THE DAILY BRITIS FATURDAY, H WHIG. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67 H. H. Horsey, Ottawa, has retired {from the presidency of -tif& Eastern | Ontario Liberal Associati On Jung 13th the Rebekah As- sembly and he Grand Lodge, 1.0.0.F., will feet in Brantford W. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders at 1100 Clergy street. 'Phone H64w Rev. R. J. Sturgeon, B.A who died at Mount Forest on May 29th was a graduate of Queen's Univers sity. 5 ; Dr. HO A Boyce, Kingst jchosen a counsellor of the Medical . Association i No. 3. : "Teddy" Green, of the | Deer's department, has from spending a.-couple | Morrisburg. | Cheese brought prices on | Thursday: Brockville, 15 3-4¢; Stirl- ing, 15 7-8¢; Campbeliford, 15 1-8Se [to 15 7-8¢c. ~ It's an {ll wind that blows no per- Ison good. As a result of the raing storm on the holiday all the movie shows were largely patronized Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson of Chalmers {ehurch returned Saturday morning MINK CHOKERS SPECIAL on, was Ontario for District engi- tur hi days in ty < 3 JOHN McKAY, Ltd. THE. FUR HOUSE : 149 to 157 BROCK STREET f of thesa from attending the Presbyterian Gen- eral Assembly meetings at Toronto, The Toronto hoarding schools will cbse about June 14th: and the | Kingston girls and boys will return to town for the summer months i The many friends of Mrs. C c Gilbert, Albert street, will be glad to I know that she is recovering from her serious illness in the General hosp! [ tal. i. Dr. F.'3 Farley, Trenton, was {elected president of the Ontario Med- ical Association. Dr. Farley was born {near Trenton, and graduated from | Queen's University in 1894 | The latest foxtrot out, "Nestlé in { Your Daddy's Arms." by Art Hick {man's orchestra, A-3391. Hear it at | Lindsay's | On account of the rain, the bowl-. ing tournament planned to take place | at Queen's green on Friday was post- | poned until Dominion Day. Rev. Thomas Knowles, from co | ference at Cornwall, will preach at Quegn Street Methodist church in the morning and at Princess Street Meth- | odist church in the evening. | | When You Have Tire Trouble is a Virtue. - Keep Yourself Right by Having Us Equip Your CAR WITH DOMINION TIRES Cord and Fabric We Also Have the Best Service for {Toronto on Friday afternoon had | trouble when near Collin's Bay an |as a result the train was an hour and {a half late reaching Kingstop. Edward Samuel Rogers away in the General Hospital ¢ | day night. | Kingston and is survived by three | sons, Claude, Stanley and Raymond. Winnifred Christie, , aged Tire Repairs in the City. passed on Fri- Charles street, fell on a sidewalk on the holiday, and suffered serious in- Juries to her knee; and at the Hotel Dieu four stitches were necessary to close the wound. A sky-rocket sent | of the King's birthday caused slight geil damage at the home of John = H. | Hughson, 269 University avenue, ui about 10 o'clock Friday night, The | firemen were called. |" The special speaker at the weekly { luncheon of the Kingston Kiwanis | Club on Monday will be J. A. Yeo- | mans, industrial speakers' burean, | Brooklyn, N. Y. His subjec: will be I "Goodwill in Industry." J. M, Denyes, B.A. PHONE 815. $10,000--irst class brick house, hardwood floors, electric light, gas, hot water heating, garage, near City park (east side). Par- ticulars on application. Im- niediate possession. Grocery and dwelling, consist- ing of brick store, § rooms, élee- tric light, good cellar, garage and stable, large lot; well estab- lished business; owner selling owing to ill-health. L,000-~Bay Street, double frame; 6 rooms; tric light; lot 66x100. $1,400 Victoria Street: frame; 8 rooms; barn; lot about 45x60. TO LET TWo or three furnished houses June 1st to October 1st. Good _Jo- cations. $35.00 to $75.00 per | month. GENERAL wstrance The McCann Agency R. H. WADDELL i 'Phones 326-896. 56 Broek St, up in honor Still Better || Values (Save the Difference) Belleville Creamery . .32¢. Fancy Prunes .....3 1bs. Salmon (34s) 3 tins was. elected | president of the Lay Delegates' As sociation of the Hamilton\Methodist Conference. He was once the clever correspondent at Dripping--finest quality-- Oranges--Ilarge Fancy Biscuits 7 Bars Toilet doap ..... Toy Gusto 11c. Extra large Pineapples 35¢., 8 for $1.00 Fine old Cheese. ; Grape Fruit. Milk and Cream, Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED aad PRINCESS Ts. Portsmouth; elec- The fine team of horses belonging [to William Smythe, Cataraqui, ran {away from in front of the Griffin | theatre on Friday. Roy Lambkin was {In the seat holding the reins. The | horses raced * out Sydenham street {and did not stop until they ran into |a fence. | Over two