ga NRG II TET i a ITISH WHIG. A Be THE DAILY BR COME EARLY BE- FORE THESE BIG Sale Of Drug Sundries| TWO DAYS ONLY MAY 27th and VALUES ARE ALL 1 FORMAL OPENING SALE BY THE NEW PROPRIETOR, M. R. McCOLL, AT PROUSE'S DRUG AND SATURDAY ONLY, MAY 27th AND 28th. THE PEOPLE OF KINGSTON HAVE PA BY+A.SPECIAL SALE VARIOUS LINES ARE BEING OFFERED TO YOU AT COST PRICE - NYALS' FRUIT SALINE SOAPS BEACON EMULSION A SAFETY RAZOR An effervescing Laxative | | ifebu --of-- in leather ket case -- valuable for sick stomach, H 6 Cakes for « COD LIVER OIL (takes a Gillette Blade)-- headaches and constipation Glycerine Soap, June Rose | Another line that will be |. complete with blade. 'A AB ALLOON FREE | Series, Bath Tablets, 10c. Sistontingul Only a few "with each bottle during | and 15c. each. On sale-- | 20oF ie or. 3%. this sale only. 3 for 25¢c. .. 69c. $1.00 size, now :-. NYAL'S AROMATIC MONTSERRAT CASCARA . LIME JUICE A safe and effective laxa- for the hot weather; regu- tive at all times--a neces- lar 60c. and $1.00. sity in every home: Sale Price . .44¢. and 74e. : 35c¢. a Bottle A Balloon Free with each OXO CUBES Bottle Friday & Saturday. 10c. and Be. - OPP. ST. ANDREW'S. CHURCH, FRIDAY HIS STORE VERY LIBERALLY AND NOW * VACUUM BOTTLES | K.&S. HOT WATER Universal -- guaranteed to BOTTLES keep hot or ' cold for 24 hours. Reg. $3.50 (pint). Price 'RAZOR STROPS Various sizes, colors and oualities. Sale Price-- 60c., 79¢., 99c., $1.49 ea. REAL VALUES Prote's Syrup of ypophosphites A real tissue-builder: and | / general tonic. Regular | price $1.25. Now on sale "TALCUM POWDER for the hot weather 30c. and 35¢: Sale Price (Every kind and color). . ARMAND'S FACE POWDER Take Armand's on our re- commendation. - If you «+ eep + 15¢., 2 for 25¢. Baby Soap-- Reg. 10c, . . .3 for 25¢. mforts-- : ../...1Bc., fer 25¢. {ll Baby Talcum-- 25c¢. each, 5 for $1.00. PURE CASTILE SOAP White Bar, on sale 19¢. ea. Get a big supply at this very special price. TOILET WATER Ww 75¢,-- NYAL'S COUGH SYRUP has proven its quality for ~ years. 35¢. and 60c. A Free Balloon with each . bottle Friday & Saturday lightful. Ideal Orchid ( Corson"s) --- for the warm days it is de- DR. HALL'S STOMACH and LIVER PILLS' --3Se.C. HALL'S COUGH - BALSAM --25¢.-- - CORNER Ly Come early and METHING BETER THAN REFRN | The Internstional Sunday School Lesson For May 20th Is: "Making the Neighbor hood Luke 10:26-37; Acts 2:44-47. Christian." -- By Willlam T. Eilis, Pekin's principal street is wafer- | 8d In summér by each merchant's - #prinkling the space in front of his | Own property. That is the way Ne- hemiah iit the walls of Jerusa- i every man built over against is own house, And that is the way Beighborhood is to' be made hristian, by each of us making him- If and his home Christian. A neigh- (tborhood is merely the sum of the | Deighbors. The whole is no better ' than its parts. . So the first duty of neighborliness is not to improve our néighbors, but to try to improve ourselves, | That is an old-fashioned notion, The modern way is to let things go d and then "reform" on a large ly le. The present vogue is for Making a "career" rather than for making a home. There is more of wholesome suggestion #h the follow- ing words of the wife of the Gov- ernor of Nebraska than dn many a chaptér on feminism: "It should cause no surprise that I am able to keep up a twenty-one room home without servants If it should seem a bit out' of the ordinary in these days, I would an- Swer - by calling attention to my grandmother . , . a producer and not a parasite. She paid her way in lite. Any help I can give my country must emanate from my home I try to live up to the tradi- tions of my ancestors, who believed in serMce and in earning your own right to exist by living constructive- The Painted House. » About the best contribution any- > taste, these youll be interested Scientific facts about in BATHING CAPS will be sold regardless of cost--all set 29c., 49c., 74c., and 89c¢. first choice. Regular prices 40c., 60c., 80c. to $1.50 ea. M. R. Mc OF PRINCESS AND CLERGY STREETS. * | convert, 5 for $1.00 CHOCOLATE BARS 6 for 25¢. Assorted Chocolates, hard and soft centres. As the name has been changed, this stock is offer- ed_below cost. The qual- ity is guaranteed. 9c. -- don't like it, bring it back and exchange it for any other you want. 50c., 75¢., and $1.00 get the {100 Tablets for ASPIRIN TABLETS The very best quality made in Canada. : Hot days make heads ache. Why suffer? Ben Bey-- 99¢. On sale 0 / body makes to the common welfare is a good example. When the wife of the Governor of Nebraska does her own housework, other Women are recalled to a sense of the essen- tial worthiness and dignity of labor in the hpme. The quickest way to community to the-doétrine paint is to paint your own house.\ Whoever travels over the land is Bertain to notice that fresh paint and well-trimmed lawns and window-awnings are epidemic: whole neighborhoods are attacked by them almost simultaneously. Of course this is the law of example and amu- lation at work. A freshly painted home is a better argument for civic beauty than an exhortation at the woman's club, Confidentially, I have grown quite sceptical of the usefulness of "re- formers' whose own children and homes 'have developed. into failures while they themselves were trying to remake "this sorry scheme of things entire." 