Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1921, p. 12

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or "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, om ee aD = On the Old Farm Springtime I was out driving a three-horse team on the disc harrow," writes Mr, Edward Crane, of Kinburn, Ont, * when part of the harness broke. » While fixing it, one of the horses kicked out and knocked my arm against the sharp edge of the harrow. 1 was severely cut about the elbow and wrist, "Not being able to leave work to get the wound dressed, dirt got into it, and my arm grew so stiff an painful that it looked as if I was in for a bad time. As soon as I could, I washed the wound and dressed it with Zam-Buk Next day the Arm was much less sore, and the stiffness less troublesome, -*1 continued to use herbal Zam-Buk freely and in a few days it healed the injuries splendidly. Zam-Buk should be on every farm." Zam-Buk is the purest, safest and most wonderful healing substance in the world. Invaluable for eczema, ulcers, ringworm, poisoned sores, burns, scalds, pimples, boils, and other s ring skin eruptions. All dealgrs 50c. x, 8 for 81.25, or from Zam. Buk Co., Toronto. Sh COLUMBIA SIX It'S the shutters that make the Colunibia Six a trae all Weather Car, EDMOND WALSH, Agent i Central Garage Auto Repairs a Specialty, 335 King St. -« + Phone 2188. 'Service Station | gps GrADBY OF OILS AND GREASES George Granger STOMACH TROUBLE It Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, Pre- vents Food Fermentation, Sour, Gassy Stomach and Acid Indigestion. 3 Doubtless if you are a sufferer from indigestion, you have al- ready tried pepsin, charcoal, drugs and various digestive aids and You know these things will not cure your trouble--in some cases do not even give relief. i But before giving up hope and de- ciding you are a chronic dyspeptic Just try the effect of a little bisurated magnesid--not the ordinary commer- jcial carbonate, citrate, oxide or milk, but the pure bisurated mag- nesia. which you caf obtain from . Practically. any druggist. in either Powdered or tablet form. Take a teaspoonful of the powder Or two compressed tablets with a little - water after your next meal; and see what a difference this makes, It will instantly neutralize the dang- erous, harmful acid in the Stomach, which now causes your food to fer- ment and sour, making Eas, wind, flatulence, heartburn ang the bloated Or heavy, lumpy feeling that seems to follow most everything you eat, You will find that provided you take a little hisurated magnesia im- 'mediately after a meal, you can eat © almost anything and enjoy it without any danger of pain or discomfort to follow and moreover, the continued use of the bisurated nesia can- not injure the stomach in any way a8 long as there are any symptoms of acid indigestion. - 100 acres 7 giles out ' 97 acres 8 mlles out ..v.. * $0 acres 7 miles out ... $3800 120 acres 8 miles out i" ++ 83700 100 acres 10 miles out 175 acres § miles out cred 87 acres eight miles out ........96300 + 112 acres 13 miles OUL siviepsiay 100 acres 4 miles out Shes aNay iy 125 acres 9 miles out - 208 acres 12 miley OUL dadinuenn 160 acres 5 miles out Via 115 acres 9 miles to Napanee vos J BTSTS ~ 1 acre, good new cottage and barn, on house well and cistern, 3 miles out =price right. Tis 'FARMS FOR SALE INES FRON THE DISTRICT Bright Exchanges--Brief Items Full of Interest. The assesebr's figures make the po- | pulation of Carleton Place 3,420 and [the assessed value of property is $1,- 1523,219. | The assessed value of A nprior's {land and buildings is $1.5 4¢ ) and the population is 4.073 ae rding to the returns of the assessor Mrs. A. Meehan, Pembroke, died suddenly, aged eighty-three years, Her son was with her half an hour before she passed away. While hanging a picture on Thurs- day morning Miss Myra Frood, Ren- frew, fell off the step ladder and frac- tured one of her legs below the knee. i A memorial lectern of oak will bs {dedicated in. Christ church, Belje- [ ville, next Sunday, Rev. Dr. R C. | Blagrave, Peterboro, conducting toe | ceremony. The Renfrew Roller Mills have just received a large order for flour for | export. This order was secured {through Mr. Low's, London, England, [ottice, and it is expected other orders of a similar nature will follow Mrs. Elizabeth Westfall, widow of the late George Westfall, Bellevilla, passed away Saturday at the home of her son, where she nad lived the | bast eight years. Surviving Mrs. Westfall are five sons. Mrs. W. Chambers, Thurlow town- | ship, Passed away on Victoria day at | the - residence of her son, (eorge | Chambers. Picton, with whom she was visiting, Deceased was seventy- two years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Martel announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Evelyn, Cornwall, to Constable Howard C. Farrell, of the RC. M.P., | Ottawa, which will take place the { 6th June, in Cornwall, Ont. Kehoe Bros. have started work on the erection of a new business block iat Pembroke o8 tho old Thibodeau property adjoining the new building i | | | i { being erscted by B. Leacy and which { they recently purchased from Mr. | Leacy. > Mrs. M. A, McCloskey, Aurora, Ont., announces the engagement of her third daughter, Lena Matilda, to William James Buffam, second son of Mr. and Mrs. John lI. Puftam, Lan- eri, the marriage to taks place the latter part of May. The death occurred at Niagara Falls on May 24th, of John A. | Thompson, #$icton. Mr, Thompson had been ill with grippe but had re- | covered. He was then taken ill with pneumonia which caused his death. j He was born at Big Istand, Prince | Edward. 