| FARMS FOR ~ DAW. WINNETT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1021. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ILDING ?| BU 2 KEPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? | Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | SALE $4000 83500 100 acres 7.m'les out ...... 97 acres 8 miles out 60 acres 7 miles out ..cevsnsn. 120 acres 8 miles out .....iv.., 100 acres 10 miles out 175 acres 8 miles out . 167 acres eight miles out 112 acres 13 miles out .......... 100 acres 4 miles out 125 acres 9 miles out ... | 208 acres 12 miles out . eae i . 160 acres 5 miles out { . aa as In acres 9 miles to Napanee ....$7873 381 KING STREET EAST 1 acre, good new cottage and barn, | Tm hen house well and cistern, 2 miles out ~--price right. Many others to choose from. TRUMPOUR & LOYST 111% Brock Street. Phone 704 or 1441w. | *FOR MOVING OP { Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | ' Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. 153 Wellington Street. | DAVID SCOTT Plumber Fiambing and Gas Work a special. ty. All work guaranteed. Addregy 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, 21 Main Street. Phoue i070. | . | Has Gone to Havelock. | C. W. Aitcheson, who has been a*- | tending Queen's medical college dur- !ing the winter, left on Tuesday for Havelock where he will spend the |summer, = W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate. C. J. Ryan Here, "harle, . an, w w, . 50,000 SAMPLES Charles J. Ryan, who was super Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar, ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemen who give the Wonder a fair trial Guaranteed for Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper ete, Send 25c. for Mailing Package |} | etc. Agents wanted. Write your | address plainly, | ; | DR. BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Ont. {Harvey Company on its transconti- inental tour, is now spending a vacs- tion in the eity. -- Will Inspect Cadets Next Saturday morning tHe board of vigitors of the R.M.C. will inspect [the gentlemen cadets at their vari- |ous drills and exercises. The public THOMAS COPLEY | is invited to attend. Telephone 987. Wanting anything dene in the earpen. | tery line. Estimates given on all kinds | of repairs and pew work: also hard. wood floors of ail kinds, All ord will receiv: prompt attemtion, 28 Queen Street. i ------ece---- R.M.C. Entrance Examinations Major A. Stroud will be In charge of the R.M.C. entrance examinations {to be held at the armouriés on Tues- day, June 7th. He will have with him Captains Lee and Finnie. ee ene) } Their Mail Delayed. | | ! FOR SALE - The malls in Kingston are collect- | {ed on daylight saving time. Many | Good second - hand {persons have been under the impres- sion that standard time was Kpmbey, Gorrugated guide and as a result letters. have eet Steel and other | | been delayed. uilding materials. 1. Cohen & Co. Phone 837, DINTAL SURGEON. i for C: x Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Preparing for Camp. Lt.-Col. W. J. Morgan, C.F.A,, of- ficer commanding the 34th battery, is busily engaged in preparing for camp. He expects to have a full or- | ganization. His enthusiasm is an as- oil | surance of success. 275 Ontario St. ------r-- Friday, June 8rd, 1921, Moonlight excursion. The S. Waubic The first of the season. || Leave foot of Brock street 7.30 p.m. city time. Candy stand and lunch counter on board. Fare, only 50 cents | return Phone 256. Repairs ers, ele, We | d guarantee } 106 Wellington St. J ove s n repair work right a satisfaction. 187 WELLINGTON STREET 8. a GREASES --y The Board's Officers. { The new officer.., oi the Picton | Cheese Board are. Pres.den:. G. E. Phone 129. j Spencer, Norihpori; vice-presiden., Se ------------------ . Ww A T7 S ! : | Peter Collier. 