1 know a number of such instances, Every home failure is sad, but these seem tragically so. I do not reflect upon the sincerity or altruism of these persons who, in social work, in religious work and In politics, have tried to do large ser- | vice to their time, to the neglect of their own homes; they simply for- got the oldest and divinest principle, which is 'hat a person's résponsibil- hig owl life and of fr ity is first of all family, neighborhood; for the men who buy their houses may have wealth and social position, while entirely Mck- ing in the spirit the neighborliness, which is the spirit of the Christian religion. There is a certain cele- brated and aristocratic-suburb which employs a secretary of civic affairs, and goes io extreme lengths to secure community perfection. All that money and brains can do to make the neighborhood ideal is done: but it lack simple, old-fashioned neighbor- linéss. The residents are too exclu- sive and self-centered ever to get to- gether in friendly fellowship. They want a'good neighborhood, but they Are not inclined to be good neigh- bors. : This old fashfon of folks caring for and religion, still prevails over all the néw fads for wholesale com- munity betterment. "College settle- ments," in congested centers of popi- lation, were the vogue twenty-five years ago. At present the few that survive describe themselves in terms of neighborliness; and are careful to Speak of those whom they would serve as "our neighbors." The first persons to rebel bitterly against the various forms-of = institutionalism [which are 80 often an attempted sub- stitute for sheer neighborliness are those whom they aim to benefit. Just to be a good neighbor is the first Jaw of neighborliness, " tony 'ideal "Shristian home. + +] discovery which, while it bit hard on The time has gome to cry aloud that the most far-reaching social ser- vice is done by the man or woman who lives a true life and creates an Soins Old Fashions For New, The district sales manager of a popular make of automobiles told me, the other day, that he had made a "his pride, was good for his business. "When I was given this territory I Taking Time, the Best. Shrewd politicians often try to de- feat a candidate in his own distriet: they understand that if a man is strong among the people who live closest to him he is entally SMOKES Roxoboro--reg. 10c. Sale Price On sale . . B. & H. Invincibles-- ...7 for $1.00 Prescription Druggist a ---- folks, on & plain basis of friendliness. . In like manner, Christian | --reg. 4 for 25c. PAPETERIES A special price for this sale 5c.,now . ... 19c. COLGATE'S SCOURING CLEANSER (Better than Old Dutch) While they last Two for ...... Five for . .3 for 25¢. L For a fresh morning look at the Volume Sublime; Who never had time for the soft hand of prayer To smooth out the wrinkles of la- bor and care; Who could not find time for that service most sweet, At the altar of homie, whers the dear onés all meet. : And never found time with the people of God, To learn the good way the fathérs had trod, / But he found time to dig; oh, yes! he found tiie to die. "This busy old fellow, too busy was he To linger at breakfast, at dinner, or tea, : For the merry small children, or wife; But he lived in his marriage, a bachelor life. : Too busy for kisses, too busy for play, Nb time to be loving, no time to be gay. i No time to replénish his vanishing health, No time to weaith, : 'But he found time to die; oh, yes! he found time to die. chatter of enjoy his gathering "This beautiful world had no beauty for him, La Its colors were black afd its sun- shine dim. No leisure for woodland, for river or hill. fo No time in e just to" think and Ju ite No time for his neighbors, no time for his friends, . No time for those highest, immut- able ends fans Of thé lite of a man who is not for a day, But for worse or for better, forever and aye. . But he found time to die; oh, yes!" he found time to die." CARD CASES Af (Leather) ew to clear at 19¢. Each ------ great cities; but it still rules in the coutitry and in the small towns. The Slory of our Christianity is the un- counted company of men and men, boys and girls, who daily prove their discipleship to Christ by deeds of un- selfish neighborliness They are the ones who make the 'land Christian Thelr simple, unquestioning acecept- ance of the Master's teaching of good will and helpfulness has made un- thinkable any experimentation in our favored country with the vagaries of ay unneighborly radicalism. Chriss tian neighborhoods see no need for Bolshevism. Thus were we formed as a peo- ple. the soil of Christian nelghborhdods. At the centre of this stands,' invio- late and sacred, the Christian home, a place where love for God and man are Mught, and where happiness has its abode. Given Christian homes and the result 18 a Christian neigh- borhood. Let Christ. reign in the family and He will inevitably be crowned in the community. Two Pictures of 5 : Jesus was himself better than the Good Samaritan, whom He deseribed in the parable which is the basis of this Sunday School "Lesson. The Samaritan played the role of neigh- bor to a man who was lying beaten and stripped on the highway of lite. Jesus came to abolish conditions which lead to erime and need. His Gospel forms chatacter fo that there is no need of reform. . ; Our national roots are 'all in," 1921 Simmers Seeds 4 packages for . .. messed at historic religious revivals, The healed and their friends leaped and shouted and sang, praising God for this resurrection. ' In these two pictures is all "the difference between reform snd re- generation. To make a bor~ hood Christian is to give it Hte--~tun; free, brotherly life--such as fs the right of the friends of Christ, ~, Charleston, lost & horde; May 13--Davia Young animal got out of the stable at night and died from the effects of an § over feed of EE! i" I -