Se EYE GLASS SPECIAL . To introduce to the people of Kingston and district, we are making a special offer of fitted. frames with spherical lenses for $2.05 Careful testing and proper Mitting. SPECIALIST IN CHARGE L. T. Best, Druggist PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Phone 59. Supplies We carry a well-filled stock of anything you might need in the Optical line. --Lenses, --Frames, new styles, --Lorgnettes. --Reading Glasses. Opera Glasses. Field Glasses, ~--Eye Glass Chains. --Buttons, etc. All Oculist's Prescriptions quickly and acc urately lied. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Wedding Rings. SMITH BROS. Limited Marriage Licenses. THE Responsibility There are several reasons why our sight service bears a good reputation. One of them is that we don't ¥ _depend on others for any part of it. : Our work is not planned by others; nor do others carry out our plans From eye examination to fin- ished glasses it is KEELEY Service We are vitally interested in Jewelers - A Established 1540. Registered Opticians * 850 Kirg Street / No.2 A eee eee ! "PA i With John Robinson Giren performances on Saturday, J | meet ne 'THE HOME MISSION AND SOCIAL SERVICE WORK i | Of the Presbyterian Church Is Very Extensive in Canada. Toronto, June 2.--The depart- {ment of Home Missions and Social | Service of the Presbyterian church in {Canada is one of the most importany lin that demonination in the scope and diversity of the work under- [ taken. The report of the year's | work as presented to the General As- | |sembly, now in session, is a revela- | {tion of the many-sided nature of wn selves, Phone 927 the result of our work and to insure success do all of it our- Q No. . No. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 226 PRINCESS STREET . 3forBlood & |,000, nme, Thin Digeanss, No.3 lor Ohrvaic Weaknestos, [Phe church maintains a HN 1s ON | home mission centres in the domin- BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACKE1S. ion, 309 being augmented charges, Treen | where the loeal contributions are Most men who cry "Down with the |Supplemented by grants from the | trusts!" would accept a little stock [church funds; and 690 other home in them mission fields. Ag marked on the {map of the dominion these mission | stations are found in every prov- |ince, and extending from the ex- | treme east of Cape Breton and the : ° 9 ' {Labrador to the far-flung ~ | areas of the Peace River country ana p Builders Hardware [ the Yukon. Presbyterians are strong | believers in home mission work, and iy the seed-sowing of its pioneer "sky jpoundary line between Quebec and western pilots," such as John Black, James Building is Booming-- Houses are Scarce-- | Robertson and others, is bearing ricn {fruit. A small army of home Mia- sidharigs: 325 in number, have been {recently appointed to student fields Rents Are Good | for the coming summer, | | The church has a sympathic atti- | [tude towards the New Canadian and Let us figure on that Bungalo or House i the non-Anglo-Saxon, and hag fortiy- you contemplate--building for yourself or to be let--as an investment, we can save you money. On BUILDERS' HARDWARE. our stock is complete and prices are down. See our-- Garage Door Hangers and Track. Sliding Door Hangers for Barns, Front and Inside Door Sets for Houses. Biggest and best assorted stock in town. lone of its choicest ¢ 5 { Christian service, there being twelve J 9 * {hospital centres, in which thousands Big, Busy Hardware Phone 237 ._ | seven special missions for their bene- {fit alone. Thése serve a wide range | of races and nationalities, not only in the chief cities but among the for- eign communities, both urban and rural, in the west. This outline of Presbyterian ser- vice does not, however, cover an, The report shows thirty-three educa- | tional centres, including school | homes in Quebec and the western | provinces, which provide home in- | uences for hundreds of youths, | public or high school in the locality | Specially promising are the Ukrain- ian boys and girls who are thus bein served. | The Presbyterian hospital work is expressions of of patients are annually treated. Most of these hospitals and the auxil- iary hospital units are found in the - : : |outlying parts of the western coun- - Kingston try, 'long distances, in some cases, a from medical or hospital help. In ' Also rugs Se OLD HICKORY FURNITURE in Fibre and Jute, Japanese, and Cocoa Matting, by the yard. - Bamboo Blinds, etc., fitted to sizes. . Let us supply your requirements now, | eight, black rubber soles and Pos Sizes 7 and 8 only ......$3.00 A full line of Men's and Boys' ing Boots in stock. Try us. