Daily British Whig (1850), 21 May 1921, p. 5

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SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921. Se ; a THE 'DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Austin's Drug Store i . ~--Moth Balls. ~--Moth Camphor Flakes. ==Ofl of Cedar. *9 SOS AEB EEE 2 a FETIP eTtee . DISINFECTANTS ==Formaldehyde. S48 AALS VPTPI TINNY =Creolin. o~Fecto. ~-Sulphur and Formalde- hyde Candles. TTT OTTINe "» 2 5 IAEA ALE EA Cormer King and Marke: Square Kiagaten Bad reed ' FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-. - Kingston * Transfer Co. Phone 877. 458 Wellington Street. DAVID SCOTT Plumber Piambing snd Gas Work a Sbecial. ty, All work guaranteed. ress 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, DRAW. WINNETT. DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johiisun and Wellington Streets Phone 863 Dr. Waugh : Dentist . Jos Wellington St. Phone 256. WATTS | People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants 'daily Funeral designs, and wedding \ Angrove's Repair ee -------- -- AND HEADACHES es -----. ---------- MR. ALFRED DUBOISSEAU 482 8t. Catherine St. E., Montreal, "For three years, I was a terrible sufferer from Indigestion, constant Head. aches and Constipation. 1 took various | medicines for the trouble but nothing seemed to do me any good. Then, a friend advised me to try 'Fruit-a-tive. Now I am free of Indigestion and Headaches, the 'Constipation is cured, and I have gained considerable weight ; and my general health is fine. 'Fruit-a-tives' is a grand medicine and cannot say enough in its favor," ALFRED DUBOISSEAU. 'Fruit-a-tives' are made from fruit Juices and valuable tonics --and are pleasant to take, their action being gentle and mild, Yet always most effective. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sine 250. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. I 'BUILDING ? | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? \ Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 2! Main Street. Phone 1670. --------. ee Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J S. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN .STREET Smoke T&B It marks as a for of tobacco CONSTIPATION - | | | Kingston and Vicinity | yw: ried four years, The burial took place Lombardy poplars on the R.M.C. | ie tou The late Hugh Dillon, aged |side of the Barriefleld hill if the sixty-three years, who was a promin- | clubs do similar work on the north- ent merchant in Detroit, Mich., died | erly side of the road, from La Salle from an attack of pneumonia. | bridge to the top of the h#lk. The tis { General thinks that these poplars, | Is a Queen's Graduate which come from the native place of | At a recent meeting of Superior | LaSalle, would wonderfully add to | Presbytery it was unanimously and [the attractiveness of the drive, and enthusiastically resolved that the! name of the Rev. H. L. McKinnon, if further trees were placed along the bay, stretching across Barriefield | M.A, B.D, St. Andrew's Chruch, |common they would, when they grow | Fort William, be submitted as one |up, be the admiration of all the peo- Cheese Sales Brockville, 273 boxes at 16 1-4ec. Sterling, 410 at 16c to 16 1-16¢c, Campbellford, 557 at 15 5-16¢ te 15 1-2e¢. -------- Who Can Beat This ? 8. 8. Elliott, of R.R. No. 6, Belle- ville, had 120 chickens hatch out Of 124 eggs.» They appeared first on May 14th. They were White Leg- horns. . ---- Iroquois Summer School. The annpal summer school of the Montreal Methodist conference will be held at Point Iroquois from July 25th to Aug. 1st next. The co- operative boys' training camp will be held near Gananoqud on the same dates. It Would Pay You To Call. pre-emfnently fitted to fill the ex- pected vacancy in the Hebrew chair of Saskatoon: Mr. McKinnon is a Queen's graduate ' ---- Death Followed Accident A well-known farmep of Toledo district passed away on Wednesday morhing in the p of Mirza person Nichols, who succumbed to injuries ple. William Yarwood and others have brought action against the Smith's Falls' Board of Education for keep- ing their childrem out of school at the time of the smallpox epidemic. They are claiming-$1,000 damages. Town Solicitor McCue told the board -- Have Entered Action of having filed a statement of de- fence that the board had acted in the best interests of the public and were subservient to or acting under the Board of Health; also that had the children complied with the rules of the Board of Health they would have been able to return to sctool, received about two weeks ago when he fell from a harrow while carrying on farming operations, The deceased was a son of the late Eldah Nichols, was born in the township of Bastard about eighty years ago, He always {resided in that locality. 