Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1921, p. 10

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AT Te THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. . SATURDAY, MAY 28, wet. SE WHITE PINE Ottawa Valley White Pine has a reputa- tion for quality and grading that commands respect. We have in our sheds a well-se- lected stock of Ottawa Valley White Pine; and our prices are right, -------- | In the World of Sport NO MORE Brrr Ponies Defeat St. Regis 5:3, |, m= werene Practice Match. AND YOU GET | Best Game This Year As Yet om Bt ane ut Histing llr A ALLAN LUMBER CO. Phone 1042 . . . . Victoria Street i | al | ternational matches, recently watch- this year, St. Regis nine-of Deferlet, Coyne made a pretty running catch from letters received here the fu. WE GIVE .7-HOUR = cricket field Friday evening, with In the first of the eighth, with Van sufficient time to practice atop a b minutes before the appointed hour, [ners a step. 'kk has been son (inn OO ee Att in, ------_--. cr e cer- in Deferiet a few Sundays ago, was | the seventh, worked Klinghofer for and endurance, however, is shown results by ving your COPYING, time until they finally began to find Ponies secured all their runs in the and enjoyed to the utmost the rough COLOURING. Bp » ing the plate, Bill Evans doing the In spite of the unfair rules laid | BETTER WORK |- ed the Prin yi p *0 the best game seen here so far | Cherry's rap at the ball, mallet with ie of ales ww ging 2 Bring us your Films to be developed | } and printed. [NTs Welt Wa to defeat before Joe | on Reid's fly deep into left centre in ture king might develop into an in- | Pets before a large crowd at | the fifth. ternationalist if he were to devote score 5 to 3, The visitors were on | Slyke on second and Chase on first, i pony SERVICE the grounds and ready to start fifteen | Derry balked, advancing both run- AL present, although he is consid- ; ered a novice, he i ~ | = Wey you take Ruch to the joy and approval of the since the balk 'play has been seen oF 22] 1s Reta od Bole play. . ans, : here. ! : i hs, in- and guarantee all work. Klingl . : in the same class as Prince Henry, Phitograp Bgliofer, who. defeated Ponies| Twigg batting first in, the last of |}. "ihe That be has the pluck tainty of ting best ENLARGING, aEals = the mound for St. Regis and | five fouls before he grounded to by the fact that im a recent game the ad the locals guessing for a long | Red. Prince of Wales played four periods camera loaded with him, beginning in the last of the [fifth an dsixth with Saunders, Bill : ' " 28 rd riding. " + Evans, McNeill and Jack Evans cross- serimmages and hard viding trick twice } g : y ld by Johnny Kilbane, feather- ANSCO We san do anyihing in Phote In the last of the fifth, after the i a oan APL Cleveland | a Joa Nut, {ke bes wolk Mazes were fairly well loaded and one | SCF), cp 8 [LAPED. Tleveland, | FII NM come 0 us run in, Klinghofer complained about stayed ten rounds with him,' though | Experience teaches. The expert in 1 the condition of one of the balls. Kilbane secured a newspaper decis- charge of this new department has b = Sueven George Sullivan has seen fon, Jacks met Frankie Fleming in Then print or let us THAT experience -|@ lot of them and he could not find Toronto last night. int tw ith " h anything the matter with it so it re- fpr Cyko Pa negatives wit Mail orders give the same quick mained in the game. PEPPER ISIPE FEES SR y aper and you will service. Write for price lists. In the fir¥t of the ninth, Ruller also * have clearer, softer, i found something wrong with the de- % CO-OPERATION WANTED d . . Dealers--our proposition will in- A ; cisions on his batting but George had ® - geepet, more { artistic