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE . and you will have the comfort of having your porch in readiness during the summer. LF. Hanison Co, Limited Pine 9 {Min and similar work, the Women's Ae Missionary Society render most ef- | lective service. The Presbyterian Social Service and helpful one, including five Sot- tlement Houses, in Montreal, Toron- | to, Winnipeg and Vancouver, in | which a wide range of activities is | carried on for the benefit of hundreds of families and thousands -of mem- . | bers, far showing the most ders many of whom are of foreign practical and ser- II, Th are io seven resempie viceable Porch nually touch the lives of hundreds and Garden Fur- niture in the form of old Hickory Tables, Chairs, and Settees. Just now we are most encouraging. Regard is also had for the immigrant, through the Department of the Stranger, in which the Women's Missionary Society alsa co-operates. Nearly 20,000 individ- I "aaa lee ee Men's Reduced to statistics, | thousand | mostly of foreign birth® who attend | {programme is likewise an important | of needy girls with results that are} LS." 8, which comes here for two une 11th. Pett ------. | 1 {ual immigrants were ministered to {through this department duriag | {1920, {~ To-night will be home missions | inight at the General Assembly, It) i Will be one of the great sessions of | this Presbyterian parliament when | stirring addresses will be given, bas- | {ed on the facts above reported and | {dealing with the larger implications | and the ever-extending programme | [of home missions and social service 1 |COL. J. W. ALLISON LOSES | IN ACTION FOR $300,000 | | Unsuccessful in His Suit | Against Remington Small Arms Company - Ottawa, June 2.--Col. John Wes- | ley Allison, famous here during the | War in connection with the investiga- | tion of war contracts 'by the Mere- | | dith-Dut commission, was unsuc- | cessful recently in an action brought | by him against 'the Remington Small |Arms Company for $300,000 com- bass : : 3 | mission which he claimed on omere | | he is supposed to have sesured for {the company from the British gov- | {ernment. The case was heard dur. | {ing May in the supreme court of the {state of New Jersey. The. facts date back to the days | | when Sir Sam Hughes was minister of militia and Col. Allison was a prominent figure im munitions. Mr. Allison held honorary rank as colonel | in the Canadian army. He backed his {claim to the $300,000 commission on the contention that large orders se- | cured by the Remington Small Arms {| Company were the result of his in- i fluence with Sir Sam Hughes and | thus with the British government. | The courts dismissed the action on the grounds that the contract, if any, | {between the company and Col. Alli- | son was not stich as could be enforc- {ed by a court of law. It was a ques- | {tion of public policy. At the trial ft | was not proven that Sir Sam Hughes | had anything to do with the whole | | affair. a din Small Arms | { Company put forward the claim that | | the munitions contracts were sdcured | {in a perfectly regular way from its | | agent in England. Much of the evidence produced in | the New Jersey court was .forward- jed from Ottawa. Lengthy reports of | the one-time world-famed enquiry | {conducted by the Meredith-Duff com- { mission into the relations between 1 Sir Sam Hughes and Mr, Allison was used znd also correspondence with Sir Robert Borden, then Prime Min- | ister, in connection with the retire- ment of Sir Sam as Minister of Mil- | itia, It is understood here that Col. Allison will appeal the case. TOUCHED BY SPURIOUS HEIRESS i | . h Pretty Young Woman from U. 8. | "Does" Prairie City in Style. | Winnipeg, June 2.--A career, in | which, it is zlicged by the pokice, | leading Winnipeg banks, hotels and | Gepartmeni. stores were victimized, | was brought to an abrupt close to- day when Mabe! foward, twenty-five i years old, of Sioux City, Ia., was ar- | raigned in court on severaj charges | of passing worthless checks, ' She was ¥ranted a r.mand in or- | der to secure counsel, but was not | allowed bail. : Posing as a "wealthy American heiress," it is alleged, this girl with No capital beyond a pretty face, a stylish. spring outfit ana unlimited nerve "worked" Winnipeg for the last three months. } 'OUTING SHOE SPECIALS Men's White Boo... leather soles and renter seed ST EO s Men's Brown Canvas, rubber soles and heels; sizes 7 and 8 only . . . . . . . . $2.35 Heavy Brown Duck, double Canvas Out- ; £2 Store Closed All Day Fri day--Kings Birthday! gain opportunities of the year-- a super should appeal to .all bargain-wise women. SATURDAY! We have ready for Saturday 's.selling one of the greatest bar- - bargain attraction that Saturday 24c yd. Regular 35¢. and 50c. values. We have made one of the greatest special 5000 Yds. Everett Mills Gingham purchases ever brought into Kingston of high-grade Ginghams--and will offer it to the buying public on Saturday at less than prevailing wholesale costs. 3,000 yards of Everett Mills Classic Gingham--in small and large checks and large over-plaid patterns in which is included every conceivable color combination--fi rst quality, in any length you de- sire. Regular 35c. to 50c. values. c+... Saturday 24c. a yard Mail orders accompanied by cash promptly executed. Cash and Carry. See window display to-night or to-morrow. - Wearables For the Great Outdoors Our showing of the smartest Summer wearables is most complete and af- fords a wonderful choice for your se- lection. You will find our prices too most reasonable, as in every case they are from one-third to fifty per cent. lower than the Summer of nineteen. twenty. See Our Showing of Novelty Wool Jersey Suits Georgette and Crepe Dresses Gingham, Voile, Spot Muslin and Organdy Dresses Tricolette, Crepe and Voile Waists Cream Flannel and Sports' Skirts White Wa sh Skirts ° Silk and Fine N ainsook Lingerie Novelty Summer and Sport Hats All are popularly priced.