THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1081. Fre Pbk Lote [{ STRAND ~ie ) : * _e a » 10¢. we DIG ee 10¢. ; he . PLES FORUM | « | || tii sine I= 5. poromer csc, ATE : SATURDAY MORNING byt i AT il a.m, JOHN C. LATHROP, C.S.B. Specially for the 30 Shivers -- 10 Sere echen--oo Uprearious ! : oe] 10¢. -- Children -- 10e | La ugha Orehes : Board of ne. Mass, Jhember no ihe CONCERT By the Fam ous Strand tra Scientists, in oston, Mass, will be FOR SALE i] given in the-- 2 em CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: WANTED GENERAL First insertion, 1c. a word. Each sun 1) , -- rT ok Secutly - insertion thereafter, hal ' . ga ENO. | DE 3 P, 36x42. J. S. urch Edifice, 35 Joh Street . ps : eed Seat a Word. -siinimum coarge fur| POSITION BY COMPETENT STENO. | FOUND OAL DESK GLASS TOP, 36x4 % %5 Johnson Sux A E N WHERE PICTURES AND MUSIC I : 3 : OF QUALITY RULE! amelie one insertion, 2§c; three insertions Sishher. Experienced. Phone BICYCLE AT VICTORIA PARK, EVENING ; 80 cents. 153sw, Sorner Brock and Alfred Sts . | | AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS. CANOES. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 27h. -- The above rates are for cash only, TO PURCHASE HOUSE AND LOT IN Owner may have same by ap- Phone §11. F. W. Cooke. At 8.15 O'clock : : NES v ged they e double. Kingston. Around $8,000. Apply plying to Mr. Baker, co. R - -- raoNE || YOu and your friends are cordially }! NOW PLAYING ! -- Elmer's Barber Shop. A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. 3 hae | invited. The Greatest Racing Drama of the Season ! WANSE Box R-26, Whig Office. A SMALL LADY'S FUR COLLAR. | | 34, DetWeen 2 aon. ard oo, | " ¥ HELP WANTED. - a = ! HALL 1A ' Ly AL n - ee -- --{ AY DhanLY COUPLE WOULD LIKE ing at Fhe Club 352 brio: WALL PAPER FROM 12e. to 20¢. PER | , 1 HE COUNTY FAIR & small sized: house: 4 or 5 rooms plying at The Club, 112 Prin- ) i INE i IFER- ; ; ¢ 5, Whig p 11, at Hancock's, 155 Bagot St. | : iat 9} A GUOD GENERAL pAb; REX ER by Ist of July. Box T-26, W nig cess Street. : i roll 0 5 =} TO LET. ; With WESLEY BARRY, Suppor ted by an All-Star Cast . - -- 4 | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- | ONE ICE CREAM WAGGON AND TWO "URNISHED HOUSE CAL Every Day Is a Big Day at the County Fair! A a Lau anay bien Abe] valu 10 RENT. ABOUT 300 AcCRus, HEED Fuse, d Bn Mushines. "Apply 58 Say, » ity. Apply Batemans heal or | Come Early. Bring the Children! , Piy Kingston teneral 1 chaser ctieal farmer; view i» pur- Apyone finding anything and -- re | -- - "ASHES OF LOVE" Episode Eleven "SON OF TARZAN A GENERAL SERVANT, A JP 0, E. Toronto. : { Wishing to rescu toe owner may A COMMODIOUS MAHOGANY SECRE-| FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; SELECTIONS FROM .... "TAKE IT FROM ME" the evemnyg to 36 ilar € : uo 80 wy reporting the 1acts to } tary. Apply ty Mrs. Rodger, 151 all improvements; centrally locat- Homan, Di ag Hn a ae semen ont. | YECOND-HAND CPRIGHT PIANO The Brician Whi. Tae adver | Earl Street. €d. Apply 243 Brock Street. recy ] 'L JENERAL HOUSEWORK, a or ; i tisement wi. ie printed in " - . - - HRs on tic A giouanmy fan ul raanohayuisar of new | | lsemen free of . | AN (IDEAL? WATER POWER WASH. | 30 ACRES OF GOOD PASTURE; WELL WA H A Say Limited, 121 Princess stroet. "Found articl ing machine; almost new. Apply watered. Apply A. C. ay, R 1, MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK cluge ivst dog cattle, : 198 Nelson street. Kingsten or.gphone 1100 R3-3. | y 8 Win, RMC. | LAWN MOWERS ND. WiLL ete, These, 11 i0st, may - - h--ry pouty Pr Hid Amls ' call at your aS aan, your Vertised for in the Lost' column. