Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1921, p. 3

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BATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1021. SPECIAL To introduce to the people of Kingston and district, we are making a special offer of fitted frames with spherical lenses for . iia 32.95 Careful testing and proper fitting SPECIALIST IN CHARGE L. T. Best, Druggist PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST | | (Notice---Herealf 'r, the Whig, in leommon 'wit | Canada, 'will make a charge of $i 'for inserting an irfage or reception announcement.) We carry a well-filied stock of anything you might need in the Optical line. {70 get the Whig's society writer, telephone No. 867w., 189 Earl street. . . * | Military Colleze dance od June 20th are Miss Barbara Logie, Miss Ruth (Avery, Miss Helen n, Miss Lallia Watson, Miss PTY Miss Phyllis Osler, Mi iar, Miss Peggy Foste red Mclaughlin, Mes ley, Ted McPherson, aneth Gre 'Jim Watson, Chic Foster, --Lenses. Frames, new styles, ~--Lorgnettes, ~---Reading Glasses. Miss Mild- Opera Glasses. Ko 1g, Phone 59. 2 ne Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. i THE R ibility There are several reasons why our sight service bears a good reputation. One of them is that we don't depend on others for any part of it. Our work is not planned by others; nor do others carry out our .plans. From eye examination to fin- ished 'glasses it is KEELEY Service. We. are vitally interested the result of our. work and to Insure success do all of it our- selves. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 226 PRINCESS STREET Fhoune 927 os | . . . Tims, Kineston, wha arrived fro. I Mrs, 8 --Field Glasses. J. W. the winter in Florida, New York, aad is-a guest o Gowan, Brockviile Misc Hilda and Miss Tear went to Oshawa 'for the holi- day. Miss street, rend, [ Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Robinson and { Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hill went for a yachting trip on Friday. Miss Marion Thomson, Ottawa, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Artour [Tett, Union 'street, Prof. and Mrs, Ballard, | Street, with little Miss Jean, left on | Thursday to spend some time ir | Rochester, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Singleton and their family have gone to their cot- tage at Dead Man's Bay for the |Ssummer, 850 Kirg Street | a's . !{ Rev. 8. F Tackaberry and Mrs Tackaberry, who were in town for Synod week, have returned to Port- { land. * Miss Jessie Smith, Ottawa, is the . . - : spent --Eye Glass Chains, --Buttons, etc, All Oculist's Prescriptions quickly and accurately filled. Albert week- Robinson, is In G:hawa for the Claire Wedding Rings, Marriage Licenses. Jewelers - Limited Established 13540, Registered Opticians re A THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. THERAPION No. 1 THERAPION No.2 PIONN No. 1 for Bladder Catarrh. No. Skin Diseases. No. 3 for Chronic Weaknesses. SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND. 3s. DR LECLERC Med Co. HaverstockRd..N W 5. London, SLE TRADE MARKED WORD ' THERAPION 1S oN BRIT. GOVI. STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACKETS. | Street, { Canon and Mrs. Patton who were th Mrs. W. B, Carey have return- |ed to Prescott. | Mrs, Henry Wilkinson, who is in | Montreal with her daughters, Mrs. eee Arvo | D. P. Christmas and Mrs. Charles Why is it that so many men imag- [McDonnough, will go to Atlantic ing that the school of experience 1s | City shortly with her father, John a night school? [McKelvey. - Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Nickle and {their family are at "The Sterling," | their summer home shore. on, the lake 1] 9 | Builders' Hardware| |"... Col. and Mrs. H. E. [spending a few weeks | Bay. Pense are at Dead Man's spending ten Mrs. Oliver: NChown and Mrs, C. RE. Taylor, left ' you money. On BUILDERS' stock is complete and See our-- MKELVEY & Phone 237 Building'is Booming-- Houses are Scarce-- : Rents Are Good Let us figure on that Bungalo or House you contemplate--building for yourself or to be let--as an investment, we can save Garage Door Hangers and Track. Sliding Door Hangers for Barns. Front and Inside Door Sets for Houses. | Biggest and best assorted stock in town. Big, Busy Hardware | tor her home in Cobourg on Friday. | Mrs, James