4 PRINT. MAY 27, 1921, THE 5 AILY BRITISH WHIG. MME. CURIE, : 7 PROBS: Saturday, showers or thunderstorms. Announcement ||== | on eyo com gle ame Thay XY FEE mine | [i : é trist, has taken charge 6f our new modern optical parlors. We } y op % a br, TW | feel now that we can give ger- { { > oe ie 2 § ERR | . vice surpassed by none 2 & 8 & [i] Only the most modern devices Known io science will be used by lL a Bes = We Refund Fares 45 On tatitbwn Customers ! Dr. Chapas, who will devote his entire time to this department. We have recently re- We can assure our many cuss ceived shipment of tomers and friends complete sht- . f : : Pn i ] : | isfaction, and the results we are this high grade Silver | " Hd ; r rill be mutually. beneficial. 1 p wits 3 Co nent accurate service at Plate--the finest ever ii! ol Pon % ke honest price. shown. in Kingston. > : . #2 3 5 : 3 L. T. Best, Druggist THE | a Prescription Specialist | i : : 8 | BEDFORD | = 2 Phone 59. ~----------_ ll is a most exclusive 6 PER CENT | dee samples i is | 2 i may be seen in our Wedding Marriage del} - 2 : a | Rings. Licenses. World's greatest woman seientist. co-discoverer of ra- ] ] ; Province of Ontario | dium, who came to United States to receive a gram of ra- | n a A i New issue | ditim purchased with the $100,000 subscribed by the wo- men of America. r TE TE Ci Interest payable half ||| & | Tree | yearly. Rl wees ~~ < ENDS ADVERTISING [To CLOSE THE BORDER | In conjunction with our Ann ual May Clearance Sale, we will | | AT STEACY'S PRICE - SMASHING | TO U.S. WORKMEN fer f he foll : di a] . 1 3 st 540. 1 i TE, t - t t t . Price $99.50, Established 1540 | FOR IMMIGRATION [25 Painter: Prox. States Re. otter for to-morrow the following extraordinary special attractions i reg Apply for particulars Registered Opticians ; by letter or phon 830 Kirg Street |Proyince of Ontario Closes | y P € { Down Publicity Work in | i EE TR Britain. fused Admittance For Be early, as in each case the quantity is limited. Job at Fort Erie. Buffalo, N.Y., May 27.--Follow- ing the refusal of the Canadian im- | : { migration authorities at Fort Kris | London, May 27 ~--Although On- | ne ble ort v T S..Roughton | -- a ren semen, | migration ay ; 60 Brock Street. THERAPION No. 1 | tario is one of the three Canadian | ° ati tweniv-Ave Jainters from | - | 1,000 YARDS ONLY { the states into Canada to decoratethe Phone 610, THERAPION No.2 {provinces for which the dominfon im- | Fort Erle a track, it is righ: nat] H ¢ | oo 3 ' £ { | TH ERAPION 0.3 J aigretjon Sins here ill xan Becept {plans are under way by the American 5 , ® | No.1 for Bladder Catarrh. No. 2 for Blood | Immigrants, © provincial gove! 0=| officials to be just as technical on 2 { oi . No. 3 for Chronic Wegknesses. tan nr _ | officials st n | 4 4 LL - "1 Sopa ea cere FICE IN ENGLAND 3. [mest has Seken the Spt Samplete | this side of tha river when Canad- + 8 . y | DR LECLERCMed.Co. JiaverstockRd..) gl . y closing down its publicity work in| fans, working ln Buffaly on t 4 i A | Furniture--¥reight--Baggage } BRIT GOVE. STAMP AFPINED TO GENOING PACKETS: {Great Britain. This is a radical de- | We : Bly and frou il ~ : r : 3 | x . --- ANSFER oy Rr Ar eran g hia | ier towns, attempt to gain entrance | ; ; TR t er IT, emperor of Russia in |Parture for a province which in the |; the states. . | dl ; ad r ay: C Phone 1 776J past has been one of the most active | Many of the painters who were de- | 1 . S. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET 1579, was the first to assume the ) i | title of czar, in organizing" the immigration of | niea admission to Canada Were vet. | > i 000 4 i : ' The Finns had their own indepen- | farm workers. jerams of the world war. Some of AT Lay ' yards only, mill ends of fine quality \ v As recently cabled by your' corre- | > | . 3 . . 1fth century. vs | them had been out of empl 3 8 { J 1 : dent kings until the twelfth c spondent, this rigid restriction. of in-| several monine. TTY ment for | Light and Dark Colored American Mills | | migtation is not favered 'n Anglo-Ca=| * It wa satan: by the abet ss ime Voile at a fraction 6f their regular cost--all nadian circles here. It is pointed out i iL | migrati thoriti th the en | « " la . 243 . . : 3 that recent immigration figures pub- a Tomo orien tothe domi. | LTR fine qualities In the season s daintiest and | ; ey Dy Tush government! sos under the contraet labor prove. | NAN | I most attractive patterns. The lengths are *¥.| slo f the C i S 9 : nine British immigrants for every | provides of AIAN as, eh A 2} to 5 yards. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 one who went to Canada, and in 1919 {ed for a Canadi b : i 1 "1 five To vary ane. ARDouEh the cut | "Cadi fob PH TNE 0S values. See window display to-night. of the voyage to Australia is consid- upon themselves," the Canadian in.|N ) : 2 While this small quantity lasts-- S - . erably greater. It is apprehended that ph ; La Do you realize you are losing more money if Canada restricts British immigra- |. , | Charge said. "They fold Re SATURDAY .......... 