THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1021. BRITISH WHIG. BOILS SO BAD | HAD TO GIVE UP WORK From the days of Job, up to the Present time, boils have heen one of the afflictions of the human race, All the poulticing and laneing you may do will not prevent them from breaking out again. v Boils are simply caused by the bad 'blood bursting out; and the bad blood must be made pure before the "bolls will disappedr. Burdock Blood Bitters, which has been on the market for over forty Years, is well known as the greatest bléod medicine procurable. : - It purifies the blood by removing every particle m from the system, and' is is done the boils vanish, and you should never be troubled again, Mr. James Fahey, Newport Island, Que., writes:--*1 was troubled with boils on my back and neck, so bad _ that I was obliged to give up work. I tried several remedies, but got no relief. Finally I went to a doctor, and he treated me for several weeks, "and all without benefit. . friend told me of Burdock Blood Bit- ~ ters, 80 I decided to give it a trial. I sot bE three but before I had ' taken two 000 alls were all gone, It is eight months now, and I have had na return of the old trouble, and have never ee ti BBB] WD only by The T. . Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 7 And of Bale Get a box 19 with A EVISH ESTLESS CHILDREN 100 acres 7 'm'fes. out 97 acres 8 miles out 80 acres 7 miles out. ..i.i..,,. 120 acres 8 miles out Se EEA . 100 acres 10 miles out ..... rr 115 acres 8 miles out 1687 acres eight miles out 112 acres 13 miles ont .... 100 acres 4 miles out 126 acres 9 miles out 208 acres 12 mileg out 160 acres 5 miles out 116 acres 9 miles to Napanee ....$7873 +1 acre, good new cottage and barn _ ¥en house well and cistern, 2 miles out seprice right. Many others to choose from. | TRUMPOUR & LOYST 111% Brock Skreet. Phone 704 wr 13d1In t ously. Head At last at Advertising is Life Life is a matter of coeeia Advising. Issued by Camadion Duily Newspapers Association. Office, Toronto. The soft swish of waves, the jindaite depth of the sky, the far {their colorful charm and mystery [beside the sounding sea. OLD BELIEF UPSET ; | Does Loss of Sight Dull Other Se ? There has ay been a theory that nature compensates the indivia- ual in some other way for the loss of any one or more of the senses. It is believed that-the others develop a greater alertness. But studies in France on this question seem to prove in the case of the blind, at least, this belief does not invariably hold g . . As a proof of the statement there are on record certain tests made by Griesbach, who used the instrumert called the aesthesiometer. This scientist declared that his blind sub- jects were slightly less sensitive to' | the sense of touch than were normal persons corresponding to ¢héem in age. Backing up these findings of Griesbach came those of Zwaard- maker, who used an instrument | known as. the olfactometer. This scientist discovered that blind Indi- viduals have a less keen sense of smell than those persons who are able to use their eyes. ' These conclusions, according to a 5c. a Day For Hood's Sirsa Medicine. Treatment Thar win Purify Your Blood And Build You Up This Spring ry rn ry , ~ Sat go>. gharkle of the blue, blue water, the ches of the. horizon, these with | llure all who like to work or play whiter in the Illustrated World, would seem to indicate that if a per- son loét the sense of sight, a corres- ponding logs of power in greater or less d was developed among the remaining senses, But there are eminegt scientists who do not agree with the findings of these two men. The fast is that different investigators have been looking at the question from differ- ent viewpoints. According to a French scientific writer, the act of seeing bright red, for example, is, after all, only a physiologic manifestation. 3 'It is not until this bright spot is interpreted by the mind as some- thing different from"a mere color splotch, and possessing certain other properties, that The act' of seeing comes to have any significance: While it is hardly likely that the physical sense can be made any keener, yet it is highly probable that ithe mind may be so trained as to have a quicker alertness and a quicker and more thorough under- standing of that which is being per- ceived. Thus the brain may learn to organize and systematize itself. So two different individuals of the same normal eyesight max vary'con- siderably in their intellectual appre- hension of some given object that lies within their range of vision. Dr. loteyko is a strong advocate of the theory here presented. He