Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1921, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1021. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. i THIS SPRING is a good time to repair or build. Lumber is RMN FOR SALE BUILDING 7 Ee PARIS. FOR SALE BOLL DING." Kingston and Vicin ity Bi paces 3 miles out, 28 O. Aykroyd & Son 80 acres 7 miles out 120 acres 8 miles out .... 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. | : 100 acres 10 miles out .... x i Priests Appointed. building at Picton hitherto used as a [funeral took place to the Pe f | : i . . : 1 i . 1d tres 3 niles ut ri : . artridge Wire Works Archbishop Spratt has appointed: | home will be disposed of. Catholic church on Friday. : ns : | Rev. Father Cramer assistant to Rev. -- emp 3 ates 35 lies om sien NICKEL PLATING (J. J. Connolly, 'Trenton, and Rev Sanford Reddick Dead. : Successful Business Man 125 acres 9 miles out ' AND BRASS FINISHING { Father James, to the cathedral staff. Sanford Reddick, a prosperous Roy Moon, son of Janies H. Mooa, on Sa olat i Now prepared to do this work, , | g farmer of Sydney' township, passed Belleville, is now occupying the re- efficient 208 acres 12 miles out | Manufacturing Wire Fencing, Flower! . 4 d E . more . 160 acres 5 miles out $9000 | Border Guards, ete. | + In Kingston with Mother: Taway. May 25th. Besides his wi ow sponsible position of head of tle ac- 115 acres 9 miles to Napanee «87875 | g2 KING ST. W. - - PHONE 380. | Mrs. Fred Smith, Pleasant Valley, | he leaves six children. Rev. C. S. counting department of the Consu- ' Reddick, Janetville, B. A. Reddick, | p\oro Service Co. with headquarters " 1 acre, good new cottage and barn, | --- hen house well and cistern, 2 miles out | [85 aime in Kingston i ays Cornwall; L. A. Reddick, Napanee; in South Bend, Indiana, and branches S ANGLIN & CO. ace Highs, to choose from FOR SALE {has had an operation for appendici- |Mrs. W. Morly, Belleville; Mrs. J. in a humber of cities and towns deal- | - ] . ¥ others to e n, | {tis in the General hospital, Corneill Southfield; and Mrs. Percy ing in gasoline and pils of various Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington DeMille, Trenton. kinds. Mr. Moon is a graduate of the KINGSTON, Omit. Office hs ' | T 2 | A Lady I 1. : Pd Ontario Business College and his . TRUMPOUR & LOYS Good second - hand i ns Annual Summer School. wife was a Miss Story, of Belleville. . Phone 1415, : Mrs. George Knox, Napanee, met , M134 Brock Street. Phéne 704 or 1441w. Lumber, Corrugated with'a severe accident on Satarday| The Kingston Garrison Rifle As- FOR MOVING OF . | Sheet Steel and other | night. While carrying her daughter, | sociation is getting ready for the an- 'Canadian Pacific. * Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | f down. Carpenters are plentiful. ' Labour is Irene, up-stairs she fell with the . v1 competilors dor thes Renors' ints." ep nor Lake and intermediate building materials. J child in. her arms. Mrs. Knox was ore pectal To co th tale {badly Kurt and Ireneslightly bruised. | marksmanship is ex 0 be oints will leave Kingston at . CES L Cohen & Co. | : gh} biggest in many years. Wednesday pon instead of re fine close comnec- NEW PRI 3 A Kingston Transfer Co. 275 Ontario St. Phone 837. || A Golden Jubilee. afternoon Helnbers of its Src. tions for Tweed and Peterboro. ; 7 3 W p i d out a large number of rifles | Vo. 613 for Tichborne, Shar- Phone 377. 153 Wellington Street. | " The golden jubilee of Sister = M, [testes A Train No. ' : a 1 |Elizabeth (Margaret Stafford) was |On the Barriefield ranges that are to bot Lake and Renfrew will leave observed at the House of Providence | be used for sharpshooting, '| Kingston at 11.45 a.m. instead of x sires Bern: | lon Tuesday morning: Archbishop A ------------------ 12.05 p.m., connecting with main x 3 : DAVID SCOTT Williamson & Wellwood = = celebrated mass with many of] Two New Trustees Wanted. line traing at Tichborhe and Ren- BLUE PACKAGE BLACK ..... 2G¢c. PER 'PACKAGE Two vacancies now exsist on the! pew for an points east and west. RED PACKAGE BLACK ............30c. PER PACKAGE Plumber |the diocesan clergy in the sanctuary. Piambing ang ber a special. Custom Tailors | Beery 2 y Belleville board of education, caused ll . . or A work Bho direas , - by the resignations of A. E. Bailey To Settle Deadlock. GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN... ........30c. PER PACKAGE " : Prices right. Our range gf made to measure | Who withdrew some time ago and N.