25c. us that they were only going to' he alin Hn if ou went without tion now, when the surplus popula- fover here for a few hours. They by not painting tha y tion is looking across the seas for | did not explain that they were going insurance. new homes, the disparity in the fu- (%o take a Job. It they had' been hon- = > ture will be even greater. est with us we could have saved them You save the surface and you save all | -- a lot of trouble. The United States | WOMAN JUROR PUNISHED has a similar'law, and Canadiane " -- 9 ° a is always have been stopped by the-carloads at . 8 Use the best Paint You can get. It Isa ys Fined and Sent to Jail for Contempt the international bridge. Pulee 3 3 En S cg 19€€ the cheapest. } + of Court . Clevelahd, May 27.-- Mrs. Ellen i in Real Estate a | " » | Griffith, tentatively seated as a ju- § » dr & H d Ce' lror in 'the perjury trial of de . On Small Scale 3 : al enaerson ) y Judge Williim H. McGannon, was : ; ; i 1r S ° eo banished "from the jury, fined $50 | Doorn. May 27.--The former Ger. : and costs and sentenced to ten days |Man'emperor has made 'himself axe % 30% full zinc and uaranteed in jail by Common Pleas Judge Flor- | tremely unpopular in the eyes of (he J : . : 70% Lead, /! ah g [ok BA oko nes ge con- | Péople of Doorn by an attempt to sell, 1.20 only, fine English Percale Shirts, in. a pure Linseed oil is the only thing to use. onto eo {as building ground, a strip of wosds ! : J Mrs, Griffith was accused by Miss | PelOnging to his estate, but outside LF broad variety of smart, new patterns. The i You get that when You use B. & H. Paint for Catherine Chambers, a bailiff, of say. | 1iS fences and therefore useless to § . f 14 1 . Porch Col EI Would be wonit: Stor a fy sizes range from 14} to 16}. Please note | everything. Floor Colors, orc Co ors, The Dutch government, on learn- izati hi Mrs. Griffi i : : a Stains $1.50 Quart ||| X meni ih, Grits), Tos Dutch, verament; on tea: these Shirts are full sized, not the skimped guilty. land in small allotments in order fo : « While being examined as a tenta- |2dd #0 his income, prohibited the i 3 ' kind--bought for sale purposes. Regular tive juror Mrs. Griffith swore that |felling of the trees in that place, | BIRCH LTD she had not talked with anyone con- | While the Doorn municipality this at iA $2.00 values. Come early for first choice, cerning the case. ternoon bought at auction the wood- Eg : Mc \ 9 * McGannon is charged with giving {!a7d in question, thus preserving it : : SATURDAY : perjured testimony during his two | {OF the public in'its natural state, - aint Store trials for the killing of Harold C. i eg. Busy P Kagy, of which he was acquitted. FEWER ACCIDENTS a iieh he was.acqu Phone 237 RET Tamuam om Kingston Wheat Crop Menaced Short Skirts Boon to Women, But . New York, May 27:--Unless there Male Disadvantage * : or! . is a quick ehange jor 'the better in Chicago, May 27.-Short skirts : : the »~weather in Kansas, Nebraska, | may lessen the number of accidénts aC 1S ce al 1 ose 5 Oklahoma, the estimate of 630,000,- [to women, but they increase injuries 000 bushels of winter wheat must | to men. ? be materially reduced, says the Wall This was the reply made by Chi Street Journal Reports from th .t|cago reformers to the claim of Fred- . . section indieate a rapid deterioration | erick Rex, city statistician, that short : alr or of the crop, due in most of the ter- | skirts had reduced the number of ace t * | " ritory to dry weather, and in other | cidegts to women In 1916, when : parts, curiously enough, to too much | skirts were long, 467 women were : : Just now we are 13a rss: curious) Injured" alighting trom street cars, ; Regular 50c. and 60c. values : : # ------ ut in 1920 only 302 Wefe hurt. In| : . : showing the most ' The title of "don" 'was originally | boarding street cars, 432 were in. : 600 pairs of fine Black Lisle : y d in 1916, compared with 203 in ractical and ser- med by the popes. _ [dure 916, : : ; : P 1930, and Silk Boot Stockings-- very fn 1920 than in 1916 because they viceable Porch wih| «© As for the men, more were injured and Garden Fur. ere not looking where they wero go. special es » heir regular niture in the form . prices o and 60c. respec- : : tively. In sizes 81 to 10. 0 . +... Saturday 4 prs. for $1.00 - -- 7 OUTING SHOE SPECIALS | Men's White Boots, leather soles and : heels $38 WS 2 oa - Men's Brown Canvas, rubber solesand . Follow the crowds of thrifty shoppers, and save money while you >) spend it. See our windows for added attractions. of old Hickory : postage) Quart, try Lemmon & Sons, Tables, Chairs, and Settees. 8 ect For ready mixed paint 3. per | i | | 3 ~.. Also rugs in Fibre and Jute, Japanese, and Cocoa Matting, by the yard. a To) Bamboo Blinds, etc., fitted to sizes. om je FandBunly cbr Let us supply your requirements iow, Hi wei lack 'rubber' soles and and you will have the comfort of, having 'HR heels. Sizes 7 and 8 only ix 44.83.00 your porch in readiness during the summer. | 4 A full line of Men's and ys' Canvas Out- J | Si : Hs y : ® . i J ! LE Bars Go iid en ll pines me Ml Stoqey's - Limited | ' smi. Fo] Con] [od |