et lA P2} LV WF IRE A Star from Nobility -- "Buried Treasure" ~ Alice Cal-| | houn~- "Queen of Sheba" ~A Managing Star -- "Passion Flower" | OBILITY has made Its bri!llant|sweetheart to Santa Catalina, where he -- A Prize Beauty. entrafide into the motion pictures | finds much buried treasure and which with the coming of Lady Diana Manners, world famous beauty ang English soclety leader. Lady Di- Ana is the daughter of the Duke and . Duchess of Rutland high in the ranks of the English court, and it probably " requirad considerable courage to I1g- pore the precedent of her exclusive set and join thé ranks of the picture folk. The new luminary brings not only a | enables him to marry her. { Mhrough the courtesy of California's | multi-millionaire, John D. reckels, | many of the striking scenes were made half-millien fon his palatial | yacht, "The Vene | Alice Calhoun | Alice Calhoun recently completed {her second starring yehicle, "The dollar i Sheba won the hearts of the people {by her wise rule. The ancient glory of the realm returned, but more glori- | ous than all the treasures of the king- {dom was the beauty of its queen. Of { this men spoke everywhere, so that |{ts renown reached the ears of great Solomon himself. To him Sheba went rare, aesthetic. quality to the screen, | Charming Deceiver," which gives her and Solomon. himself was dazzled by the famous queenly presence, but she |an opportunity to display her highly |tnhe beauty of the queen.' All his wis- brings in addition dramatic experi-| emotional dramatic talents. This pic-| dom and all his power he laid at her ence gained thro functions in London society. "Buried Treasure" _ The story begins with a prelude ~ showing the supposed antecedents of " Pauline Vandemmsuellen (Marion Da- vies), in various epochs, each sup- * posedly having the same soul as Pau- line, and handing it on from genera- tion to generation. The play proper | Sheba groaned under the usurper's| § Opens at a masquerade party in the | | ¥ ¥ 4 mansion of William Vandermuellen, & Wall street capitalist. Pauline is at- tired as a Spanish senorita and when @ gazes in the mirror she feels in & vague way that she sees herself as "she appedred In & bygone age. The scene then shifts to two pirate _ ships where Pauline's father is seen fdentical with 'El Diablo, one of the gruelest of pirates, and all of the other characters appear also as they were formuarly., Pauline guides her poor THIS COUNTY LOCK-UP LIKE GAMBLERS' DEN Sheriff Allowed Poker Games .and Took Inmates on Frips. Albany, May 25.--Testimony that Sheriff John Selley, Jr., of Reas- selaer county had paid a discharged prisoner $50 in settlement of a poker debt incurred while the prisoner was an inmate -of the county jail, that prisoners hag accompanied him on trips to Philadelphia and Syracuse, and that he had given orders that the police should not be notified of the tescape of two prisoners from the in- stitution. featured the opening of a hearing before a committee of the State commission of prisoners in 'con- f mection with allegations of lax man- 'agement # the committee that -when on the, part of Sheriff ey. Undersheriff George T: Morris told Herbert Craig, a prisoner, was released on 'March 19th he was given a check for 0 by the sheriff. =~ When the wit- asked Deputy Sheriff Henry illen the reason for the payment, e reply was: "He won that playing poker in the iL.» { The undersherif said that fre- uently the sheriff 'took prisoners h him on trips to other cities. James Costo formerly employed at Jail and suspepded by Sheriif ley two weeks ago testified that y sheriff knew the prisoners wero mbling but did het care. Some prisoners, Costo said, Were mitted to come and go as they i Belleville Lady yowlers : Belleville, Ont., May 26.--The of- rs of the Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club were elected as 'ollows: Hon, idents, Mrs. Thos. Ritchie, Mrs. Guss Porter; president, Mrs, S. er; vice-presidents, Mrs. G. De- 8, Mrs. D. M. Waters, Miss A. ley, Miss Claire Wallbridge; séc- , Mrs J. W. Kennear; treas- Mrs. R. B. Chadwick; 'captain 0, Miss A. Hurley; games com- Mrs, A. Affleck, Mrs. F. 8. mflerson, Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Miss Macléan; sk Miss Maclean, 'Hurley, Mrs. Mrs Dolan, Mrs. D. M. Waters; tea com- tee, Mrs. H, W. Ackerman, Mrs. Death of Rev. H_ Sy ld attack of pneumonia superven- on a serious operation performed e three weeks ago, the Rev, Hi Symonds, vicar 6f Christ Church + died Tuesday Bist in the picts the charming young star in a scene with the famous old playe Charles Kent. As a school girl (only a few months back), Alice dreamed of he day when she would appear with him in pictures. That dream has come {when true. "Queen "Of Sheba" The ancient and glorious kingdom, of heel. Armud, the tyrant, taking the throne by treachery, held it by ruth- less deeds. Sheba, the beautiful, the rightful ruler, dwelt with her father and sister, Nomis, in. & tent. Armud seized Nomis and carried her oft to his palace. She drowned herself ina lily ppol; and Sheba swore to avenge her sister, and lay the usurper jow. By woman's wiles she won him but on the wedding night, before all the feasting guests, she stabbed him to the hearty h seasons of social | ture from her current photoplay de-| feet: Adonijah, brother