1 ------ | ALMONTE VISITED BY A ROBBER BAND Four Stores Burglarized and Safes in Each Instance Are Broken Into, In ------ a Almonte, May 27.--For the sec- ond time in two weeks Almonte was visited by robbers. On Tuesday morning the stores were burglarized of M, R. McFarlane, druggist; W. E. Scott, furniture store; Knight Bros., hardware, and Ww, E. West, general merchant. So far none of the par- ties concerned are able to state definitely their losses but it is be- lieved that valuable papers - and goods. have been taken. ' In Me- i Farlane's and Scott's and West's Stores the safes were broken into in each instance and the contents com- pletely and Systematically rifled. Evidently the burglars took their tinte. A small sym of money and valuable papers are missing from each safe. A quantity of gold- mounted fountain pens and some cameras and other goods were stol- en from McFarlane's store. In Knight Bros." store the till was broken into and about $30 in cash taken. The local police authorities have taken prompt action in the matter and developments are early expected. : - ess League of Dress Reform. Belleville, May 27.--The Women's Christian Temperance Union of this |i has taken up the problem of dress reform, and is recommending to the provincial executive the forma. tion, under the moral education de- partment, of a League of ress Re- form for women: That thers is oocas- ion for such seems to be the opinion of social and moral reformers, " Back From Russia, Brockville, May 27.--Atter more | than four years in Russia ang China { Bert McCrory, an automobile mech- | ane} returned to his home here to- day. He went to Russia in 1916 with a number of automobile tracks for use in connection with the Russian army, and was afterwards in business there until the Red re®olt forced him to leave for Shanghai, China. ---- i ' The cow of the water butfalo gives exceptionally rich milk. The Mohammedan always faces when he prays, Ancient Romans read omens from ee -- REXTRA WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE TODAY, SATURDAY AnD MONDAY Fabrics Like In The Old Days-Order Your New LATE JAMES KEATING | Lansdowne Mourns the Death of One | of Its Best Men Lansdowne, May 25.--The commu- | nity was greatly shocked Monday to {hear of the death of James Keating, | : which oceurreg at the home of his {daughter, Mrs Leacock Brockville, {Sunday evening, after only three {days' illness, of peritonitis. The late | | Mr.- Keating was a life-long resident | | of Lansdowne, and was about seven- [ty-five years of age, Few men had | the general reputation for honesty, | uprightness and square dealing that | he possessed. He was owner of a | | fumber of cheese factories, but had | | disposed of his interests during the | last few years and had a new resi- | j dence here almost finished. The fu- jneral was held on.Tuesday to the | | Presbyterian church here. The body was interred in Lansdowne ceme- | tery. One daughter survives, his wife and younger daughter having Passed away a few vears ago. Zeba Austin, who has been very ill for several months; and who recently returned from Kingston General hos- pital, was taken iI again and re- moved on Wednesday to Brockville General hospital. Miss Mary Nunn, who has been in Saskatchewan the past year, has re- turned - home. J. M; Stoops, Fort | William, spent a few days with his | uncle, John Stoops, last week. Miss Anne Dixon pneumonia. Mrs, James Douglas, who has been ill for a long time, is very low and unconscious, ------------_---- { Auto Mishap At Adolphustown. | Adolphustown, May 256.--On ac-| [count of the large quantity of milk | | Boing into the cheese factory now, it | was necessary to work on Saturday | night. At the May meeting of the | Women's Institute, Mrs. Herbert | Trumpour was elected president. Mr. | and Mrs. L. L. Price and sons and | Miss S. Price, Selby, spent Saturday | at W. J. Magee's. Albert Chalmer | and sister, attended the funeral of | the late Mr. Grey, Kingston, Jast | | Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew jand sons' were recent visitors ar W. D. Roblin's. James Bird's brother, | Arthur Bird, and nephew, Gerald, | Hamilton, arrived from | Donegal | | county, Ireland. Misses Mabel, Kath- | |leen and Gertrude Price, Napanee, | [speitt the holiday with their 'aunt, | Mrs. William Magee. G, and iF, Loyst | are building an addition to W, H.