Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1921, p. 16

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. a SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1031. FURNISHINGS SATURDAY NIGHT We show exclusive and choice "ideas pleasingly priced. Every correct shape of TIE that's wanted and worn. SPRING HOSIERY. All standard makes in GLOVES. COOL UNDERWEAR. CHOICE. SHIRTS--all the new Straw and Panama HATS. CAPS, SOFT COLLARS, etc. Livingston's Founded 1847. 75-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." | Of Art'and Needlework by the Pupils Is. Most Inter- & | esting. One of the most interesting exhibi- ! | tions of what proper instruction can | {do for the really talented childrea | and young girls of our city, is pon | view in the Notre Dame convent, | where the work of the pupils, execut- {eff during the past year, is displayed. | On entering the large, airy room, | decked with fern and fragrant with lily-of-the-valley from the convent garden, the visitor's eye is at once i caught by the very beautiful display [of hand-painted china. "350 pieces [in all" sald the kindly sister, who hag so ably instructed het Clever pupils. "and all burnt in our own kiln." A most exquisite dinner set, in palest green, with a dainty pai- tern, 97 pleces in all, was the work of Miss Simpson, whose clever brush had also decorated a dainty yellow supper set. Charming tea gets wers the work of Misses Annie Whalen, Cecile Bérnier, Isabel Gourdier, Alma LeClair, Bessie Simpson and Joseph- ine Kaminski. Miss Norah O'Connor, | a young "daughter. of Dr. Fergus | | G"Connor, has some really remark- | I ably clever work on exhibition, china {and some dainty marine scenes, and {a sepia drawing of Martéllo tower | | that many an older artist might be | proud of. Miss Grace 'Davis, another | | talented small girl, and Miss Marion | | Sullivan have also produced some | | good work. | | The English pen painting on sili land on yory is very: good, as also { are the works in oil and water colors, Miss Hilda Kaminski's Indian scene being most realistic. Dainty Bollst | Sots. trays and a beautiful cocoa' t | | were much admired, as were the | studies from life and from plaster casts all showjng patience and skill on the part of teacher and pupils. Next the visitor was taken to see tha work of the little girls of five and six in paper, card board, etc., and very neatly executed it was by tiny fingers. The junior third class had | made themselves lace and embroidbr- ed aprons, the senior third class had | hemstiched and initialled towels and made more elaborate aprons. The | Junior fourth class will wear neatly | made under-garments with fine | stitchery, and the high schools girls | had embroidered night dresses, made crochet yokes, knitted sweaters and embroidered table linen, even some pretty gingham frocks were the work of these young needle women, who excel in this womanly art, ---------- FINISH OF K.CL SPORTS A Concert Was Given in Grant Hall in the Even- | i | i { e 2 Bes Victoria Brand Finest Pasteurized Creamery Awarded first prize at Toronto exhibition. Manufactured in Ontario's most modern Creamery. Deliveries absolutely fresh. Try a pound with your next order. We recommend for warm weather-- , WILSON'S MAJESTIC 'OLEOMARGARINE A perfect: product. Specially put up in sanitary package and moist wrapper which protects it from heat, thereby furnishing to the home a wholesome and satisfying spread for bread. - : DON'T FORGET Majestic retains its firm. - ness and flavor without Ice. THE 2 BEST AT LEADING GROCERS Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767. - & 4 : - A -- % ing. , The Kingston Collegiate Institute field day sports werp concluded on Friday afternoon and the showing made by the runners was a splendid one. In the evening a concert was given in Grant hall by several of the talented young scholars which was attended by the teachers and mem- bers of the sport committee. The afternoon results are as fol- lows: Boys' 1-2 mile--J. Findlay, time 2.6; Inman second, Hewgill third. 100-yard dash--F. R. Morris, 11 1-4 seconds; Ada second, Hew- gill third. 