3outa Bay; marker, W. i i. B. Strike: Milford; secretafy-trea- i surer, G. L. Morden, Picton ' People's p! COLUMBIA Florist SIX -rance and rau.culation examing- gA77, Wellington erect, Columbia Six & true il weathen | | DEF © leld during. the Fresh flowers and plants 'daily ue ah George Granger ---------- ees Scheol Children Work. Hard: Sciaool chilcren © he eity are [work.ag _ard a. tne': studie: now The fina. 2xam.na.ong. 2s well as en- Car, Funeral designs, and wedding . bouquets' to order. Phone 1763. EDMOND WALSH, Agent Res, 1137, Playgrounds in Demand. Not ir many year: nav: thd play- grounds in lhe city Jeen 'mn such demand as at the present Jdme The cricket field is in constant use, and oren space in Victoria park is alsa being arilized, ------------------ Tax Bills Delivered Ureasy lies .h. dead Jolt carver thoughts of 'ht aX oll. Las. 1:84. apy a man must have 'hough. cu: siderably of the publi¢ dues, 'o~ ine bills were delivered on Monday. Coin pared with pre-war times the aggre- gate necessary to run the city is Central Garage Auto Repairs a Specialty, 825 King St. « « Phone 21885. Le | CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street -------- MARRIE LADIES ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? "You must know it is not fair to your husband to continue buying new Hats every season when we can reshape your old ones into the very latest Spring styles, Get wise! Save $10.00. and pur it into that Suit you have in wind, The Kingston Hat Cleaners Opposite Th: Oallage Book Store. 163 Princess St. Upstairs. ; 'Plone 1488, B 7 WLR McRié & Go COAL - Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by uy. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 NP tt crt, Tn] For Quick Desserts Try | | | | { i } { | | i | | | | | | | ! | | | oA Oliver's concentrated JellyCrystals ure fruit extracts com- E the very finest Calf's Made of bined wit Foot Jelly. Far superior to the average Jelly owder, Each packet mikes one pint of delicious jelly. Six flavors. A trial will convince you. Al your grocers WEIR SPECIALTY CO. LTD TORONTO CANADA "B, of imitations," nn (Copyright, 1921. Sui CORNER POSTS FOR CEME- TERY LOTS. At pre-war prices. us go a little further and say we have the ear attuned to it. that in their strange and complex are trained to catch it. But the simple What to the one class is noise. Wagstaf's Ginger Marmsaiade, Wagntamy Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstams Bramble Jeliy. deafens them to all other sounds. We also have a full line of To some the melody of me of Marma- only music worth hearing. am and J £ wifes' or" Re : The ears of these seem i oy shrink their whole world to Cor. King ana Bas Sireeta : of the wagons and trucks only to those who cannot Industry--the"pverture to c Choice Spring Lamb by the | : quarter, HOGAN'S The church of St. John the Bapt- jin to be erected in Pembroke had the corner stone laid on May 24th. t {intending carpenter with the Martin tha | EVER A SONG By CHARLES GRANT MILLER 2 All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) "There is ever a song somewhere, heart finds the harmony in purest music is to open inward. The their own side. But to those who can hear it there Fortunate is he who can hear more than a very téw. and cars in the hear in them the Kingston and Vicinity large, but when ome considers the great rise in the prices of all goods and services the taxes are reasonable. Judge Archibald to Speak Judge W. P. Archibald, a member of the Rotary Club of Ottawa and judge of the juvenile court at the capital, will be the speaker at the noonday luncheon of the local club on Thursday. He will speak on boys' work. Engagement Announced Mrs. M. A. Gillespie, Peterboro, announces the engagement 'of her youngest daughter, Hazel Hepburn, {to Carl S. Browne, M.A., son of Mr. land Mrs. J. L. Browne, Vankleek Hill, Ont.,, the marriage to take place quietly the middle of June. It Would Pay You To Call. Our range of made to measure suits are of the best material and workmanship. We carry a large stock of blue and black serges, English worsted and Scotch tweeds which wa will make to your measure at a ver) reasonable price, Prevbst, Brock St. ------------ "The Water's Fine" The George Richardson 'memorial bathing house has been open since May 16th, but the water has been so cold that few bathers have had cour- age