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES| UNFU RNISHED FLAT, CLOSE TO CAR ---- -------------- sp eet tm -- : lawn mower properly. Drop al lemm------ i bought and sold. Palmer's Garage, line; suitable for light housekeep- A MAID, GENERAL HOUSEWORK, card to Ww. Kelly, 47 Ellerbeck | s=------c-- | corner Bagot and Queen Street. ing. Apply 377 Alfred Street. Ask Yo Gr er LEARN . TO DANCE oc : v wk my Street. Pr 2047w. op . a : . , ur oC Tomiie. 07 ant ARy Mrs. 2.) Street: Faone 20i7w LOST. | DUILDING LOTS, $10 CASH AND 5.00 STABLES AND SHEDS OX CORNER All the Inteat dances tausht at the we -- : : . oh EPI rb Eee |! i per month. J. 8. R. McCann," 86 | of, Wellington and Barrack street, FOR ? Garden Studios. Lessons given by ape & MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN T0 TARE |g TT ONE, RUBNER ROSE OIL WAG. | Brock Street." Phone 32 or 621. by Muy Ist. ADply 31 Rideau St. § Poy udian, tare of an lnvaliv lady and do ye. I vcarsiug married 'man with four Buh 28 200 inst, heiween IEing- Poros RIAND: DAVENPORT, | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND CARD) WAGSTAFFE'S MES. 8. COHEBN Hl BROCK ST. : o one . Je lence: 'v mr eral housework. Apply to Ur years' banking - experience and a | siun and path, E | Happy ? m me 11 s 1 . ei stor Happy Thought lange, parlor all improvements, centrally locat- H. Oldham, Yarker, Ont r table--all practically new. Apply ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. Ontario Street. (Opposite G. T. RK. Sta. sale and retail grocery trade, de- <> i 7 John Street. ' 78. A GENERAL MAID; ONE WHO AN sires permanent position, either +] ON FOR JUN AND PrULY, MEDIUM | . | sized furhished house in' good local- i PURE FRUIT | ' Cook; middle-aged prefered Alsc | lu office or groceries. Capab | wilh nadine "Biddy { - | . rT a woinan 9 Su house cleaning # | © Feforences. Must be permanent, 3 ward for return 0 fos BiG SAL nly--500 Bievere Fires U8 Ly. Apply Box Q-26, Whig Office. | ; Pp rs. C0 slidersiecve, v Apply Box 325. Napanee, Ont. | ing ustabiishinent. 2 . sale at George Muller's Bicycle ) 3 xin i i Tan. Works. 371-373 King street. | A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, JAMS AND MARMALADE 8 Street. * PRP x 44 > * , ens LADY Halbe : a Sun A 146 Montreal St, all improvements. purs A i > } thoroughly experienced in whole- bd tion. Phone 18 TIT TIPOPN Ne | al | PLuMBE, ALSO sTRAsFreTen | TY : rr LCE : G : > 99 ring 3. Vacant April 6 oz. Glass Po first class Mien ony. Siew, work | Semmes - Na revs als, Jug dich. Ke: | GENLINE GHAMOAGLA his diy] Phone 1093 ring 3 } Aoi |{ Sold in13 and 15 oz. Glass Pots : : year round for goud mechanics Ape) ? turn to Waig Office ana receive Tesi Terms $7 cash; §6 per month. CW. and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins Ki t G al Eo Th Io Laues and experience : ward | Lindsay, Limited 331 Princsscise" | a FURNISHED LARGE FRONT ROOM mgston ener o on Lew hy » Belle- - - 5 Se----- -- 1 -- --all conveniences. Apply 313 Uni- ville. PR. AX KNAPE, DENTIST." OFFICE | Wie, 1HE PERSON Wire PICKED pyre BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE Yersity avnue or phone $52W, after Hospital r | 238 Princess Street. Phone 652w. up lauy's silver purse witu chain, | eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 3 p.m. * i P SALESMAN WANTED--TO HANDLE | ---- AL Conen's aance ball, (shape ol & to $5.00 for 15. Also 60 egg Cha- . line of Shoe Findings, by House | DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. Cigaretie case) please leave at the tham Incubator. J. Turner, Ports- APARTMENTS, UNFURNISHED; ALL i i modern; bright, airy rooms, $25 specializing in Laces, ete. Good lists, 159 Wellington street, over Wag uifice. Reward. i mouth, Phone and $30 a month, at 520 Princess Sealed Tenders, marked "Tender for Toposition tur live wire Apply Carnovsky's. 346. ro Fea | aces, Box 170, Station B., Mont- DR. RUPEE ott | ON MAY 26th, A GOLD WRIST WATCH | COKE FOR SUMMER USE; CHEAPEST street, . real. : DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 WHA Initials M. L. J. on back, in | fue¥ on the market. We are de- n Service Building, Kingston General A---- Princess Street. Phony 11850% Open Cricket rield or on Bagot street. | livering 1-4 tons at $2.5 4 A MODERN BRICK HOUSE WITH ALL Hospital," will be received by the un- i evenings by appointmdnt. Finder please return to Whig and| at $4.75, or a full ton $9.00. improvements; in good locality. dersigned up till 12 o'clock noon, on COME AT ONCE--MEN $6-10 DAILY, ne ------ receive reward. Phone 1611m. W. (. Bruton. Possession June 1st. Phone 2251m or Friday, the 10th day of June, 1921, for | Special short courses; one month » a | Box K-21, Whig Office. Auto Mechanics' course $30; one] DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. | 5A BLACK WALLET ON QUEBEC ST. | wg SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF FRIDAY 6 p m all trades under a general contract $50; | sumed practice at 92 Princess St. containing avout 340.00. Uwner's | musical instruments, also cloth- | FURNISHED ROOMS; SUPPLIED ' » . for the above building. Tenders to be upon forms furnished by the Archi- month Gas Tractor Course . A plenty of time to finish for el over Bank of Nova Scotia. name on rubhie Library card. Find- ing and furniture. Call and get cur With running water, at 406 John- . . spring rush. Hemphill Bros. Auto 1502J. er piease return to ¢ Uhestnut St. prices. L. Routbard, 25% Princess son. To rent by day, week or Gas Tractor School. 183 King st. ne "ana receive reward, or phone 12474. street. Phone 1723. month. Phone 997m. Deferiet, N.Y. vs Ponies tects, W., Toronto. Boarq and room pe : An accepted bank cheque, made pay- $5.50 up. Call or write. ¢ ARCHITECT \ COLBORNE, CHATHAM OR PRIN. | UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO (NORD- | TO RENT, OR FOR SALE, COTTAGE r-- Able to the order of the Board of Tens. cess streets, on Mey, 13ty, Chiid's feimer), mahogany, cages in, excel on ole Juand warer.froal; large * tees, Kingston General Hospital, for ; POWER, SON AND DREVER, AR » brown teddy bear, valueq as Keep- ent condition. Also eariy Englis garden; handy to 0 anding hy a MMEITIONS MEN WHOSE ABILITY tects, Merchants Bank Th ARCHL Sake. Iinder Kindly return to 341) Juission pihina _Cubinet. Apply Box | Phone 12 r 2," Wolfe Island. SATURDAY, 3 Pam. 2% of the tender price shall accom. n their present po on is not re- corne f Brock y Joauson sireet ana receiv ener- J-20, Whig 0 ce, for particulars. » cognized, and wno aspire to do sno and Wellington Ous reward, tite STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, . . pany the tender together with'a bid things in & big way, to such who| ----Soioets: =a rete oo $3,500 WILL BUY A SEVEN ROOM ray, airy rooms; your own lock eferiet N.Y. vs Ponies bond. On awarding the contract