terest you. heard the story before and he was # Send in your sporting news to . of ordered to play ball. Those boys - 7 y k of. = * the Whig. If it is only . game of Sp assortment =". We carry a complete stock 0 should not talk so disrespectfully to | quoits between two friends, ! Mr. Sullivan. It's dangerous as well % send it in. Results of any games of cameras, pure chemi- 3 ANSCO ¥* as unavailing. % are requested from the officials cals, all photographic #% of the teams or leagues con- - - v Bas et O° SALE. OF DINING-ROOM SETS AND BUFFETS AT ROBERT J. REID'S Qt. Cut Buffet, reg. price $1 00, for $85.00 | Mah'g Buffet, reg. price $50, for $39.00 Hardwood Dressing Cases, $25, for $18.00 Iron Beds, from. . . $6.50 to $25.00 Chesterfields from $75.00 to $250.00 each (Best quality of Tapestry) R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker - - Phone 57 Tw. «oo . thd x WA ah : The teams: ) supplies. CAMERAS W! ith in 4 Deferiet--Reid, 2b; Ruller, ss; | ¢ corned: Get all the sporting : Johnny Evans Nipped a Few. Brouty; 3b; Yas Sivks, of; Chase, I; # news in the paper by sending in Sd ifford. ¢; Jenkins, 1b; Payton, rf; the little bi 1 and all other photo necessities. Drop | fifth. Even then he did not lose Klinghofter, p : ae! so Re TOU have elt in and see them hold very much. He is some twirler Ponies--Twigg, 3b; Thompson, rf; % the advancement of sport gen- . . . all right. } Daly, 1b; Cherry, cf; Saunders, 2b: * { 8 Sa ; 8 > , ef; s ' erally. . Lb To re pen turday evenings till Derry heaved for the Ponies and | w, Evans, 8s; Coyne and McNeill, 1f; | 3 y vet ' > | sd, did it well. His support was steady | J. Evans, c: Derry, p; Gallagher, x. J : , C} » Pi y eT N |lhroushout. Derry did not start out |" x__ Batter for Coyne in the fifth. PH94 04940404004 to do anything sensational but pitch- The Scoring: R HE : ed a steady game. Deferiet .....000100020--3 11 2 You dihs Ly ; Jack Evans nipped quite a few at Ponies 00003200x--5 8 2 am " he, ! 4 : by the plate and the fielding and throw- ; I} ( ) | ) ) S 7 . ° Ing done by Ponies is evidenced by mY ea - 2 ; 4 the fact that.out of eleven hits taken Summary. r 5 PHONOGRAPHS--BICYCLES--C AMERAS--FISHING TACKLE from Derry only three runners Ccross- Two-base hits--Brouty, Clifford, I 2 | B) A 2 Y ~ SPECIAL FLOOR WAX Saunders, W. Evans, Cherry. 88 PRINCESS STREET ' : : Telephone 529, [d the pute. sei 0 : elep e Several unusual incidents marked Base on balls--off Derry, one: off Zh JOHNSON'S and oD. ENGLISH ~ "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" the game, In the first inning Bruce | Klinghofer, one. ; nn Thompson went out on the Park | Hit by pitched ball-Ruller, v A 65¢c. P me avenue sidewalk and picked. off Van Struck out--by XKlinghoter, ten; TL 6 NL . : by Derry, 4. i FOR ONE WEEK ONLY SSPE A SPE Lee Slyke's fly. In the second Twigg nab- bed a hot liner from Klinghofer Left on--Deferiet, 10; Ponies, 5. hich w ected to knock him | Advanced on Derry's balk--van | [UNEETSSIRVE AA : over. In the last of the sams taajeg [Sirk oa She 4, al W. H. COCKBURN & CO. 3 Klinghofer made a pretty jump for Umpire--George Sullivan. L y x DO Eta vn 4». Mohit PR! Corner Wellington and Princess Street, Phone YOUR HOUSE CLEANING WITH |! oo 1 him every day., Both are welcome to ) 4 hr ne - A HOOVER VACUUM. COME IN 1 Little Bits. | Their Jala, : Pe ------------ Ralph de Palma is still figuring in . . teers AND LET us DEMONSTRATE. the speed books. Broke another re- -- : : In . Cherry was again the leading bat- | corq af Indianapolis the other day: : hi : . : be ud ter for Ponies on Friday. a ya * i vy RU Toronto University has a lacrosse | 2 7 : ! 