enough to make the first dip. However, a number ventured into the | water on Monday and reported that "the water's fine." A Veteran Dead William Gibson, Belleville, died on Monday. Just six weeks ago ais wife passed away. His death was due to senility. Born in Ireland ninety- | towr years ago, he came to Canada {In 1847. He served in the Fenian raid of 1886. Mr. Gibson was a mem- {ber of John Street Presbyterian | church. ------ Tc Attend Conference, The ministerial members = of the | stationing committee elected at tne | Picton district meeting were, tne caairman. of the district, Rev. J. U. | Kobins, Wellington; Rev. Dr Alfred | Brown, Picton; and Rev. A. E. Mc- Cutcheon, Bloomfield, alternate. The Say o. Quinte conference assembles {at Whitby on June 13th. en en tt se) Canadian Pacific. | Effective June 6th, train No. 611 {for Sharbot Lake 'and intermediate | points will leave Kingstén at 10.20 fam. instead of 10 a.m., close connec- tions for Tweed and Peterboro. Train No. 613 for Tichborne, Shar- bot Lake and Renfrew will leave Kingston at 11.45 a.m. instead of 12.06 p.m. connecting with main line trains at Tichborne and Ren- frew, for all points east and west. SE --------------. Very Smali Hen's Egg. | Ome o. tue smallest nen's eggs ves laid was cr Tuesday shown at 22 Whig office. It wae no larger than 4 -ovin's egg; but it wac laid by a tal grown Rbede Island hen, the | property of Mrs. Driscoll, Johnson street. Only a few wesks 280 the Whig was privileged to exhiibt what was probably the largest freak age laid by a hen, but freak €ggs are no: all found among the larger mis- shaper sorts. This little égg is a real curiosity, one that may never be seen a~qin. ---------- To Write Local Hi W. C A Moffatt, Toronto, who was the speaker before the Kingston Kiwanis Club on Monday, spent Mon- day and Tuesday visiting the city in company with ex-Mayor Hoag. He was charmed with the many interest- ing historical places in the city and was anxious to make a close study of them. For this purpose he hopes to return. and obtain material for a book he plans publishing with spe- cial historical features, including Kingston, Quebec, Niagara Falls ang other points where early gettlements were formed in Canada. Mr. Mot- ¢ oy sings the poet. Let song everywhere--if my dear," the re 18 ever a The cultured musicians will tell you that 'what the masters sing Studies is the highest music to those who the simple lowly melodies. to the other meaningless ~If we Just knew how to listen we could love the songs of each. To some the Jingle of money is the only music in the world. It their Own names spoken in praise is the i greedy and the vain i® 2 song in every phasé of lite. of the trains and the rattle streets are clamant discord fatt returned to Toronto Tuesday ) afternoon. -------------- Car Hit Road Roller At 1:30 Monday morning a car be- longing to Ross C. Bush, Belleville, | ran into a steam roller three hundred | yards east of the House of Refuge on | the Kingston road. Miss Ethel Lash: | er, who was in the front seat with { Mr. Bysh, was the only occupant in- | She was cut on the nose by | the broken glass in the windshield. | jured. The car was badly damaged. It is al- leged that there was no light on the roller. The car was filled with a party returning from Selby, To Unveil a Monument, A very interesting event is being planned at Lyndhurst for the even- ing of June 3rd when the monument erected In memory of those in the township who gave their lives in the great war will be unveiled. The stone stands &n a conspicious place at the east end of the bridge which crosses the Lyndhurst river, and is inscribed with Abe following names of the hero boys it commemorates: Leonard J. McConnell, George H. Young, Clarence E. Mainse, Samuel A. Greenham, Benjamin Green, John Hynde, William James Edgers. It also contains suitable patriotic and martial designs. -- A Resort at Bon Echo, Mre. Flora MacDonald Denison, organizer and former president of the Canadian Suffrage Association, foun- der of the Whitman Fellowship for Canada, who died in Toronto, had her summer