the hi i " ' ave been looking 'for a field to] single frame; electric lights; gas and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- ! cheques of the unsuccessful tenderers demonstrate their ability, there is| MASONRY AND CARPENTERING | FOR SALE. for cooking; Johnson street. §1,- 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 989w., -- will be regyrned; that of the success- how open an opportunity in the -- 300 cash. Balance on time. J. " nu 1 b: i largest, most remunerative, most | MCLENNAN a BATTERSHILL -- | rHRER FARM HORSES FIVE COWS, | Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence Street. TWO OR THREE ROOMS FURNISHED . + ful tenderer shall be retained until a Successful Reid An all the Domin- brick work, plastering and general | one Jersey just iresnened ang | mh TT Tera : St nium ished for light au COMING ! bond as provided for in the specifica- on of Canada. 'or confidential in- loase repairs b: the day. p 7 AS .| THREE BEST N' EVER-BEARING eeping; g or Ng, and a on 1 jorview, give phone number t, Box painting. Satistaction 48 Alan fuantity STAN Saciinery, 2p | Strawberry plants. Suberb, Pro. other conveniences. Apply 168 Di- |<OTTAWA SENATORS June 3 and 4 | tions has been completed : K-9, hig Office, Patrick Street, Kingston, Ply tos 8 gat, qu, vu. gressive a mericus, $3.00 per vision Street, . OGDENSBURG June 10 and 11 ; On and aper May the 2th, graws 2153 > "." TRAN. NR? Br hundred. Mail orders filled prompt- = ------ i» J. ngs 'and specifications may seen - ELL BUILT BRICK HO ia gi S : . . CURN. -- 'T BR Ee A WE rT RIC jotae wiry ly. Phone 1973J. 8. McCormack, 8¢| TWO FURNISHED FRONT o0OMS time VCH. | and tender forms obtained from the GOOD, RELIABLE: MAN WANTED TO oe until June 1st. $4,300. Dass t Collingwood street. on bathroom flat; electric light; all SEEING THE PINCH. fice of Architects, Stavens & Lee! take orders and deliver the finest AGENTS WANTED APPIY HOX L-31, Whig On ha Ths | ! convenineces. Use of phone. Ap- office of the Architects, Stavens ee, line of Teas, CoWees, etc, in Can Apply - & ice. | SEVEN ROOM BRICK DWELLING, 118 | ply 376 Barrie street, near Princess : 2 Charles Street Bast, Toronto, or at/l Comer Highest commission of any AG aS dute PROFIT GOLD LET. |MeLAUGHLIN TOURING CAN, FIVE | Catbeine: Alle; Splendid basement; | or phone 22385w. X-Rays as an Aid to a Perfect Fit in | the office of 4. c. Newlands, Kingston, JOudn are gular intty Ala: ali ers for stores, office Windows; can. DE asngel Sis. mudeh-- f spaye]=------Slactuic lig Eo Gaal ios: | 152 PINE STREET. 7 ROBMS; ALL 1M. Boots, . Ont, or at the Bullders' Exchange, 623 unded. Each applicant musi be raved; will Nash off, free Hires io souy TURIMNE order, Cacap session June ist. $3,700. Apply on provements; good garden. Posses- In London the old style boot-shop | Drummond Building, Montreal, P.Q. financially responsible. If you are Wells, Chicago, fil. fn Co. 246 N. . get. premises. Sion June 1st. Apply H. F. Norman, assistant is disappearing. He used The lowest or any tender not neces- ' looking for & Kood, Jhdependent. A CITY LOT, 6 FED FRONTAGE; 117 TR UTE corner Charles and Patrick Streets. 10 say: sarily uccepted 4 permanent position w feet deep; ur cash 22 RT) i > SR . > , - INFURN a : RTI by garning possibilities, SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS YEARLY Incubator, 14v ek, and two bras' | 17 Bogs POWER, STEAM ENGINE ve 2B aT REE UNPUMNISHED |. «Just. walk about a little on that, STEVENS & LEE a Pa ici uick action Joes Iepresenting new household neces + €T%; hot Water acated. Only used | ke aaa on ying Hotes: ons or a ar ie will you, madam? Does that pinch?' z Afchitects. 