SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1921. ¢ A : * Announcement CHAPAS has taken charge of our We DR. expert Optome- trist, new modern optical pdriors. feel now that we can give ser- vice surpassed by none, Only the most modern devices known io science will be used by Dr. Chapas, who will devote his entire time to this department. We can assure our many cus- tomers and friends complete sat- isfaction, and the results we are sure will be mutually beneficial. service at Honest, accurate honest price LT. Best, Druggist Prescription Specialis: Phone 59. Keeley Jr. M.0.D. Fy THE _ Responsibility There are several reasons why our sight service bears a good reputation. One of them is that we don't depend on others for any part of it. Our work is not planned by others; nor do others carry out our plans. ¥rom eye examination to fin- ished glasses it is KEELEY Service. : : We are vitally interdsted in i: the result of our work and to fhsure success do all of it our- selves. | Keeley Jr. 1LO.D.0. 22¢ PRINCESS STREET Phone 927 Norman Plate We have recently re- ceived shipment of this high grade Silver Plate--the finest ever shown in Kingston. THE BEDFORD is a most exclusive design. Several samples may be seen in our windows. . Wedding Rings. SMITH BROS. Limited Marriage Licenses, Jewelers lw Established 1540. Registered Opticians 85¢ Kirg Street p THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. { THERAPION No. 1. THERAPION No. THERAPION No.3 Ko. 1 for Bladder Catarrh. No. 2 for Blood & Skin Diseases. No.3 for Chronic Weaknesses. Dn LEC Lene ed Cor Haverstoek Ra, N WL onion, SEE TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAPION' IS ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACKETS. i ---- er Aen | | | ~ Doors of St. Peter's church, in | Rome, though made of wood, have | lasted 1,100 years. SAVE THE SURFACE I. Do you realize you are losing more money * by not painting than insurance. "You save the surface and you save all" Use the best Paint you can get. Itis always the cheapest. Brandram & Henderson Co'y 70% Lead, 30% full zinc and guaranteed pure Linseed oil is the only thing to use. You get that when you use B. & H. Paint for everything. Floor Colors, Porch Colors, Stains veerinniieen.t on... $1.50 Quart MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. Big, Busy Paint Store - = - =.- . Kingston Phone 237 if you went without { 0LD HICKORY FURNITURE ~ Just now we are showing the most practical and ser- viceable Porch and en Fur- niture in the form of old Hickory Tables, Chairs, and Settees. Also rugs in Fibre and Jute, diame and Cocoa Matting, by the yard. . Bamboo Blirtds, etc., fitted to sizes. Let us supply your requirements now, - and you will have the comfort of having your porch in readiness during the summer. TLE. Harrison Co, Lined um 9 'lon Wednesday "THE DAILY BRIT! (Notice--Hereaft 'r, the Whig, in {common with other papers all over | Canada, will make a charge of $1 | for inserting an engagement, mar- riage or reception announcement.) To get the Whig"s society writer, te'ephore No, 857w., 189 Earl street. 'Mrs. F. W. Hill, West street, gave {a jolly farewell dance on Wednesday |evening for Miss Francesca Foulkes | when the other guests to enjoy the | pleasant affair were "Miss Alisoa | Macdonell, Miss Catherine Minnes, Miss Edith Carruthers, Miss Nora |Bermingham, Miss Katherine = Con- |nolly, Miss Yvonne Hughes, Miss | Barbara Bidwell, Miss Marion Ogil- | vie, Miss Kitty Torrance, Miss Doris | Barclay, Miss Gwendolyn Waddei, |Miss! Doris McKay, "Captain Lee, {Captain Brownfield, Dr. | Messrs. Morton] W. : Foplkes, Paul Cunningham, Gordoa | Cunningham and some of the senior class of cadets. . » . Mrs. T. S. Scott, King street, en- tertained at bridge on Thursday af- ternoon when the prizes were won by Mrs. C. E. Taylor and Mrs. Henry Connell. The, drawing room had gor- |geous red tulips for its decoration jand the tea table in the dining room [ with its dainty china and gleaming silver. was centred with the finest fot the pink peonies. Here Mrs. Georgé Mahood made the tea and | Mrs. Charles Taylor cut the ices, {their assistants being Mrs. G. F. Me. {Kay and Mrs. Fred Mahood. | Miss Jessie Dickson, sister of the groom, Mrs. Grimshaw, and Cyril Knight, Toronto, were present at the Dickson - Blott wedding in St. George's church, Toronto, on Mon- day. Capt. and Mrs. George Dickson, who each spent four years or more on active service in Francé, gone to their home in Cobalt, where many good wishes follow them. Miss Mary Macphail, King strect, gave a merry little tea party on Fri. day afternoon for Miss Eleanor Min- nes, when the girls present hemmed the dusters that will'be used to keep the home of the bride-elect spotless. . . » Mrs. James Higgins, Wellington street, was the hostess of a small tea for Mrs. Maitland Hannaford, Montreal, a welcome visitor in towr, and Miss Imlach, 0 whom everyone wishes bon voyage. gs * - Mrs. Keith Johnston, Queen Street apartments, entertained at the tea hour on 'Friday. * . . Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Dalton, who have been with Dr. George Dalton and with Mrs. Andrew Forman, Montreal, returned to town to-day. Mrs. W. Phillips, Maitland street, has returned from Oshawa. Mrs. H. F. Geary, King street, sails for England today. ' Mrs. H, A. Lavell, Barrie street, who will be one of the speakers at the meeting 'of the Toronto branch of | the W.M.S. Society of the Methodist church, will go up to Toronto on_ Tuesday. Messrs. G. 1. Dewar, Leonard and Gordon Dewar and Miss Mary Dewar, returned to Ottawa on Friday. T. C. Bowen, assistant inspector of the Bank of Montreal, spent several days this week with R. R. F, Harvey, Lower Union street. « - . * x Miss Warde Finkle, 'Earl street, will leave on Sunday, for Montreal to spend a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. R. H. Reid. Miss A. Muckleston, who has been Is Your Stomach Sour? Do You Belch Gas? If you have sour risings from the stomach, feel bloated and uncom- fortable, just try twenty drops of Nerviline in sweetened water. Re- pels the gas, sweetens the stomach; makes you fit and fine in a few min- utes. As a general household rem- edy for many of the ills that con- stantly turn up, nothing is more use- ful in every home than a 35 cent Bottle of good old "Nerviline.'" FASCINATING. One of the most attractive fea- tures of Campana's Italian Balm is {ts perfume. Many ladies states that with an application of this wonder- ful complexion improver, that no other perfume need be used It has the fascinating blended fragrance of the purest flowers and balsams of the Orient. It is an inspiration in perfume, and imparts to the user an atmosphere of delicate distinction. Campana's Italian Balm gives the complexion a wonderful softness and fragrant attractiveness. Sold by all druggists, or a one-ounce sample mailed direct upon receipt of 15c. E.G. WEST & COMPANY, Agents 80 George Street, Toronto. 'sv eie nn ne heels . Men's Brown "heels Men's H Reh Si Phone 231]. " SH WHIG. visiting (anon Muckleston in Ottawa | and 'Mrs. Mortimer Alkinson in Brockville, has returned to town. | Mrs. W, Harty, "Roselawn," has | been spending this week wjth her | sister, Mrs. Jack Osler, at Bronte, Ont, * * * General Sir Archibald Macdonell, | Royal Military College, went up ta} Toronto this week. | { Mrs. Harold ' Ettinger was in| | Brockville this week attending the | | meeting of the Montreal branch of | the W.M.S. of the Canadian Method- | ist church. | Broom, | Steacy, F.| have | lief will come quick. Nerviline dis-. Mrs. W. H. Jones and two little | sons, Masters Charles and George, | jreturned today to their home in Ot- | | tawa. after spending the last three | | weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | | Charles Wolfe, 60 Colborne street. | | Mrs, Jones was acompanied by her | | sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles F, Wolte, | and baby Amy, who will remain | there while Sergt. Wolfe is at camp | in Petewawa. { 3 s vv | Dr. A. E, Lavell, Miss Nora Lavell | and Miss McAndrew, who were in | town for the Dewar-Chown wedding, motored up to Toronto on Friday. { Mrs. A. E. Lavell wiil spend a week | at "Sunnyside." | Miss Helen Paterson, the Y.W.C. [A., Johnson street, 1s spending the | | week-end in Watertowy, N. Y. | Peter Fair, King street, is spend- | ing the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. | Dean Owen, Christ Church Ca- | thedral, Hamilton, will be the guest | | of the Dean of Ontario, Wellington | street, during his stay {n-town. i | Miss Doris MoClelland, Clergy | | street, one of the delegates to the | |W. M. 8S. meeting in Brockville, from | | Queen Street Methodist church, has | returned to town. Misses Field, St. Agnes College, | Belleville, are with Mrs. R. T. Brym- | ner, West