CBATURDAY, MAY U8. 103%. The Autom HAVE SELECTED THE JUDGES To Decide Winners in Letter Writing Contest by 'the Willys-Overland, Limited. SIR JOHN WILLISON Toronto, May 27.-- Announcement is made here today by Willys-Over- land Limited of the seléction of Judges for their five-thousand dollar letter-writing contest, which is to he concluded June 1st. Sir John §. Wil- ison and Dr. P. E. Doolittle have con- sented to act and these names in themselves are an assurance of im- partiality, both gentlemen being known from one end of Canada to the othér. The former was for years a leading editor-in-chief and a publicist Of note; latterly his work as chair- man of the Canadian Reconstruction Association has contributed largely to the country's progress. Dr. Doolittle is perhaps, the best known motorist in Canada, Raving been identified with public move. WASHING A CAR. Not be Allowed to Harden "Please give me a few pointers on the proper way to go about wash- ing my car," ig the request made fre- quently by car owners. This is a good month in which to master the fup- damentals of this operation, since it i8 'the time when spring rains often Ya Yoo with 'ths appearance of Mud Should motor car. Some motorists have Ife or no B 'PR PE. DOOLITTLE ments to advance motoring from its inception. One of the pioneer car owners of Canaga, he organized and was first' president of the Ontario Motor League. "At present he is do- ing constructive work as president of the Canadian. Automobile Associa- tion Both judges, therefore, realize the importance of "Putting Canada on Wheels" and are well qualified to consider the letters entered in the Overland (Contest, Letters showing postmarks not later than June 1st are to be accepted and as soon after that as letters from the farthest point can reach Toronto, the letters will be handed to the judges for their consideration. An- nouncement of prize-winners will be made at the earliest possible date. conception of the principles involv- ed In the washing of a car. One asks, for instance, if it would be all right to use a feather duster on a car to remove the coat of earth after a drive over dirt roads. Another wants to know if there is any par- ticularly good time to wash the car. The best time to renovate and polish up a car just after it comes in from the trip, and, if possible, Before the mud hag hada chance to dry and harden. Warm weather and the neat of uy the car's motor tend to dry this mud quickly, baking it .into the finish. So if the car cannot be washed im- mediately it is wise at least to rinse off this mud with a gentle stream of water from a hose. In starting the washing process, first soak all the mud and dust down with a hose, from which the nozzle has been removed. with the lowest possible pressure should be used to go over the body's finish. Begin at the top and work downward; then you will remove the same mud only once. The first rinsing in this manner generally loosens the dirt and the next removes the last trace of it. If it does not, a soft sponge con- etantly saturated with water should be slopped without rubbing against the spot where the hard mud is lodg- ed or stuck. Grease spots are often found on the finish after the dirt has been washed off. ' These should be washed with an old chamois skin and some' good, pure (linseed oil) soap. To preserve the finish as much as possible, rinse off the soapsuds as quickly and ag thoroughly as pos- sible after the grease spot 'has been treated. It is important that no trace of the soap is left on the finish. Now rinse the car again thos oughly; then wet a good clean cham- ois, wring it dry and BO over every inch of the body, wiping it dry. It is a good plan' to have another chamois, not necessarily new but at least and use only on this part of the car. Here's a point to remember: Kee the wet ear out of the sun until dry or the finish is likely to crack and check. Never "dust" a car with a feather or any other kind of duster, Wash- ing as suggested here is the best and practically the only safe way 'o keep the finish bright and shining. One point frequently overlooked by even the seasoned motorist when washing hig car is that the engine should be cold. Otherwise the hood and radiator of the car will become dull ang shabby looking, while the rest of the exterior is still neat and lustrous. 