Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1921, p. 16

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10 THE D BRITISH WHIG. SE = | MIVA NO NV o@ | CY | EASTERN SPRUCE = L2YANO NVM fil | Our present stock of Spruce .is supplied BE | oie OL Belitics. pen! by some of the largesi and best mills in Que- 3 Iams WFO. oi ' ; We have them in the various grades of =| Ny -- rr WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE t is noted that while chur both Red and White Cedar, at prices that | gregations in the city. have decreas ed, those at the Portsmouth peniten- are sure to prove attractive. | ary Bave increased. The good bishop thinks that re- : ligious instruction in the schools will s o { a ALLAN LUMBER CO. | lessen lawlessness. The Lampman's a . . | view is that the religious teaching is 1 me - Phone 1042 - - " Victoria Street first required in the home, from in -- . RT fancy. VS Ap It is good to see the Rev. Dr. John Mackie again on Kingston's streets - S | Though advanced in years he is still : 9 { rapid in movenfent and .holds head | ' ¢ 0 ] e e I'eSell 0 d % and shoulders erect. THe former [1] NEPTUNE" Scotch kirk minister is thrice wel- | ; & come to the limestone city. | VICHY WATER || | ei oe : 3 ] awaking to the fact that an exami- | 0 yi {nation should be set for "special- Sources Chateau-Robert, St. Yorre, {ists". Quite so, for in many cases | : 1 est Values Vichy Basin, France. Approved of by the public is paying out good money | the Académie de Médecine of Paris. [to fake "specialists". This does not | {apply to Kingston. | Reommended in all eases of Stomach diseases, } PP ye - . ise | : umatism, Gout, Gravel, Nephritic Colic, | ; rat: { . Colitis, Diabetes, Di | And now the question is asked: Do | Coltn Dinbetes, Disses of the ee Ache De | OU cannot equal our Tailored-to-Measure Clothes Values : | without {feéir coats and waistcoats? { Perhaps the local ex-mayor of that | anywhere else i n Canada, and we doubt if the Values : : 2 | burg can answer. VICHY-LEMONA DE _ While places east of us are pay- | can be equalled an anywhere else in the world, ing as high as $70 a horse-power for Bottled with the natural Vichy water from electrical energy, Kingston plods its the springs of Chateau-Robert, near St. Yorre weary' way at $28 per. If you want the utmost for your Clothes Dollar--follow your France. -- The Christian Scientists must be A delitious beverage, guaranteed to contain pure sugar ! ae, Train re wt, smiling to themselves when they read | common sense. It will lead you straight to one of our 42 of the.Synod being so impressed with | -- -- S-- -- -- = [ Nothing is more grateful to the taste. more refreshing, , more recommendable for the digestive organs. fe the ministry of healing as to appoint On Sale at ull Dresgions ans Crooens.. RA a committee (o consider the subject. | Quality Tailor Shops, where the woollen assortment is largest Wiclesale Distributors : LAPORTE, MARTIN, Linitée, MONTREAL, UE os a aT RE Too and finest--tailoring skill the ablest--quality young woman named Trixie. | . . . ideas the highest--and prices the lowest--be- cause you trade direct with the producer. Lawyer Joseph Walkem has not | only proved himself an able chan- | RE OR ED * . | cellor of the Ontario ciocese, but he rrycrafi Your furniture {1s said to have made the members of | Synod open their eyes and mouths | . ; when he sat down at the piano and ® ' ERRYCRAFT will restore i played the National Anthem at the S t d 0 t the origirfal beauty of your {close of the session. They also say | ul S an verco a S chairs, tables, beds, floors, that he cn preach. a good sermon, | . woodwork--anything that is Evenfin these Bard times the poor | T 1 d T Y M scratched or ! shabby. 3 his | aid the poor. * The Lampman a 1 al ore - 0- our- casure wonder-working stain finish lof a case where some unfortunates | > comes. in a variety of colors j who came to town were taken in by and is simple to'use. a family who had scant fare, but who i Renovate your furniture | divided the menETe meal with them. . "Lol . action was like that of the | with BERRY CRAFT, widow who gave her only mite and i | " " oT en Sixty years'experience is be- whom the Master commended. hind this perfect stain finish, --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. . Ask your dealer about Berrycraft. ~ ----brimtn Worlds BR est Mak Fnishes and Paint Specialties LIST OF SINN FEIN Walkerville, Ontario BERRY OTHERG APPALLING CRIME | Mats of Jioiy Oramicl™ Wass . |8ir Hamar Greenwood Tells of 77 Murders in Two Weeks in Ireland. London, . June 4.--Ireland was again to the forefront during .the question period in the house of com- NO CONNECTION WITH ANY mons, Lloyd George and Sir Hamar OTHER CONCERN IN CANADA Greenwood, the chief secretary, being » . bombarded with inquiries regarding recent events there, The chief secretary said that since F OR several years past we were called upon : -- ea Jan, 1st, 1921, six women had been -- ------ ---- -- -- ---- to make more clothes than our facilities murdered, seven wounded and three | kiduapped by the Sinn Feiners. Dur- | : pv mder c nditi ns that t per- i : : x i permitted of, and under con itions that per- ing the fortnight ending May 28th, | I-- S-------- f twenty police, eight military and | force subjected us us to many embarrassments | forty civilian deaths wera reported | been ch ed ; 4 has en changed | by the police. There were nine assas- ' and annoyances. But Bat tall | this sinations and two attempted assassi- ----there is now no y volume . of business too 00 great { nations of ex"service men reported Sm-- ---- | in the same period. No evidence in- for w lo take Take ca tare o. of. No Teason why we |eriminating tae crown forces was . cammot render. you a Tailoring Service second ( orn Enders [Jortheoming Yuting the mouth of td none. This betterment' of service is re- | Asked whether the policy of re- flected in the matchless values we have to | prisals had received the. approval of offer, notably that with every order a Pair of The old sort--and the new {the cabinet, the prime minister said | Extra Pants. 