|» | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | en eeme--) ADVERTISING RATES: a Bach cvu- SeCUlIV juscrtion thereafier, half Cell & Word, Minimum charge tur Ktivn, :3¢; three insertions, | 80 czals. Tbe abuve rates are for rged they are dou CONDENSED First insertion, id WANTED GENERAL ' word | POSITION BY COMP grapher. Kxperie 1ddsw. ENT ST ced I cash only ONE ule HEAVY spring C. MCE FARM TO RuNT, ABOUT 200 AUKRLS, by practical farmer, view 1) pur- cnase Frank Herring, Coleman P,Q, Turunto, GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Appiy Wellin Str Ni a pm nto -- BE WANT TO HEAR having farm f price and full ¢ slack, Canada ral Wisconsi COMFORTABLE HOME WITH (ARE and attention tor elderly lady, who is rather frail Will pay $20.00 a week. for suitable place. Box D-1, 'Whig Uirice MOWAT MAID FoR UINING ROOM, na 1 Apply alle FROM OWNER sale to tian A GIRL OR WOMAN TO DO i RAL HULSE AUN K Apply to Mrs bert WiTH seneral in wilting RAL SERVANT WANTED : LAWN MOWERS all at your TO GRIND, WILL home and grind your lawn mower properly Lr ard to W. Kelly, 47 2 none 2047Tw | : i | | ] : ' | i i i DENTAL. A SMART WOMAN FOR HOOM WORK, | liv vne to dighe Boud | ages. Apply America otel ufflee Wis A to oritish w H SPARKS ARD SPARKS, tiste,- 159 Wellinglon street Lainuvsky's. Phone 346. LEN. ----e over FOR SUMMER RESORT, A Cook; als, Ritchen-maid "Rit and $25 res 'SECOND vanes $45 EP ------ PDI RUPERT ©, MILLAN DENTIST, 81 ~-Prificess Sireet. Fhotic 1550. pen :VenIngs I AYKROYD, sumed practive : aver Bank ut Nuva Scud VANT, ron lo a sumer from: gity. Apply Mrs 13 Gari GENERAL H SMALL family, to e few alley oy ironin ia. HU ARCHITECT .- International 1 POWER, S ge, Merchants | \C , Chicago, Bank and teclive Lixcha and Trust Bu LADIES WANTED TO and light sewing at Or spare time; good sent any, distance! Send stamp for particu tional Manufacturing real. ------ ee COME AT ONCE--ME) special shor coursds; one month Auto Mechanles' course $30; one month Gas Tractor Course Sov plenty of time to nnish for the spring rush. Hemphill Bros, Autc Lids 'Irhctor School, 163 King st, | W., Toronto. Boara 'and room| $5.50 up. Call or write. | bastasassasatane sd ts Siti ! Experienced Automobile Me- chance Must have had experi- ence handling men. Reply giving Age, reterences, number of years' experience ang whether married or single to Box V-28, 'Whig Office xis, Merchants corner of Brock oc Wellington no home; pay; PLAIN whole work paid Na-| Mont- | MASONRY AND CARPENTERING eee estes e-- eran MeCLENNAN & & day. given house repairs by the painting satistaction ratrick Street, Kingston $6-10 DAILY, | POSITION WANTED, PRACTICAL NURSE tion by day or Charles Street. WANTS POS night. Apply WANTED--A SITUATION AS SHOE- ing smith; board in or out Box 3535, Napawe, Ont. WOMAN OF REFINEMENT, AS housekeper, or as housemaid in small adult family; best testimon- lalg"and Kingston references. Apply Box G-2, Whig. AGENTS WANTED > -* -* i € ole obod dogo? | | et | THE PARK AVENUE CLINICAL HOS<| pital Training School for Nursés;| registered; taree years' cotirse;| €IgAL hour day; six aay week; edu- | callonal requirements; one year high school or equivalent For in- teomation apply 'to ddperintendent| of Fark Avenue Clinical Hospital, / 439 ark Avenue, Rochester, New | York. SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS YEARLY, representing new household neces- sity. 31 plece dish set to custom- e€r on each ninety cent order. Fast business builder B. & E. Mfg. Lo, London, Ontario. SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS YEARLY, representing new household neces- sity. « 31 piece dish set to customer on each $1.20 order. Fast business builder. - B. & BE. Mfg. Co., London, Ontario, AXNBITIOLS MEN WHOSE ABILITY o HM taeir