states that children who are born blind and who later, through a sur- gical 'operation, gain vision, 'must often be taught to see. This visual sense means nothing to them until they have been taught the meaning dl | : THE DAILY THE SEA HATH CHARMS - . .' = LX SD / 5 [8 r= % : \ ae, Ogi : Fs] Ko =~ 3 g a Se 1 oS A WHEN WOMAN HITS THE TRAIL - - = ~~ (Ca) By Juanita Hamel || But even more lovely may be the sparkle of blue, b lue eyes when SHE beholds her beloved, o 8 r the depths -which deep-brown eyes dt sight of him who alone has the power suddenly appear in to awake in HER emotion as deep and abiding as the sea. of what the eye takes in. An apple, for example, will be considered as a splotch of red color until they have been taught that it is round, that it is good to eat, that it is hard to the touch, etc. Silk Weaving in China Chekiang is famous for its silk manufacture in China. Brocades, satins, ningchow, pongee, mandarin gauze, reeled pongee, Hangchow low and thread gauze are manufactured there. Owing to the improved meth- ods of manufacturing most of the goods produced are of a fine quality. The total amount sold in 1920 was $10,000,000. Following is a list of the quantity of goods produced and consumed in 1920: Satins and bro- cades, 120,000 pieces; pongee, 10,- 000 pieces; thread gauze and spring gauze, 50,000 pieces. .~ The Odor of Sanctity ™~ A Presbyterian soldier was dying and asked for a minister. No Presby- terian minister could be found, and he was asked if he would have an Anglican, He thought for a moment, sighed a bit, and then said: "Well, perhaps it is better. I have been leading an Anglican kind of life lately." \ McNab township lost another »f its fine old citizens on Sunday of last week when Edward Dillon passed away, aged eighty-eight years and six months. He was a splendid-old gen- tleman; industrious, kind, an excel- lent farmer, whose honesty of word and purpose was respected every: where. i r Ci en N 4 EE comet ONS IN REY : " -------- Germans Talk Dr. Solf For Envoy to Washington Berlin, May 26.--Dr. William Solf, at present German ambassador in Tokib, now is most prominently men- tioned as the new German ambassa- dor to the United States. Dr. 8olf was minister for foreign affairs when the armistice was signed and belongs to the right wing of the Democratic party. He is a famous rientalist, fifty-nine years old, and formerly was-minister for the colén- iés. All the political parties apparently ars. pleased with the appointment of Dr. Friedrich Rosen as foreign minis- ter in the Wirth cabinet. He is a non-party man of sixty years and has 'been in the diplomatic service for 32 years. ' --------aiian Seeks Treaty With Chinese. Berlin, May 26.--The agreement signed by representatives of Germany apd China in Peking on Friday last, declaring an end to the state of war between the two countries and re- establishing diplomatic and commer- cial relations, probably will be pre- sented to the reichstag within a week as soon as the reichstag and the Chi- nese parliament ratify it, which pro- baply will be done immediately. Diplomatic and consular represen- tatives will be exchanged and nego- tiations formally opened for a perma- nent treaty. : -------- Miss Hannah Esther Gagne and William Laplante, both of Admaston, were united in marriage on Tussday, ~ IN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES Sale Price . Straw Sailors-- Collier's SPECIAL FOR Friday & Saturda Genuine B.V.D. Combinations Balbriggan Combinations Sale Price ~ . . . Two Doors Below Grand Opera House "reas ne 91.980 - v ... $2.50 Toggery These, Ge Dicors) THE WEAR FER US. GUTTA PERCHA TIRES 'AT THE NEW- REDUCED PRICES, W. D. Johnston 70 PRINCESS STREET FREE AIR For Over Thirty Years. A TIME 37 flours WinmvipeG The quickest train business d. fo the Paci Lv: Toronto 9.00 PM. : and Paper Exports Monteors May 26.---Cavadian ex- ports of pulp and paper for the month of April, 1821, were given at $6,916,236, as compared with $8, 172,336 for April, 1926, according to a special report issued today by the Caradian Pulp and Paper Assos clation. On teh other hand, ibciud- 'in above figures, the shipments newsprint and other papers show a considerable increase in the month, 26 fours Forr Wits ArFrWiamll PM. Ae te N AR MAY 2224 SAVER Boum Cea | fANcouver 88 Hous across the continent. Saves 4sengers to Winnipeg and all cities Oo being for newsprint $5,341,893, against $3,827,541 The decrease ig in chemiczPpulp. mainly, Harry in i pn ---- Stephen Flagler and ie, boys of sevanteen, | Ward and Sergt. H. Harman. They were later remanded on a charge of "theft of two bieycles, =