Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1921, p. 12

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a > THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SAO OL From The WHITE PINE THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921. GRAND TRUN AGENCY FOR ALL Constantinople years ago they appre- | cated the re good a f But now, good coffee is utiiversally known and ized . ard and W, Bailey. A box social was held in the hall on Friday evening {in aid of the baseball club. The boys {went to Sharbot Lake on Thursday iaftericon and played a friendly game RAILWAY SYSTEM with the téam there, which resulted {in a score of 25 t6 19 n favor of EIN 0 use, and the teachings of Turkey, combined with modern and sanitary methods, give us a coffey rich in fragrance and flavor--a delicacy amongst the drinks of the world. Countryside| LANARK | Sharbot Lake. The return garie wil! {be played here on the 24th. Mr. and | Mrs, P. Ritchie, also Misses Pearl and i Minnie. are visiting at Drews'. E: Brown has purchased a farm in { Wagarville and is preparing to move. | Three aeroplanes passed cver on Sai- | urday morning enroute tp Camp Ottawa Valley White Pine has a reputa- tion for quality and grading that commands respect. and our prices are right. We have in our sheds a well-se-. lected stock of Ottawa Valley. White Pine: 'OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For 'particulars apply to-- J. P. HANLEY, Borden. One met with a mishap and was foroed to land in George Flynn's' field. It was unable to proceed far- ther and had to be sent by rail. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and family, Elgin- burg, who have been visiting at R. Cox's, have returned home. Fred. |= Thompson spent Sunlsy at home. ill ---- MILLHAVEN, May 24.--Millhaven was visited with a nice shower on Sunday even- ing. The farmers are about done with their spring work. Thomas Miller has purehased a nice car. Roy FALLBROOK. or fine ground for Tricolator and percolator use. May 23.--L. G. McKerracher is | spending his vacation at his home | here, Mr. Watters has a gang of CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal, Que. 10 ' | mén painting the bridge in the vil- ---- {lage R. Anderson has been engaged W H STEVENSON A ove's Repair |as cheesemaker at McDonald's Cor- | ners for the season. William Dick- {son made a business trip to Oitawa [last week. L. Burnham, who spent Scales, Talkin Machin Bicycles, | { Baby Carriages. lawn Mowers, eto, We | the winter in Florida, is visiting his A areen "Th FEA and 'guarantee ly, ones Wilson Burnbam, in the vil satisfaction. ' ky lage. Master Alton Briggs, Peyth, iv WELLINGTON STREET spent Sunday with R. Dickson. A i . number from here will attend the Our Complete Equipment celebration in Perth on Tuesday, Mr. Balderson is preparing his class for enables us to do auto repairing in| entrance. Miss Kelly went down to the shortest possible time consistent with good work. So if you don't] Cttawa to spend the 24th with friends, Dawson Kerr has been suc- want your car 'out of commission | cessful in passing "his examinations any longer than is absolutely neces- [in Toronto. Miller isiworking G. W. Richardson's sary send it here and you'll get it farm this year, Charles Fleming is ! back again in so short a time as recovering from the effects of a EE -- ene to amaze you. stroke, Mr. and Mrs. Forwards spent |= EE === Sold in 34, 1 and 3 Ib. tins. Whole, ground C.P. & T. A, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. 7 A tA rt ay ALLAN LUMBER Co. . Phone 1042 . . _ . * Victoria Street HAIR AO AHH il Iz REIMULAR SERVICES MONTREAL--GLASGOW JUIYy BAUR. 8 ...iv.niannsinin Saturnia June 11{July 16{Aug. 20 ..;.Cassandrs N. Y., GLASGOW, (via Moville) June 1[July 2{July 30 . Cameronia June 18{Ju Columbia June 25°'Aug. «..Algeria NEW YORK-LIVERPOOL jiJune 1{July 2[July 30 ........ June TiJuly 12{Aug. 20... June 15{July 16jAug. 13 . JUIY 8 ur as .e Sept. 3/Oct. 1 Boston te Liverpdol & Glasgow Big Reduction in Pneumatic TIRES AND TUBES Call and get our prices. SUDDABY BROS. Corner Queen and Wellington Streets, Phone 1 July 9 * Castalia" 988. N. Y., Cherbourg, Shmpton ee May 24\Juns 18lJuly § ......Aquitanis HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks ed. Prices moderate. 381 KING STREET EAST Mauretania Scott's Garage Phone 1504w. ot Street. 28 Bag x When In Trouble Phone 634 Our Service Cars are thoroughly equipped with all necessities and Ready at a Moment's Notice. COOK'S AUTOSERVICE COR. KING AND QUEEN STREETS We are increasing our space in the Auto Laundry, and can thoroughly wash twenty cars per day. ~~ Being compelled to add two more mechanics in the Repair de- rtment, means only one thing-- ' - THAT OUR SERVICES AND CH ARGES ARE APPRECIATED The largest ground floor storage in Kingston ! Open day and Night "TRY THE WILLARD SERVICE | FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK =--on starting and lighting system for all makes of cars. STORAGE BATTERIES of all.makes repaired and stored at reasonable prices. Enguire about the new Willard Storage Battery. it's a wonder! I. LESSES - 19 BROCK STREET. PHONE 1340, . PROVINCE OF ONTARIO | \ 6% 15 Year Bonds Price 99.50 to Yield 6.05% 'Kindly order early and insure yourself of the above attractive price... Bongard, Ryerson & Co. """ "Zhe Honie of Good Investments." 