Present position is not re- Cupnized, and wno aspire to do Lu«n@s In & DIE way, to suca who base deen luoking ror a neld to Awiionsirate <aelr ability, there ig Huw pen an opportunity in the! larges., most Peiaunerative, musi Suteessiul neld 'in ail the Domin- | lull or Canada. For conndential in- | terview, give phone number tv Box aed, Whig Office, MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CAN- vass but to travel and appoint lo- cal representatives, $21 a week and expenses guaranteed, with good chance to make $50 a week and expenses. State age and qualifica- tions. Experience unnecessary, Winston Co. Dept. G., Toronto. GOOD, RELIABL: MAN WANTED TO take orders and deliver the finest line of Teas, Coffees; ete, in" Can- ada. Highest commission of any Culicern in the country paid; ali Bouds are guaranteed or money re- funded. Lach appucant must be huancially respoasible. If You are looking tor a 8oud, independent, Permanent positon with unlimited earning possibilities. this is your Oppoisanily. Quick action nece Sury. Patricia Blend Tea & Cof- fee, 651 Queen Street East, Toranto, Ont HELP WANTED ENERGETIC AND EXPERIENCED travelling salesman for large man- ufacturer of Counter Check Books and Shipping Tags to cover King- ston: and péirt of province. Apply Box E-2, Whig Office. SALESMAN -- SELF - RESPECTING satesman, whose ambition is be yond his present place, might find more congenial employment with us, and at the sume time double his income, . We require a man of clean character--sound in mind. and body, of strong personality, who would appreciate a life's job with a fast growing concern, where in- dustry would be rewarded with far above average earnings; married man preferred. " Apvly Mr. White- head, 2nd floor Royal Bank Build- ing, Kingston ' T Help Wanted Experienced Cigar Makers. Also EPP rb bebe Girls to learn. trade; 'steady work RECRUI"S WANTED for 1921 guaranteed. 4th Hussars, summer at Barriefield 22nd apply Apply-- training camp----June 14th For further information, MAJ. E. P. RYAN. Rockwood House, Phone 659 - Kingston, PREF P LCE EIGER GEO. A. McGOWAN CIGAR MFG. CO. Ppobdedddbt did ® Bhd debt dodo 9 AS.SwiFTeCo Lp. 00T OF JOHNSON ST. om WHEN YOU MEET A PERSON you say "How Do You Do?" But when you meet an automobile it is "How Are You?' Some cars say "Not Very Well." When in this condition get thefp-down to Davis, the engine doctor. We will put it right. ~ DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End of Wellington St. ----_ Auction Sales 1 am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. wt rey A Ee Track Ride soni Wor 12 1320.00 cash ani. Alsen § Soda waler oy linders cheap. | | - ~ w The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CA see James Selby, Contractor, 321% University Aveuue, Fhone 1993w. ENO. | SILVER BRACE | BAYS Poone ON AND OREVER, ARCHI- | Chambers, | BATTERSHILL -- | brickswork, plastering and general | Also | 10 Phone Mel ALGE 67! | CITY Apply | { i { 4 | | s 1H | FOUND A GENTLEMAN'S WATCH. owilier may have sa calling to T. E. Lyv« Colborne Street IN PUBLIC LABRARY, CHILD'S hat. Owner please apply t Librarian, AT CRICKET FIELD, AN EYE glass lens. Owner may have same by calling at Whig Of- A THE by fice. A SMALL LADY'S FUR COLLAR J: Uwner may have same by ap- plying at The Club, 112 Prin- cess syveet. ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FALE. Anyoue uuuiug aunyraing and Wishing to fedvu tue OWher may uo SU wy reporung the tacts ww The British Wong. Ane adver< tisement will ve printed in this culumn Iree ol caarge ound articies' uuves not in- clude lust uugs, callie, horses, ele. These, 11 lust, may be ad- vertised tur in ti Lusl column, BIG WRIST WATCH wiin initials "H. B." on back. 35.0v rewale lop return.to the Whig ot nee. INITIALS uwnel rroutenac Tak Sliced 1¥d GOLLY PIN t, on ivis PURE BRED JUNE 2nd, ON OR Wharl, kigin watcen Linder Kinaiy return lenham street and receive | THURSDAY, avout switts silver 18 FOR SALE. '1 1A MGE COMBINED; | nd gas water heat Phoue 326 or GAS AND COAL a 81 ge a TOMATO AND ASTER JC. dugen. Apply J i ry, corner Quebec and Cherry | A WELL BUILT BRICK HOUSE wiTH | & ail AMmproveiments. Bargain price with June 1st. 34,300. wasy terms Apply Box L-21. Whig Ottice, i IN TOLRING ger, 191s model; in 800d runuing order, 114 Queen Street. CAR, FIVE spare Cueap | passe! Lires; lor caso MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE WNINGS, TEN Phone 811. rooms. Apply 107 tary. Apply tv Mrs Earl Street. bought and sold. oe per month. J. 8. R. Brock Street. one front, one Gore street. ders. Five cents. SALE OF TIRES week sale at Works George WHITE tuo $3.00 for 15. tham Incubator, muudth. fuel on tow market. lHvering 1-4 at $4..35, ur * Phoné 16lim. Tull W, (1, a | ELL AND BUY ALL KINDS oF | ical instruments ing and furniture. Call and get our | STORAGE Fo Routbard, L. prices. Phone 1723. §ireel 3,500 WILL single trame; lor cooking, 300 cash Chas. pell, in township of half of lot 55. No. 1, Joyceville, Ont. E DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TS, FLAGS, CANOVES, F. W. Cooke A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. 94, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. | WALL PAPER FROM 12¢. to 20e. PER! roll, at Hancoé¢k's, 155 Bagot St A SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE; : Wellington St. a COMMODIOUS MAHOGANY AND BICYCLES Palmer's Garage, | corner Bagot and Queen Street. ! BUILDING LOTS, $10 CASH AND $5.00 Phone 326 or 621. TWO BEDS, TWO HANGING LAMPS, | kitchen range, with hot water! open stove. sme | PAY YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN ACCOUNTS | by Deminion Express Money Or- | dollars costs 0uly--500 Bicycle Tires on Muller's 371-375 King street, | GENUINE GRAFHONULA 2 | selections; your uWu choice, $42.50 | Terms $/ casa, $5 per month. C. W, Lindsay, Limited. 121 i'rincess St. | WYANDOTTE eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 Also 60 egg Cha- J. Turner, Ports- COKE FOR SUMMER USE; CHEAPEST | tons at $2.50; t a BUY "A SEVEN electric Jurnuson pajance on 150 Clarence Street. FARM OF 100 ACRES, ALL TILLABLE, | frame house, barns and drive house ! Pittsburgh; Apply Fred Root, KR. | | { TO LXT. i FLAT TO LET BY JUNE ist, APPLY 214 William reet. FURNISH Apy A THREE ROOM FLAT, for light house-ke Barrie street 20 ACRES OF GOOD PASTURE; watered Apply A. €C. Ha Kihgsten or phone 1100 R3-3 FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD all improvement centrally loca ed. Apply 243 University Ave STABLES AND SHEDS ON CORNER | of Wellington and Barrack street, | by May 1st. Apply 31 Rideau St. DIUM-SIZED FURNISHED HOU SE, | good locality; all improvements. | Apply Mrs. Pannell, 248 Alfred St. NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, 146 Montreal St, all improvements. Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April 1 PHONE | ME | i FA SEVEN | CRE- 151 FURNISHED HOUSE TO 'LET FOR 511 the summer in. Wolfe Island vil- age. Apply Royal Bank, Wolfe Is- and. Rodger, A FURNISHED LARGE FRONT ROOM --all conveniences. Apply 313 Uni- versity avnue or phone 852W, after A. . 3 p.m. McCann, 56 { APARTMENTS, UNFURNISHED; ALL modern; bright, airy rooms, §25 and $30 a month, at 520 Princess r street. 88 | { DOUBLE AND rooms; all Mrs. Leadbeater, 207 William street. LARGE FRONT BED SITTING ROOM | with housekeeping privileges if de sired; also single room. Apply 21 King street, corner Earl or phone 9957 ! 