SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ee ---- ee ---- Kingston and Vicinity 1 | | CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street ---- FOR MOVING or | Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | Cartage of every description-- | Kingston Transfer Co. PLone 377. 153 Wellington Street, | DAVID SCOTT || Plumber Fiambing and Gas Work a speciaj. ty. All work guaranteed. Addregy 145 Frontemse Street. Phone 1277, |r / | aby - needs the ' splendid health- giving and 1-2 per cent. The remai¥der for | | $34,640, to run twenty years, will § -- be offered for sale locally in lots of | ormat §1,000. It is expected there will be no | fare ot Ber a. Flag- | trouble in finding purchasers. In ad- ler, Belleville, were sentenced for [ dition to the above there 'is also to be | theft of bicycles a week ago in Stir- [offered $5,000 issue for establishing ling. The lads admitted the offence. je community playground authorized | They received a year in the Ontario | at the polls this week. Reformatory together wth an jnde- rr terminal period' thereafter not ex- ceeding a year less one day. ------------ Clayton Paving Bond Issue At the Clayton, N. Y., election in March a resolution was passed by about four to one to have all the un- improved village streets except Bayne she w devoted member. of . . . . a ston She wus - is a good time to repair or build. Lumber is Engagement Announced s the Anglican church. . Mr. and Mrs. Cory Ostrander, Trenton, announce, the engagement 34 their niece, Amber Steenberg, to | Goldie Fitzgibbon, Sidney, Ont., the | marriage to take place in June. ------ Railway Rates to Fall On Dominion Day, passenger fares uilding qualities on the railways will come down to DBordens } ? \ {what they were before 'the increase EAGLE BRAND | ot twenty per cent. granted by the Condensed Milk ' | Dominion Railway Board last Sep- W. H. STEVENSON ~ down. Carpenters are plentiful. Labour is more efficient. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont: Office Phone 86. ry Phone 1415, | Married in the West, { The marriage of Miss Ethel Lee | {ana Leslie Sinclair was solemnized in | McDougall Methodist Church; Ed- | | monton, Alt., on May 19th. 'The ||| | bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | { Marcus Lee, Hamilton, Ont. While | serving as a nurse with the C.A.M.C. | during the war she met Mr. Sinclair, | street and the west end of Ne | who WE Serving With the Carats: | street, which are short streets ex- . : er down the river bank paved | forces, and the marriage of last night * i with macadam. The taxpayers au- | was the culmination of a romance be- thorized the issuing of five per cent Bun under the cloud of war. The 2 i 3 rlerk, son of Mr. | to the amount of $69,- | Broom Is a bank clerk, i ide Saupe bonds 10 u $ {and Mrs. Robert Sinclair, Ginanoque., i ay Have a Good Pipe Band, Renfrew Pipe Band has been fully odist church has had a prosperous | organized for the season. The de-} year and term. Rev. J. S. McMullen | 12Y and any uncertainty existing has | Is the successful pastor. The gener- | been in securing a competent pipe | al missionary contributions reached | Major. James Young, who served | | almost $1,000 and the W.M.S. $841 | under Pipe Major McQuarry for sev- | [ tor the year. Some 70 new members | Tal years, and who enlisted andi to measure |, ooo united with. the church. The | Went overseas as piper with the 77th d | present total membership is 424. | Pipe Band, is in charge. He is credit- ------ ---- Engagement Announced Dr.' and Mrs. Joseph Caldwell, Belleville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Edna Imogene, to Hubert Murray Jonss, son of Dr. and : i ", {Mrs. H.- M. Jones, Marmora, Ont., HORSE SHOER 5d SLacksiin * |the marriage to take place late in Prices moderate. | June. 3851 KING STREET EAST | BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? NEW PRICES CHARM TEAS 5c. PER PACKAGE 30c. PER PACKAGE . PER PACKAGE THESE ARE THE BEST VALUES ON THE MARKET, A Veteran Honored. Col. Watson Carvosso Squire, a native of Cape Vincent, N.Y., was honored on his eighty-third birthday Estimates given by recently by being made commander {of the Military Order of the Loyal 0. Aykroyd & Son | Legion of the United States, Com- 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. | DR.A.W. WINNETT Partridge Wire Works _»vesiva screen D.iNTAL SURGEON, NICKEL PLATING A Successful Year The Cannifton circuit of the Meth- BLUE PACKAGE BLACK RED PACKAGE BLACK It Would Pay You Te Call. Our range. of made [suits are of the best material an workmanship. We AND BRASS FINISHING Ew Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Streets Phone 364 Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 236. Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, do repair work satisfaction, 107 WELLINGTON STREET nt cy WATT People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137, W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. COAL Chofcest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by uv. BOOTH & CoO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 CORNER POSTS FOR CEME- TERY LOTS. At pre-war prices. $12.00 a set. J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417. : DID YOU EVER TRY We also have a full line of other reliable makes of rma. Jades, Jam and Jellies for sale nli-- Now prepared to do this work, The total amount of money raised by | ©d as being a topnotch leader, and {indications are that the Renfrew | of blue' and black serges, English | Manufacturing Wire Fencing, Flower gi : | worsted and Scotcly tweeds which we Border Guards, ete, 62 KING sT. Ww, PHONE 380. ! Ane =] | reasonable price, Prevost, Brock St. rer i-- Presented with Cane carry a large stock | will make to your measure at a ver) | {| Cannifton { circuit for the year is ($6,594, 3 % -- eee ee J. C, Adam Dead After an illness of about one year, | FOR SALE Good second - hand | | | a cur at enton on | : CC Abbott, retiring from the | the death oceurred Tr | R y Pp resis | managership of the Peterboro branch | Tuesday of J. C. Adam at the T id of the Bank of Montreal, and who is | dence of his son-in-law, W. H. Bre: | , Mr. 1d- coming to Kingston to live, was the |!21d, M.P-P. 'Mr. Adam was a buitd Angrove's Repairs ete, We | right and guarantee | SRA Ar a A ean | [ Also Neilson's Ice Cream | recipient of a heavy handsome gold- headed cane from the employees of the bank, with whom he has been | most popular, 2 -- Struck by Lightning Running to get under the shelter | of a tree in 4 bush near Phillipsville, | where he was working, Hegtor April of St. Eloi, Que., was ning during a severe thunderstorm. He was taken to the hospital at Otta- wa suffering Jrom a damaged col lar bone and severe burns; Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials. L Cohen & Co. | 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, ---- Left for Their Home The majority of the delegates to the Ontario Synod returned to their homes on Thursday night, but a number remained over in the city on the holiday. The sessions this year were regarded by the members gen- erally as the best in years, The at- tendance of clerical and lay dele- gates was exceptionally good, and keen intere:t was manifested in all the deliber: ::ong of the synod, : Chancellor at the Piano At the closing of the sessions of the Ontario Synod on Thursday aft- ernoon, the newly appointed chan- cellor, J. B. Walkem, made his way {from the platform and presided at | the piano, for the National Anthem and the Doxology, "This is the first | time you have had a <chaneellor to | play for you," remarked Mr. Walkem, {and his remarks were greated with applause, MARRIED LADIES ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? You must know it is not fair to your husband to continue buying -- a -- | Canadian Pacific. | Effective June 6th, train No. 611 {for Sharbot Lake and intermediate . points will leave Kingston at 10.20 new Hats every season when we |a.m. instead of 10 a.m, close connec- can reshape your old ones into the tions for Tweed and Peterboro, | A very latest Spring styles. | Train No, 613 for Tich Get wise! Save $10.00. and put | bot Lake and Renfrew will, leave it into that Suit you have In wing, | Kingston at 11.45 a.m. instead of : 112.06 p.m, connecting with main The Kingston Hat Cleaners {line trains at Tichborne and Ren- (frew, for all points east and west. Opposite Th: QUege Book Store. > 163 Princess St. Upstairs. | "Plone 1488, { JUNE IS HERE On May 30th, the death took place at Redan of a highly esteemed resi- dent in Margaret Elizabeth John- Where are the brides ? We can supply you with f Confetti h lots of Confetti to s