SLITRDAY, JUNK 4, 1931, ------ AY Now Or Never We're Out To Test Your Faith In Us E"VE led the parade in "Value-Giving sin since our birth, and during our our sale of Uncalled-for Suits and Overcoats we've shown em our dust and made the whole s amazed at the magnitude of the values--it's certainly true that we're re giving values up to $45 at one- low-money-saving-price. "We have received another lot of these Un- called-for Clothes, and in the lot are all sizes, styles and patterns. We ask You to do one thing--come to our store today--see what we are offering . \ -- Uncalled- For v Suits & O'coats| All Blue Serge Suits Uae $45 Included ODD |. ODD ODD COATS|VESTS|PANTS Your Lor $5.95 95| Your Jour $7 50 .50 Joe w $ .95 These Prices are Less than the Cost of Material alone basis &Scotch || "Woollen Co. ca [S1A0D PLEDGES SEF "70 HELP CHURCH UNION A Committee Is Is 'Appointed to! Consider the Ministry of | Healing, | | "That whereas, the Bishops of the | | Aagli ican communion in confe rence | { held in Lambeth, in 1920, {sued an | {appeal to all men of good will, to | | consider what actiog might be taken | toward union of Bl believ- { ers iuto a visible atNl truly ro | church, in which the separated | | churches retaining each one its oe | { culiar heritage, should contribute of | { {ts richness of truth and service to | {the whole body, and whereas the | ! Bishop of this diocese gave special | attention to the subject in his charge, be it resolved that this Synod do put on record its admirafgon of and its gratitude for the Lambeth appeal and pledge itself to do all that is in its power to back up any action that may be taken by the General Synod | along the lines suggested by the | | Bishops in their appeal." The above resolution, moved by | Rev, T. W. Bavary, seconded by R. | Yc arson, was adopted at the closing | | ression of the Synod of Ontario on i | Thursday afternoon, | p---- i } Missionary Clergy Stipends | Canon J, W, Jones submitted the report on the stipends of the mis- | sionary clergy for 1921, and the re- port was.adopted. The total amount | reaches $8,644 . | Canon Jones also moved the fol- lowing amendments to the canon "On { the stipends of the clergy," which was adopted: "In every mission a residence shall | be provided for the clergyman, and | Where there is no residence, steps | shall be taken to provide one with as | little delay as possible, and mean- { while the sum 6f $100 per annum | shall be paid in lieu thereof." That the scale of stipends be in- reased $200 throughout, the para- | graphs, so as to read: | "The scale of stipends to thé cler- | gy serving in missions, in addition to a residence, shall be as follows: For not less than $1,000; for | priests; not less than $1,100 for the [first five years of service; not less {than $1,150 after five years of ser- { vice; not less than $1,200 after ten | years of service; not less than $1,250 |after fifteen years of service; and | not less than $1,300 after twenty | years of service." | | deacons, Reports and Committees | Dean Starr was appointed as an ex-officio member of the executive, and Rev. J. O, Crisp was appointed on the executive by the Bishop. On motion of Dean Starr, the Sy- nod sent a telegram of greeting to | the Synod of Ottawa, now in session. On motion of Canon Woodcock, Synod decided to receive the report of the committee on general mis- sions as the first order of business on the second day of the Synod meet- ing in 1922, Chancellor J. B. Walleer presented his report and it was adopted. Bishop Bidwell appointed a com- mittee composed of Chancellor Walk- em, Francis King and Rev. J. H. Coleman to deal with the distribu- tion of the surplus funds of the Belleville rectory. The committee will have power to act. Dean Starr reported that the com- mittee appointed to consider the bish- op's charge had not been able to con- vene and Synod agreed to have