7 The Photo Drama of Creation, Our range of made to measure suits are of the best material and workmanship. We carry a large stock of blue and black serges, English worsted and Scotch tweeds which wa will make to your measure at a ver) reasonable price, Prevost, Brock St. Want Dock Repaired. Have revised our lumber prices in keeping with the present markets, and are able to quote prices, which are considerably lower than last fall prices; S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory - Phone 1415. FOR SALE 4 Brick House, air heating; gas for cooking; fl rst class: at once. Price $4,300, 'A. F. PURCELL ; 1113 Brock St, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 7 rooms, 8 piece bath; electric lights; hot location, Possession Phone 704 At the Allen theatre, Sunday, May Muskoka Lakes. Mayor W. J. Malley and Reeve T. 22nd, at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m., will be shown the third and fourth parts of the magnificent photo drama of cre- ation, depicting in vivid array_suc- cessive stages of bible history from Daniel's thrilling experiences down to the ddvent of our Saviour. Al tending towards a fuller understand- ing and appreciation of God's word and the fulfillment of prophecy. Come early if you would see the com- plete showing.--Advt, ---- Ordained in Montrea; Rev. Father Martin James, Kings- ton, was ordained in St. James' Ca- thedral, Montreal, on Saturday 'by Bishop C. H. Gauthier, officiat- ing in the absence - of Archbishop Bruchesi, who is ill. Rev. Father James will say hig first mass in Kingston at 7 a. m. at the Hotel Dieu on Sunday, and his first high mass at 10:30 a. m, in St Mary's Cathedral on May 29th, = -------- Novel Wager Will Be Contested. A peculiar wager has been made between two Ogdensburg, N.Y... This most famous of Canadian re- sort districts is reached through Muskoka Wharf Station (112 miles north of Toronto) or through Bala. Park or Lake Joseph Stations. To these points run the through Mus- koka trains. Connecting with these trains are steamboats which serve all the reoTael the three lovely lakes, Muskoka, Rosseau and Joseph. The Muskoka region's popularity is an en- during one and its charms are never forgotten by the visitor. When yon enter the district, you are amazed At the extent.of the lakes, which ap- pear so small"on the map. Then the multitude of islands and the diversi- fled shore-line cause you to wonder how the captains of the lake steam- boats pilot their vessels. so swiftly and safely through the maze. Against the steep woodlands nestle pretty cottages, hotels and summer villages and these charming summer homes harmonize with their sur- roundings of blue waters and leafy woods. - A handsome illustrated de- scriptive publication has been issued and may be had for the asking. Ap- ply to J. P. Hanley, C.P.&T.A., G.T. J. Naylor, Deseronto, were in Ot- tawa to interview the minister of public work in regard to repairs of the Deseronto wharf. They came back assured that the matter would be brought before the committees which deals with those matters. Special Trips to Picton Steamer Brockville will leave Fer- ry Wharf on Monday, May 23rd, at 8 a m., Wednesday, May 26th, at 5p. m. . Commencing May 27th for' Belle- ville and intermediate ports, every Friday and Tuesday at 5 p. m. A Black Flies Out in Force It is stated that black flies are out in great force in many parts of this district. A Kingston man stated on Friday that he had been working in the country for the past few weeks, and that the flies were terrible. The flies had made several attacks on the back of his neck, and he declared that he would not go back to his old job. ------------ SPRING FURS Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's BROCK STREET, .. Doubly Bereaved, The