4 ea & Cof- - 31 plece dish set to custom. once. Lawsun, 45 U ; ; on ited: 4 5 } : fee, 651 Queen Street East, Toronto, €r on each ninety cent order. _. near Victorla Street. Sheession 1,1 Pacman Wartman, 3 miles west of eS; ize. good stable. . Apply The ulira-riodern, however, Says: AUCTION SALE 20k Soa aviider. LB. & E Mig : . ta "Would you like to see your feet?" -- * h . SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 217| THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON and leads his customer to the X-ray SATURDAY, MAY 25th, 11 a.m. -- TTT ~~ | PURE BRED BARKED ROCK AND Bagot street; 8 rooms ang 3 pi bathroom flat; suitable for lighi| 2° 8 y White Wyandotte Baby Caickens, eel; ) piece t e fo ght box. on Market Square, of meveral cars, e- | WANTED MEN AND WOMEN, LIVE 4c. each. satching eggs irom Dom Sa ier yo Satin 3 NE repiug: gus. for IL a BEDEORD, THE AuCTIONEER w 5 ir t pi gh Te salesmen for house to Bouse prize winners, 32.50 per Lor Jomern Jos 33% Bo 0. whi, Sean a oki RaLPly 3 rgy ree A Kensington firm have just in- Phone 1721. me time double hi Savas, Tor Phe of the best zelling ii phone 24v1 r. 4, Portsmouth, Apply Rees Bros. 244 Bagot 81 ete i | Stalled an X-ray apparatus for their ------------ # Ss country; none but nt. - 3 FIVE UNFURNISHED 1 ists of a large box We require a man Melean experience ply. Call Mr. : customers. It consists of a g! s TI A BE ------------ bathroom flat; syit- er--sound and Richardson, British-American Ho-| STEAM YACHT (CEDAR) 48 x ¢ rt GASOLINE LAUNCH, 23 " - nderneath which is the X-ray tube J Ge J A 4 NE LAU} . 8" x ¢ ¢"; 8 able for housekeeping: gag for| W body, Booms personality. hi jek an Saturday, from 1 p.m. to 3 Equiired wit is ayer. Lube np. F erro motor; Teverse clutch Sebking, Near car line. Apply 330 in a lead-lined cabinet. This is cov- | Fer privileges of Booths, ete., for Jhme 8 fast srowing Soncern, where in. 1 sp heater and! vacuum nario us; mal or ery -- Alfred Street, 2 ered with an aluminium plate, on | 3rd re hy, the ir Fiona Y wou 'e rewarded wit ar pump. A James Ke E: - TW , ™ ve " - . abuve average earnings; married | MEN AND WOMEN, NoT TO CANVASS, €r's ails? y es Grow poly ar Smith, 52 Clarence. St. TN ee TaENTS, gl AND! which the feet are plated. Cominitter, nan Preferred. poly Mr. White- but to travel and appoint local rep- : 3 tne Sonat louse. The instrument gives a clear pic- Address communications to Chairman. ' ead, ind floor Royal Bank Build- resentatives, $1,092 and expenses| PERFECT, COLUMBIA, AN ; married 1 i t the bones of the front por- W. G. VEALE, ing, Kingston, guaranteed first year, wit BARGAIN--SOLID BB . + , AND HYSLOP Tied couple without children | ture of the bo p ud zoek : | fhe mat: iti" ih 60d) MANGAS SLID mn move, us| PERCE A Bbeclal aiumntion aries | __ADPIy 38 Bartie Street tion of the foot in relation to the 161 Nelson sprest. - - Ate age and qualifice. Lot 53 ft. on Princess Street: 35 to all repair work. Baby ca TWO FRONT APARTMENT. SPE. | welt of the boot or shoe, and the | 7 TEACHERS WANTED tions. Experience - unnecessary. - On Alfred; two garages. Al i 4 ar TiaEe f o 3. ESPp. . x For the Kingston Public Winston Co., Dept. G.,, Toronto. ¥ ueep lot, 46 tt. on Pree ¥% cash, Joss ayors Wor ral hui, Pe Sulaiag cookii ght iouse- scientific boot assistant can thus KIRMESS REHEARSALS initia sare] training feacher LL. A. Weese, Art Store. 