Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1921, p. 2

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FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921. ee -- ExtraSpecials of Operatic Music This Week Only Regular prices 40c., 50c. and 60c. Special This Week 25¢, 5 for $1.00 FROM MARY--- FROM MAYTIME-- Love Nest. Will You Remember. Mary. Road to Paradise. Tom Tom Toddle. FROM ZIEGFELD FOLLIRS-- Anything You Want To Do Dear Hold Me. Love Boat. AL JOLSON'S HITS -- When Sweetie Comes Back. Swaunee, Tipperary Mary. "1 Gave Her"That. By Pigeon Post. Honeysuckle Vine. FROM IRENE-- FROM JACK O'LANTERN--- BRITISH WHIG. THE DAILY ! | that no man has contributed more 'REY PROF W 6 JORDAN |» make the conference a success. i : " . { For two successive years he held tha : GS chancellor's lectureship. i A Sketch and Appreciation . From time to time his services Written by a Former *° [have been sought by other seats of learning to which he has gone and Student. given special courses of lectures im | {his chosen fi€ld For this purpose he i {has visited Westminster Hall, Van] couver; the Theological College, Sas- katoon; Georgetown, Texas, ands i ' |, One of the most pleasant and in-1 \ i teresting parts of the programme at" | d {the recent closing exercises of {other places, And everywhere he - | Queen's theological college was the | goes he is recognized not only as a unveiling of a portrait of Professor | scholarly. lecturer and graceful 1 W. G@. Jordan, D.D., and the presents- | Writer, but as a man of wide general Hudson Seal, Beaver, Fisher, Mink, Er- mines, Alaska Seal, Otter, Foxes. tion of the same to the board of man- | culture, WL 5 . - " = "Every Fur in Fine Fur. Rs et ns i « D1aMOND QUALITY New collections of -- W. M. Kamawin in the Preshyterlar Witness. ~ agement of the college, The portrait, | But it ig in the pulpit that he is at which is the work of E. Wyly Getler | his best. | His many years of study | J | of Toronto, is an excellent one, and is | and his intense devotion to the pur- ; the gift of the graduates and students { Suit of truth have deepened his con- [of Queen's theological college. It | Viction that in the Christian religion was unveiled and presented by the [the individual and the world will find | | President of the Alumni Association, [a solution for every perplexing pro- land received by G. M. Macdonnell, {blem. It is this deep conviction, Alice Blue Gown. Castle of Dreams. HN McKAY, Ltd. | K.C., chairman of the board of man- | agement, both of whom spoke in fit | ting terms of the great service ren- {dered by Dr. Jordan to the college, | the church and the country. { Professor Jordan was born in the | town of Whitby on the east coast of England. He received his early edu- kindled with enthusiasm and emo- tion, that drives his message home to the hearts of his hearers No pro- Hessor ™: more willing to help his fellow ministers, and his services have always been highly appreciated [by other - colleges as a special | preacher on special occasions. He is Sweetheart of My Own. Along Came Another Li Candyland. Come and Have a Swing With Me. Irene. FROM GOING UP-- If You Look in Her Eyes. Tickle Toe. Going Up. ittle Girl, FROM LINGER LONGER LETTY--- 20th Century Lullaby. Climbing the Ladder of Love, Stow Town is Jazz Town. FROM LISTEN LESTER--- When Shadows Fall. I'd Love To: THE FUR HOUSE {cation in the National Schools of his | His one hobby is pletures. Did You My Boy. Waiting. 149 to 157 BROCK STREET Dative town and afterwards attend- ed Airedale Coljege, Bradford He received the degree of Bachelor of {Arts from London University and a TIRE PRICES NEW DOMINION TIRE PRICES 30x34 Nobby . 30x34 Grooved 30x34 Tubes .. "re ees All other sizes reduced. 1 E ASK US Make Dominion's your next Tires. Ouse. ick First class br ene. . hardwood floors, electric gus, hot water heating, garage, (east side). Par- near City park es ticulars on application. mediate possession --= Grocery and dwelling consisting of brick store, § rooms, electric light, £ cel Tar, garage And stable, lar ni; well established sings: owner selling owing © to 1 Bay Stréet, double frame; 6 rooms; elec trie Let: lot 66x100. $1,800--Thomas Street; frame: § rooms; poultry: house; large lot. W00-- Victoria Street; frame: § rooms; barn; lot about 45x60, LET Portsmouth; Two or three, furnished houses June 1st to October 1st. G lo- cations. $35.00 'to $75.00 per _ month. GENERAL INSURANCE The MoCasa Agency | * R. H. WADDELL Phones 320-898. 88 Broek St. ---------- a. ZEIEIEEEEREERRERE WEEK-END 1,000 '1hw. Belleville Creanvery ............32¢ Ib, Shredded Wheat ..... ide. pkgs. Rolled Onts-- Large Bottle Catsup ..... 