100-yard dash, junior--G. J. Me- Kelvey, 11 1-2 seconds; BE. Simmons second, W. Harkness third. Sock race--+--G. J. McKelvey first, L. McKay second, L. Douse third. 220-yard dash--F. R. Mortis, 30 seconds: G. J. McKelvey coud, George Ada third. : Hurdle race--R. Hewgill first, G. Ada second, M. Frances third. Discus throw -- George Ada, first, 8 feet 6 inches; C. Vokes sec- ond, L. McKay. " Girls' halt mile--H. 2.5%; J. M. McFadyen Melvor third. 100-yard dash, girls--Peggy Bii- well first, 13 seconds: A. S. Prager second. L. Leslie third. 60-yard dash, giris--Peggy Bid- well, 7 seconds; A. E. Prager second, F, Aldridge third. ' 3-legged race, girls--Misses E!s- beck and Prager, first; Mclvor and Jarvis first, second, J. Wood. second; McFadyen and Wil- ton, third. Wheelbarrow race--Misses M. Philips and H. Jarvis, first; A. S. Fraser and J. A. Mclvor, second; G. oon and L. Goodwin, third. 100-yard dash, Girl Guldes--Peg- £y Bidwell first, 13 1-4 seconds; Miss Ada second, I. Wood third. Prizes awarded: First medal--R. Hewgill George. Ada, tie. Second medal--J. Findlay. Special prize given by principal for winning most running events--J. Findlay. Girls' first prize--Peggy Bidweil: second. A. E. Prager. : Special prize donated by J. G. EI- liott--Peggy Bidwell. ~ ------i The Late Niram Spooner The funeral of the late Nira Spooner took place from his resi- dence, 217 Division St., to Cataraqui cemetery at 2:00 p. m. Friday. The casket was banked with beautiful flowers, testifying to the affection- ate regard fn which the was held Rev. W. 8. Lennon tected. the religious service, The pall bear- ers were Messrs, W, Fleet, McBride, Chaprmian, Weese, and Ross, and : -------- ------------ A case in which a lad was charg- ed with truancy, came before Mag- Istrate Farrel, in the juvenile court on Saturday morning, and was en- larged for two weeks. EXHIBITION AT CONVENT Told in : Twilight Miss Kate Sampson has returned to Toronto after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mullin. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sampson are the guests of.Mr and Mrs. BE. W. Mullin, Johnson street. Miss, Phyllis Coates, Princess street, returned on Friday from Brockville, where she attended the Montreal branch of the W. M. 8. meeting. Miss Phyllis Spencer is in Ottawa to 'attend the wedding of Miss Bessie Brennan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, to Wallace King- sley Moor. H. Phippen, Kingston, spent a few days with' Mrs. J. Dodge and mother, Mrs. Sloan, Milford. - - niece, Miss Calneron, and Mrs. (Dr.) 1 Mr. and arlene H. DeBlois, their Mather, of Tweed, motored to King- Sten on the 24th, * Messrs. Tom and Joe Marks arriv- ed in Perth on Wednesday from their spring theatrical tour to spend the summer at Christy Lake. Mrs. James Kane and children, Kingston, are spending a few days with' the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Conboy, Gananoque. Mrs. Neil Stewart, Harrowsmith, and. Miss Lillian Johnson, Oshawa, |' who were the guests of Mrs, F. G. McLeod, Frontenac street, this week, have returned home. -» . - Mr. and Mrs. Angus Leckie, an- nounce the marriage of thein daugh- ter, Alice A, Leckie, Burnstown, to James Stanley Mayhew, . Horton, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Mayhew, of Renfrew, marriage' to take place in June. Miss Josephine Nobes, 190 Rideau street, has left for Brockville, Water- town and other American points where she will spend hér vacation. -- John Thompson, Sand Hil, Dies at Age of Ninety John Thompson, aged ninety years,. and probably the oldest resi- dent of Frontenac county, passed away at his residence at Sand Hill on Friday The deceased was born in Ireland, but came to Canada -at an early age and carried on farming. Monday Evening's Programme The following programme will be given in Ontario Hall at the annual concert of the Kingston Symphony Orchestra: Overture, Oberon March, Jolly Fellows .:.. Quartette, Annie. Laurie Harmony Four ¥iolin Solo, Legende. . . . Wieniawski Goldie Bartels Waltz, Under the Palm Trees.Sinbold