287 BAGOT STREET. L : 85 Bay Street, Toronto. PHONE 1728. I USED CARS . Ford Touring, 1914 . ..... $250.00 Chevgglet Touring, 1918 . .. ....$550.00 «Fi ord Touring with Ford starter . . $600.00 Ford Sedan ..:............. $850.00 All cars painted and with excellent tires, all . mechanical parts in Al shape. These cars sold on easy payments. ; : 'We have now started our all night ser- vice for motorists, oe FRONTENAC 5 . BUNKER'S HILL May 24.--Everything is getting quite dry orf account of no rain. There are some here going around gathering up money for those burned out at Verona, There was a meeting in the Friends' church last Sunday. Most of the farmers have their plant- ing done, Some corn and potatoes are up. McLEAN May 23.--The bush fire is doing a lot of harm burning meadows ani fences. We had meeting on Sunday afternoon, Miss Zelda Cousins has returned home after spending the past three months at Kingston. Mrs. O'Keller and Leon are spending a| few days at Enterprise. John Em- | bury is home from Hamilton for a| few days' yisit, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cou- sins and Ross and Elva Keller spent Sunday at John Raycraft's. Miss Zelia Cousins at Milford Wagar's; ¥ | Philip Embury at Alex. Embury's cn Sunday; William Reid at Levi Snil- er's; Melville Wagar at Milford Wagar's; Mr. and Mrs. K. Beverly spent Sunday at R. Beverly's. 0SO STATION. May 21.--The farmers are planting corn and potatoes. Miss Lujlua Com- boy has returned from Kingston and many friends ,were glad to see her i able to be around again. Oscar Cham- bers left Monday to spend the sum- mer and fall months in the west. M~. fl and Mrs. Joseph Warren, also Miss Maggie Bourk and Oscar Chambers, spent Sunday at W. Kimberly's, Shar- bot Lake. Mrs. John Petters and Mrs. ll | James Comboy spent Sunday at Mrs. John Comboy's. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Mcpherson and family spent Sunday, at Willlam Comboy's. Miss Lucy Johnson and Lora Comboy. || Mountain Grove, visited at William Comboy's. PARHAM May 23.~Mr. and Mrs. M. Croak and Mrs. Black ate in the city; Mrs, G. A. Smith at T. Wagar's; Mr. Black in Toronto; Mrs. J. C. Hart- man in Kingston; Miss Ila Barr home from Toronto; Mrs. Merriman in the city; Mrs. Norris, Perth, at J. C. Hartman's; Mrs. Jack Wagar, Aru- prior, visiting friends here. Quite a number from here attended the Masonic -supper at Harrowsmith: Fred Clow met with an accident when loading pulp. The horses got frightened at the train and he was thrown from the wagon. He was rushed to the hospital but is improv- ing nicely. George Paterson and Miss Oliva Clow, of this place, were quiet- ly married in Kingston on May 20th. W. L. Goodfellow and family at W. MecCumber's, Wagarvillee T. BE. Wagar and family at T. Wagar's Wagarville; I. M. Smith, Long Lake, at J. N. £mith's. Mrs, Clow in the city; Mrs. M. Goodfellow hag re- turped from Kingston. a ! hS , MOUNTAIN GROVE Mdy 24.--Rev. Buckler preached an interesting sermon on Sunday to the ladies of the L.O.B.A. The "Tierney Family" visited this village last week with their show. Mrs. J. Lowe, Hespeler, a department speak- er for the Women's Institute lectured' in 'the church on Monday evening. A large number attended ihe Masonic banquet at Arden on Tuesday even- ing. The stork on Sunday morning lef: wee girlies at the homes of H. ASPRIN |at his home, |éerson and son spent Sunday at Wij- Saturday in Kingston. E. H. Rich- ardson, Toronto, spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. J. Hen- ton. Mrs. George Smith, Kingston, is at George Fleming's. Mr. and Mrs. H,_ Amey were In Kingstoa on Satur- day." Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laidley spent Monday in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hemp spent Sunday at Fred Hemp's. -------------- LEEDS SPECIAL FLOOR WAX JOHNSON'S and OLD ENGLISH 65c. PER LB. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 316. } -N¥ jJune $July 21]Aug. 3 ------ MORTON. May 23.--Miss H. E. Karney spent one day last week in Athens. James Moroughon is holding a sale of gen- eral merchandise. James Somerville purchased the store from W. Green. Miss Ethel Sweet, Leeds, was a re- | cent visitor at James N .Somerville's. Mrs. William Dean and daughter, Eva, Seeley's Bay, spent a couple of days at Arthur Dean's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moroughan and Mrs. Ar- thus Dean and two children spent Sunday 'at William Wills', Leeds. Quite a few attended confirmation at St. John's church on May 11th. C. Earl and O.' Burch made a trip to Smith's Falls recently, Mr. and Mrs. A. Roantree spent Sunday at H. G. Dean's, er ------ FIRES AT NORTHBROOK ~~ Have Done Much Damage--So Have The . Northbrook, May 24.