» THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1921, mr tec THE NEN ARE TIED TO CROSSES A Woman Tells How a New | Mexican . Religious Sect Operates. 1 description of the Good Friday rites of the Penitente sect at Abiquiu, N. [FEEEEEEEEE Albuquerque, N, M., June 1.--A | M., is given by Mrs. Alida F.' Sims | of Albuquerque, who was an eye- witness of one of these observances. | It was at this village that a party | from Albuquerque saw two men tied 10 crosses this year for twenty-five 'minutes, as"the climax of the rites. | Mrs. Sims' story started with the ar- rival at the village. "The $morada,' or Penitente ehap- |} el, was easily picked out nestling on | the hiliside," she said. "We found & woman lighting eighteen candles on a large triangle of wood placed in front of the altar, We could see that the images of the saints and the fig- ure of Christ were draped in black. "The women and the girls knelt in front of the altar on a strip of can- vas stretched upon the dirt floor, and began to sing. The men and boys who had been lingering outside came 'trooping in and knelt; then three old men and one woman walked round afd round the triangle, passing in front of the altar with a genuflexion while t"e responsive . going on, : : Hear Notes of Pito "We stepped outside; a' 'faint, plaintiff piping attracted my friend, . and she observed, 'That is the Peni- tente "'pito," or flute. You will hear that wherever they are.' "The next morning we heard the notes of the pito again. Below me on a trail issuing from a canyon wound a little procession, headed by the 'pitero," or flute player, who walked backward, "But the center figure caught and held the caze--a figure stripped to 'the waist, witl blood-drenched trou- sers--a figure that at each step 'struck itself with a great whip that Yeame away blood-stained. chanting was | [fli "Slap, slap came the crack of the { lash, But the penitent made no | sound. His head was covered with a | | great black sack. Beside him a boy walked, carrying a pail filled with | salt water, into which the whip was dipped from time to time. "In front of him walked a woman 'carrying a hymnal and singing a wailing chant, "The procession made its way to the graveyard, where, walking over , Stones and briars, the believers pros- . «trated themselves . and kissed the 'Cross. "The flagellant then made a circuit of the cemetery and the procession . returned to the morada over the * stony path--a distance of half a mile each way. The slow #nd tortuous journey consumed one hour and 20 minutes." In another procession seen the same day by Mrs. Sims, one bf the penitents shouldered a cross up the Steep path to '"Calvario," accompa- nied by flagellants. Once the cross bearer stumbled and fell, and his companions laid tne great wooden beam upon him so that he was pinned to the path beneath it. _ When the crest of the hill was Teached the worshippers began mak- "Ing the return trip down the hill on their, knees. Later in the day Mrs. Sims atten- "ded the services of "las tinebles" in the chapel: These services represent the hours of darkness and chaos that followed immediately after the death ~ of Jesus on the cross. The witness thus describes the scene: "The babies were taken out, the ' door and windows covered with blan- kets, the candles of the wooden tri- fngle. gradually extinguished. Just before the Inst light went out a weird sound came through the wall, as thougk it were .lssuing from the depths of the earth, The brother in charge of the rites conversed with the supposed 'lost soul.' "Then ge, Ist candlelight flicker- ed out, plunging us into thick dark- ness. Instantly the most deafening noise I had ever heard brpke loose at close quarters. Chains rattled and clanked thunderously, Pitos mingled With wooden rattles. The sounds of whips lashing flesh was.heard." "I changed my seat in the dark- ness. A heavy chain fell on my foot. "Th@& inferno ceased and the can- dles were rélighted. There ths Bro- i ther of Light; which is another nanle +. for Penftente, stood calm and unruf- Many Motorists Inclined to fled. There was not a chain in sight." ' GET OAR INTO' SHAPE - FOR SUMMER DRIVING Overlook Cooling ~--Nothing More Vital. / While friend wife is enjoying her annual housecleaning bee and mislay- Ing the furniture, frignd husband has © a few jobs that he might as well get busy at. According to the calendar the warm days are in the offing and * will soon be beckoning to the open road. It is the advice of experienced ' automobile service men that now is the time to give the car a thorough inspection and take the necessary measures to put it in first-class shape r the summer use, When it cqnies to overhauling a car or tuning it up many motorists are inclined to overlook the cooling sys- tem. This is a "mistake, for there nothing more vital to efficient oper- tion and performance, At this time year éveéry car owner should give TOU are nosy ex periment. ing when use Sao | PAE Ee Two separate rod-controlled sets of And It's an even better Overland ! People are beginning to realize what a wonderful car the new Overland