| Hawley"s house. C..P, Allen and dau- | | ghter had a narrow 2scape from al | serious accident fast week when their | | cdr crashed through the railing of a | Bo serious damage was done to the car. James Bruce has moved to Wm. McCrudden's house. ---------- ee Wedding at Elginburg, Elginburg, May 26.--The farmers throughout this neighborhood are finished with their spring seeding. The Prospects of good crops are very promising. On Wednesday, May. 18th, © Miss Ethel Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Sr. became the bride ot Chancey Simpkins, son of Mr. and Mrs, Baily Simpkins, both of Elginburg. On their return from a trip to Watertown and Boonville, "a reception was given for them at thelr home on Monday evening. The bride was the recipient of many useful gifts. B. Tolls is sawing lumber on his farm. Hg has employed James Reid, Glenburnia, to assist him. On Wednesday afternoon, Niram Spooner, ;Kingston, Passed away af- ter an illness of several months. To Mrs. W, Clogg, daughter of the de- ceased. and to Mrs. M. Tolls, sister, is 'extended the sympathy of their friends. Mrs. H. Bearance and Mrs er motored to Pleasant val. ley to-day to visit Hughes. Mr. ang Mrs. and Miss Eva Pearson were recent visitors at Charles Frazer's. Mr, and Mrs. D. Reid, Kingston, also Mr. and Mrs. B. Simpkins, Perth Road, visit- ed among friends recently, -- At Camden East, Camden Bast, May 25. -- R. J. Glover spent a few days at Enoch Snider's, * Wilton. John Borden, Watertown, spent a few days ar George Babcock's. Mrs. T. 0. Good- win and son, Arnott, returned home rsday. Miss Blen- » Bethel William Galbraith, a few days with eturning home an bridge on the 2nd concession. Fortu- |- nately they escaped uninjured, he | . ey Sproule, Odessa, called on friends in the village on Sunday. Miss Nellie Hicks has sold her house to John Border. A number fron here motored to Verona on Sun- day to see the damage done by. the fire. Mr. Hunt and family, 'Yarker, have moved into 8. L Williams' house. Mrs. Frank Coakwel] and children spent Tuesday with her uncle, David Hicks, Morven. Several from here attended the celebration at Picton on Victoria day. William Loucks t Parham. Miss Nellie Hicks returned home to To- Tonto on. Tuesday after spending the Past two weeks With friends. Mrs, Overcoats Tailored =To-Your-Measure We can and do sa supply that offers a, t Tailored-to-Measure, with. Extra Pants without addi- ~tional charge. Wisit any one of our 40 Quality Tailor Shops, examine the fabrics and let us take your measure. PANTS RTE OU will find" meny wearing English: & Scotch, Woollers Co, T. ailored-to-Measure' Clothes everywhere on the highways \_ and in the byways--everywhere that men are conspicuous because of their individuality ; and . wells groomed appearance. English & Scotch Woollen Co. patrons know; that they get a *Square-Deal" at any one of our 40 Quality Tailor Shops--that we offer good clothes jTailored-to-Measure; Suits and Overcoats at extremely 'moderate prices--that our Clothes are made 'of Quality Fabrics, that give satis- faction until they have given their full quota of service, As a" special indusement Today, Saturday" and; Monday we will give to every patron who orders a Suit "or an Overcoat an Extra- Pair of Pants without additional at NGLISH & Scotch Woollen Co. Tailored:to- Measure Clothes are made of Fabrics --they are Clothes of real sterling quality, they are made, stylish, perfect-fitting, and are all that good clothes could be. = ; y in all sincerify--that to the best of our knowledge there is no greater value return than that found in our Clothes, OF MONTREAL Y Many others to choose from. the tight op birds, : : "A | © 79 Princess Si. - Kingston, Ont. | er Montreal Tailors With the $20 Price' -- Stores From Coit to Coast Joyceville Notes, y Joyceville, May 25.--7The rain has done much good to the crops and gar. dans. & men from hers Played a game of quoits at Cushen- dall on the 24th. Mrs, Legit Woods | left on Wednesday to vist her par- a3 Free oh : ; Write for vistt Out-of-Town Men frre - returned home after - ' - he funeral of her brother. ms a Toronto, Mrs. Pp. ount Chesney on| Dr. Haight has p rehased F. G.| On Thursday Sanford Reddick, re- Vincent Kouber, Napines, has sol Siteq Jriends a: Moun § > | Agnew's ge od ooh Sherbburae {siding on the fourth is monumatit business to H « L | street. Bancroft. Mr. Agnew is mov. Sidoey, passed away, heart failure | Gordon, Toronto, late of A ! Wilberforce, where he has being the cause of death. - Scotland. 5 away at Renfrew. Deceased was a |puschased he Store of W. B. Martia. | Breckrille Rotary Club will raise] James Boyce, Newburgh, left of .| former Beifevillan, son of the late] Milk 1s down to ten cents & quart one thousand dollars tn Zefray the Saturday for a visit with his soy Charles Doran, oe in Belleville, : expenses of Boy Scouts' uniforms. William A Boyce, in Syracuse. N > 3 y £4 J

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