--Mosquitoes arg making life in the. north rather unpleasant and some famous stories have originated as to their size and abilities. A number from here are attending the Dead Creek picnic to- day. Mr. and Mrs. Rabee, Picton dis- trict, motored in and were -Sunday Buests at the home of Mrs. William Both. : Surveyors are busy on the road from Kaladar to Cloyne and equip ment has been ordered to greatly ini- prove the new road. : Five thousand dollars is also to be expended from bere to Cloyne where it is much needed. J. L. Lloyd, Charles Both and J. H. MacDonald attended the Masonic banquet in Arden last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weed are spending a few days at Mrs. J. Parks'. Bert Cassada purchased a car from Harry Leveir, and Harry is now sporting a new one. J. H. Mae- Donald is painting C. C. Thompson's house. . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Emery, Ma- doc, Mrs. Roberts, Bannockburn, and Miss Alice Lloyd, Homilton, motored Born to Mr. and Mrs, Nathon Wood, a daughter, on May 22nd. Many fires have been raging in the neighborhood and much damage done. The Ore Chimney Mining Company lost over $1,000 worth of wood Saturday, and by hard fighting saved the rest. William Pipe has moved to Harlowe and Ig sawing logs at J. Perry's. Mrs. G. Pyke, Mrs. C. Scott, W. Cusick and Miss Lena Pyke, Kingston, were over-Sunday guests at C. C. Thompson's, A. York had the misfortune to damage his car while motoring Sunday. A car load of gasoline is expected this Week and the price will then be much fower. E. Brown, Bellevills, spent the week-end at T. Parfit's. Mrs. Gibbs and son are the guests of - Thompson. Sunday school will be held in the Methodist church each Sabbath this summer at 11 am. T HARVEY MILNE Hyslop, Rambler and Cleveland Bicycles Auto Tires and Violet Ray Lenses, Electric Carpet Cleaning, Sewing and Laying 272 Bagot Street - Phone 542 June 18 June 9{July 14jAug. 11 ) Jung 2) elit Sreranan Berengaria «» PLY. CHER. HAMBURG : 0 .....s..Saxonia ¥ige, Gibraltar, Patras, Dabrovaik, Trieste and Flume (0) Pannonia **Italia **Also calls at Vigo and Naples. **Does not call at Corunna or Havanna, Por rates of freight and further particulars ¥ 10 local sgeats or 8 GENERAL AGENTS WM KING STREET RAST ! TORONTO, ONT. (ITNT r= oe TO EUROPE | MAKE RESERVATIONS Now | MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL May 384uly i July 2 June 3lJuly 8lAug. & June 18/July 15 ... June 24[July 22 : QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL May 24/June 21|July 19 Emp. of France June 7[July § Emp. gf Britain MONTREAL TO GLASGOW May 26/July 2jAug. § Pretorian DON *Victorian June 15/July 24|Aug. 30 MONTREAL-HAVRE--LON July 9/Aug. 19|Sept. 30 July 30{Sept. 1/Oct. ¢ MONTREAL TO HAVRE-ANTWERP Montreal Montreal---South: -Aatwerp May 27|June 30/Aug. Corsican June 17|July 23 Scandinavian NE SYRUP OF TAR & COD - LIVER OIL Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchiti : Whooping Cough Aethue, Ete, os Che Curative Drona of Car eign tonic combining' he cu ative pre strengthening down for the week-end and were the; guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lloyd. Colds; when neglected or badly treated give rise to consequences of sucha grave character that you should : not risk using inferior preparations. , MATHIFU'S SYRUP fs the only putation has remedy whose see caused tocrop upmany | ON SALE of dogbitel valu, HOUSE CLEANING ~ at Blue Garages. ° A new order of things has been estab- lished : pg is restored. Our repair department is rushed with work. New cars are being sold. Watch them pas on the street. McLaughlin's ,of course. 3 ; The Standard Motor Car of Canada made by Canadians at : You are assured of courteous treatment and McLaughlin service {which h means the most efficient type.) i . % FREIGHT ONLY Approximate Salling Dates i , MONTREAL--LONDON 4 June 1 |... Bolingbroke Jure '2 Bosworth ADply to ARENS everywhere up CE Skin CA N PAC ", Traffic. Ameurs. 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar (§1.0v) wvuitlde Tee lo horsemen who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Lui tbusininetion of the Lungs. Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper etc, Send 25c. for Malling Package etc. ' Agents wanted. rite your ~ address plainly. DR. BELL, V.§,, KINGSTON, ont. GASOLINE 39c¢c. Gallon .G. C. MILLARD Cor. Main and Raglan Phone 2351 w. Portsmouth Gasoline Service Station BEST GRADES OF OILS AND | GREASES : George Granger LUMBIA SIX Et

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