Italian Symphony, .!. Mendelsséhn Old Time Post Ha. Jullion Dramatic number "How the La- rue Stakes Were Lost' Mrs. Telgmann Quartette, "Southern Medley". Foster : Harmony Four Serenade, "The Love Letter". Toselli Duet, Misses Bartels and Douglas and Orchestra Irish Reel, Molly on the Shore. .. Grainger God Save the King #.Biquet The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah Ann Marrison took place to Catara- qui cemetery at 10 a.m. Saturday. Canon W. F. Fitzgerald officiated. DAILY MEMORANDUM. Next British Mail will close at the Kingston Post Office at 4.30 p.m, Thurs- day, June 2nd. Sons of England church parade, Sun- day, May 28th, from S.0.E. hall, 10 a.m. to Calvary church. Englishmen eor- dially invited. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. EAA A ce min BORN. CLARK---On May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Clark, 39 Lower Charles, a son. MARRIED. DICKSON--BLOTT-- In Toronto, on May 23:4, in St George's church, Mary E. Blott, of pmmerland, B os to George H. Dicksomt, of Cobalt, nt. DIED. DERBYSHIRE--In Kingston, on May 26th 1921, Byron UDerbysaire, aged 81 years, 3:montns, Funeral wili take place fro residence, 165 Union 8 reel, on Cataraqui Cemetery, PN Pt a te et IN MEMORIAM, In loving memory of Margaret Beat. rice Yates, beloved wife or Percy A. Valentine, Cataraqui, who reparted this lite, May 29th, 1920. ~--Husband. CARD OF (S Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clarke wish to thank their many friends for the fiany floral tributes. Alse for thelr kindness and mpathy during their re. cent sad bereavement. oe re -- ERS 7.30 O'CLOCK Here you will find a group of price reduced articles, many taken from our regular stocks and others attractively priced ow- ing to a special purchase. Thrifty buyers would be well advised to take advantage of the followin g Saturday night bargains:-- MEN'S BA LBRIGGAN Shirts and Drawers Penman's $1.00 Quality To-night 69¢c Garment 25 dozen Penman's high-g rade Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers (standard quality ). Shirts in short and long sleeves; Drawers in knee a nd ankle length. - All sizes up to 44. 36 PAIRS CORSETS Values $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 YOUR PICK $1.50 Six different makes in the lot : all back lace; sizes ranging from 20 to 26. These models are quite new in style, but are being cleared at $1.50 ow ing to broken sizes. Stamped Night Gowns TO CLEAR $1.25 EACH A-8mall lot of Nainsook N ight Gowns for women, in pretty stamped designs; on a fine qualit y of serviceable Nainsook. All White. 25 Dozen Slip-on Veils SALE PRICE 12%c 25 dozen Black Slip-On Veils in a wide assortment of neat and fashionable designs. See these to-night. Children's Lisle Socks (Sizes 4 to 9). THE PRICE 40c. TO 59c., ACCORDING TO SIZE Children's fine Lisle Thread Roll-Top Socks. They come in solid colors of Tan, Sky, Black and White; also White with tops of Stripes, Plaids and Heat her tones. . Cen - Three-Quarter Lisle Socks | FOR GIRLS . Priced according to size . : 50c. to 95¢. PAIR Sizes 64 to 9}. The colors: R omper Blue, Heather; fancy tops in fink, Sky, Sand, Navy, Brown and Copenhagen and "other colors. : : Women's Fine Lisle Thread Hose "5c, PAIR. : i 25 dozen--fine, Lisle Thread Hose; all sizes: full fashioned; Spliced heels and toes; fast colors. The colors Brown, White and ack. & Son, Limited 5 a hig late Monday morning, at 10 o'ciock, "to | . : Price PRINCESS |B nS LAT tor Ambui-nes. © TH} and going at Half Price Friday and {lI are lower in price at the factory to-day than last year, and our regu- lar price is cheaper than city stores. These Shoes will be shown up- _ stairs, where we have more room to display them. There was no session of the police | eso {court on Sat morning. FRIDAY SATURDAY THREE HUNDRED PAIRS LADIES' EVENING PUMPS Eight dollars to Fifteen, including Silver and Gold Cloth, White and Black Satin, White Kid, Patent and Black Kid--all beautiful Shoes Saturday. None of these styles " FRIDAY AND SATURDAY--} PRICE

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