hundred persons took ad- | vantage of the first moonlight excur- | sion of the steamer, Waubie on Fri- [day evening. A tour was made of | the upper Thousand Islands and the y Weather was ideal for the trip. . | turned home from Rome, N. Y., ¥ri- | ~ | day night, Minimam Wage Act. merchants are much ested in the n minimum wage act | which has prescribed the wages | {| which must be paid to retail clerks: | {Although there are many young | ladies working in the stores who will | not be affected by the provision thet | experienced help must be paid at {least $12.50 a week, there are others | who will be affected by the measura, {It is understood that a meeting .of | the local retail merchants' A88083a+ tton is to be held very soon to con- {sider the mew measure. ------------ Orphans Entertained. A royal entertainment "was given for the children at .the Orphans' Home and St. Mary's-of-the-Lake or- phanage on Friday evening by the members of the Rotary Club. Fire- works galore were exploded, much to the delight of the children. The children were also treated to candy and other delicacies, and the even- ing was concluded with songs and the national anthem. : -------- ttt Travels in Fine Way. Wilflam Moir, Beil 'Rock, is now travelling around the country in a fine new motor car. ne st inter- Local | TO CHILDREN'S EYES i, ---especial care should be taken, as a slight strain from the wrong lens might result in permanent injury to the deli- cate tissues of the cye. : / 37 4 < . We will examine their eyes; fit and adjust Glasses perfectly. Bring your children to:-- J. S. Asselstine, 10S Optician and Optometrist 342 KING ST. Phone 1019w. -------- On May 9th, the death tobk phase at Anoka, Minn, of a former very highly respected resident of Brock- ville in the person of Frederick J. Blanchard. He was in his fifty-sev- enth year, and was a son of the late Amos W. Blanchard, Athens. a Ants in South America are won- derfally industrious. They Have been known to construct a tunnel no less than three miles in length, The engine on the mail train from | The deceased resided in | four, | | public school Police Sergeant James Bateson res | MILITARY Hel COLLEGE EVENTS d on Friday in Honor of the Board of Visitors. The outdoor sport events on the | Royal Miltary College programme | and the inspection of cadets at in- fantry, cavalry and artillery drill, | had to be postponed to Saturday on account of the rain, but the board of | visitors and many Kingston people | 'who went over to Point Frederick | were in no wise disappointed for they | were privileged witness an as- | sault-at-arms in the gymnasium. | | Among those present were Major- | | Gen. Sir Afchibald and Lady Mac- | | donell, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Arthur and | Lady Currie, Brig.-Gen. Gunn, To- | ronto; Brig.-Gen. W. B.S. King, | G.0.C., M.D. N. 3; Gen. and Mrs» { Grisbach. Gen. McBrien, Ottawa; | Col. Lawson, Col Wagstaff, Mont- { real; Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Miss Beil, | 'Mrs. Osborne, Mr. Zimmerman, Ham. | |ilton; Mr, and Mrs. George Cook. | { Mrs. J. 8. Norris, Montreab; the staff | {of-the RM.C. and many members of Kingston society, . i At the coficlusion of the evenis {at 5 p.m. the board held a conference {with the commandant and staff in | the large room of the old educational building. Serg't. Alfred Woodrow, of the subordinate staff was presented with the meritorious service medal. Serg't Woodrow served in the 21st | battalion | At a smoking concert, held in the | administration building Friday even- | ing, which was attended by the | fluémbers of the visiting board: Gen. | Gunn, Toronto, presented the Bix- | hall shield and other trophies won in | | the inter-company athletic compaei- [Hons held during the term just qlos- | |ed. The Bixhall shield was donated | by the Bixhall College, England, and | this was the first presentation of its | Addresses werp delivered and the oc- casion was one of great enjoyment. ---- en FINE OPTICAL PA RLORS. to i Best's 'Drug Store Goes Into This - Line on Larger Scale, | Best's Drug" Store, well-known to | all Kingstonians, has just lately made | several additions to its fquipment, | among them being the acquisition of | (a complete nev and large optical de- | | partment. This department will be in | charge of Dr. Chapas, a graduate | | medical doctor and optometrist, who | | comes here from Windsor to take up | | the work. If you have not met Dr. | Chapas you soon will, as he is a good | "mixer" jas well as a first class opto- | metrist, } The new department has been fit- | ted up in the rear of the drug store | and is complete in every detail, The | reading test chart has the advantage | | that it