8 RNottles Vanilla 3 tins Sardines 2 Ibs. Lémon Cookies 2 lbs, Evaporated Apples .... Tip«Ton Oleo Fancy large Oranges ..45¢. dos. Corn Flakes 10e. package 'All Laundry Soaps (Save the difference) Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. et An Endless Variety of Straw Hats ALL SNAPPY STYLES This is the il from the largest sel place to buy your straw ha N hb ection in town. 8] Newest braids, newest blocks, the very 1 finest values your money can buy at-- |, $2.50, $3.00, etc. EEEEEEEEEEEE Pw, QT wie Sn | few years later became a graduate iin Theoiogy of the Presbyterian Col- {lege, London. He entered the min- {istry when quite young and preach- {ed for a number of years in England. i For some time he was in the town {of Dudley in Waqrcestershire, and { then his attention turned to Canada. | In the year 1889 he came to this {country and spent several months in { Montreal. When not otherwise en- gaged he attended lectures and pur- | sued postgraduate studies in thé Presbyterian theological college, In the spring of 1890 Dr. Jordan enter- ied upon a happy and successful pas- | | torate of more than nine years in St. | Andrew's, Btrathroy. | who for a number of years was min- | istér in Strathroy, knows the esteem {and affection in which Dr. Jordan is | still held, not only by the Presby- terians, but by all the residents of that town and the surrounding coun- try. Not only was he recognized as a preacher of unusual ability, but he was also a faithful pastor and a kind and sympathetic friend to all who needed his counsel and help. Nor did he confine his attention exclusive- ly to the work of his congregation. As a member of the Presbytery of Sarnia he took an active part in the larger work of the church, and thus became well ' acquainted with the country and its needs. This was no unimportant part of his training for the position he was afterwards to fill. Before he had been many years in Canada his scholarly attainments and literary ability began to attract | the attention of more than his con- gregation, and he became a frequent contributor to the Canada Presbyter- ian In the year 1898 Principal Grant of Queen's University, who was 1ook- ing for a suitable man to succeed Professor Mowatt Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis, had his attentfon direéted to the bril- lant occupation of the pulpit of St. Andrew's » Church, Strathroy. This resulted in an invitation to give a special course of lectures on the Pro- phets of Israel to the students in the- ology and the members of the alumni conference. The following year this invitation was repeated, and these lectures were so well received that he Was unanimously chosen for the above mentioned chair in Theology. Queen's University conferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity in April, 1899, in recogni« tion of Ris ability and service to the church, and in October of that year Kingston Presbytery inducted him into the chair of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis Thus he has just completed his twenty-second ses. sion as professor in Queen's. The students who have had the privilege of attending his classes have carried away with them not only the information which he im- parted, but, what is far better, the inspiration of his strong and sym- pathetic personality Wlite not un derestimating the value of a good training in what the modern world calls practical, he hag held tenacious- ly to the conviction "that best equip- ment for the Christian minister is a thorough education in literature and philosophy The General Assembly has always had Professor Jordan to reckon with when there was any mention of dropping Hebrew from the list of compulsory subjects on the theological curriculum ship He has dogtributed to the book- shelves of Bibie students some cher- ished volumes Shortly after he ofi- tered Quaen's he published "Prophe- tic Ideas and Idenle." Since then the following books have come from his pen: "The Philippian Gospel," Criticism and Modern Thought," "A Commentary on Deu- teronoiny," "The Soul and the Soil," "Religion in Song." very best productions in an article on "The History of Hebrew Religion® in Peake's One Colume Commentary, It ia_sincerély hoped that he may be spared to complete another voltime on which he is now at work, which will give to the world the benefit 6f his ripe experience and more recent research Besides writing these books he has Ji been a frequent cont | tion have always come away feeling] } meetings of Queen's Theological Alumni cis- Ce The writer, | in the chair of | And one of his | passionately fond of a real work of art, and through the years he has sucteeded in gathering a very fine | collection, When not in his study or | class-room you pre likely to find him {in his own or Some other drawing- | room, or in a studio, admiring a beautiful painting. This has been a very profitable pastime, and has help ed to keep him in living touch with the best minds in this and other lands. {+ On the walle of old convocation { hall hang the portraits of