really is, for owners all over Canada are reporting 25 to 30, some 38, miles to the gallon of gasoline and 10,000 to'14,000 miles on a single set of tires--moreover they are enthusiastic over its easy-riding, its stur~ diness and power. And this 'all-round efficiency has gen further Increased by many refinements. You get a five-passenger automobile com- plete from self-startereto extra tire carrier. You get: A perfected four-cylinder engine--pro- tected, yet accessible; simply constructed, yet powerful--giving you assurance 'to tackle any hi, or any road, mud, sand or snow. Triplex Springs, that provide 130=inch springbase--making you ride easy and at the same time saving mechanism as well as passengers from road shocks. Hundred-inch wheelbase,combining écon=- omy with those riding qualities, and en- abling you to turn a complete circle in 32-feet--a distinct advantage on narrow streets or in congested parking areas. Transmission of standard sliding gear type, with three speeds forward and one reverse, brakes, internal and, external, operating direct on rear wheels. Spiral-cut drive gear and pinion, ensuring quietness. Auto-Lite starting and lighting system, speedometer, ventilating windshield, one- man top and side curtains. Pleasing lines, pressed steel body, hood and full-crown fenders, 'black enamel finish--all contributing to the attractive appearance of this high-quality car. Insist on getting the kind of economy and performance Overland will give you ! Bee your Overland dealer at once for a demonstration. NEW DEALERS : Reduced Overland Prices Touring Car . . Roadster Sedan wa WANTED Write for ...$.985 -..:§ 985 ...$1695 ~...$1495 Willys-Knight Also Down Touring Car Roadster . Sedan = Coupe vale vo sae $2900 1921 CATALOGUE NOW READY our Proposition AE = if allowed to remain in the car, would the cooling system, 'including the radiator, water jackets, hose and pump, a thorough cleaning. The best way to do this is to drain the watef out of the car, then fill up the radiator with a week solution of soda and water. 'Having done this, let the engine run for ten minutes or 80. Then drain off this liquid and re- Place it with pure water. Again let the engine run for a few minutes and again drain the car, You will then be ready to, fill your radiator for regular use, This is advantageous because it cleans out the radiator, water jac- kets, hose and pump thoroughly, freeing them from deposits, especial ly "those left by anti-freezing mix- tures used during the winter, which, probably rot t ose and do other damage. Taking this simple precau- tion not offly extends the life of the car, but prevents future trouble and increases efficiency. ! ---------------------- LUBRICATION FOR REAR AXLE Method - Outlined for Applying Grease in Domble Quick Time Here is a method of putting lubri- cant into the -rear axle in double Quick time. Put a common funnel] in the tiller hole of the axle, Remove the cap and nozzle from the end of the grease gum, opening the whole front end of the gud. Put the end of the grease gun in the wide end of the' All Prices f.0.b. Toronto - Sales Tax Extra Willys-Overland Limited Head Office: Toronto: Canada. Bran ches: Toronts, Montreal, Winnipeg, A Copy for the asking screwing up the handle in the ordi- nary way. The grease will shoot into 'the axle in jig time, and rinsing with wasté will remove all traces of the operation from the funnel, CARELESSNESS CAUSES FIRES 'Greater Caution Must Be Exercised by Owners Many 'an insurance payment has been sought due to the carelessness of the automobile owner when he works at hig machine. Allowing leak- age of gasoline In the garage, smok- ing a cigar where the "gas" fumes \piey explode, letting oil and grease accumulate at danger pointe--near funnel and hold it firmly, while A 4 . 3 teh exhaust pipe, for instance, These % 3 ¥ i kerosene and wiping with a bit of |are some. of the causes of fire on the outomobile or in the garage, Great caution should be observed at aj! times if the owner wishes to keep his car and garage intace ~ USE OF CHAINS Only Keep Them On So Long as the : Streets Are Wot It is always advisable to nae tire chains whenever roads are in such conditon as to make skidding I%ély to happen in turning corners, stopping apd start ing. Bat, the driver should besr in mind, that ¢hking should be removed as soon as it is safe to drive without them, $ In putting chains on the rear tires, . pavements od | with the hooks to the rear so that the forward motion of the. wheels | will have a tendency to pull the! chains tighter in the locks. If at any! time it is necessary to reverse the wheels in order to get out of a bad hole the chains should be inspected to make certdin that they have not inmotion of the Wheels, Small gwire wrapped around the i book locke wili often prevent chaibs { {rom lecosening and becoming lost With a new kitchen »*trsil revolv- ing toothed knives cut stringy tissues der, become. urthooked by the hi -------- For cleaning typewriters a thin, has been designed. in tongh meat and make it more ten- | flat attachment for w "sum cieane/s Ae Sa AE Spc