'ares given ithout additional | that the military authorities were | li | authorized to take such action as was | Charge. Visit any one of our 42 Quality ity Corns used to be treated Blue-jay is applied by a | tevessary. and justified by the: mili Tailor Sore by fakers. touch. he corn parm ends | tary code of repression of rebellion -- = . : Th e com | 8 2 restorati S But science has found a bi Lent 35 is and the restov ition of ode r. todayan : better way to treat corns. rd : : : d milk while it comes out. COME UP THUY MAY, : Ts ; L. A. GAREAU And millions have adopted v ' General Manager it It is folly to pare corns or foe mre ernie: Guaeral Mus - to treat them in unscientific | The Rmployees Deets Received by x . » e . The modern way 1s ways, This new way is end- Toronto, June ." Wage increases | 2 a» : . "1p { . pr hy - Blue-jay-- liquid or plaster. A ing some 20 million corns a { ined | Do you want good quality materials for your mew dress averaging $10'a month are contained LADIES-- fi hi i f ed 1 | or suit? We have thousands of yards te be sold as low amous chemist pertect year. It will end yours any ; in a proposed wage schedule sent to | ae $2.35 per yard. . This is % regular price, width 54 and 56 inches. This We are showing exceptional Jolues in odd trousers from i 1 i i rials of better quality than I special trouser lesgths. any of ese cloths are shown in t This great surgical dress- time you let it. 13it Adam. Beck hy ukion elestrical nr Fle ue ot the drat eds . very limited anantities, and are exceptional values. + : 2 . ~ | workers on the Central Ontario Hy- ing house prepares it. Prove this tonight. dro-Electric System' through thelr ie i organization, the Canadian Electrical Plaster or Liquid ? Trades Union, ie | One hundred and thirty men are B ] - | directly mentioned in the agreement. u S J a y They are employed in the stations of ® "| the system at Oshawa, Bowr:anville, The Scientific Corn Ender: Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Frank- ? ; tard, Campbelitord, Healey Falls, : OF MONTREAL BAUER & BLACK Limited TORONTO CANADA Peterboro, Millbrook, Lindsay, Fena- i s Makers of B'& B Sterile Surgical Dressings and Allied Products : lok Falls, Lehigh, Belleville, Ivanhae, : : 9 Prime St. Kingston, Ont. Sra Napanee, Deseronto and Madoc. The agreement was sent to Sir Adam yes- YN ane | tETARY. : ~Among the conditions which the J AN SPECIAL FLOOR WwW AX bo i SR smplyens to Have | The Big 'Montreal Tailors With the $20 Price -- Stores From Coast to Coast JOHNSON S and oD ENGLISH holidays to be accounted as overtime | ME ¥ 2 QUALITY T AILOR SHOPS. IN CANADA | ' : 3 and paid at double time rates, none. : Hea d Office and Bonded War ehouse, 851 St. Catherine Street East, Montreal Wik 65¢c. PER L shall be asked to work in rainy. stormy or extreme weather except FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Lr | eee Out of Town Men [Misc hos A weeks' holidays with pay to all em- sea ployees who have been in the service dress 851 St, Catherine St Bast Mowtreal Rn WwW. H. 'COCKBURN & CO. JJ} ot the commission for six months or BR - m----- ; ee oo Srrig more. ni Cornet Wellington and Princess Street. g 7 ] 7 % been ' Phone 216. : : other interested parties in Western |the order as it mow stands, which; Most any girl Kpows that if a mice-; After a woman has married ; A : she snorts when the -- ee : COAL RATES STAND, Canada to make the railway board's | was parsed with two objects in view, fiooking young man steals a kiss he {long enough. ---- : Rais de w ' general order dated May 21st, 1921, | first, the forcing of western coal as {should be gentlemau enough to re- heroine in the story tarns down the' on . 3 way Board Declines Western providing for seasonal rates on coal | far east as is practicable, and, sec-!turn it promptly. wealthy villain and marries the pov. A roman TAB 3030s Tedemption : little girls think it is great fun '0 Dealers' Request, lin the prairié provinces, retroactive ond, the marine of as much coal dur-| One nice thing about the egotist is |erty-stricken hero, : ol Shears rE een w Te play school. . But little boys manage |/ Ottawa, June 4~--Numerous _re- to April 1st {ing the summer months es possible, | that he {& 80 busy tzlking about him- Nowadays men are a lot like pis Mt children and onl ous ars to find some other way of amusing |quests lave been received during the Alter careful consideraiion, the | thereby releasing equipment for the | self that he husn't time to talk about fanos. If they are square, thay are re- only one wife. | themselves, ; _jpast week from coal dealers and | boara has declined to Interfere with movement of grain fu the,autumn, you. garded as old-fashioned.

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