sympathy of her many friends is extended to Mrs. Mary Fowler, post mistress at Mount Chesney in the death of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Daniel Fowler, and her brother, Hugh Dillon, which occurred within a few days of each other. On Tuesday Mrs. Fowler received a letter which told of the sudden death of her dau- men, William Kirk and Robert Tims. Tims wagered Kirk that he could paddle a canoe across the St. Law- rence to Prescott, back to Ogdens- burg and then back to Prescott, while Kirk is rowing a skiff over and back. ' The test will be made a week from Sunday and will-no doubt proye very interesting. \ Ry., A WOMAN'S HEALTH When the Blocd Becomes Watery a Every woman's health is depen- Kingston, Ont. NEEDS GREAT CARE Breakdown Follows. ghter-in-law at Parr, Alberta. The deceased, who was a daughter of Jas. Nelson, Sorel, Quebec, had béen mar- dent upon the condition of her blood, How many women suffer with head- ache, pain in the back, poor appetite, weak digestion, a cr nstant feeling of weariness, palpitation of : the heart, shoftness of breath, pallor and ner. Work on the Census. The census commissioner, Captain E, W. Skinner, has made, all the ap- pointments of enumerators for the taking of the census on June 1st. He purposes holding classes on Monday Pain in the Loins Seales, Haby Carriages, do repair work satisfaction. 107 WELLINGTON STREET Talking Machines, Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, ele. We right and guarantee A Partridge Wire Works | NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now prepared to do this work. Manufacturing Wire Fencing, Flower Border Guards, ete. =~ « PHONE 3S0, 62 KING ST. Ww. | | | Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by ur, BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard | Phone 133 LAWN MOWERS All makes of Lawn Mowers repaired, sharpened and ad- Justed. Garden Shears sharpened. J. Mi. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. Phone 2056J. : » Sperial CORNED POSS ¥OR EME. TERY At pre-war vices, $12.00 a se" \ J. E. Mulley 161 FRONTENAS STRELY Phone 1417. y MARRIED ~ LADIES ARE YOU STILL DOING 1m? You must know it is not fair to your husband to continue buying new Hats. every season when we can reshape your old ones into the very latest Spring styles. Get wise! Save $10.00. and put it into that Suit you have in Mind, The Kingston Hat Cleaners Opposite Ti: Callage Book Store. 163 Princdss St. Upstairs, Driven Out Quickly That dragging, wearying sort of vousness? Of course all these symp- tds may not be present--the more there are the worse the condition of the blood, and the more necessary that you should begin to enrich. it without delay. . Williams' Pink Pills are a splendid blood-building tonic. Evesy dose helps to make bet- ter blood which goes to every part of the body and brings new health to weak, despondent people. Dr. Wil and Tuesday of next week, when, af- ter explanations have been fully pain makes life a misery to many made, the enumerators will write ex- people. This pain is due to a Pas- | amination papers, and their qualiii- se Inflammation of the adjacent cations will thus be made manifes:. tissue, ecause every drop rubs in, | ms because it penetrates 80 deeply, Tube Yao fan wit be replaced by Nerviline gives a wonderful result. - : More powerful because fiv ti p s nes Issued a Challenge. stronger, more penetrating because it strikes through soft tissue, more| Major-General Sir Archibald Mac- healing to pain, Nerviline Liniment | donell, of the Royal Military College, should be always on hand. Sold [ has proposed a challenge to the Ki. |liams' Pink Pilf§ are valuable to all everywhere in large 35 cent bottles. | wanis and Rotary clubs. He willplant | women but they are particularly use- y : ful to girls of school age who become pale, languid and nervous. There can "Plone 1 483. We also have a other Selitols a ages. J Jellies for sale i ~ Bon Marche Cor, Bary Jon tr Phone 1844. HR x A REAL ESTATE service linking three cities and a mili tary aviation any one at any tine. It is sup. spifed in three sizes--30c,, $1.00 and $3.75, The large size is the * best value and the most Ecuador is planning an aerial mail school. be neither health nor beauty without red blood which gives brightness to the eyes and color to the cheeks and lips. Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pills build up the blood as is shown by the ex- perience of Mrs. Jos. E. Veniotte, West Northfield, N.. S., who says: '"For several years I was in a bad state-of health. I was pale and nery- Ous, my appetite was poor, and I suffered from weakness, headaches ands a feeling of oppression. I got so nervous that I wag afraid to stay tn the house alone. All this time 1 was taking medicine, but it only did not help me, but I was growing weak Finally I decided to try Dr. William Pink Pills, and after using six boxes I felt much better. I had a better ap- petite, slept better and felt stronger. However, 1 continued taking the pills for a couple of months longer and bod I am feeling as well as ever I . I give all'the credit to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and hope that my experience may be of benefit to some other weak woman." ~ You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wii- liams' Meéqicine Co., Brockville, Ont, ---------------- DELEGATES CHOSEN They Will Attend the Conference at At the Methodist district meeting these delegates were Inted to the THOROUGHNESS By CHARLES GRANT MILLER All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) (Copyright, 1921. fore 3 Momentum properly directed will drive a tallow inch plank. Thoroughness in a man's work will do even greater wonders than this, and is doing them every day. 24 | The man that is in demand in every line of business is the ran who is "all there." : . : Employers pay too dearly for half a man, For it isn't a man's time at his work that counts so much as his enthusiasm in it, The enthusiasm is the best half of the man. Enthusiasm is to a man what steam is to an engite. Neither wil go withuut ft. Educatich, training, talents, are all good to ht. But there is one thing better, because it embraces all that is worth hile in all of these-- thoroughness. - hg is . Edison says his life motto has been "this one thing I know--electric: ity." Confining himself to this one thing he has taken out a thousand patenfs while millions of men kpowing a .little of everything and not much of anything accomplish next to nothing. Success in any line is the mastery of the single thing in hand. The history of nearly every successful man may one phrase--He did one thing thoroughly, " The secret of mechdnical, commercial, financial or any other pre- eminence is disclosed in one word--Thoroughness. The thorough man need never tear to lose his job. His work is his Own, a part of himself. His employer is fap more afraid of losing him than he is of losing his job. : Education may shine now and then, but 'thoroughness glows stead- fly always, Special training may make fine spurts ahead, b ut thorough: % in the fabled race. Talent may dazsie at 163s may be depended upon all the time. annual conference to 'Meet in Corn- 0 the solid foundation stones of any business. wall: Prof. R. O. Jolliffe, G. A. Bate- » clock-watching ones are' poor' material even man, Seong 8 Pound, Kingsfon; Miss M. A. Culcheth, Portsmouth; J. A. for the lightest superstructure. . 4 { Jackson, George Todd; Joseph Nutall and J. C. Spence, Gananoque; \W, G. Woodman, Wolte Island; J. L.F. Sproule, Cataraqui; Herbert John- ston, candle through an even at half prics,. a 0} be summed up in NN) C. A. + We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality op Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 | See dur fine quality Blue Serge Suits at \ : -$35.00 -- -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. "(One door below Randolph Hotel) \ "TO-NIGHT : Women's Cotton Stockings-- # in Black, White and Brown, for ; retina... 25¢, a pair Women's Fine Lisle Stockings-- White, Black , Tan and Grey, for eas 50c. a pair Women's Silk Hose-- in all the popular colors at dens $100, 5125, $1.50 pie Men's Cotton Socks-- , Black, Grey and Brown at 25 pair A large variety at 25¢., 35¢., and 30c. a pair. and Wm. Atkinson, Gananoque: J, 3 T. IM. Hughes, Kingston; Victor Rhodes, Seeley's Bay; BE. M.. orgs, Veron:; . 2 Thompson, - Joyzssvi'le; Hestry Battersea, Wm. Grtheie, Pert downright positive that he fs 2 i than his neighbors. Sa . ' That man is an egotist who

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