'St. Phone 1032w. & at the Pioneer Apartments, 213 ght, achieve a perfect fit without any dan- adh rehearsals fue Mirmten 91. p< » > Tet tiiti-------- to $2000; Domestic Solonhe Teache || WANTED Ax ONCE, GOOD USED CARS 214 Division street. Phone 1434w. ger of contradiction noons for Ch ldren, Evenings for er, $1260; teacher of Music holding able ambiti Ford Roadster, 3100 cash, balance ar-| CLOTH. CLOTH. CLOTH. Do YOUR ------------------ Adults--Grand Opera House --Stage su e, $2000; male ranged. pomen Iolks need materials - in| FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, entrance off Montreal Street. 4 "hevrole i 3 © in HARD- School, $2000; ¥u Che t Touring, $200 cash, bal. 80ud qualities for their dresses and wood floors, electric ight, gay What Worried Him. Where; and as- . . ance arranged. Suits? We have thousands stove, heater, refri = (leachers, schedule 3 on annclaughin Light 6, $400 cash, bal. that will be sold as low as $2.15 per In every way. Apply to White's To: The young married couple were ! ' iE i n Bep- - C i yard, half r lar 3 a Office, ples to. Serta. PP io a 490 Chevrolet Roadster, $200 cash 34 to be lnasular price in Se an | ----aiwe Office, 233 Bagot street. | dining out. In the middle of thelr of Education. es an ee re: TL auged. nb excetlent opportunity t meal a tall and beautiful woman, ; 0! ouriug, cash, balance ar- SYDENHAM APARTMENTS, BROCK tat ve t EE -- EE ---- ---- LEGAL rahged. 3 . y f Street; 4 rooms' and bath; hard. | PASSINg near the table, ga he USED CARS FOR SALE fla #9u Chevrolet Touring, $250 cash, bal. &iso [take care of tn ood floors; electric; gas stove; re- | YOUNg man' a look of recognition and : TEACHERS WANTED. CURT INGAR ince Artanged. AND EW ARDg edd stil 8t our store. English frigerator; laundry; Janitor ser. a dangerous smile, So dangerous, in Repairing, washing and polishing n SUNN & SMIT . NN Al 4 ke \ oollen 'ompany, I) ce. Possession June 1st. pply NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER; SAL. "ers nd Solicitors H, BARRIST. Montreal Street rrincess Street, ' | Apt. No. 9. fact, was the smile that the young | and greasing done, § ry $800. 8. 8S No. 2, Loughboro. Street, Kingston, A. B Cunning- | we HAVE FOR SALE ALL KIND wite sald: "John, who was that wo- Give us a trial. Duties to begin at once, Apply J ham, Cyril M. Smith. &uvd second hand 'furn| ahi, ED © : ~ a man?" John held up' his hand Satisfaction gu teed Powell, Secretary-Treasurer. . A ving stand] USED CAR GARAGR--SMASHING | ONE DLOCK FROM PRINCESS ST. : . guaranteed. , i hanson having 4 3 REDUCTIONS sjinfurnished flat; wg Jarge rooms "Now, for goodness sake," said he, 25 @ s AMBROS 'e of, ee win an tchenette; eated; al con~ ween t, Just ba FURNITURE FINISHING ana Solita [BA~ aA =n $37 PH oeay Brices. J. Taompaon, | These cars GT tbe old to make room {eniences; private balcony. Applyd don't go bothering me about who or ite vt reed, J ol King and Brock, over Royal Bun SLS2ep Dress. hone isvw, $1650--McLaughlin Special 1920 Street, * '0r'4 Terrace, Montreal she is. 1 shall have trouble enough mo A 1 3% Jo A CARD TO W. DRIs. Money to loan. . Phone 1999 SUMUUNER - CHERTRA CALKINS $1200--McLaughlin Special D4s, Tees. explaining to her who you are." 5 n street. = carrying capacity et tons. Can -- . : be n, Ontario. | $300--Ford Special--something new. BRICK DWELLING, WELLINGTON : : CHIROPRACTIC. nd price on| $800--Briscoe Touring. Street North; seven