Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1921, p. 5

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FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921. THE DAIL Y BRITISH WHIG. Austin's Drie Store ~Moth Balls. : ] | ~Fecto, | --Sulphur and Formalde- hyde Candles. Austin's Drug Store Corner Kiag and Market Square Kingston Phenas 230 LIAM SASSI] 3 FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- ~-Moth Camphor Flakes. ~Oil of Cedar. DISINFECTANTS ~Formaldehyde. | King ston Transfer Co. | Two doors from King Edward Theatre Phone 877, DAVID SCOTT Plumber Fiambing and Gas Work a specia. ty. Il work guaranteed. Address 145 Frontenne Street. Phone 1277. 153 Wellington Street. | | DR.A.W. WINNETT, DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Streets : Phone 868 BUIL - WRIGHT'S Machine Works | Wanting anything done in the earpen. | wood floors of all kinds. | will recetvs | 28 Queen Street. Te -- DING ?| ® KEPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Kingston and Vicinity | | 21 Main Street. Phome 1670. | - { Harry Wheatley Here NOTICE 10 CAR OWKERS, . | y,... Wheatley, Soh of AW. nt knocks when climbing, | ' wh inoter & noeha pared to Wheatley, formerly manager of the &ap consumption, have the carbom re-! Canadian Locomotive Company hére, moved without Injury GF ameter... .onding a few daysin town betors Ox78en Procesy-Sbr. Pp : { returning to Troy, N.Y, Engagement Announced Mrsand Mrs. Richard Hubbs, Plc- ton, announce the marriage of their niece, Frederica Kayier, to Calvin C. Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Clapp Spencer, Picton, the marriage to take place early in June. ---- Oat Crop Competition. The Lennox Agriéultural Society in co-operation with the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture ranged to conduct a regular standing 40 Princess St. Phone 1264. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. tery line. Estimates given om all kinds of repairs and mew work: also hard- All orders Shop prompt attention, Williamson & Wellwood Methodist Church, June 1st; Maple Leaf branch, Lutheran Church, June 2nd; Napanee branch, gricultural office, June 4th. Miss ¥, McLean Alexander is a trained nurse of charming and refined personality, the other motor vehicles, makes nec- essary a new building. Making a Long Trip. Mrs. Hester McCabe, aged seventy-| nine years, has reached Watertown, N.Y., after a trip of about 3,000 miles from Pibroch, Alberta. She | Wrights are All Right. passed through Kingston on her way.| At the annual meeting of the Ro- A return trip is being planned by bert Wright Company, Limited, at Mrs. McCabe, to start next Monday. | Brockville, a re-organization was of- | She will stop off at Kingston and a fected. The shareholders and direc- | number of places in Ontario where i tors of the company are the five sons she lived. |of the late Robert Wright. Tha presi- rp {dent is Robert L. Wright, vice-presi New Factory Opened. - dent, Albert Wright, of Welland, have ar- | Junetown took on its old time ap- |Ont.; managing director and secretl- pearance on Monday when the new ary-treasurer, George Wright. The (cheese 'factory was opened for the | other directors are A. Innes Wright season. The new cement block fac- [and Wallace D. Wright. tory is a fine fire-proof structure and Custom Tailors Prices right. 30 MONTREAL STREET FIRE, FIRE, BURGLARY Keep your books and valu- able papers in a SAFE. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. Typewriter Headquarters. Phone 819, JAK Dr. Waugh 108 Wellington St. Phone 256. £ WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1187, W. R McRae & Co GOLDEN LION BLOCK, COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal, - No other kind sold by uy BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 138 CORNER POSTS FOR CRME- TERY LOTS. At pre-war prices. $12.00 a set. J. E. Mullen ~ 161 FRONTENAC STREET , Phone 1417. DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstai's Gin 'Marmasiade, w § pesageie an a" We also ha ull line of { Marma- vi af other reliable makes o lades, Jam and Jellies for sale Bi Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Bari Sireety License No. 5-27149 Phone 1844. Be + . | REAL ESTATE ¥ | | | | | FOR SALE Good: second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials. L Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, : field crop competition in oats this year. the president and officers of the com- pany deserve the greatest credit for rushing the building to completion e in so short a time. Raymond Van Pr rua as bes py Norman has heen engaged as cheese- {for the past three months, has re- | Maker for the coming season, {turned to.town. He was in Moose . [Jaw for some time and startled the No Actipn Yet i 4 No formal action. has yet been | [olka by his exploits on the drums taken in the Verona fire cases upon |'and traps. the evidence disclosed, but it is un- derstood that nothing is being left undone to arrive at a solution of the | case, Inquiry at the crown attorney's office elicifed the statement that no legal steps'had been taken upon the evidence already to hand. George Cotman Returns -------- It Would Pay You To Call. ; Our range of made to measure suits -are of the best material and workmanship. We carry a large