resort at Bon Echo, in Addington" county. It was the ren- dezvous of Whitman admirers, and eventually the headquarters of the Whitman Fellowship for Canada. The rock at Bon Echo has become the Whitman memorial in Canada. On it Mrs. Denison had carved a bas relief of Whitman, and this was unveiled by Horace Traubel i 1918, ac thé time the Whitman centennial was. ce- lebratea at Bon Echo. She was a pro- minent member of the Theosophical Society. ' ----iie-- Will Engage New Officers, The special committed of the Pem- broke Couxcil appointed some time ago to investigate and deal with po- lice matters in Pembroke mailed no- tices (0 Chic" Constable Carroll and Night Con:taile Jette thar atter the expiratior o' one month their ser- vices would rot be required. For a satisfaction regarding the non-en- forcement o. town By-laws, the fail- ure .o regulate -:reet tratfic, negh- gence in gega-C .o sanitafy inspec- tion and many o.:e matters. The committee hac decioed to engage men who would be complete strang- ers and would no: have any friends or entanglements to hamper them in the performance of their duties. ' CELE PPFPPFEIR Ip LJ +> +> + Friday next, June 3rd, will be # the King's birthday. In view of # this the pastors are requested to # have their church" notices for # Sunday in the Whig" office on % Thursday by five o'clock so that 4 they will appear in Saturday's + issue, CHURCH NOTICES > La AE RE EE EEE EEE a rou, CASTORIA For Infants and Children InUse For Over 30 Years magnificent ordhestration of 3 ones ATE the Signature of HEALTH IS A WOMAN'S GREAT. EST ASSET Contrast the cheerful happygwo- man with head ersct, the glov of health on, her cheeks, the elastic step and bubbling enthusiasm as she goes about her daily tasks, with the woman who suffers from backache, headaches, dragging-down pains, ner- vousness and despondency. Such | conditions are undoubtedly caused by woman's ailments which will yield to Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com~ pound, which for many, many years has been restoring weak, ailing wo- men to health and strength. Every woman who suffers in this way owes it to herself to at least give it a trial. RUPTURE RELIEF Retention Not Influenced by Age, So _ Reports Visiting Expert. = - Rupture is not a tear in the ab- dominal wall, as comnmionly SUppPOs- ed, but a stretching of & nafiral op- ening. J. Y. Egan, 1057 College to, the long established Canadian Rupture appliance special- ist, will visit Kingston; 'British- Hotel, Friday, Saturday 1 day and night) 2 days; June 3rd and 4th. ' rh 'The "Curatus, the new vention, as now used and p order for men, women ag not only retains rupture fording immediate and fort, bu it 'betship ot cured. long time taere has been much dis- { BUY COAL EARLY Prices are usually lowest in the Present rate of miners' until April Ist, 1922. _ Freight rates by rail are about 35% - higher than one year ago; therefore we do not see any likelihood of a drop in price. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Btrects, KINGSION, Ont. Office Phone ¢6. Factory Phone 1415. ® oe Sind NEW PRICES CHARM TEAS BLYE PACKAGE BLACK . ... RED PACKAGE BLACK ... GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN THESE in BEST VALUES ON Spring. wages are good 25c. PER PACKAGE 30¢. PER PACKAGE 30c. PER PACKAGE THE MARKET. SPRING FURS Dealer in Furs only, Gourdier's BROCK STREET, We're Ready for Spring With a Large, . New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25. 00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) [1 There is no substitute for-- PURE LINEN Weare showing a very fine range of all Pure Linen Cloths, Napkins, Lunch Cloths, Runners, Pillow Slips and many other useful articles at very at- tractive prices. May we have the pleasure of showing - them to you. £3 : 'W. N. Linton & Co. 'Phone 191. © The Waldron Store. |) r------ Seventy new members were added . to Bridge Street Methodist congre- gation, Belleville, on Sunday at the ninety-ninth anniversary services. A Ladies' Orange Lodge has been rE: d In Renfrew, and 2 meme 3% has already been se "A : : { {