ower ston, widow of George Maud. She congratulations. | Passed away at the home of her son, Thomas Maud. Born in the vicinity of Atheng seventy-nine years dgo, the late Mrs. Maud was practically a life- long resident of that neighborhood. She was the daughter of the late Thomas Johnston and is survived by two sons and two daughters. In re- Bricks for the event, | M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist Corner of Clergy and Princess Street : : Phone 82. (Copyright, 1921, plained, unceasingly. Knowledge came to him and spoke "Brother, what carriest thou ?" And the man answered surlily: And so they looked in. "Why, surely," cried the man, | heavy for man to bear. But--ah, of yestereday, and so it is gone." "But the other ?" "That--why, yet come." . i Then the Angel smiled with "Hearken: He who bows FOR MEN AND BOYS Our stock is complete for the Summer trade and our prices at the new low level. rh Men's Blue Worsted and fine Tweed Suity----$30, $35.00 and $40.00. 9, Boys' Suits, all shades, latest Styles, at prices marked away own, Men's fine Straw Hats. only the worries of to-day hath mo thou wilt cast this black cheer and courage to the Fine Shirts. i Tia JQvercome thee." Balbriggan Underwear. Men's Silk Hose. L ZAC] aos sen wo And as he took up his | his bands were free not to 271 PRINCESS STREET An he came at last struck by light- | borne, Shar- | A SACK OF WORRIES By CHARLES GRANT MILLER i 'All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) | | The Angel smiled pityingly upon | thy bundle and examine thy worries" infinite pity, saying: himself down under the worries of day and to-morrow 'wears himself out for naught. But he who carries thing aside and give all thy strength things of to-day then misfortune never, [ tng contraetor by profession and for | the past ten years has resided in | Trenton, previously being located in { Buffalo. Mr. Adam vas engaged on the construction of the munition | tant enterprises. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity. --e ! Position In New York | Miss Tassie Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Stevens, Ganan- | oque, has recently been made super- | visor of the department of Urology {of New York Hospital, New York | city. This department, known as the {James Buchanan Brady Foundation | was founded in January, 1921, and is | maintained by the income from a sum | of money left the hospital for that | purpose by the late James Buchanan | Brady, an eccentric millionaire, wide- ly known as "Diamond Jim" Brady. Death of a Bride, A very sad death occurred on Sun- day last when Loretta, beloved wife of Peter Turcott, Larkins, passed away. Her death was a shock to all as on Saturday night she appeared to be in the best of health but by three |on Sunday morning the angel of [death had visited her home. | had lived in Larkins only for the last | month as she had been married on | April 5th. Her former home was | near Stirling. She was twenty-three | years of age and had spent the great- { er part of her life in Stirling, ------ -- Offer Bonds on Home Market : Of the $53,655 debenture issue re- ntly authorizéd by Renfrew, Ont., | ratepayers, $19,015 running from | three to nine years, have been dis- | posed of at par, bearing interest at | ce Hl CHAMBERLAINS Old Age and Happiness Old age should mean experi- ence, knowledge and wisdom. Not poor digestion, sluggish liver and a gen:ral feeling of ill-heglth, despondency and misery. One of Chamberlain's Tablets taken immediately af- ter supper will improve the di- gestion, tone yu regulate the bowels. That feel- ing of despondency will give way to one of hope and good cheer. Try Chamberlain's Tab- lets. You'll like them. ' TABLETS 25¢ i] A wayfarer carried a heavy sack, under which he toiled and com- From none could he get help or comfort. And as he slowly journeyed, groaning under his burden, the Angel of kindly, saying: * "Let us look into "My worries." him and said: But lo, the sack was empty, "there were two great worries, yes, I had forgot--one too was a worry that was a worry of to-morrow, and it--it has not 5 1 need of a sack for his sorrows. If and Whereupon the man did as the Angel commanded. : journey and went swiftly on, his heart and only to do his duties well and to reljeve many a brother wayfarer of his burdens, sweet fruits and flowers along