has the full distance re- | quired by regulations without the use of any mirrors and many other features of the {nner optleal rooms | are new ones to this city. Two of the most modern operating chairs ob- | tainable are expected to arrive at any | time which will' make the parlors | finished in every detail. { | Outside the consulting and work- | ing rooms of the depagtment there is | |a large roomy waiting-room, fitted | | Up comfortably for clients in every | { Way, with comfortabk: chairs and | couches and beautiful finishings in | | colors restful to the eyes. Mr. Best has done work of this nd himself at his store before now, but he was not able to devote the time to it that it needed and h there- | fore conceived the idea of enlarging his store to take in an optical depart- partment and then bringing in an | associate, Dr. Chapas, who is con- ducting the department, has had long | experience in. this sort of work and | the fact that he is a medical doctor | mikes him all the more suited to ad- vise and care for the eyes of the peo- | | ple of the city. The new venture also has a new poliey which custcmers will learn who take advantage of the | excellent service offered. { | | ) | ki ! i | Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W 8 . | Lindsay, Limited. | FRANCA AAA vt ih vein minindy "The Hat Btore" " Hat Everybody MEN, LADIES BOYS GIRLS Choose to-night, from our wonderful variety of splendid values. Fo QL | | | | | i | XN No Mail Delivery Friday, June 3rd | Extra supply of Toronto and Montreal Morning and EveningPapers will bé received. Store open to 5.00 p.m. THE TWO BIGGEST 1921 MUSICAL NUMBERS s Listening and Sentimental Melody Bigger and better than Kissa Miss, Naughty Waltz or any other numbers in recent years. 40c. per copy, or included in our Special Sale of 3 for $1.00. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Open Nights. Phone 919, SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE LADIES' LONG SILK GLOVES White, Tan or Black--$2.00 and $2.50 a pair. DUCHESSE SATIN, $1.98 e Satin--nice, hea vy quality; Colors: Black, Navy, Grey, Brown, Cr T-onight $1.50 36 inch Duchess Blouses or Suits. Honey-dew, Seal ity. On sale ? suitable for Dresses, Taupe, Copen, Sand, eam and other good shades--$2.75 qual- To-night $1.98 NEW ARRIVALS Dainty Neckwear, including Col- lars, Pointe F rillings and Vestees --popular priced. ONLY 49c. Boys' Balbriggan Underwear, ° Shirts and Drawers--all lengths --~insizes 22 to 32. . . .49¢. each. * LEST YOU FORGET Linoleum, $1.00 per yard. Floor Rugs at reduced prices. Draperies th at please. PICTORIAL PATTERNS for July now on sale. "Newman & Shaw "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" Ne -------- RENTS ARE HIGH, MONEY IS SCARCE let us show you some of our pro- returns on money invested. frame bungalow, elsctric light; ¢ 2 blocks from ear IN MARINE CIRCLES | | If you have a few dollars to Invent, positions which wil} bring large UNTON BT. (Portsmouth)--Dretached rooms; cellar; large lot; suitable for garden; line "i >a "es * . "ie . MONTREAL STREET---Sem! detached stone; 11 rooms: Hghts; newly decorated: immed agg possession trae PINE BTREET--Detached frame:. side: and front entrance; 'gas; hard- Wood floors; bath and toilet: 7 rooms; cellar; yard Rateway, 92300. TO RENT Store--Brock and Wellington Streets Flat--Brock Street--3$30.00 per month. ° - E.. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers ana Sellers of Meal Estate Insurance of sll kinds. Johusen and Division Streets. = Phones 539w and 589J. Ladies Strap Shoes SPECIAL PRICES The steamer Brockville arrived with freight from and cleared for | Bay of Quinte ports on Friday. | The steamer' Beaverton arrived | from Fort William at 4.50 a.m. and | cleared for Montreal at 6 a.m. on Sat- | urday | The steamer Imperial arrived from i Montreal with a cargo of oil, and | cleared on Saturday morning for | Montreal. | The steamer Glencona passed down on Saturday morning. { The steamer Jex is in port awa: Ing orders. It is. not likely that the vessel will get away until Tuesday. 2 toilets; electric ; ceorvie 2.280, $65.00 per month ~~ | Cer. AT Pumps -- plain novelty. New Strap newest (1)~--Ladies' Black Kid Twin vamps; Louis Heels: t he (2)--~Black Kid Cross-Bar Strap Pamps-- plain vamps; Louis Heels. New low price . .. ri. $5.00 (3)--Rlack Kid Cross-Bar Strap Pumps--plain vamps; sewn soles; low heels. New low price S. J. MARTIN. "Shoes of Meri and Distinction" AY] NS - AL one AY noted athlete, Tne dre following a n Montreal quarrel in a apartment house. A---------------- Jolin Paterson, recently appointed Chief of Police of Cornwall, from Sudbury, has brought his family out from Scotland numbering nine.