those who have done most te make Queen's Uni- versity a great uplifting force in the { life of this young country, and among | these portraits, this picture of Pro- fessor Jordan finds a fitting place, ---------------------- Christian Science and Well-Being John C. Lathrop, of Brookline, | Mass,, Member of the Board of Lec- | tureship of the Mother Church, the | First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass, will deliver a lecture on Christian Science in the Chureh Edifice, 95 Johnson Street, tonight, at 8:15 o'clock. & There is no collection or admission fee. You and your friends are cordially | Invited to attend, Ea itt Prices Are Down. | $32.00 one year ago just bought one bag of potatoes and one bag of sugar. To-day '$32.00 will buy one { bag of potatoes, one bag of sugar, and 32 other: articles. Crawford's Grocery has made a big sensation by proving the above facts in a window display of the goods. One glance at Crawford's window will prove this statement. * Hear the English Evangelist In Bethel church tonight. Give his testimony to the saving power of God. It's thrilling, . -------------- Christian Selence lectuve tonight. "The Hat Store" Come to Headquart- ers To-morrow for Your New Straw or " Open Nights, Navy, Scarlet, Ladies' ~ trimmed--a big Subscribers who get their Saturday issues here may obtain the 24th May issue at this store. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE : Phone 919, THINK OF IT! - PURE WOOL SERGE--4 (inches wide ors, and the price for Saturda Copen, Seal or B OTHER TEMPTING PRICES ARE ite Nainsook Un derskirts -- lace and embroider bargain Ladies' Envelope Chemise-- broidery trimmed--$2.95 for onl ; guaranteed fast col- only . ; . $1.25. lack. To see is to buy. $1.00 eac Nainsook; lace and em- fine quality da Crt .. $1.95 y clear at, each . ... ROMPERS 89c. Children's Rompers in sizes up to 2 years. A nice assortment to APRONS, $1.00 Ladies' Overall Aprons-- noth- ing skimped about them, except ».. 88e. | the price--Saturday . ... $1, £ 36c. PAIR sizes 4} to 81. Children's White Lisle Hose --- Special ' Sale . 35¢. up FOR THE KIDDIES. 20 dozen Children's Waists-- -sizes 19 to 26. Waist and pair of Garters for . . . . On Saturday a oy Oe. VESTS 39%. Ladies' Summer Vests -- half sleeves and sleeveless. Our regu- lar 50c. values, Saturday") . 39, "THE a r---- ------r ot . FORGET IT NOT Any Wilton or Axminster Rug--Ilarge or small--on Saturday Draperies--Art Blinds--Lin Newman & Shaw " : 25 per cent. discount oleums--OQilcloths. ALWAYS BUSY STORE" i te us ------------------ IN MARINE CIRCLES The steamer City of Ottawa passed down from Toronto and Hamilton to Montreal on Thursday. The car ferry Ontario No. 2, under- going repairs Wt the Collingwood Shipbuilding Company yards, will probably clear on Saturday for Co- bourg. The steamer Jex arrived from Os- wego, with a cargo of ceal for the Sowards Coil Company. The steam®r Ciscoa passed down on Friday morning. . The steamer Concretia loaded coal MULLIN & SON A DETACHED BRICK DWBELLIN G ON STUART STREET with 10 , rooms; hot water heating; 3 plece bath; eléttric light; gas; hardwood floors throughout; garage and barn in first class con« - dition, for $8,000. Possession at once. Owner leaving city. TO RENT Store on the corner of Wellington and Brock Street, once, E. W. MULLIN & SON Possession at Buyers and Sellers of Ren! Estate ' at Swift's wharf on Friday morning for the Nine Mile Point lighthouse. rn A Heavier Fine For Automobile Speeders The price of foodstuffs is taking a drop, but the fines for auto speeders are being increased. It has been usual for "joy riders," or, in other words, car drivers who exceed the speed limits, to be fined $3 and costs. Now the fine is $5 and costs. Five drivers who pleaded gullty were touched for this amount by Magistrate Farrell on Friday mor- ning. {oi were evening. Irlockess Cliff Ferguson, aged nine years, son of Mr. and Mgs. Joha Fer: the General Hospital on Thursday fol- lowing pneumonia. His parents afd 'several brothers and sisters survive. See our ad. for bargains in paint. Lemmon & Sons, The consolation in the bowl- ing tournament at Ro¢kwood Hospi- 1 bas been awarded to Skip C. C. Holiging. Owing to darkness the uncompleted on Thurs 'REAL_ SHOE BARGAINS 2 ; / 88,95 g 3 New Twin-Strap Brown W alking Shoes for Ladies -- in 'with military heels; absolutel all sizes rere vnibens 3.05 Brown Kid, semi-brogue type, the newest novelty. Saturday, "$4.00 : Men's Brown and Black Boots, narrow toes and wide toe§ -- regular $8.00 and $9.00 values, all sizes 84. $92.95 Ladies' Patent Oxfords. « .... Ladies' Black Kid Oxfords. .. Ladies' Brown Kid Oxfords, | Baturday, All with high heels, i Men's Black Oxfords, with nar- Saturday, Slt sizes ..., $2.08 TOW 1008 : "Shoes of Merit and Distinction", Phone 2016. |

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