{ py, arhietic events at the Royal THESE ARE THE BEST VALUES ON THE MARKET. ; D. MacFadyen who resigned last ev- ' 1 have been conclud- 30 MONTREAL STREET suits are of the best material and ... | Military College © Mo) h EE ening on account of Mis removal tn ed for 'the current term and all but - j i workmanship. We carry a large stock N | Two doors from King Edward Theatre of blue and black © serges, English Montreal. the gymnasium exercises were de- x ofl WW oe . ---------- eevee | worsted and Scotch tweeds which wa] Well, elect 'them, the board has cisive. In the gym., A" and "B D {NTAL SURGEON. foes make to your measure at a very | the power without going to the elec- companies reached a deadlock in a | tors. tie. It is proposed to settle the lat- | | reasonable price, Prevost, Brock St. Corner ul Johnsun 'and Vellingeon | : | it ter on Friday evening during the in- d { Stieets need | |... | Visited tho Whig. Heavy Buying in Coal spection of the visiting board, and ; 9) J) | Chiet Newton, Belleville, who has| The Schuster Co., Limited, Belle- the instructors will draw up the par- r ' | ville, has been awarded the contract | ¢icular events in which the two com- Dr. Waugh || been a member 6f that city's police ! staff for the past fifty years, and G. for supplying the Ontario School for panies will be represented. F. Ruttan, K.C.,© Napanee, were | the Deaf with 2,500 tons of slack ---- Dentist visitors at the Whig office on Wed- | coal and 250 tons o. L. & W. Scran- A ton. The County of Hastings has con- Frontenac Quoit Club: + 106 Wellington St. Phone 250. |- Keep your. books and valu- Begley: Bota ah aie delegates tracted with the 'same firm for their | The Frontenac Quoit Club played able papers in a SAFE. Ontario. entire supply, consisting of 350 tons | off its second match at the U.F.O. ------- hard coal and smokeless, the latter | picnic held in T. Dugan's grove, JR. C. Dobbs & Co. i 'i being for the House of Refuge, * |Pittsburg, on the 31st May. There 41 Clarence "Street, Kingston. Contract Awarded ----sii-- was a large crowd in attendance, es, Bicycles, | Typewriter Headquarters, At a meeting {if Picton the Board A Death at Centreville. Four greens were measured off and wers, ete. We | Phone 819. of the True Blue and Orange soci- Edward Brady, aged about twenty- | marked out by the committee. The ne Suneantes | eties decided to proceed at once with | five years, passed away at the home [game commenced at 1.30,. standard i ------------------------------ , 197 WELLINGTON STREET | | the construction of the new chil- [of his father, John Brady, Hinch | time. The winners in the primary i ~\\|dren's home and the contract was | street, Centreville, early on Wednes- | finish 'were Joseph McGrath and nual summer shoot and the number Effective June 6th, train No. 611 Cartage of every description-- It Would Pay You To Call. {ed at Richmond Hill, near Toronto, | last autumn of heart trouble and of | consolations were James Barrett and A 3 . @ 9 ' | and ! the Hamilton conference, and was Ou} 1€} = People s | REV. R H. BELL COMES sent to Cathcart circuit. Later he ALL WORRIED WOMEN WA TTS WESTERN MEATS [oud will cost about $250,000. The late had suffered a good deal. Tas |G. Keeler. '] t | COOKED MEATS Wag pastor at Hickson and Otterville, i : Floris 2" > NEED RICH BLOOD "BROCK STREET _ CHOICE |awarded. The building will be erect- day, Deceased had been ailing since [Walter Corkey. The winners in the Dealer in Furs only. | then to Charlton avenue church, ) He Has Been Successful in Hamilton, and Dublin street, Guelph 177 Wellington street, | ' b » - } : { McGEEIN Hamilton and Toronto Seven years ago he was transferred | If the Flood is Not Kept Pure Health Fresh flowers and plants daily Conferences to the Toronto conference and sta- re . foo -- Funeral designs, and wedding . tioned at Danforth avenue church | It Is useless to tell a hard working . . woman to take life easily and not to bouquets to order. Phone 1763. | | . . . and High Park avenue church. His y . Res., 1137, Phone : : work in all .is charges has been | WOITY. To do so is to ask the almost ' . . mnie : . eminently successful, Mr, Bell and |imPossible. But, at the same time, it We're Ready for Spring With a Large, 1 1 82 [¥ Tr i | | family will have a warm welcome. | 18 