the wayside. cheerily, but, and to pluck for him- the setting of the sua, it was with She | DP the liver and | | Pipe Band will be numerically much | Ist {in its history. Dynamjte In Yard. | Mrs. William Winters, | made a startling discovery yard near the house in which the fa- | mily resides when she unearthed | some dynamite, and later investiga- [tions revealed that no less than 146 | sticks were buried there. Mr. Win- | ters and family moved only recently | William Behnke. The dynamite is | part of a large quantity stolen some time ago from Dunlop 7% Co's store- house. In all likelihood the crown au- thorities will go farther into the mat- ter. Officers Chosen At the last meeting of the W. C. | T. U., which was held at the home of [ Mrs. W. T. Towriss, Athens, the fol- | lowing officers were elected for the | coming year: President, Mrs. G. F. | Donnelly; first vice-president, Mrs. {H. E. Cornell; second | ident, Mrs. F. Sheldon: recording | works at Trenton and other impor- |:° the house, which is owned by Mrs. | vice-pres- | ronger and better than at any time | Pembroke, | in the | | | sonding secretary, Mrs. C. C. Slack; | treasurer, Mrs. Westey Towriss; del- | egates to county convention in King- [ton in June 16th and 17th, Mrs. G. W. Beach, Mrs. J. H, Ackland, Mrs. B. H. Brown and. Mrs, C. C. Slack. ---- ONLY EXPERIENCED CLOWNS With the Robinson i Show, | There are clowns and clowns, of | course, but the day of the "fill-in"* | elown--the property man who whit- | ens his face to swell the ranks of the | funmakers--is over. At least, his day lis over with John Rebinson's circus, {coming to Kingston, Saturday, June { 11th. Only the clown cf standing is (to be seen under the John Robinson banners. He must be an experienced funster, for the big circus cannot take time to school amateurs, who Are Successful | s0 determined, with smaller circuses. | There are fifty "'joeys" with John [ Robinson--fifty Merry Andrews well known in the clown alleys of the big tops. They dre well known because they have learned how to put their entics and their pantomime 'across'? under the big top. And there's the rub. The cleverest stage clowns are apt to fall down in the great tent, for working in the huge circus oval is en- | | | must break into the game, if they are | | IY secretary, Mrs. J. H. Ackind; corre- | | Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's BROCK STREET We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --3$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) tirely different from the business of | \ . garnering laughs in the theater. One of the greatest stage clowns of the | decade has proved a failure with the | white top. Since the days of Johnny | Lowlow, Sr., the John Robinson cir- | Cus has asserted {ts claim to the big- | est and the best brigade of "joeys," | a8 the clowns are termed In white | top slang. And Johnmy Lowlow, Jr., | still upholds the family name with {the big show--a family name that | stands for the peak in fun and arenic | buffoonery. -- Those Foolish Questions, Mr. Business wag exasperated with | the telephone. Ten times that morn- ing he had tried to get a number, At last he got it. "Hello!" he said. "Is X there?" "Yes," replied a voice. "Do yon | want to speak to him?" That was the last straw. came the reply in icy tones: "Oh, no. | merely called up to hand him a cigaret." ------ . When the baby is ill; cries a great deal and no amount of attention or petting makes him happy, Baby's Own Tablets should be given him without delay. The Tablets are a mild but thorough lax- ative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus drive out constipation :and ~indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make teethng easy, Back isfled with my use of Baby's Tablets. I have found them of great benefit to my baby when he was suf- fering from constipa Women's Fine Cotton Vests-- Lisle finish, with Lace Yoke, no sleeves.- for . 2a vis oun. B00. Women's Fine Lisle Stockings-- black, white, brown and grey; double heels; all sizes, for . = .50¢. a pair Men's Cotton Socks--extra strong; in Black, Tan and Grey, for . 25c¢. pair waiee wg iy, 0,0, The Atlantic, the socond largest the four great oceans, has an area 80,000,000 square miles, easy divorces. But if you think they People are always hollering = are so easy. (ry to get one, 4 Ko 2