'Heat dries the soap and polish, injures the finish irreparably within a comparatively short time if the practice is continued. BALKY STARTER I8 REAL ABOMINATION The Starting and the Ignition System on an Automobile Is Described. There ig nothing more useless about an automobile than a starter that will not start, When the starter does not respond to the pedal it 4s not safe to assume that the machine fS---- A large stream | clean, for wiping the running gear | WILL YOU DO YOUR PART IN obile Business Is 0 ET HIGHWAYS CLEAN ? With the approach of summer comes the problem of keeping motoring highways clean of the debris left by tourists. discouraging sight that greets the rubbish strewn along the roads by picnic parties. boxes, bottles and similar rubbish dumped along the highways by explain to a large extent 'the prejudice which | careless auto parties |§ our rural friends sometimes f. | ¢ the blame fer dirty roads be penalized. it, instead of littering the path for those who follow. in eliminating this nuisance and ask your friends to do likewise, -The most eyes of the motorist is that of Discarded lunch against the autoist. While all cannot be placed upon auto parties, the motorists are responsible for a great deal of the rubbish and should -It is no task to gather up such debris and dispose of Do your part v is out of kilter. The pedal may not close the switch, or thére may be some other minor trouble Taking it for granted that you fol- lowed previous advice and have pa- tiently read the instruction book on the starter and have sought out the wiring on the car so that you know the layout and just how the motor starts, and how attached to the en- gine crank shaft, we may safely pro- |ceed. The connection may be [through a gear on the fly wheel or by silent chain with overrunning {clutch on the forward end of the { erank shaft, usually arranged to re- lease the motor as soon as the engine starts. If the system is a single | unit the chain drive is probable. Where the generator for replen- | ishing the battery is a separate unit {it may be driven by chain, gear or {otherwise, sometimes With a coup- [ling where the ignition device is built into the generator. Inspection of your car has revealed to you its pe- culiarities. Be sure and get it through your noddle just how the current travels back and forth from battery to starter and from genera- tor to battery, through the regulator, cutout, switch. and charge and dis- charge indicator. 'The regulator is to prevent a too high charging of rate cr tp------------ by introdueing a resistance which op- erates when the rate is too high. The regulator is sealed so that you cannot get at it. If anything is wrong with it an expert must be called. . The cutout is to make connection with the battery when the gederator produces a higher voltage than that of the battery, and to break the con- nection when the generator voltage falls below that of the battery. The chief troubles in startin sys- tems come from loose, short-circuit- ed or broken wires, brushes stuck or worn so that they do not make good contact with the commutators of mo- tor and generator; dirty or worm commutators, run-down battery be- cause of greater use of current than charging capacity of generator, and mechanical disorder in starting switch, cutout or regulator, or in the connection between starting motor and engine, or between generator and engine. 4 -- A woman may be afraid of the cook, but a than isn't--unlesé she's his wife. Most men find it easier to get in debt than to get out, but some are unable to get in at al], Meekness is the quiet that belongs to right. 'Pur CANADA Gir WHEELS" $5,000 CONTEST CLOSES JUNE 1st Notice to, Car Owners ace to, Lar Uwners Intending to Compete although their big letter. writing contest will close on June 1st, entries and contest letters mailed in envelopes that show a postmark not later than that date will be admitted. This is to give persons at a distance the same opportunity as those right in Toronto. Letters are to be written on "What my Car means to me," and are not to exceed 300 words, We have received word from * Willys-Overland Limited that, We want that $1,000 Prize --or one of the 75 anyway-- to come to this district. So GET AN ENTRY FORM AND PARTICULARS WITHOUT DELAY . Bros. 210-214 Wellington St. Phone 1410 frre he : A ER A RO RE RC Dependable Spark with "3450" Insulators resist Knocks, shocks, 'heat and vibration to a wonderful degree There is built into every | Gk oy Champion as near 100 percent ) of satisfaction and service as you may ever hope to obtain in a spark plug. --Our famous "3450" Insulator, with which all Championsare. equipped, is the result of x = thousands of experiments, - It HE BIG-SIX is ; : is a marvel of strength and | pb tL - In. every pe 2 endurance because it stands be quality car, for comparison only up under any punishment with the very best. Due to light weight that the motor or engine and Studebaker's manufacturing facili- itself can endure. ties, the price is less than other cars of nampion" on the Ins ulator equal quality. "Buy it because isa sy g St ini. Studebaker.' Ii C AMP -------------- ---- | Le Champion Spark Plug Co., CO, LTD. of Canada, Limited : Windsor, Ontario Largest factory in Canada a Plugs exclusively Sold where motor goods are sold, KINGSTON AUTO SALES THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LTD, WALKERVILLE, ONT.