2257. Apply FURNISHED | Apply | Avonmore, | SINGLE conveniences. The three THIS | FOR Bicycle Ist, APARTMENT house; 18 room central location Bateman's Real Estate, 159 Wel- lington street, Kingston. { RENT BY SEASON OR BY MONTH, fully furnished summer cottage on | island on Loughboro Lake; wood: ice and skiff. Apply Box H-4, or telephone 2281J. ! REN yL AND TEN ENT Ti) | TO THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ~"AL- 80 sun porch, on bathroom floor: electric lights and gas; suitable for | Young couple with no children, Rent $15.00. Apply 119 Stephen St. | We are de-| % tous| $9.00 vn at Bruton. RENT, OR FOR SALE, COTTAG on Wolfe Island water-front; large garden; hand to boat landing | Phone 12 r 2, Wolfe Island, | OR FURNITURE, CLEA aiay, alry rooms; your own lock | and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- | 305 Queen-St. Phone 526; res. 989w. | | TO | also - cloth- | 289 Princess ! | | ROOM ughts; street, time. 152 Pi STREET, ¥ ROO Pp nénts; good gar sion June corner Cha LL IM. | Posses- | Norman, | MS; A de n. ROOMS FURNISHED or unfurnished for light house- keeping; gas for cooking, and all | other conveniences. Apply 1658 Di- | vision Street re -------- west LOT, 60 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 feet deep, for cash $225.00. Also | incubatyr, 140 egg, and two brood- ers; hot water neated. Only used Cawson, 243 Concession St. cia Street. once, near Vic | C PURE BRED BARRED ROCK AND White Wyandotte Baby Chickens 40c. each. Hatcnlng eggs from | prize winners, $2.50 per lo. Joseph | White, phone 2301 r. 4, Portsmouth, Ont. t BARGAIN--SOLID BI:ICK HOUSE, 15 rooms; J batns, 520 Princess street Lot 53 rt. on Princess Street; 35 tt. on Alfred; two garages. Also deep lot, 45 UL on Princess; 3% cash D. A. Weese, Art Store. STUDEBAKER LIGHT 6; IN FIRST class running condition; newly painted; 5 cord tires and good as- cessories. Snap for quick sale. Ap- ply Box W-30, Whig Office. MOTOR LAUNCH AND BOAT HOUSE, 22 6" x {'; 2 cylinder engine with DARGAINS IN FURNITURE. £%C. One gallon Ice Cream Freezer, $2.50. 1 Edison Gramophone and ords, $25.00. Sideboards, $7.00 up to $18.00 Parlor set in Walnut, 4 pieces, $30.00 Dressers, 'from §7.00 up to $16.00. Springs and New Mat- \ Camp Beds, ress, 38.50. 1 Sewing Machine in good order, $9 I Drop-head Sewing Machine, $25.00 LESSE"S ANTIQUE SHOP We buy all kinds of Furniture. S07 Princess Street, Phove 1040w. Bicycles. ana tives. St. Phone 1033w. PERFECT, .COLUMBIA, AND HYSLOP Also bicycles, accessories Specidl attention given to ull repair work. Baby Carriage tires put on white you walt. ler s dicycie Works, 371-373 King ) FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOMS on bathroom fat; electric light; al) vonvenineces. Use of phone, Ap ply 376 Barrie street, near Princess ur phone 2233w, | TW i 86 Re-| ONE BLOCK FROM PRINCESS ST. | flat, three unfurnished rooms; heat- ed; electric hight; gas for cooking; 2 balcony. Pply 4 Montreal Phone 2166. a TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE- claily furnished tor light house- Keeping; gas for cooking and light, at the t'ioneer Apartments, 212 and 214 Division street. Phone 1434w FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD- wood floors, electric light, gas stove, heater, refrigerator, modern in every way. Apply to White's In- surance Office, 239 Bagot street. FURNISHED ROOMS ON. BATHROOM floor, for light housekeeping; gas tor cooking; electric light; good lo- cality; also furnished vedrvom; no children. Apply Box C-31, Whig. Mul- clutch; boat house 13' xX 2¢'; all in good' condition. Snap for quick vuyer. Phone 2008. SCHOONER "BERTIRA CALKINS," carrying capacity 500 net tons. Can be inspected at Picton, Ontario Iurther particulars and price on application. 