Dix, Bagot street, has | left for Ste. Anne de Bellevue to visit | her daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Harvey An- { grove, and from there she will go to { Ocean Grove, N.J., to spend the sum- | mer with her son, Overton, and fam- ily, J. A. Callaghan, Port Arthur, is | spending the holiday with Mrs. 8. | Tyo. Before returning home he will | visit his brother, Rey. Fatlrer Callag- | hen, Brantford. | HARDWARE our | - : a Miss Lily Rogers was the re re- prices are down. [sentative of the Kingston eet { Hospital Nurses' alumnae association |at the Canadian Graduate Nurses' As- [sociation convention in uebee City | this week, | Mrs. W. | liam, Belleville, have gone to Col- {lin's Bay for the summer, Major and Mrs. Phillip Earnshaw ! | 1 | > * = E. Grasse and son Wil- left on Friday for Winnipeg, after spending a few days with Dr, and Mrs. BE. J. Lake, Alfred street, i Col. and Mrs. Wagstaff, Col. Law- 9 o on and Mrs. J. 8, Morris are among [the Montreal people in town for the Royal Militagy College sports, and are at the Chateau Belvidere, Miss Annie and Miss Edith Mac- pherson have returned from Wash- a : Also rugs in Fibre and Jute, Japanese, and Cocoa Matting, by the yard. ad : Bamboo Blinds, etc., fitted to sizes, Let us supply your requirements now, and you will have the comfort of having Hi! your porch in readiness during the summer. TF. Hanson Co, Linited rs 0 | SAY "DIAMOND DYES" TAKE NO OTHER DIE Unless vou ask for "Diamond Dyes" you may get a peor dve that streaks, spots, fades and gives that {dyed look. Every package of Dia- mond. Dyes contains simple directions for home dyeing or tinting any new, |rich, fadeless color into garments or draperies of any material. No mis- jtakes! No failures!' Just now we are showing the most practical and ser- viceable Porch and Garden Fur- niture in the form of old Hickory Tables, Chairs, and Settees. : anion mn, 1 DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS i FOR WOMEN' AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delayed and Painful Menstruation. . Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by Mall. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co, 71 E. Front St., To- ronto, Canada. 4 in i : iw aime ey Men's Brown Canvas 'Men's Heavy Sizes 7 {Phone 231). 70 woak snd h othe¥ papers all over | Week-eud. engagement, mar- | |. A few of the yornger set who ara ronto, will spend the week-end with | {coming from 'Toronto to the Royal Dick Bay- |. College | {guest of Mrs. Kearney Jones, King | ~ OUTING SHOE SPECIALS Men's ¥ White Boots, leather soles and heels; sizes 7 and 8 Brown Duck, double . black rubber soles and ' ' J and 8only ......$3.00 i} A fullline of Men's and 11 ing Boots in stock. ACK JORNSTONS SHO STORE 8 ington, and are ment at "The ton," Ottawa. Judge Reynolds, in town for the | meeting of the Anglican synod ireturned to Brockville. ' New i Miss Irene Dal rent » and Mrs, Dai- | 'ey, Welli . + Dr. and I. G. Bogart, Weli- ington street, will go out {o thei leottage -at Loughboro Lake for th C islands Laidlaw, Farl for the Mrs. D to the i= Mr, Street i Koliday. i | Mr, and Mrs. Mark Trumpour are seltled at 64 Lower Union street, . » » and went b Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawson, To- | Major and Mrs. Horace Lawson, | Centre street. | | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Graham have | taken an apartment at "The Well- | ington." i rs. William King is again in toe | ity and with the Misses Clark, Uni- | versity avenue. | tafford Kirkpatrick, Ottawa, was | with his mother, Mrs. W, Kirkpat- | rick, Barrie street, on Friday. A Capt. Edward McKay, M.C., Brock. | ville, 1s at "Hillcroft," for the week- end. Mrs. A. with Mrs. side," 'has returned to Toronto, - . * Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ryan, Syden- | {ham street, have gone out to their | cottage at Loughboro Lake. { Mr. and Mrs. George Mahood, Uni. ! versity avenue, left for New York | this week. | Donald McIntyre, Toronto, is wilh | the Misses Mcintyre, Johnson street. | Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cook, who aro | in town from Montreal to see Cadet | {Cook at the Royal Military College | are at the Chateau Belvidere. | Mrs. John Carson has gone up 104 Oshawa for a visit. | Mr. and Mrs. Bell, with Miss Bell | and Mrs. Osborne, are in town from | {Hamilton for the Royal Military. Col- | [lege sports. | M E. Lavell, who: hag been | G. Y. 