stock of blue and black serges, English worsted and Scotch tweeds which wa will make to your measure at a ver) reasonable price, Prevost, Brock St. To Sue Niagara Synod Rev. E. J. Etherington, former rec- tor of the Church of St. Thomas, issued a writ against the synod of Niagara for recovery of approximate- | ly $400 a year which Mr. Etherington charges he is entitled to, in view of the fact that he is incapacitated for work and is without a parish, He is a brother of Dr. Frederick Ethering- ton, Kingston. To Build Addition R. J. Reid, Princess street, con- templates the building of a new ad- dition to hts furniture store to ac- commodate his spendid equipment of motor vehicles. He has purchased a new hood motor waggen for his un- dertaking business, and this, with HOOD'S PILLS== vegetable. Best family eathartic Women's Institute. The summer series of the Lennox Women's Institute will be addressed by Miss F. McLean Alexander at the following places: Bay View branch, Beulah Church, May 28th; Conway Church, May 31st; Adolphustown . Music Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date., Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ace cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. : Phone 1325j, Cr men ep-- ---- AA 5 CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and , COOKED MEATS ~ McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Str ---- ec bs + -------------- =] rs et. EE est The Telgmann School of MARRIED LADIES ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? You must know it is not fair to your husband to continue buying new Hats every season when we can reshape your old ones into the very latest Spring styles. Get wise! Save $10.00. and put it into that Suit you have in iaind, The Kingston Hat Cleaners Opposite Ti: Collage Book Store. 163 Princess St. Upstairs. 'Plone 1488. SEED AND THE SOUL lly fed. Mrs. T. C. Brown is Dead, Mrs. T. C. Brown, former resident of Lyn, passed away at her home in Toronto Tuesday after an illness of only a few days. The late Mrs. Brown was born at Lyn, a daughter of the late M. C. Booth and Mrs. Christina Booth, now of Brockville, and besides her husband and mother, is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Corwin. Jackson, Mich., and Miss Christina Brown, Toronto. Also sur- viving are two brothers, Messrs. D. W. and G. L. Booth, Brockville. Sha was a Methodist. The remains will be interred in Oakland cemetery. Humane Society Activities, Horse with no feed in stable over Saturday and Sunday taken to hotel in city Sunday evening and fed at owner's expense, and kept track of afterwards to see that it was proper- Stable in heart of city had to be cleaned out and fumigated by owner, and new place found in which to keep horse and cow, stable having been condemned on sight. Barriefield stables cleaned up, mangers built and new floors put down. ol Stable condemned entirely; owner had to find another, which he did and submitted it td inspector for his | BUY COAL EARLY Mines do not carry stocks on hand: If the coal is not shipped out, they cease to produce. The way to prevent a shortage in winter is to buy in summer. .S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, By and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Ofio¥Plione 66. Factory Phone 1415, NEW PRICES CHARM TEAS BLUE PACKAGE BLACK .:.... RED PACKAGE BLACK ++se..30c. PER PACKAGE GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN... ........30c. PER PACKAGE THESE ARE THE BEST VALUES ON THE MARKET, +++... .25¢. PER PACKAGE a A, oy SPRING FURS Dealer in Furs only. Rl approval. . Two Ministers Graduate The Christian Guardian, Toronto, says: Among the graduating class at Queen's University convocation May By CHARLES GRANT MILLER (Copyright, 1921. All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) Satu FULE-ROBED spring in her gorgeous raiment of budding flowers and blooms, brings a message of hope and courage, of vigor and activity, of purpose, of planning, of planting--the gladdest message of all the year. The warmth and radiance of the sun, the merry chattering of the birds, the strange, delicious balm that permeates the air, the flare of colors and the wealth of odors, all combine in the most precious promise that the material world knows, " These spring days of full splendor, fraught as they are on every side with evidence of renewed vigor, replenished stores and revived gar. dens, appeal to the spirit and indeed to the whole being in the nature of a rich, exhilarating tonic. The seeds bursting in germination and the stalks straining upward toward the sky, filling the world with beauty and sweetness and plenty, ought to remind us that there is a time for the sewing of seeds in the soul, as weli as in the soil, and that their bloom and fruition are likewise sweet. But for the seedtime there could be no harvest. And it is Just the same in our own natures. Unless we have implanted within us the seeds of wholesome impulses and generous sympathies, the heart will never know the summer hatvest of Sweet satisfactions, and the winter of old-age will be drear and desolate. It is an old, old truth. But truth, like the seed, grows to bear and to grow again and again, to be Scattered by the winds of time upon all | sorts of soils, but ever and everywhere producing the