportunity to save money on seasonable, wanted merchandise, ® {for the establishment of the Com- i . . . . >. am 'oa N othing We monwealth Bank of Canada, with ee Sunters, ifs, Kennedy | which will be placed on sale to-n ight at irresistible'pricings. headquarters at Toronto. The pro- Miss K. oie er Kingston, is | . . : moters were told that if they would : : Might Say ? come again with a substantial visiiing iy Dareuis in Porch. \ ¢ j : amount of money subscribed by re- Ritts ie ar] A upon, | . 1: 3 . sponsible men in Canada their re- Napanae this voor | WwW Bl : of the dependability and service Quest 'would ve granted, but it was |\ifpnec amen CII omen s lers ey oomer Ss ' hat 4 the committee's feeling that tha ters, Mrs. Hyland, Mrs. Connoly and of Livingston's Suits can be more Should be done betors incorporatioh Intiss Benjamin" mgtoreq 1 to Id | The Great West Bank of Canada Yarker to Napanee on Wednesday to I = TO-NIGHT 39¢ PAIR o--- eloquent than that which has In anather proposal wilkh came be. [4102 the bridge party given at the the home o rs. T. M. Galbraith be 1 fore parliAment last session, and . . . : ! en already said for us by the then was granted the right to incor- Prof and re CHtior Ci 15 dozen, Women s finely knitted Cotton Jersey Bloomers; elas- $3 : porate, but since thén it has not Centre street wont Wh ' | A . * : ] : : am- Ww. es; ea ed. Color Pink. satisfied men and young men in been able to got the amount of |CULire street, went down to Win tic gathers aist and knees; easily launder d ' monéy necessary to make it eligible Mi and abou in on, who Vi he. certifies iva? be. Sap. Miss Laurenda MctAndrew came d about Ki gston, ho have for the certificate requires by Sec. f° EL uLAre Andrew ame f > is - tou 15 of the Baur Ast SEnator Mr. G/F Chow ow coon T ] DRAWN WORK i d ur S rin show- J. H. Rog. of Moose Jaw, btought in | : already viewed o pring a Wil aling ror another rer in | Mrs. BJ. Diack who went up to Picton # MLS. i in which to get together this money, athe W, M. 8. meetings, has | al eg. : It was pointed out that one of the Mrs. Noble Stency Johtison stroat i . 5 two promoters of the bank had died. has returned from Waicriows ny. » il SUITS READY TO WEAR that the past year has been a bad Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cralg Hope iH . year in the west for launching sueh |, = O° from Toronto for the 24th | a venture, and that duother year |..." ToE CSfemle fot Hu HL] _ Regular Value 75c¢. each would make a difference. ; $20.00 to $35.00 It was at fst intended to rotuse MChardaon, Johason sree : X : : this application, but Senator' Laird |, Tr , ' T h Y P k 45 h asked for another year, pointing out +i aalvidere. hs beeh ip I Oo-nig t our 1C C eacr that this was the gia stiempt 4 New York for the past year, is visit- : establish a banking institution w ing 'his parents, M a | : headquarters in the west, an fustitu- |g, LL PIERS Ms and Mrs. WRU - The Scarfs or Runners are. 7x50. The Shams or Table Covers *. tion which would keep all the money : : . red . im the west far western AevelopIent, | Lots Prom Henutasn Top are 30x30. 10 dozen in the entire lot. All White. ang the "| Chicago, May. 21. ant impression in the west if the ap- cago, May. 21.--The body of ; Franklin K. Larne, former secretary . : Plieaticn for ay additions) Ta of the interior, who died in Roches- 2 : ' were untrue, that casiorn Taal [19% MI3e, was cremated hore today ; adles ure iswerests were responsible for the ion of HI Gapitan. pearts oo You / oc , mite valley, California, and scattered i J '11 ea ai uecohied Sus leuswn to the winds, in compliance with a RY Ha, 1 ose another year in which to fulfil all beat ade by Mr. Lane prior to s ! / | x conditions laid down by the Bank i. / . ; . A, Act, a a | $ i El ' '8 : t 9 ; The Bank Act cannot be amend-| ' 27 am Pohipans Execution. = ; Regular price $ | J5 and $2.00 1 J 5 § IN S ed before 1323 In some. of its prin-{ yu. ona more effort may b Bl / Tr y be made to . ving cipal features, it is gtated, awd Bul \save Norman Garfield from the gal- { : 2 TONIGHT that happens the®members of the fy = Owing to the delicate condi- 75-77 BROCK STREET . Janking and Sommereial sonmiite tion of his wife, who is expected to | wd Yo 25 . . | Fv 1.25 pair » Off 2 ing all apolications for incorporation | °COMe a mother in July, ~pplication oe "" ng J may be made to have the execution If Your Route It Pays to Walk. where a substantial gum has not