the matter dealt with by the executive. Bishop Bidwell appointed a com- | mittee composed of Revs, Coleman, | Creeggan, McTear, Boyle and Hur- | ford to consider the subject of "'the | ministry of healing," referred to in | the Bishop's charge. The Bishop wil] confer with this committee, Appointments Made Bishop Bidwell appointed Dean Starr and Archdeacon Dobbs as rep- resentatives on the corporation of Trinity College. Dean Starr is the chairman. The representatives elect- ed by Synod are Rev. J. H. H. Cole- man, Rev. John Lyons, Chanéellor Walkem and W. B, Carroll. The following additonal appoint- ments were made: General Board of Missions--Dean Starr, Archdeacon Dobbs, Chancellor Walkem, F. F. Miller. Board of Religious Education-- Rev. A. C. Whalley, Rev. T. W. Sa- vary, Judge Reynolds, John Elliott. Representatives on Council of So- Elliott, Rev. Thomas &eech, F. F. Miller, ® Thanks for Hospitality On motion of Rev. Mr. French the Synod tendered a hearty vote of thanks to the ladies for their kind hospitality; also to Bishop ang Mrs. Bidwell; to Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, who very kindly held a reception at her home in honor of the delegates to the Synod, and to Rev. W. E. Kidd, 'who looked after the arrangements for the welfare of the delegates during their stay in the city. Bidwell spoke*of the loyalty and sap- port given him by the members of Synod. - This loyalty and support he said, had been clearly manifested at this session. His lordship, in feeling | Stafford; { Coleman. They { ford. A heavy thunderstorm | over here cial Service--Arcdeacon Dobbs, John | Before the session closed, Bishop'j- NOVEL CHAPEAU. The French designer of this hat, chose a method of embroidery used | tor generations by the Breton Paysanne, but little known to society. Bits applied to the blue taffeta surface in a fashion somehow of white cloth are reminiscent of the seas Engineer host, But Returns, Seeley"s Bay, June 1.---Mrs. J | Dillon"is having a-verandah built. A (tennis club has been organized here | with following officers: sec.-treas., Miss will play Metealfie's lawn Mr. Ramboth, civil engineer on the {culverts on the provincial highway, went fishing last Monday on White- fish lake and got lost. He missel the entrance to the narrows, and had to camp out all night in Pierce's Bay, but in the morning he found his way out and got back alright. Searchers were out but failed to locate him. Ed. Shook, Watertown, N.Y. is visiting friends here and vicinity. C Brady has reurned home afer a few days' visit with friends at Campbell- passod Tuesday evening with heavy rain which was badly needed, Distress in the Throat Caused Great Anxiety Not an uncommon experience was that of Mrs. H. S. Wilmot, of Shulee, N. 8.: "Many remiedies failed, still splendid results were found in '"Ca- tarrhozone."' I have been a most dreadful sufferer from. Bronchial trouble and Catarrh. On damp days, I would hawk and suffer great dis- tress in my throat. I used all kinds of medicines, but didn't get perma- nent relief till I used Catarrhozone. It strengthened my throat; stopped my cough, and made me well," Try Catarrhozone yourself -- see what wonders it works on a bad throat, or colds, catarrh, bronchitis. Different from the old way, because you breathe Catarrhofone. Get the dol- lar outfit, which includes the inhaler and last two months. Small size 50c. Dealers, The Catarrhozone Co., Mont- real. . President, T. | AAA A is A as labor is being done here on the side roads. | jon ju i People woulda rive a whole lot long- Gwen. ler if they would use procrastination on Mrs. jon their wo Piitify 1h Blood the ground was very dry. Statute ds es the way they use it collector Only the kidneys can purify the blood, and Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills arouse the kidneys to healthful action. One pill a dose. 25¢. a box, all dealers. STOMACH