7T. lL. VanbDusen, Pic. t.n, unt ------ Division limits, Street, known as more or less, Kingston pany. ed solicitor ror THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY ON within the Farm, containing forty-three acres now owned by Brick and : Tile For particulars as to price aud terms apply to the undersign- the company. . B. Walkem, 93 Clarence" Street. BROCK hard- electric; gas stove; frigerator; laundry; janie vice. * Possession June 1st. McKelvey & Birch. SYDENHAM APARTMENTS, Street; 4 rooms and bath: the city wood floor Yes Murdock Apply the Com= | LoviING | WIDOWER, 45, WIT} wife D, Box [IT IS ALWAYS SAFE TO | GET MARRIED. | CATHOLICS THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON bath room nat with electric lights | and gas; hot water heating or if | preferred turnished with or with's | WF HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF guod second hand furniture and sloves. Any person having stoves 2.C turniture to dispose of. we wii; Lay highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600w. THREE BEST KINDS EVER-BEARING Strawberry plants. Suberb, Pro- gressive and Americus, $3.00 per nundived. Mail orders filled prompt- ly. hone 187.J. 8. McCormack, 86 Collingwood street. SEVEN ROOM BRICK DWELLING, 11§ Colborne; attic; splendid basement; electric Lights; gas for cooking; piece bath; good condition. Pos- session June ist. $3,700. Apply on premises. CARS LISTED FOR SALE AT THE new auto repair shop, will be in Al running order. All makes re- paired, washed, polished and greas- ed. Satisfaction guaranteed at a reasonable rate. Apply 256 Queen, Just back of Y. M. C, A Phone 127m.' I CLOTH. CLOTH. CLOTH. DO YOUR women folks need materials in 80od.qua.iities for their dresses avg Suits' We have thuusands vi yards that wiil be sold «as low 65 $2.95 pu; yard, hall rogaiar Price, BOLus FE 8 Inches wie. 18 wing exiu IL - opportuiily "to get a-l terials in butter qualities than us-! valiy found in women's faories, ang! isu' take cure of tne coh needs. Call wt cur store. FORD OWNERS--NEW INVENTION We charge weak Gives big headlight. Makes starting easier. More power Ford repairs a specialty GEO, A, Cor, Bagot and Queen Streets Phone 410J. horse, 6 vehicles, { sils, tools, etd, ness and lightful crops, village; worked fields; spring d ture; abundance wou orchard 300 apples; cherries, grapes. ete.; good & room! house; mugniticent basement barn; 2 ice house, ste. P, Canadian 208 catalog Farm Agédugy, Chambers, "for ada. Ford Maghnetoes without removing from car. PALMER Opposite Blue Garage FARM WITH 300 APPLE TREES, cows and heifers, implements, thrown prosperity yours in de- section big fruit tarms; 112 acres én good road, 1% miles advantages; 0 poultry houses; To settle owner's affairs ali only $2500; easy terms. ! Get detdlls this und Strout's 1 A. Lo, Uniario, Can-| vut board. Apply 179 Division St, | or pnone 112m. | | NEW SEVEN ROOMED BRICK BUN. | i Ealow] hardwood floors; cypress | trimming, electric and gas; good basement; with hot, and cold wa-| ler. dmmediate possession. Apply 202 upper Bagot Street, or pavne "51w | ---- ee ATS ON BARRE STREET | Princ + suitable for dental | pariors, offices or living apart- ments Will alter to suit tenants, Also one apartment on Princess | Street near parrie. Immediate pos. | session, I Cohen & Co SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WoouD, etc. large or small, guaranteed Xx guid leaf; puslers, showvards, ete, artistically writien and designed Oy Shaw, at 205 Princess Slr Kingston. UPHOLSTERING. dairy uten- in; happi- machine- i watéred pas-| ; timber; fine! A -------- -------- -- plums'! CALL OR DROY A CARD TO Ww. a Gavine, uphdlsterer, 216 Bagot st. W. HANROLD FOR YOUR UP. bolstering und general repairing Leave orderg at or drop a carg to 104 Clergy street. ERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. der