the duty of every woman to save New Stock of Fine Quality He will begin his ministry the first her strength to meet any unusual de- Sunday in July. mands. It is a duty she owes herself and family for her future health may 282 Princess Street i ) } depend upon it. ? ® . : ; ¢ ! FIRST DRAFT OF STATIONS To guard against a complete break- . ee down in health' the blood must be For the Montreal Methodist Confer. kept rich, red and pure. No other mo 2 ence--The Changes Made dicine does this so well as Dr. Wil- « ¢ 3 MARRIED The first draft of stations shows liams' Pink Pills. This medicine a . ; the following changes: '| strengthens the nerves, restores the " : " . J . Montreal district--8t, James, Cy- | appetite and keeps every organ LA ril H, Adair, associate minister, Wes- [healthy toned up. Women cannot y . leyan Theological College, 8. P. Rose, always rest when they should, but ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? D. D. Dominion, 8. B. Marshall. | they can keep their strength by the : Trinity, J. H. McConnell. St . Paul, | occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices . J You must know it is not fair to : Johnson Seller, DeLorimer, T. C. | Pills. Among tose who have found W. R McRae & Co. your husband to continue buying Cassidy. Lachute, A. E. Matthews, | benef® from this medicine is Mrs. $20.00 22.00, 25.00 28.00 {| new Hats every "season when we lf} | Arundel and Ponsonby, Gordon W. |Cora Conrad, Broad Cove, N.S., who ' ' 9 GOLDEN LION BLOCK. || can reshape your old ones into the ll | Maxwell. Rapide De Lorignal, Leo- |says: "My system was very much $30 00 32 00 very latest Spring styles. / | | pold Massicotte. run down, and my blood' poor and . ' . : Get pfise! Save $10.00. and put es | | it into that Suit you have in wind. Matilda district--Inkerman, A. E. | watery. I suffered a great deal from : : i 3 Hagar, Avonmore, L. 8. Throop, Fos- | headaches rand dizziness; my appe- fin 3 Se 3 REV. R. H. BELL, B.A, ter Hilliard missionary to Japan. tite was 'poor, and I tired easily. I See our e quality Blue rge Suits at Brockville district--Bscott, A. B. |decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink ' $35 00 o T-- . The Montreal Methodist conference 4 . The Kingston Hat (Cleaners ad ratified the appointment of Rev Ransom. Algonquin, H. Walker, | Pills and have every reason to be 9 x : ' | North Augusta, A. Fairbairn. glad that I did so. Soon I felt better, Opposite Tic Cnllage Book Store. LEA, of By Puse Ave Kingston . district -- Sydenham [and under the continued usé of the 4 9 163 Princess St. Upstairs. the .pastorate. OF Sydenham Street Street Methodist church, R. H. Bell. | pills the headaches and dizziness WEDDELL 'Plone 1488. Portsmouth, W. W. Doherty. Wolfe | were gone, and my blood seemed in hodist in this cit - - ! kathois rh a & ys ne Island,J . W. Charlesworth, , Cata- [a better condition than before. ' For . an aa : raqui, R. W. Armstrong. Elginburg, | this reason I recommend Df. Wil- 131 Princess St. Cho'icest quality of Scranton "Coal. No other kind sold by j goes to Dominion ehuroh, Ottawa. John Puttenham. Harrowsmith, | liams' Pink Pills." 1 { . Fu Mr. Bell comes to Kingston highly | James E, Blanchard. You ean get Dr. Williams' Pink (One door below Randolph Hotel) BOOTH & CO spoken of for scholarship, piety and | Perth district--No changes, Pills through any dealer in medicine Pi y : sincere work. He is looking forward { Pembroke district--Beachb or by mail at 50 cents a box or six | Where are the brides ? BOUHDUIE th | ante Te Sas fonts DOK Wil- Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 with a high degree of expectancy to (W, Stewart. Almonte, E, R. Kelly, his pastorate in Kingston, which has Ottawa district--Dominfon church, ltams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Z . ' We can*supply you with been represented to him as a great |W. T. G, Brown. Bell Street, E. C. = = = E SE 5 : opportunity. His aim will te to do, | Laker. Clarendon, R. §. Smith, | p 4 | | lots of Confetti to shower with all his powers, the work that Quebec Sister Quebes, J.C congrat lati gs most reeds to be done in this historic Reid. Lennoxville, 8. w. Boyd. immer Nl el] weal Specia gratu ons church and city, Stanstead district--Compton, Chas, T0 DYNAMITE CAP Fy] Rev. Mr. Bell has spent twenty- Huxtable. Magog, Paul Petgau, ; \ . » : Also Neils®n 8 Ice Cream five years in the miaistry. He