street, for the week-end. | % * * | Mrs. Maitland Hannaford and her { son, Philip, who have been with Mrs, | E. J. B. Pense, West street, have re- | turned to Montreal. Mrs. Andrew Forman and Master Jack came froth Montreal today and {are with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dalton, | Johnson street. Mrs. W. Ennis Kidd will remain in Brockville for several weeks. Lady Holt, Montreal, is at the Chateau Belvidere for the week-end. Mrs. Norman Fraser and Innes | Fraser, Earl street, are spending the week-end in Brockville, . . LJ Miss Wilhelmina Gordon, Univer- sity avenue, left on Thursday for Kitchener, where she will speak in connection with the War Memorial furd of the I. 0.-D. BE. She will also speak in Hamilton and *will be in To- ronto next week at the meeting of the nation pter. | iss Katroran Lyman} Kingston, homas Leech, Sydenham; Mrs. Thos. Dowdell, Merrickville, were among the new life members of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Ontario reported at the meeting in Brockville. a ¥ Miss Isobel Hughes and Miss Jae- queline Beaudoin will leave on Sun- day for Montreal to visit Mdlle. Ga- brielle Landry. Mrs, James D. Munsey, Toronto, who is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lemmon, Earl street, will motor back to Toronto, leaving on Sunday, and will take Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon with her for a visit, » . * Mr. and Mrs. Ross Livingston and baby, Johnson street, returned oa Friday from Newark, N.J., where they visited Mrs. Livingston's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Coey. Mrs. C. P. Harper, Collingwood, has reached here to join her husband who has been here for some time. They are at 312 University avenue. Edward Arundell, an old Kingston- fan, is spending a few days in the city visiting his many friends. Miss Mamie Halligan and her brother, Frank, New York, are spend- ing a few holidays in the eity. The former will return on. Monday. Dr. James Dwyer and Edwara O'Donnell, New York, arrived in the city to spend a few days with rela- tives. A number ot teas 'were given in honor of Mrs. C. W. Livingston, To- ronto, who has been a visitor in town for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mzs. Harold Knapp, King- ston, are visiting her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Judson, Napanee. Dr. and Mrs. Victor Sargent ar» the guests for a few days of Mrs. argent's mother, Mrs. John Rowley, Westmount, before taking up their residence in Alexandria, Ont, Miss Tsobel® Leslie, Miss Martha Hughson and Miss Phylis Salisbury, Kingston, have ben the . guests of Constance Lewis, Peterboro, Mr, and Mrs. x. 6. Somerville, Brockville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Isobel, to George N, Bertram, son of Mr. and Mrs." J. H, Bertram, Toronto, the marriage to take place in June, OUTING SHOE SPECIALS Men's White Boots, leather soles and own Canvas, rubber soles and ; sizes 7 and 8 onl eavy Brown ight, black rubber: soles and s 7 and line of Men's and ing Boots in stock. Try us. JACK JOHNSTON'S (Contintled On Page 8) o INI Ny Ny i 8359 } San vhs. $2.35 Duck. double 8o Boys' Canvas Out- | J. W. Robinson, Napanee, H PROBS: Sunday, about the same temperature. \ ~ 'e nssmsteammaren--n TT ---- = ag Tues. Sale Continues To-night, Monday and o-night ! Double Discount Stamps A Special Feature of our Whirl wind Four Day Spring Clear- ance Sale--this special attraction added to our long list of bar- gain opportunities should crowd this store to capacity from 7 'until 9.45 o'clock. YOU SAVE 10% on all regular cash purchases. See our windows' displays for ad- ditional bargains ! SPECIAL FOR MONDAY Sale Art Sateen and Novelty Cretonnes Sale Price 23c¢ Regular 60c. to' $1.00 a Yard » 2,500 yards of fine quality Art Sateens and Novelty Cretonnes, in an endless variety of light and dark patterns to choose from--all handsome new designs--in lengths measuring from 2} to 12 yards each, and splendid value at their regular price of 60c. to $1.00 a yard. We secured this lot direct from oneof the largest mills in Massachu- setts. At the saving as quoted above, this is absolutely the greatest bargain of its kind offered in seven years, so would advise your early attention to this remarkable bargain opportunity, : = 'Doors open at 9.15 o'clock. See window display to-night. Cash and carry. »- teacy ni Hy a RT A nar ABE NALA ca oe aly