in all popular shapes and sizes Uphelstering and repairing done. ki. Goodridge, 244 University pears, utlook; 50-rt F. big} Strout Manning | voy arms, F. rng & Bouteh Woolisn Company, r'rincess Street. S-------- ms te | BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. FOUR SALE $2,000-FRAME; 4 ROOMS; NEW; Bu. and: C.; electric lights. $2,800~R. C. SEMI-DETACHED; Six rooms; B. and C.; down town. $3,000---FRAME; NEW; ¢ ROOMS: B, and C.; electric lights. -- $4,300---PRESSED BRICK: 6 RO MS; hot air; 3 piece bath; electric a! and gas; bh: w. floors and Cypress trimming; on easy terms. : $6,300--DRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATEST ! improvements; central. -- Fon sd - A ecomforiadis h versity Avenue light and nice garden particulars apply to Rayson, Y.W.CA. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. FOR RENT .OR FOR SALE A FEW . miles trom Kingston on que road, overlooking now boat with buat Mouse accom- Will rent for the season New cottage and enty of grounds thing. Apply Box F-1, modation. or by the month. well furnished; pl: and good ba Whig Ouice, ' 1 11 built frame cottage, with furnace, gas, cleetric For furthér rE Phone 2187. | FINANCIAL Avenue, FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN ished; guns, gramaphones, etc. re- paired promptly and guaranteed Stanion & Sieeth, 35 Princéss St.' FANCY @O0O0DS. Sr ---- i HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC- cordion, knife and box pleating. Hours. 9 to 5.20. Mrs. E. A. Card, \179% Wellington Streel, above Mrs. Potter's Shop. t 182 Uni- rs. C. Ganano- the river FURNITURE FINISHING tb CALL OR DROV A CARD TO W. DRIS. coll, 23 John streets | IR -- 1 ". MEDICAL. BR. C. H. ELLIOTT. 362 BHOCK ST. $10,000 -- THREE STONE HOUSE; north end. : HOUSES 70 RENT--FURNISHED OR unfurnished. BATEMA ESTATE 159 a a nas smiem, THAT DESIRABLE MARKET-GAR- Te Sr the centre ility, h is under Skinner Irri- |. n, with a never falling water ply. There is a good pla u a young or- ietie: J this property is a good brick dwelling, © a tenant h REMIT BY money order, DOMINION If lost or stolen, gel your money back. STHANGE & STRANGE, INSUR. its; eslablished in most reliable com meng ety, President W.'F. siden A. : Sebamtures: investment i an Ente street Kings LAND SURVEY OR + Office 95 Ula oppusite the post office. FRONTENAC 1o1y AND neorpor lake | C.; viee- B. nningham. oney issued on eity uperties, municipal and mortgages purchased; bonds for sale; d- intergst alle Cartwright, manager, ton EXPRESS you LEGAL SMITH, tors, 79 { BA IST. Clarence By Cunning- CUNNINGHAM & erg and streel, RANCE 1560; o panies repre- Kingston. A. rence sifeet, Cyril M. Smith ; BARRINTER ice, corner of Royal Bank 1599 AM E SHEA, BA. and Solleitor. Law oY ng and Brock, over 1861, ney to loan. Phone CARTING. MOVING AND CARTING BY MOTOR T true dit lon, dis specialty, baggage Ei di led cars tow phone 1611m. ty Avenue. form' aunty attention; Bruton, Oar I Universi ul on cement foundation a iy t thie Sthuilay an. Be o! = 1 Toven to Interest parties. Price HERS F. F. MIL D.L&, SATURDAY, JUNE ALLEN LAST TIME TO-DAY TOM MOORE IN "MADE IN HEAVEN" The Coolest House in Kingston! Ideal Ventilation ' "THE OATH" FEATURING MIRIAM COOPER WILL YOU SWEAR --Never to reveal our marriage and to go out of my life forever ? The secret wife entreated. PERSONAL WORTH £30,000, WOULD 8S, Box 385, League, Toledo LADY, 36, marry. Ohio CONSID LITTLE LADY OF )- Box 65 erable wealth, will marry. Oxford, Fla. Window, Box 5, 749, DE- PRETTY LITTLE Club sires marriage Chicago. HI. ' 2, WANTS League, Co- WEALTHY BACHELOR, to marry. R. Box 43 lumbus, Ohio WANTS 1 830, d Fort 000, v A Club, Wayne, Indiana SEND A Dominion Express Money Order Five dollars cost three cents. LADY