was Waterloo distriet---Waterlao, Wil- ; : amiated wits ona College, Toronto, {tam Howitt. Knowlton, John Hare: |Harry ~ Shaw and George Cool and Comfortable 7 TERY LOTS. © B a k f TICKS Tor the event. affiliated with the university of To- Suft G A Ad trea 3 At pre-war prices. ronto, and gra uated In 1895 and the Ga F, Ltonte, Dotan. Brome. Ru, Monts ' h we FOR WOMEN: : Vests at 35c., 50c., 60c., 75¢. and $1. : J EX a set. | M. R. McColl same year he entered the ministry in | pipe). ey u i Prescription Druggist ' Te TTL. Harry Shaw, aged 21, an George Ps Ke Mu lie n "2% Comer. of nergy » nt Po -- -- ion EVES Bt BoE 20, 208 Guotge Drawers and Bloomers at 50c., 60c., " EET | Street : : one 82, were walking along e railway - " Phone 1417, fa Thome 8 NEVER MIND YOUR MISTAKES Ea ne slong. glo aiiney 75c¢., 90c., and $1.00. Wednesday afternoon. Shaw noticed 1 s : ) By CHARLES GRANT MILLER | [Shetnestay attornoon. Shaw notices Combinations at 75c., $1.00, $1.19 2» ® a ? Men S Suits (Copyright, 1921. All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) § | C07i0US to ascertain what it was. Tt a suit. - CORNER POSTS FOR CEME- turned out to be a dynamite cap, but . and F eo Je - s |Shaw did not have his curiosify sas- FOR MEN: The le. who mak: istakes I h isfled until he had lighted a match do . urnishings The Deople. who Seistaker load toe world, to Bis od. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 75c¢., AT WAY DOWN PRICES v : people m, running errands 3nd counting | An explosion followed, and as a (fl 90c¢. and $1.00 omar snaopryaut ull tine of HR Mews Bue Serge, Worsted ana J © re always true. E t and serio | aa Fone or tot ge wud ot anol : ck T v ma- : > ' : HVery great and serious truth has |thumb and two fingers blown off, 3 : : Indes. Jam ana Vellles sor sate ne Noi--sovon, sas.on BOR trites ure. : Ande Disco oF the me ae oa. off, Combinations, Short Sleeves and Ath: > Pine shi rts--$1.95, $2.50, and i ot. Wiilam Janes a the greatest psychologist of our time, but 39 2is a 2 Smpantey Sultared letic styles at 1.25, $1 .50, $1.75 Bon Marche 0 . S the co 0 in defining truth was this: : : " : | Cor King ana Bart Stree |B Working Shirts--$1.00, $1.50, "The truth is simply what will work." ; ot hs being ives ng ue Br. ~ and $2.00. ' Phos tude. Hue and White Overalls, $1.48 Whatever Is may not necessarily be right, In spite of Pope: but Police Barrett, Napanee, rushed the ~ BOYS' and GIRLS' UNDERWEAR Soria nderwear-- $1.00 whatever is js. That is the main point. . And it fs every man's job tg |injured men to the Kingston Gen- (ll : : i : 3 : : CL + and JJ] 2000t the is-ness and. get down to business, J ie eral Hopital, arriving here sherry in Vests, Drawers and Combinations-- -- : Black--a5c. a --_ Most men Rave the wrong location, have taken up the 'wrong pro- betore § o'clock. They are doing nico . fom 2... 25a $1.00 a garment. 'REAL ESTATE . Menton lk Socks. -- 75¢., and [| fession, have failed to improve the opportunities for. education, they|" *" ty | \ ap $1.00 a pair. bad in youth, have not married the woman ideally suited to them, have ' FOR Y Men's Good Tan Dress Boots § not the money, influence and position they need to show what's in them, Belloville's Asses " ; \ . at $4.50. fApa they are of two classes. One class sits around the-loating pliess | Belleville, June 2. The assess. WwW N : Lint & Co / I and tis its ati ad whittles, and pities itself. The other 'plucks up, ment ot the city as Se upiied by J. a ® ® ¥ on ® forgets it, ta tuation as it is and makes the best of things. = $9.810.233. poor; total hy kes the best © 1$9.810,252, namely, $8,455,655 real Phone 191. The Waldron Store. ® ZACKS The genius is not the man who ance festate, $780,900 business assessment, r : : : and $573,697, {ncaine assessment. an ; oo 271 PRINCESS STREET t : Ingtease of $1,978,987 over last year. | : and fate as he found it and made The population of the city is 12,243. 3 : The only perfect person you will gver meet is the = Don' d. It migk - a ey : ; pertect Tool, v _Won't crowd. It might prove un Never do any worrying today that he eledes is a critic or it is atro- The fa are the frauds of us all : 3 a ise not the beans by the size of | eomfortable if some one else should byin can just as well postpone until \ ' ultless ih ey ' gy es 2 rin e Dp : forget to be polite. | tomorrow. i + a ; u * #

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