same seed again. | This old truth is good seed that has broughht sweet bloom into the lives of millions. It is bad for us if it finds our hearts stony soil. 11th, were two of our Methodist min- isters in. the person of Rev. A. B. Ransom. Portsmouth, and Rev. G. N. Maxwell, Pittsburg South, eircuits. Both of these young men in the midst of their college courses responded to the call of their country and served almost four years overseas. On their Gourdier's BROCK STREET, We're Ready for Spring With a Large, return they completed their theo- logy and were stationed on the King- ston district. Taking advantage of New Stock of Fine Quality the splendid opportunities offered by the university, they carried on their circuit duties along with their full year's university work and received the bachelor of arts degree, Annual Meeting of Country Club The annual meeting of the Brock- ville Country Club was largely at- tended. The following officers were elected: - President--1J. Gill Gardiner. Vice-president--L. C. Ogilvie. Directors--C. 8. |Cossitt, Albert Gilmour, W. A. Publow, F. IL. Rit- chile, W. A. White. Sec'y-treas.--Miss Margaret Hall. Captain--W. A. Publow. Vice-captain--F. I. Ritchie. Captain of ladies--Miss Ward. House committee--A, Gilmour, Julia We pever realize so fully the material blessings of life as when we come into close contact with mature. Then we feel as never before the chairman; Mrs. C. S. Cossitt, Mrs. W. H. Norton-Taylor, Mrs. W. MeL. Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 ~~ $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at ~--$35.00 -- ~¢ Gardiner. richness and fullness, the glow and glory of living. Then we realize how much there is in common between man and nature. The only do we gain a clear conception of tha way in which these two great component parts of the world should work together, the one teaching and encouraging the cther to higher ideals and nobler attainments. Reflected in the beauties of the blossoming world we find a solace indescribable. Some of the questions that long vexed us.are forever answered, and new problems are brought forward which may prove a source of unending pleasure. War Bond Coupons Cashed Free The Merchants Bank \ will cash all War Loan 5 coupons or interest cheques 4 when due, on presentation, without making any charge whatever for the service, If you have not a Savings Account, why not use your interest money to Nn one with this Bank ? THE Men's Sis 'and Furnishings AT WAY DOWN PRICES Men's Blue Serge, Worsted and fine Tw and $40.00, a ' ~ Fine Shirts--$1.95, $2.50, and $8.00. Men's Good. Tan at $4.50, I. ZACKS Dress Boots THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA Estsbiished 1864, FARA VERN np Ai BRANCHES, Wo MeCL UGH, Manager RAS Tympani Gres iv ! "Save the surface and | YOU | Will Be : When You se Carmote Floor Varnish | - TOUGH FLOORS -- FURNITURE -- WODDWOAL . sident of the Toronte Ady: Greens committee--W,. A. White, chairman; C. 8. Cossitt, W. B. Me- Lean. -------- Good Price for Cheese, The price of cheese on the Fronte- nac Board Thursday was 15 1-8 cents a pound, and the expectation of those looking for a rise was not realized. The price, however, com- paratively speaking, is still consides- ed a good price by the farmers, who expected that sooner or later there would be a return to normal after the "riot" that took: place during 'the. war. It was not conceivable that the high prices reached could remain, and the prudent ones were able to see it. Before the war, cheese never reached 15 cents so that the indus try is 'still enjoying a margin of pro- fit that is regarded as quite satisfac- tory. It was the development of the dairy industry in Eastern Ontario that brought improvement iw agricul. ture here, and enabled the farmers to lift long-standing mortgages. Tats began about twenty-five years ago, and Canadian cheese has secured a firm hold on the European market. ---- Joins R. Sykes Muller Co., C. W. McDidrmid, for five managing director of the' "Toronto News, and latterly of the Toronto Times, also secretary of the Canadian Reconstruction Association' ip Mont- real, and for seven years advertising and sales manager for Ryrie Bros., Limited, Toronto, has become assoc. lated with the R. Sykes Muller Co. Limited, advertising and merchandis. ? "| Ing service, Montreal. Mr. McDiarmid and George M. Ree will represent them in the Toronto field, with head- quarters in Toronto. Mr, McDiarmid has had an exceptional experience in '| advertising and merchandising, and was one of the first advertising men in Canada' to make an extensive mar- ket analysis for his company. Mr. McDiarmid for three years was pre- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) SPECIAL SALE OF ImportedDress ~ Yoiles FOR SATURDAY Nearly 600 yards of fine English Voiles--most of them the celebrated Crofton make--in a great variety of pretty patterns; beautiful fine qualities --specially priced for quick clearance at............50c. and 75¢. a yard * SEE WINDOW DISPLAY It is not until. we put them to test that we can distinguish bet our friends and our acquaintances. Cold blooded "creatures The government of China is pian- ning to make some 10,000 post offi- ces telegraph offices. : ~ The ! worth as

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