Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1921, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, OW 1, sca, In the Realm of Women---Some I nteresting Features = rr T in Whichever you choose it will be the BEST you ever tasted. "S AL) AD A" Bast GREEN TEA A Revelation in Green Tea. Pure, translucent and so Flavory. Told in =. - Twilight (Continued From Page 3) 1 | ~~ WEDDINGS ANNIVERSARIES 'BIRTHDAYS ~~ +» Mrs. Iva Martin, King street, en- tertained the Bridge Club on Monday | afternoon, which will be the last | meeting in town, for during the sum- mer the members will take advan-- | tage of the cool veranda of the Coun- ! try Club for their weekly game. > ® - : " Mrs. James Minnes, Bagot street, | received on Monday, when many vis- | | itors took this opportunity of wel- | coming Dr. John Mackie and Mrs. | Mackie back to Kingston. . . * | Miss Edith Carruthers, "Annan- | dale," entertained at luncheon on | Monday for Miss Heward, Ottawa, who had been the guest of Maj.-Gen. {and Mrs, R. W. Rutherford, Stuart | [rt | | | | } | MIXED TEA Just enough green toa to make the blend delicious. NY ] BLACK TEA Flavour. From t finest gardens, . . . There will be a number of visitors in town for the mounted sports at | the Royal Military College on Sat- | urday Corn Enders The old sort--and the new Corns used to be treated by fakers. But science has found a better way to treat corns. And millions have adopted it. The modern way is Blue-jay-- liquid or plaster. A famous chemist perfected it. This great surgical dress- ing house prepares it. Blue-jay is applied by'a touch. The corn pain ends , instantly. Then the com is gently loosened. In a little while it comes out. It is folly to pare corns or to treat them in unscientific ways. This new Way is end- ing some 20 million corns a year. It will end yours any time you let it. Prove this tonight, Plaster or Liquid Blue-jay The Scientific Corn Ender BAUER & BLACK Limited TORONTO CANADA Makers of B & B Sterile Sargical Dressings and Allied Products [3 Aa", | What COMFOR Comfort Lye -is au very powerful Ga oleanser. It is vsed for cleaning up --~ the oldest and hardest dirt, grease. eto. Lye is fine for making sinks, drains and closets sweet and clean. Comfort Lye Kills rats, mice, roaches sand insect pests. Comfort Lye will do the hardest spring cleaning you've got. Comfort Lye is good for making soep. : It'spowdered, perfumed and 100% pure. is splendid The Merchants Bank will cash all War Loan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, , without' making any charge whatever for the service, If you have not a Savings Account, why not use your interest money to open one with this Bank ? THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, L 1. Ww. MeCLYMONRY: Manager. Sy ADLER.LKA 1 We have just reseived another large consignment of this wont derful medicine, and are in a position once again to fill all your wants. Every day satisfied Cus tomers tell us how jubilant they &re over the excellent results obtained from taking one or more 'doses of ADLER~JI---KA. aries 28-30c. Per Pound Eels and Fresh Lake Fish arriving daily. Telephone 1430 for prompt d ehivery. : Louis Elihu Strait, aged. thirteen, found deag hanging from beam in a barn at Leamington. Judge of supreme court Edward Island, viol Hon. A: E. Arsenaut appointed a -- The first dance of the season will [be held at the<Yacht Club, tonight. | . - * i begin on Saturday. , ; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fleming, Otta- | wa, have been spending a few days | {at Kingston with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- | ter Fleming. Mrs. G. B. Nicholson, Ottawa, spent the week-end in Kingston with relatives. Miss Van Straubenzie has returned from Toronto, where she was pres- ent at the unveiling of the menument to the Royal Canadian Dragoons fall- en in the Great War, among whom was her brother, Col. Charles Van Straubenzie, Canon Gould, general secretary of the M.8.C.C., and Rev. G, E. Sim- mons, head of St. Andrew's sthool, Kaifeng, Honan, China, are among the visitors in town for Synod Week. Ny . * . Dr. and Mrs. Etherington came up from "Fettercairn" on Monday and left on Tuesday for Winnipeg. Miss Frances Cartwright and Miss | Mary Tyrrell, Toronto, will be the | Misses Cartwright's guests at "The | Maples" for the June ball, Harry Wheatley and Bliss Barnum have left for Indianapolis to attend the automobile races. Rev. A. E. Smart is in town from Tweed. Mrs. Ross Parks and two children, Kingston, have returned home after spending some time with friends at Picton, Belleville and Odessa. * * - Mrs. McKechnie, Regina, who has been in Toronto attending the meet- ing of the confederation of the Pres- byterian W, M. S., will come on to Kingston this week to visit her brother, Prof. T. S. Scott, and Mrs. Scott, King street. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ennie, To- ronto, are spending a week with 8. Ennis, Division street. Mrs. Ross Parks and two children, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Alva 8 ider and E. Smith, Odessa, motoréd to Belleville and Picton on May 24th, . . . Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Abbott and lit- tle Miss Charlotte Abbott will come from Peterboro shortly to "Glen Lawrence," where they will live in future, Lady Holt, who spent the week- end in town with Cadet Holt, Royal Military College, returned to Mon- treal on Monday. Mrs. William Bermingham, "Ot- terburn," has returned from Edmon- ton. Mrs. W. Ennis Kidd, who spent ,| the week-end in town, returned to Brockville on Monday, to be with her mother, Mrs. Dealtry Woodcock, who is much better and able to return from the hospital. . . * Miss Bessie MacArthur, Wolfe Isl- and, sailed for Scotland on Saturday to, pay a visit to her aunts. Mrs, G. B. Rooney and Miss Alma Graham, Union street, went to To- ronto on Tuesday and will return by motor on Thursday, Rev. A. H. Creeggan, Deseronto, is the guest of the Misses Muckleston, =H | Clergy street, for Synod week. Miss Mowat and Miss Bthelwyn Mowat are in Toronto, where the former represents Annandale Chap- | ter, .LO.D.E., at the meeting of the il | national chapter. Archdeacon Beamish "is in town || trom Bellevifie. " . - . Mrs. T. ' M. Asselstine, Alfred 4 " a" 5 vo SRS LE \ | The June teas at the Country Club } - | videre, able Pascina M IRROR-LIKE in its depth of lustrous silver," "Holmes & Edwards" silverware sheds a fascinating radiance, making /npoiniments of Gleaming Beauty and gles any table settmg more brilliant and inviting, This gleaming, hand-burnished lustre alone would m superlatively rich quality of "Holmes & Edwards." Exquisite, too, in their simplicity and charm are the fascinat- ing patterns--patterns 'whose exclusiveness is an instant appeal in itself. But. crowning all these merits, "Holmes & Edwards" offers that lifelong: satisfaction and joy which comés onl generous use of pure silver. For the quality of silverplate in "Holmes & Edwards" is exceptional. And the pieces most used are protected at the wear points--either by solid blocks of pure silver fused in at the back of the bowl and handle (SiLver. INLaID), or by a heavy extra deposit of silver (SurEr-PraTE). At the better class jewellers, Manufactured Exclusively in Canada by Tue STANDARD SILVER Co. or TORONTO, Limrrep OLMESElD "Protected Where the Wear Comes" TX - = ark the y from the more w= AR In the some high quali- ty sand 'rick, pleaming, lustrous finish as" Holmes 8 Edwards" silverware can secure "Holmes Edwards" table ap- poiniments suck ar tea services, bread and cake dishes, casseroles, ete. ob Wah -- " . MA HOOD BROS, PRINCESS STREET street, is in Toronto as the represen:- ative of La Salle chapter, I1.0.D.E ., at the national executive, Mrs, Norman Fraser and Imes Fraser returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Bayres-Reid, Brockville, op Monday, Mrs. Howard Penhale has been spending this 'week with Major and Mrs. R. J. Leach, King street. Dr, Wallace, Albert street, went up to Toronto to-day for neral assembly of the Canadian Presbyter- fan church. . - * Mrs. XK: N. Fenwick Chateau Bel- ronto to-day. Mr. Preston, will return to town from To- of the Merchants | Bank, has been moved to Montreal. the theme on which they are found- ed--the original air. And the ruje holds good in beds of flowers, if they be not very large, or in any other small assemblage of them. Nay the largest bed will look well, if of one beautiful color, while the most beaut} ful varieties may be inharmoniously mixed up. Contrast is a good thing, but we must observe the Jaws of har- monious contrast, and unless we have Space enough to secure these, it is better to be content with unity and simplicity, which are always to Ie had.--Leigh Hunt. 1 itn -------- Te-Save Troubles - A Northern Ontario editor tells of an oid Indian that came into hif of- fice to subscribe for the paper. The editor took the money. Then the Indian wanted a receipt. Mr. In- dian insisted on getting a receipt. After making it out the editor asked him why he was so persistent in wan- ting a receipt. The Indian said: "Me dle some day and go to big gate. Saint Peter agk if I been good Indian? I say, yes, He say, did you pay your debts? I say, yes. He say, did you pay editor tor paper? 1 say, yes. He say, where is receipt? I not have it. I have 10 run all over hell to find you and get a receipt," : Dubious Prospect. "I saw Dubson dining with his fiancee last evening." "Did he look happy?" i " "Not exactly. Her mother and three older sisters were present. He looked to me like a young man who was dering if that was just ar isolated instance or was Iigble to be- come a fixed habit."--Birmingham Age-Herald. , i col All Want More, An eastern Appt says too much money is a thing. We have yet, however, to hear anyone admit that he had too much, : Ar + No Race Suicide Here. Under the microscope the bacteria found In peat are seen to be animals of the lowest form, which reproduce themselves by splitting into two parts. Under favorable conditions two bacteria grow from one every forty minutes. Those who wish to carry out the mathematical progression will find that a single bacteria' will have increased to about 165,000,000,000,- 000 in 24 hours. Of course many bil- lions of them die in that time, or they would soon overrun the planet and crowd off every other form of life. R. Clemens, Grand River railway employee, killed at Centreville by freight train. ' . GIRLS | LEMON JUICE BLEACHES FRECKLES i ------ Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle contdfning three ounces of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for'a few cents, shake well, and you have a guarter int of the best freckle and tan lo- and complexion whitener, ' this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion into the face, neck, arms and bands each day see how freckles and blemishes bleach out and how clear, soft and rosy-white the skin becomes. ire

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