IBURSDAY, max 4 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. COLUMBIA SIX It's the shutters that make the In the Automobile World « Columbia Six a true all th Car. . ENKOND WALSH, Agent Central Garage Autc Repairs a Specialty, $35 King St. ~ ~- Phone 3188, " Portsmouth Gasoline Service Station BEST GRADES OF OILS AND Motor Digest Carry spare tubes in a bog. Keep spare tires covered. The modern snow tractor ig able rlto do the work of twenty-five men. Harvard created an automobile club twenty years ago. More than half of all the automo- biles in Canada are found in rural districts. Fifty per cent. of the vehicles in ll] the United States postal service are il | automobiles. GREASES George Granger Phone 189. LINE 39c. Gallon G. C. MILLARD Cor. Main and Raglan Phone 2351 w. T. L. McCullough, Deseronto, has purchased Alex. Foote's boat and will instal a -two-cylinder Gray an- gine ink it, Mr. Plato, who Hves on Forest Ps Island, is now the owner = So John Dunlop moter boat. Lynn Crossman, Deseronto, re- oeived he degree >f Bachelor of Sci- ence at the convocation af Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S. F ing Tohey and trouble ROYAL OAK TIRES, 30x34 6,000 miles, $20.00; fr $2. 60. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER COMPANY Street. Phone 2050, 284 Ontario MAXOTIRES eaper Than Ever Before--Q uality Better Than Ever ey cannot afford to be with out this splendid device for sav- Seventy per cent. of the passenger traffic in California is transported by ll { motor buses. Each jitney and autobus in Cam- den, N.J., must be equipped with a cash register. In the city of Stockholm, Sweden, there are 2,135 automobiles and 1,- 015 motoreycles. During the calendar year 1920, ap- proximately 1,740,000 passenger au- tomobiles were produced in the U. 8. country. Approximately one-ninth of all the commercial motor trucks in the Unit- ed States are operated in New York city. The School Board in Cimarrow, Kan., employs teachers as chauffeurs in consolidated schools, paying them 60 cents an hour. The buses run on regular schedule, and the motor rou tes are so laid out that the buses cail at the home of each child. Truancy Is impossible. ' Great Britain is formulating a plan for finding work for 500,000 unemployed men * during the coming winter. The scheme provides for the construction of roads in the vicinity of large towns where the highways are urgently required to relieve con- gested traffic. ld Before SEE THE 1921 BRISCOE TOURING CAR ---- The Leader of Lightweight Cars at a---- \ Medium Price This car is strongly built, easy riding, and com- fortable. Has graceful, up-to-date lines, makes :an attractive appearance, has plenty of reserve power and is a splendid hill imber. Motor slows down or picks up quickly, at the wil of the driver. . Ask for de monstration. ANGLIN BROS., Bay St. ~ MR. ROBERT W. ANGLIN, MANAGER THERE IS ONLY ONE ANSWER FOR OUR DAILY INCREASING BUSINESS--WE ARE GIVING SATISFACTORY SERVICE COOK'S AUTOSERVICE Phone 634 Open Day and Night COR. KING AND QUEEN STREETS Why (ake the chance of park ile Jour suts on the street, when accommoda wé have ground floor rates. tions for 100 cars at reasomable 18 in wrote ous service Sams are teady. at a moment's notice. i DOWN QUEEN "AND TURN TO PRINCESS STREET . % OIL GAUGE QUICKLY SHOWS UP TROUBLE Careful Motorist Wastes No Time Heeding Unusual Be~ havior of OI Gauge. Every careful operator glances at the oil-guage at intervals of a few minutes, while his car is running; it soon becoming second nature for him to do so, and so long as the reading is what experience shows that it should be, thers is no occasion for action, If, however, the indic- ation is abnormal, it should be a signal for immediate investigation of lubricating conditions. Total failure of pressure indicates that no oil is being pumped, and is a sign that the awailable oil supply that the pump is air-bound, perhaps because of a cracked suction pipe, or leaky connection on the suction side; or that the pump is mechaani- cally deranged. The fluctation of the indicated pressure frem zero and level is so low that the pump ob- tains an interrupted supply of oil, which soon fall completely. When the pressure runs lower than nor- mal, at all speeds, it may indicate simply that the oil has become thinned by Jong use and should be changed, or it may point to a par- tially obstructed strainer or suctioa pipe, a leaky by-pass valve, imperfect pump operation, caused by dirty check-valves in a plunger-type pump or by a leaky housing or impaired impeller action in one of the rotary type. A sudden drop of