to the king, saw {now his chance to seize the throne, {but he found Sheba always a stum=- | bling-block to his plans. But the time {came when Sheba must leave, and after much wandering she | reached her own land, she brought as a gift to her people a baby prince, whom the people, acclalfiing him as the son of Armud and Sheba, hailed as their king to be: When the little prince was five years old he was sent as an envoy to Solo- mon. The traitor Adonijah saw in the boy a new peril to his plans. Beeing that he must strike now or not at an, he seized the little prince and had him locked in the Tomb of the Kings. The selge went on. Assault after assault by Adonijah brought him near- er and nearer to victory, but he had reckoned without Sheba, who had dis- pvaichad a great army *o Solomon's A AA A AANA Atl), ANNA tN MontrealvGeneral Hospital. He was born in 1860 in Suffolk, England, and came to Canady at the age of 21, griduating at Prinfty Col- lege, Toronto, in 1886. He was or- dained priest in 1887, and lectured at TIN NNN NANNING NINN Trinity for five years, In 1892 he became rector of St. Luke's, Toronto, and in 1901 took the headmastership of Trinity school, Port Hope. He was appointed vicar of Christ Chureh Cathedral in 1903. Art at A A Nl A rai. Pout THE VERY MAN Physician: This medicine is to be tak: I'm just: the man to take it, 3 Patient: house. RICHARD Hl UP-TO-DATE Actor: The next line is: "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!" 3 3 Manager: But, my dear fellow, that will scarcely be ! understood . this day----make it an automobile! 1st Tomato: * What do the farm- ers do with all the tomatoes they calse? 2nd Tomato: can, and can all they can't. " br on an empty stomach. r; | live at a boarding ' SENSIBLE " He: | ¥' know, "in the spring a young 's fancy She: Yes, I cany old thing in I prefer to wait Llirmved Terrien, - « HN a Co oc ere Co > yy 7 ZRF CIATAYTRAE Docerinem lo. ald, herself leading the van. She ar- rived at the dedtisive moment of the battle, Adonijah was killed and Solo- mon wounded. The prince was brought out of the Tomb of the Kings, the Sol- omon wept fof joy when he saw him. | Sheba wept too for her love that could have no fulfillment. "Passion Flower" Sunny Spain is colorfully and faith- fully transplanted to the screen as the background for "The Passion Flower," Accidentally Shoots Himself Norma Talmadge's latest production. This is an adaptation of the stage play of the same name by Jacinto Bena- vente, one of Spain's greatest living dramatists, Miss Talmadge takes the part of Acacia, the entrancing and flery daughter, who spurns the love of her jealous stepfather and is the center of a most romantic and tragic tale, Courtenay Foote appears in the role of Esteban, the stepfather, while Harrison Ford is seen as Norbert, the lodged near the shoulder blade. The THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921. Lr? -- : AFP ! (77% Lrrorrcyz Por er ee ei aie ------ poet.and lover of Afacla. Spanish peasant life, its Intense love, tragedy, jealousy and hatred, all this js sald to be ably portrayed in this film. J. Warren Kerrigan Mr. Kerrigan was bbrn at Louisville, Ky., in 1889N Iie was educated at the University of Chicago, and Began his stage career in "The Road to Yester- day." He soon went to the screen however and has taken the leading part in many successes, He now di- rects and manages his own plays as well as acts them, S. Smith, aged sixty-eight, struck by Cornwall, Ont., May 26.--While | young man is making favorable prog- |s truck of the Watertown Fruit com- target shooting here, Chestér Berto- lette, fifteen-year-old-son of Mrs. C, Bertolette, accidentally shot himself. The bullet entered his abdomen and ress, Dies From His Ifijuries. Watertown, N.Y., May 26.--John : Y OH--H~--H! A "Are those the two girls you dated up for us? "Yep, some pippins, eh!" "Gosh! One of 'em's my wife" "He. flooded the hall with his "I understood it was an overflow - in i rly pany at Mill and Moulton streets Sat« urday, died on Monday night at the City hospital, Death was due to shock and posgibly internal injuries. Mig : Anetha Getwell Anetha Getwell, the prize beauty, who David Wark Grimith, Mary Pick ford, Howard Chandler Christy and other experts in pulchritude selected as the most beautiful of more thas 100,000 of Ameriéa's prettiest girls, in the big beauty contest held last years by several of the leading motion ple- ture magazines, is to make her debit as a full fledged screen , picture is an criginal ry written especially for her by Mary Lee, th well known magazine writer, entitled "On the Back Lot." condition tmmediately following the accident was not considered serious. He was bbrn In Canada, coming here five yeard ago. Surviving are a bro- ther, Thomas Smith, and a sister, Mre. W, J. Mulloy, both of Canada. IN THE APPLE TREE : Redbird: You sh: Bluebird: They have charming manners! Redbird: Quite so; but don't be taken in by that. "A new broom sweeps clean." "Then why ask me to buy you a vacuum cleaner?" . ould have nothing to do'with snakes, USUAL RESULT "Had quite a scrap with my den- tist. He said | ought to have the tooth out and | thought it ought ¥ kit did the fight enar" * GLUMSKY THINGS "When | was at the seashore | bad 'several men at my feet" "| had several on my fest every