FARM OWNER, 49, WORTH $50,000, wants husband A, Box 1134, League, Detroit. Mich MATRIMON- Free for Toledo, nEsyY published Correspondent. Ohio: wanting introductions, booklet free. - Write Catholic Correspond- ence Club, Grand Rapids, Mich. WISHING TO MARRY, BRIGHT LITTLE GIRL, FIVE YEARS old, for adoption, spectable family Whig Office BOOK OF NATURE--BY DR, ner. - Plain facts for those married or about to marry 3, paid 25c United Sales Co. Dept. 30, Spring- field, 111 with Apply good Jox A-30, t FI ime, able, TURE FORETOLD: birthdate for truihful, convineing trial reading. YOUR d re- FAULK- SEND rell- Hazel Hause, Box 215. Lous Angeles, Cal , birth date and 19c. for horoscope of your entire life. Prof. Raphael, 94 Grand Central Station New York, MARRY--FOR SPL absolutely the b country, established sands wealthy members, both wishing early marriage, strictly confidential, description free. Th Old Reliable Club, MRS. WRUBEL, --t--t-- DY HAIR, MOLES, marks. skin cancers, scars, ete. moved permanently, glasses fitted and f others have failed. Goitre removed 85 years' experience. Lake, Eye. Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin MARRY IF LONELY try me: best an "Homé Maker;"" marriage soon; strictly i most reliable; years of experi descriptions free. ul Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 556 Calif. 1 most successful ETI CHIROPRACTIC. US | CUT THIS OUT FOR LUCK -- SEND wonderful + reds WARTS, BIRTH- tisfactory urnished after Dr. Elmer J. i FOR RESULTS, hundreds rich. wish confiden- "The Suc- | WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C., Pp. C., Cor ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd floor, Barrie St Ont. 8227 entrance, Kingston Consultation free. Hours 9 12 am 1to6 pm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ADVERTISE--3 LINES IN 100 lies, $3; 100 weeklies, $3 dailies, $8 Central Agency, Champaign, 111 20 Telephone FOR SALE CHEAP--UANADIAN PAT, ent on house numbers; issued No- vember 1920. every city or town South Clinton Street, X: W.'H Syracuse, Hetzel N --_------ te PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAIND Paperhanging done. A. Mounteer. 84 Arch street. Necessity in nearly ING OM drop a card ww PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING rooms and halls; low furnished. isfactory. Drop a card or call H B. Rowley, 138 Bay streat. prices; paper Work guaranteed sat- HENRY WARD & sox, PAINTERS, Paper Hangers and, interior deco- re.ors. Now ls your interior i". 1867J. PALYH decorated. Phone G AND PAPER HANGING --J, agan, Painter and Decorator Estimates freely given, gold letters for store windows, Montreal Plone 1432. me ny Wilton News Budget Wilton, June 1---The many friends of Carter Davison are glad to see him back from Kingston General Hospital, where 'he has been con- fined for some time suffering from typhoid fever. Archie Simmons has had a Delco light system installed in his residenec and grist mill. A, W. Babcock has also purchased a Fair- banks-Morse system, Miss Vera Babcock and Maitland Boulton were quietly married at the Methodist parsonage on Monday ev- ening. Miss Moore and Mr. Van Black, Deseronto." spent a day re- cently at Guy Simmons'. Mrs. K. M. Storms is spending a few days in Kingston. Mrs. N, Simmons, who has been seriously ill, fs much bettér. Her children, Mra®Murphy, Lachute, Stree: | Que.; William Simmons, Buffalo, and, the time tp have ' -- MARRIAGE, | st, largest in the, 16 years, thou- sexes INTH- | bag Classified | Metalite | and office | i i = ° Ask Your Grocer FOR -WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADE Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Building, Brock and King 701 or 1327) General Insurance Agency Writing