4 There has been no reduction in the team and 'MeGill a ericket aggrega- A } price of ice-cream cones. tion but neither of them have "'Afri- H Ww NEWMAN ELECTRIC ( o Love olshiar ¢ " can golf" players like the boys from ; "Gee, i was pitchin' to Cap. | Queen's. : \ . . 0. Thompson he'd have ins scared be- 9 - -- SMOKI NGC ean . : fore I started," says 018 of the kids The quarters are getting more . 2 Phone 44] "57. 167 Princess Street arourid Ponies' bats, scarce every baseball match. Loosen ] -- up there fellows and the guy with a - "We'll go after the game tomorrow Job and no home should give double and beat the heads oft these birds." to help out the rest. ~--One of the visiting players, ee Vb In the Davis Cup matches at Hen- ! Fair'and Warmer'* evidently be- don England, Spain and Fegland are lievemgin the back-to-the-land proposi- having & efose run. The Spaniards tion. From September till May is can certainly play tennis. E( IONS some disappearance for a well-known Pa : race-herse. Ruth is lengthening his lead in the i +, | home run race between himself and IN Bull Moktans is now Ok Dempsey & | Kelly. The contest now stands <7 ic JH training staff a 3 8 in his favor, but Kelly may do 2 something sensational before the re. 1 3 3 year is out. . ; ; ( 2 Spring Woollens! A Cordial Io ine. It fs rumored Ia tenuis ote that ih ia This is an apt description of Con- | somé of the best French players ; stipation. It's an unnataral condi-{ giated for the contest in New York AY B. tion to begin with--but it's danger- on July 23rd have refused to come { % ous because it ls42s 3 indigestion, because prohibition will interfere while: not as large as n En wih Duisom, purga- | ¥ith thelr training on account of the g SOme 'years tive, you don't want to weaken fhe Jack ofthe Wine to which they are ago, is very attractvie and we think system by a harsh gripping medicine ~--what you need is iild, natural et t---- we can meet your taste. stimulant to the bowels. You get| Americans Out Now. # 1 * 1. just what you need in Dr. Hamil- With the defeat of F. J. Wright, ' 4 E = ur prices dre reasonable, consis ton's Pills, which tone up the liver, | ot Boston, by Bernard Darwin, of fl is mo waste: there' tent with high-class work, restore the bowels to perfect action | woking, on Thursday, the Amerjcan A 7 ; loss of fl :.and ; : nd. Pauiisvely od Sonstijation. chances for lifting the British Ama- Ze z ) a no 58 avor: . 2 You'll feel tip top after regulating teur Golf Championship have disap- / 7 = > there's the satisfying your system with Dr. Hamilton's a 7% PL Al \\ -- Pills. Good for young and old --a | Pe8red. The Americans started in Ta z = : economy. For the . real family medicine. 25c. all deal-| With a flourish and carried all before ne \ : : Z > Master Mason plug oe CRAWFORD & , ers, or The Catarrhozons Co., Mont- | them, irl 80 by the board, one 4 Vi > / ; r by one, and some of the most fam- a . . { J ous of them at the hands of compar- > high quality tobacco : - atively unknown British golfers. Bri- the rock bottom price. -- 3 eal. Angrove's Repai : 4 tish idols of the golfing world were oa TAILORS : ove S - épairs also shut out, and the next set of 0 re. eaten Talking MW en. _ Bleyelen | heroes will have different names. . ¢ . Bagot and Brock Streets ; oe repay ork "rene lowers. ete, We -- The Big Pl : 20 : satisfaction. In the politician's new bonnet yon | es ; 187 WELLINGTON STREET will find the same old bee. BRINGING UP FATHER = : i} un BY RADIUM Pine OR DIAMOND Priticess Street. 'Phone 755 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES hed ut ah for ex. . traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9.8. Se " PATTON'S DYE WORKS MA ene 7 : Dry Cleaning a Specialty. | Phone 214. 840 Princess St.

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