of the death penalty postponed from first been collected, June 2nd for two months, ee | 15 dozen superior grade, pure Silk Thread Hose, 18 inch Silk, CRIED "FIRE ! FIRE I" Agree to 15c Wage Cat. | ll with a deep Lisle, Thread garter- proof widened top. Thisds a rare AND AROUSED VERONA ot huiges, Map 3) oi senustiow 1 gi opportunity to secure a real good Silk Stocking at a very low cost, When There Was No Fire-- |i in the wages of lotal huisige and | Sizes 84 to 10. Colors: Sand, Brown, Taupe, Pearl Grey, Palm The Guilty Young Men of the decision of the Joint Council |p ll beach, purple and black. Caught. of Industry, presented 'to officials of | " the union. The previous wage agree- i . Two youngmen, with a very crude | ment called forg$1.25 an hour. The ||P fi LADIES' CUMFY-CUT KAYSER BLACK SILK idea of a joke, created a sensation [men have agreed to abide by the | = at Verona early Saturday morning, | ruling. * ; - » 1} VESTS hen they went through the village ry | : GLOVES . wn "Fire! Fire!" But Whag/About The Girls? Regular price 75¢. is Tn nh Se he rt oat wy mt shamis A) TONIGHT de. oath | oo $1.00 pair ad a vis s(n ay every , obtaining a | $iily 11 . such as swept through: the village on | marriage license in Wyoming must 1 15. dozen Ladies fine ribbed 4 gp Pp Wednesday afternoon, -only to find {produce a certificate dated within ten Cotton Thread Vests---Cumfy TO-NIGHT 9 . | -, "ve eee C. that it was all a hoax. However, | days and signed by an approved Wy- i parr they did not allow the matter to £0 |oming physician showing the appit-|(8 ff Cut -- the style that does not by the board. Some gf the villagers |cant js free trom social disease. The 1 . made an investigation and: located | State eugenics law passed by the last |§ [| SUP Off the shoulder. No sleeve 25 dozen (Kayser) Black Silk the two young men who were respon- | Legislature' went into effect to-day, style only. White. sible for sending in the alarm, and |and requires such certificates. if LADIES' EXTRA SIZE Gloves, dovbla finger tip; all after giving them a severe lecture . and on their promising never to do| A scandal is like a snowball. The ! . such a thing again, allowed them to | more it travels the bigger it becomes. | VESTS pure Silk, 2 dome fasteners, go to their homes. , i Regular price $1.00 : 5 ENUMERATION FOR CENSUS HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR I TO-NIGHT ......59¢. each neat fitting, your choice to- They Have Been Named You Prince PRINTERS | 5 dozen Undervest, made for night at less than half the regu- | V( | extra large worren; no sleeves; . § ey C. F. Vandeusen, chief consus| MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. ||} [i kn : C lar price. ' Sizes from 6 to 73. enumerator for Prince Edward coun- 5 if itt ed from a select ed tton p : } ty, has made appointments as follows BORN. . . Bla onl for the taking of the census in var: PERRY--On May 15th, 1921, at the Ii yarn; white only. ek 1y. « . ious parts of the county. Royal Military College, Kingston] : _ , = the wife of Lt.-Col. M. ITY, zi Ameliasburg--W. Davern, R. Wil PEO dobar i 1 . K. x id it. ! 3 NEXT WEEK--2 CARS TO ARRIVE. [Hf 575 ero, 5. van. | "1388 cei pe wn Ef . l & «6 iw ; leat. dor, neo Bessie Silver, | : t | well '= W. | Sootord, : Bins SD Silanes Se: @ desatier ohn [aid aw Son, Limi ed Cooper. G. Christie. : Hillier--A. Rattray, JT. N. Mec- ie Faul BAILEY--At{ Winchester, May 20th, ul 1921, Frederick Mahlon Batley, B. S. South Marysburg--P. Collier, ' H. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Mahion Gfimmon Batley. afed twenty-six years. . n , - - 3 Funeral 5 North Marysburg--O. Hicks, W.| CLARK--1In Kingston. o May 20th, Anderson. 1921, Cecil ville Clark, eldest f Mr. ; - a . Sophiasburg--D. Fraser, E. Fox, " deed 20 Sears Ts. Sates Shak, 1 J R. Munroe, George Simpson. Une iol take place from his late \ b Picton--Miss A. Colliver, W. Me. SE Vn Princes Su aunday He : : Kibbon. T. Mounce, G. Bell. thodist y i. t ; " ¥ ¢ ' 22 i / Bloomfield--Miss F. Barker. Fite ta Sauaintances respectrully §) : h ht Wellington--E. L. Hubbs, CARD : % 1 : 3 ae Boclietifl 24 pairs Brown Calf Oxfords--Goodyear Welt ........... $6.0) wives | py, SAMESREID ff 23 pairs Black Gun Metal Calf Ox forde--Blicher cut; plain toe; = to : : Goodyear Welt. This is one of the very newest styles hf) Formerly the close season for pick- { "Wehave 16 pairs of odd sizes from 6 to 84, inReg and Slater Oxfords. Regular $10.00, for pg 8 3