Automobile, Fire, Accident Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, etc. Representing Only Reliable Companies. Streets. Phone Announcement Wickham Brothers wish to announce to the people they have taken over the business of J. D. Baunkier, Portsmouth, In addi- tion to n complete stonk of high class GROCERIES, will carry a full line of* FRESH, SMOKED and COOKED MEATS, We deliver' anywhere. Your patronage solicited, TELEPHONT 446, tare ~ AUCTION SALE Wednesday, June Sth, 1921, at Mahogany and other high-class fur- niture, brass bed, wool mattress. and springs. mahogany dresser and dress- ing table, chairs, m. desk, m. Grapho- nola, 53 records, piano lamp, silk shade. rockers, library table and mirror, wil- ton rug 9x10, wilton runner and other wilton rugs, electric vacuum cleaner, Hotpoint electric fron. American Beau- ty grill, toaster and fan, electric port- able sewing machine, set of oak din- ers, refrigerator, oak chiffonler, gas oven, walnut sideboard, Imperial Ox- ford range, hot water front. in good condition. These goods are all in first class shape and practically new, BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER Phone 1721. Administrator's Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Mitchell Tisdale, late of the City of Kingston, in the Coun- ty of Frontenac, Sawyer, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1.8.0, 1914, Chapter 21, Section 56, that all parties having claims against the estate of the above named Mitchell Tisdale, who died on or about the 24th day of April, A. D, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one at the City of Kingston. in the said { County of Frontenac, are required on or | before the 7th day of June, 1981, to } send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Solicitors for the Admin- istrdatrix, King & Smythe, 71-73, Clar- ence Street, Kingston, Ontario, their names, addresses and full particulars of their clalims. and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, and that after the last mentioned date the Administratrix of the said estate will proceed to distribute the same among .ne parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which no- tice shall have been given and that the sald Administratrix will not. be Hable for the assets of the estate or LaDy Parc thereof to any persons of Whose claim notice has not been re- ceived as above required. : KING & SMYTHE, i 3 i giititors for Adminigtratrix dated a \ingston, this 20th - r May, A.D AY A day of ar ------ -------- James Simmons, Syracuse, have béen with her. 'Blake Switzer has lately been confined to his home with a sprained back. The entrance pupils tried their Group I. entrance examin- ations at Odessa on Saturday. Miss Leila Simmons and Miss Clare Darl- ing spent the week-end in Kingston with friends, David Snider was removed to Kingston General Hospital suffefing from a broken hip. George Davison has opened a blacksmith shop ig the building next the factory resemtly purchased by the farmers George Emberley has carpenters working on his new house. Mrs. R. Ward is spending some time at Yarker, Mr. 'and Mrs. K. N. Storms, Miss Clare ling and Miss Leila Simmons at- tefided the Symphony Orchestra con- cert in Kingston on Monday nightg Mumps have been prevalent jn the village. The Dramatic Club visited Camden East on Friday evening and put on their play, "Willowdale 10.3¢ WILLIAM STREBT-- (downto wn) a seven roomed hot water heating; electric light; sun room and garage-----all for $4,200. VICTORIA STREET-- About t wo acres of the choice® land, with good dwelling; all modern, also wood floors; buildi market ng. This property is particularly suitable for garden. 2 dwelling; gas for cooking; hargd- garden out- a THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock Street.