rooms; gas:| - SIGNS : . "LAND SURVEYOR : pplication. T. i. VanDusen, Pie- $450--Chevrolet Touring. : Bath; good Fellar, side Rhtrance. K WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C. o © -- §500--Chevrolet R eludes waione first Rent $36;| SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS woo Br mn hy her Princess and Bar clo 'Streets, ud CARS LISTE; : $260--Ford ™ Sadster Je18. includes water. Apply evenings ete. large or small, guaranteed X. . DLS, MELC, Napanee, On: floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingaton ARS 1 D FOR SALE AT THE uring; new tires. 276 University Avenue. , « gold leaf: posters," showcards, ete. + tario Land Surteyor. Kingston Of- Ont." Consultation free. Telephone Re ho fepair shop. will be in $280--Harley Davidson Motor Cycle artistically written and designed » fice: Walkem & alkem, "93 Clar. 822J. Hours 9 to 12 am. 1to§ p.m Paired. We hen polished orp as. 3a Side Car, td haw af © Drleesy trem ; . ho . Breas-| §175---Motor Boat, 20 ft. 5. ft. be: 3 nEston. ; td. Satisfaction guaranteed at ; § a Sig rs Bu ft. beam, : n---- ' Plo rate. Apply 258 Queen, | pies' hRImers Six Touring Car: new basement: with hot and cold swe. s Just back of Y. M. C. A Phone Immediate possession. Apply PERSONAL ane MONDAY, MAY 170m. 1 $175--McLaughlin Truck. 202 upper Bagot Street, or pl BARGAINS IN FURNITO T : Opie iis Sew. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. Ng NITURE. vc. | . eS Mie h -- Commencing at 9.00 a.m. KO, PALMER Cor, nagot and Quee Streets marks, skin cancers, scars, etc. One gallon Ice Crom Yreczer, $2.1 ZS ICNTL ANY Quten Streets : TREET moved permanently. Satisfactory : as ' 1 « Klasses fitted and furnished after 1 Edison Cramon} id 83 3 FOR SALE RENT. others have failed. Goitre removed. 00 he Sud 35 Re | on 10 . . rs' experience. Dr. Elmer J. +f cords, $25.00 eb rn il on. Pri 35 ed ; T™wo TRACTION ENGINES, : Immediate pes: Lake, Eye. Har, Nose. Throat, Skin. Stdevcards, $7.00 ip ts $18.00. ip. Waterioo, and the other Session. L[ Cohen & Co : : J . ' Lumpound Sawyer-M. > Parlor set ig Walaug, ¢ Pleces, $10.00, Brac Slass Working order." ressers, from $7.00 up to $16.00. Hioyarren, 14 Fear! St. west, Beds, Springs and Now Mats Srockvile, Ont. telephone {15W. tream, $8.50 : ¥ 1 Drop-hens Sewing Macmi o5, $0 TR 'LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP : agents; ata BiS AC", 1860; on 5 : pu ! Ct Si, | ao rare nav The "FB 50" -- Hn FROXTENAC LOAY AND 1 ham oa 48 Aron sheet ; y we rr Ss ' 4 J ; TR - * dani epi SLL TRY | ERGEAIE CE BERR ee ens wes (| (Baby Grand) Spe vial and explain. Explain what? The what is that [Jl Fir, son se: LT mime Seley BRET on aa rand Briatiua we Revs the ace the men and a. het SE ws Patterson, wi! Et I Coals | REARY WanD a son 3 The famous Baby Grand Engine and Chas. how) way o doing things. Automobile and TANS REL per rae EE diss "pisse|§] sis, with Special Body, Special Top with guess work about it. Come an be convinced. | So0--rna : NG, PICOT EDGIN bus | Cord Tires, Bumper and several other im- ~ 'DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. . a wx pt Yeilion ol Ij} provements, Body painted dark blue with oo EastEndof Wellington Se. f= "55 Situ, we aT II" white stipe'. Pries $1675.00, . | Le; NEW -- : - The greatest car value ever offered the Can- adian public. Note the cord tire equipment, - We are now demonstrating this car. May we show it to y, | ---- ~ ANNOUNCING A NEW MODEL, . . Nr only, Also § soda water cy. ; smh r yr. ure. wp