TROUBLES ARE DUE TO ACIDITY | Tells Safe, Certain, Speedy Relief for | Acid Indigestion. i So-called stomach troubles, such as | indigestion, gas, sourness, stomach- | ache and inability to retain food are | = ten, ! se- | out of essive ace in the | of in probably nine cases simply evidence that eretion of acid is taking ple stomach, causing the formation gas and acid indigestion. Gas distends the stomach and causes that full, oppressive, burning feeling sometimes known as. heart- burn. while the acid irritates and in- flames the delicate lihing of the stomach. The trouble lies entirely in the excess development or secretion of acid. To stop or prevent this souring of the food contents of the stomach and | to neutralize the acid, and make it! bland and harmless, a teaspoonful of | Bisurated magnesia, a good and ef-| fective corrector of acid stomach, should be taken in a quarter of a glass of hot or cold water after eat- ing or whenever gas, sourness or | acidity is felt. This sweetens the stomach and neutralizes the acidity in a few moments and is a perfectly harmless and inexpensive remedy to use. An antiacid, such as Bisurated Magnesia which can be obtained from any druggist in either powder or tab- let form enables the stomach to do its work properly without the aid of artificial digestents, Magnesia comes ex LLL Ay IHG eld 1 NE TO EUROPE ipso Seis ---------------- | MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW | ee et------ MONTREAL ro LIVER REYOL, June 16 July 15 etagam? Jun S ranasnvys Mietoriar Jul . .. Melita July § Minnedoss "i EBEC TO L IVERPOOL June 1 July 5 . > Emp. of Britaie June 21 July 19 Emp. of France MONTREAL, TO GLASGOW July : .. Tunisian Aug Jul¥ 24 Ry 30 : . Pretoriaz MONTREAL TO HAVRE-ANTWERP June 1% .Montrea MONTRE AL--HAVRE-- LONDON July $iAug. 19{Sept. 30 .. .Sicitlaz July 38{Sept. 10ct. 6 ... Scotian Montreai--Soathampton--A 1twerp June 17 July 23 . .Scandinaviar June 30/Aug. 6 Corsican FREIGHT ONLY Approsimate Sailing Dates a MONTREA L--=DONDON June 18 July 30 .. Bosworth June 30 ... . ;Dunbridge July 14 Bolingbroke Freight Dept. Phone:Main 6580 Apply to agents everywhere or-- H. B. Beaumont, Gen. Agt, Pass. Dept 1 King St. E, Toronte Adelaide 2108 Canadian Pacific Rallway Traffic Agents CUNARD ANCHCR ANCHOR-DONALDSON in several forms, so be certain to ask for and take only Bisurated Mag- nesia, which is especially prepared for the above purposd, REGULAR BERVICES Ni. MON TREAL--GLASGOW ten for Cassandra and RAILWAY SYSTEM TV HEI] AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to-- J..P. HANLEY, C.P. & T. A, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. ri HARVEY MILNE Hyslop, Rambler and Cleveland Bicycles i . Auto Tires and Violet Ray Lenses, Electric Carpet Cleaning, Sewing and Laying 272 Bagot Street Phone 542 a « Saturnia will be announced shortly N. Y., GLASGOW, (via Moville) June uly 2]July 30 -Cliterania June 18jJuly 18/Aug. 13 .Columbia June 25'Aug. 20 Algeria NEW YORK--LIVERPOOL June 1{July 2|{July June Ti July 12/Aug. June 18] July 18lAug. July § Sept. 3i0e¢t. 1 No. Ya Cherheury, Shmpten a June $|July 14!Aug. 11 . .Mauretanis _ june At July \ .Aquitanie Ju- . ....Berengaris Livers Glasgow casas nisen el Assyria , PLY. CHER. HAMBURG { June Nya 21pAug. 30 . Saxonis Havaana, Corunna, Gibraltar, Patras, Dubrovalk, Flume and Trieste Juné ¥ ..Pannonis Vige, Gibraltar, Patras, Dubrovaik, Trieste and Fiume 13 . Scythia | Boston te June 25 .. June «L**Italls For rates of pases particulars ap) THEROBERT REFORD! C0. Len GENERAL AGENTS #0 KING STREET RAST TORONTO, ONT. CANADIAN essage, frei fluain sas and further PACIFIQ F, CONWAY Steamship Agent--All Lines Phone 1197 ~ 180 Wellington Street A successtul life meats toiling and sweating nine tenths of your life so that you can spend the other tenth ip Cut PLuG comfort. an mma SmoxinG ToBAcco % 1b. packet | 5eente albtin 80 =