pressure practically to zero may also resuit from the leakage or breaking of a delivery pipe--an accident capable of emptying the system of oil if not al tended to immediately. On the other hand, when pressure runs high and this is not accounted for by the oil being fresh and cold, there is reason to, suspect that one or more of the delivery passages is obstructed, thus depriving certain bearings of lubrication, but the fail- ure of the relief valve to open may be the tause of the excess pressure. Oil pressure gauges are not in- fallible and occasionally a zero In- dication may not mean that there is no pressure in the system, but that the gauge is out of order, or that there is a leak in its connect- ing tube. If oil is delivered forcibly from the oil pipes, when the engine is run, it is evident that there is pressure, whether the guage shows it or not. OLEAN MOTOR NEEDED TO IDLE SMOOTHLY Many Little Troubles Can Be Shown Up When the Mo- tor is Idling. It is quite a satisfaction to its op- erator to have an engine idle quietly, regularly and slowly; and the follow- ing are some of the conditions that sonduce to satisfactory idling. The carburetor should preferably be one with special idling adjustment, cap- able of insuring sufficiently rich mixture at very low speed. All valves should be tight and the pistons free from serious leakage, or there will be a failure of certain of the cylind- ers to retain charges capable of be. ing fired reliably. The Ignition sys- lem must be such as to, furnish a good spark at very low Speeds, the plugs should preferably be located near the intake valves and their points should not be set too closely together. If there .are the slightest air-leaks at the carburetor or intake- manifold flanges, >r between the in- take valve stems and their guides, the small gag charges 'dmitted may be diluted below point of combusti- bility and some of the cylinders will fire irregularly. = If, with the throt- tle lever fully closed the idling speed is higher than desirable, and the »|throtile does not shut completely enough, the screw which limits its degree of closing should be adjusted until a low enough speed is secured Noise, due t& worn timing-gears, lost motion in the valve-gear and similar derangements "show up" no- ticeably when an engine is idling slowly, and if it can be made to ran carburetor In its regular adjust- ment ,it goes far to show that it is in pretty good 'condition and well "tuned up." With present day gaso- line, highly satisfactory idling run- ing is hardly to be expected unmloss the carburetor has a special idling device, and few engines can idle weil on a fully advanced spark or until they are well warmed. Ready for the Census Man. The inspector knocked sharply at the door and it soon ; "Nobody lives here," stawered the daughter of the house; "we're only staying for a short time." "But how many are here?" "I'm here, Father's gone for a walk and mother ig--" . "Stop, Air Hg exclaimed the man "I want to know pow | aay Boni so hers ai pte" waa the. reply, " is exhausted or too cold to be fluid; |- back, usually indicates that the oil silently at very low speed, with the |: ow many people live here?" hel. : Nivbon Notes Of Science | A megaphone ati fan have been combined in a recent novelty. New Zealand has an annual death- rate of less than 1 per cent. Electricity has been adapted to 48 different purposes about a household. An enamel to glaze pottery with- out the use of heat is a German invention. Japanese claim to have invented matches that wil] Heht perfectly even when wet. High frequency electric apparatus has been invented for massaging and shampooing. Plumbago is the most important mineral product of Ceylon, which has about 1,000 mines. Seats which can be hung on auto- mobile doors to carry additional pas- sengers have been invented. Swiss experimenters have succeed- ed in obtaining a good quality coke by carbonizing condemned flour. A handcuff has been invented that cannot be accidentally locked, there- fore, always is ready for use. Honduras has a tree producing a form of cotton which the natives use in the manufacture of textiles. Seasoning Wood brings into the same space about 10 per cent. more fibers than when the wood was green. Sixty miles of thread spun from the fiber of a species of Italian nettle weighs but 2 1-2 pounds, A new gauge for gasoline tanks is fixed in place under a piece of glass, through which its marks can be seen. Across a river in Peru is a bridge more than 200 feet long that is sus- pended' by 32 ropes made of cactus fibers. Two lamps keep the water from freezing in a new