'Chown, "Sunny. | we | Mrs. Everett Birdsall, ; who has | been in town for some weeks, will re- | | main at "Somersby House," until at-| ter the June ball, Mrs: Douglas Anglin, Montreal, will also join Col. | and Mrs, R. E. Kent's family party | | for the June gaieties, | | Brs. Ben Tett has returned to Bed- | {ford Mills. { Mrs. Leadbeater and hear young | son, who have been in Toronto with Mrs. Z. Davis, returned to town this | week. { Mr. Dargavel and Miss Jean Dar- | gavel motored back to Klgin cn | Thursday. | Prof. J. L. Morison, Queen's Uni- | yersity, sailed for Scotland this week | : join Mrs. Morison. McKechnie, has been | Mrs. who | with Prof. T. 8. Scott, for a short | visit, will leave on Moniay for Port | is visting her sister, Mrs. R. J. Kod- ger, Earl street. Mrs. M. A. Kemp and Miss Belle Acheson, Torontq, are spending the week-erid with Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Stewart. Albert street. Mr. and Mrs. R. Easton Burns, Frontenac street, left on Thursday, for a moter trip. Mr. Zimmerman, Hamilton, who has two sons at the Royal Military College, is in town for the gymkana this afternoon. Col. Bedell returned gara Falls on Thursday. | Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rees have | taken a house on Gore Street, but will spend the summer at their co' tage at Dead Man's Bay. » n . A. N. Lyster, Gore stréet; will re- | turn to town on Sunday. Airs, Lyster and Miss Elizabeth Lyster sail for | England next week, Rev. W. G. Lansbury and Miss | Lansbury, whe were in town for Sy- nod week, have returned to Wel- lington, " : i 4 Mr. Tandy and Miss Lettice Tan- dy have gong over to their cottage on Wolfe Island for the summer. Miss Mair, who is with Mrs. Ellis, Albert street, will £0 next week to her nieces, tha Misses Wilson, Union street, for a visit. - Elgin. Mrs. A. J. Brand, Mitwaukee, Wis, from Nia- | * * Mr. and Mrs, J. Evans, 309 Brock street, announce the c¢ngagement of their only daughter, Bessie, to Wil- liam John Righy, youngest son of Mrs. J. Righy, Ottawa The mar- riage will take place the middle of June, | | (Continued on Pages 8 and 20.) La Salle Chapter, LO.D.E., wii! hold a garden party at "Ongwanada" during the last week in June. An orchestra, home-made and work tables, with articles to be sold at the new prices will be among the at- tractions at the garden party given by the C. W. A. of St George's cathedral at the Warden's Residence, on June 14th. ; China has the 809 yards. shortest mile --- . ' Swe ame Tele wy, $3.59 , rubber soles and only ........$2.35 Boys' Canvas Out- Try us. in their apart- | | has | York, is | THE DAILY ERITISH WHIG : -- From 7 to 9.30 o'clock Some exceptional values priced for a rapid turn-over the values offered by us through the medium of special sales are always of extraordinary worth, and should merit your attention. Scout 23c yd. Regu larly priced at 35 cents a yd. American Indigo Prints Full 36 inches wide. 2,000 yards of American Scout, real Indigo Blue Prints-- full 36 inches wide; in lengths measuring 2} to 8 yds. A special value in the regular way at 35c¢. a yard--w hile the quantity 1§sts-- TO-NICGHT vas v23c. a Yard BE Mt er eee ees Princely Mills Art Silkoline 25¢ yd. Regular 40¢. a Yard. 1 1,400 yards of the famous Prince ly Mills Art Silkoline--in a broad variety of rich colorings--most de sirable for Curtains, Cushion and Comforter Coverings, etc. The new low prices as quoted by Cana- dian jobbers would retail at 40c. This self-same quality retailed six months ago at 75¢. a yard. Your choice TONIGHT... >»... o&....... ... ...25¢. a yard - Fine Nainsook Night Gowns 98¢ each Regular $1.50 to $2.00 values, 300 only, fine, Cotton Nainsook Night Gowns daintily trimmed with lace and embroidery. Cut in 'good full sizes. These were splen- did values at the regular price of $1.50 to $2.00. each. Marked for. agquickeclean-up . ....... .... 0.0 «++... TO-NIGHT 98c, "Black Lisle. Hose emer csm-- r ~~ ie 25c Pair Special values at 35¢. Hair, pairs only, fine Black Lisle H ose in sizes 9 and 9} only. To clear th vu vaiavis . TONIGHT 25¢. 300 * this small quantity up : --All Cash and Carry. ~----On sale promptly at 7 o clock, 4 es 0 8 ven he a i 1S

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