watering tank for farm stock, while float valves regu- late the supply, According to @ British scientist, weight for weight, mabtaroni is as valuable a flesh building food as beef or mutton, Apparatus ~ which automatically supplies more oxygen to aviators the higher they fly has been invented by a Chicago man, Steam driven engines carried on petroleum propelled motorboats have been added to the Venice fire depart- ment equipment. Government experts have estimat- ed that, with due economy, there is timber enough in the United States to last 444 years. Acetylene lamps that throw flashes instead of steady beams of light are being tried out for signalling by a Swiss railroad. So light is a new rubber coated balloon fabric that three thicknesses of it weigh less than five ounces to the square yard. Tests in Denmark bave shown that concrete ig not affected by long im- mersion in the ocean, even as long as 'half a century. A néw corporation plans to main- tain more than 15,000 stands of bees in California and make it the lead- ing honey producing state. For the first time in its long his- tory the Dundee Royal Infirmary in Scotland has women alone as house physicians and surgeons. Turning the handle of an Illinois inventor's couble acting churn re- volves the paddles in on. direction and the barrel in the other. Some of the natives of Ecuador eat 2 beetle that is found extensively on high plains of that country after roasting it like a chestnut, A new check protector consists of a printing wheel, fed by ink in the handle to draw lines or designs on each side of the written amount, By linking a number of lakes and rivers in a hydro-electric project Nor- way expects to obtain 320,000 elec- tric horsepower at a single plant, To protect the sleeves of women office workers a cardboard cuff that is adjusted by buttons around which a string is wound has been patented. An English shipyard recently launched the first steel vessel built without rivets, all of the plates hav- ing been joined by electric welding, A sort of bicycle saddle to be sus- pended from wu pair of crutches has been invented to permit cripples to sit down and rest when they are tired. Salt beds in Holland estimated to contain 38,000,000 tons, permitted to remain idle ever since their discovery several years ago, at last are to be developed. Operated by electricity, a machine patented by a Buffalo inventor quick- ly picks the feathers from poultry and gathers them by the vacuum pro- cess into a container. For timing work the dial of a Swiss stop watoh carries additional marks to indicate at any point of elapsed time what the corresponding output per hour would #8, Tongs held open by a spring to en- able an angler to keep mouths of fisb open to recover swallowed hooks, scaling and cutting knives are com- bined in : single implement. So senrtive is electrical apparatus invented by a French scientist that it will detect the presence of one part of bichromate of potash in 200,000,- 000 parts of water. ATTWOOD & DINE VULCANIZING Bring in your repair work on Tires and u See our new Wood Tube, equipped with the famous Wood value. 277 BAGOT ST. Phone 410w. want your car out of commission any longer than is sary send it here and you'll get kx back again in so short a' time a8 _to amaze you. Scott's "HOUSE (LEANING Ung Been Completed from Cellar to Garret at Blue Garages. A new order of things has been estab- lished. Confidence is restored. | { | | Our repair department is rushed with work, | | New cars are being sold. , Watch them pas: on the street. § McLaughlin's 'of course. The Standard Motor Car of Canada made by Canadians at Oshawa. | i} IR | | | | ni Come and see our assortm ent in the show room. You are assured cf courteous treatmént and Netangtitia service (which means the most efficient type.) 5 Blue Garages, Limited . Thos, B. Angrove, Manager. CORNER QUEEN AND BAGOT STREETS. PHONE 567. Partridge Tire Prices These nation-wide favorite tires--made in Canada by a science"--can "Company with a Con- bought now at prices lower than before the war. 30x3% jundaed Punidee Purwides Putidge Purbidgs Pies $16.50 $16.50 $18.75 $28.00 S240 OTHER SIZES REDUCED. PROPORTIONATEL Ask your Dealer for New Price List. PARTRIDGE TIRES, when Siast introduced; ghined instantasicous PARTRIDGE | INTEGRITY has maintained that popularity against AgTeInGE 1 elie ol A ERE i Firsiies fale EE PARTRIDGE VALUES assure you honest satisfaction at our lowest Gared an iron cores or made in so called fabric yizes. EEE Tires Sold by Dealers Everywhere | MADE IN CANADA The F. E. Patridge Rubber Co. Limited GUELPH - CANADA Zz