re tener TH Cartying by travellers, 10 wn smua au -- ERT rn -----_--_- -. TIMES MAY COME TIMES MAY GO, BUT THE OLD IRON HORSE GOES ON FOREVER WHAT IS AN IRON HORSE? You won't find this word in dictionary or question book. It is a word often heard by us from tomers in describing their BICYCLE, A BICYCLE is really like a hor se---without the and upkeep. Always ready to 80 wh erever and whenever "there" and back in the shortest ti'me possible. EVERYBODY NEEDS A BICYCLE us your old one and exch ange it on a new world's. best Bicycle: Ask any owner of a MASSEY We'll allow you a good price on your old Bicycle and give you very easy terms on the new one, ANY PERSON WITHOUT A BICYCLE E18 LIKE A STEAN 7S WITHOUT Te A RUDDER--THE Y'RE LOST > expense of fee you want MASSEY the Bring But be sure it's a MASSEY--th e world's best Bicycle--without ex- ception. AMATEUR PHOTO FINISHING -- we'll do your films right. TREADGOLD SPORTING ~-G00DS CO. PHONOGRAPHS--BICY CLES--C AMERAS--FISHING TACKLE PRINCESS STREET Telephone 529, HE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" IN 0 LM RS NO Sr * . " Nr. Do your Cleaning with a Hoover Vacuum Cleaner H.W. NEWNAN ELECTRIC C0. Phone 441 = = =~ 167 Princess Street' a Wow BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1921. ya ee ---- News and Views of the Sportin AILY pp TE -------- 9 World ROTARIANS ARE TRIMMED AGAIN | Poor old Rotarians. Herb. Steacy's pleadings, | commands and prayers, they | make Just the right moves to give { them the edge on the Kiwanians, who defeated them last night 16 to 0, and thus took sweet revenge for the 25 to 7 victory of Rotary in the last game, None of the old-timers were to be seen on the field last night. Nope, the Kiwanis were out for blood and brought out all their champs and demons for fear the Ro- In spite of threats, will not tarfans might repeat the dose of last | week and crow some more about their victory, x | | i Some man when it comes to base- ballics. Of. course; unprejudiced spectators realized that the Kiwanis had the umps., Stan, Trotter, entirely with them. "Humpy" is sure of it be- cause Stan. wouldn't allow him a beautiful running and diving catch which brought a loud cheer from the back rows of the grand stand. Also, everybody could see that he was not giving Herb, Steacy the corners. Too bad, is the verdict of most, because Stan. used to be fair and you could- n't bribe him. Some of the Kiwanis must have a well-stocked cellar story For lack of a twirler, Tom. Me- | for him because mere money would Ginnis not being in the land of th | living evidently, Herb. Steacy went in the box himself and showed his | little be STRIKE \ TUH £ { | | | | | N | { Laughlin, Stanley Trotter officiated -at the |land, | 8s; Ryan, 3b; {1 fine curves. Trouble was he tired | a little tod goon and besides that Le had to pitch and direct the whole fielding machine at the same time. This is too much for one man and the | Kiwanis began to pound him ag a | result. | Then "Humpy' Stewart tried his | hand at twirling but when he threw | them slow the Kiwanis hit them and | when he put '"gyp" in them Sims couldn't catch them, so there you jare. | sad ceremonies. | | Rotary | Kiwanis | Umpire--Stanley Trotter. e | have no effect, Rotarians are all right but need a | tter organization. For in- | stance, where were those two stars, | Tor, McGinnis and Hank. Richard. | son, while the game wag going ou?) Herb. looked all over for them with | Out avail. Then they need a new | Lattery. "Humpy" Stewart will do | fer twirler if anybody can be found | who will undertake to nab his ter- riblc curves. If he does not strike cut a player he will kill him with a bean ball or something 'and it's all the same so long as he gets rid of them, Kiwanis couragement, | The teams: | Rotary--Sims, ¢; Steacy, p and If; Grace, 1b; Graham, 2b; Hanley, ss; | Ward, 3h; Stewart If and p; Me- cf; Stanton: rf. Kiwanis--Dick, e; Driver, p; Bor- | 1b; Robertson, 2b: Crawford, Hughes, cf; MéCallum, i | | need no praises or en- | They are the winners, | ; Steacy, rf. The score by innings. R 00000-- 0 0844x--16 H B| | Little Bits, | | po | The Bowling Club may find some | | It "Humpy" had two or three |°f its members weakened after com- |for the Kiwanis and walks around the { i air you | { He batted .666 yester- field with the most bored | ever saw. There are several old major lea- HEuers-on the pen: staff who could | play with the Civil} Servants on the | | quiet. Trouble is they belong to the | staff that is not let out to play. BASEBALL VESTERAY National League. Teams. R HE New York 0-5 Cincinnati Batteries--Benton, Neht, Sallee and Snider; Marquard and Hargrave, Umpires--Rigler and Moran, 5 12 9 Brooklyn St. Louis . Batteries--Cadoz and Goodwin, North and Dilhoefer. Umpires--Brennan and Emslie, 1 9 0 Philadelphia 9 Chicago 2 Batteries--Hubbell, Baumgartner and Bruggy; Freeman and Daly. Umpires--Quigley and Moran. 10.15 2 Pittsburg 13 Batteries-- Watson, Oischger and O'Neill; Zinn, Morrison, Yellowhors | and Schmidt, Umpires--Hart and McCormick. American League. Cleveland New York Batteries--Covelaskie, orton, | Odenwaldes and Neinmaker; Shaw- | key and Schang, 5 Umpires--Nallin, Wilson and Hil- debrand, Chicago and Philadelphia | voned on account of rain. 10 9 10 6 Boston . 7 Batteries-- Richmond, I'almero and Severied: sell, Thormalkin and Ruel, Umpires--Dineen and Connelly. Detroit 0 3! Miller; | | 1] 0 | Burwell, | Bush, Rus- | Baltimore 7:10 Batteries--Wurmes and Freitage; Groves and Manning, Umpires--Carpenter and James, 15 13 With- Newark Reading Batteries--Singleton | row; Karpp and Johnson. Umpires-- McGowan and O'Brien. 3 6 12 5 t- { tox; MecCable, Rogers and Tragres- i ser, | Umpires--Moran and Coupstall, 7 10 | Syracuse 0 { Toronto 7 | Batteries--May, Kircher and Pre- | diger; Fortune, Reis and Devine. Umnpires--Stackdale and Gaston. YANK PROS. OUT OF LUCK, [ Lose in the British Open Champion- { ship Preliminaries, It is seemingly a fact that the Am- crican professional golf players are | Ino better luck than their amateur | brethren, in so far as carrying any- | thing in the line of titles out of Great Britain goes this year. In the pre- liminary matches of the British open : | golf championship at Gleneagles the | Britishers won nine matches and the Americans three of the dozen played. George Duncan, captain of the British team, defeated Jock Hutchi- | Son and Abe Mitchell tied with Wal- ter Hagen. Vardon won his game | from Tom Kerrigan. Great Britain also won the four- | Somes competition run off on Mon- day morning as part of the day's in- competition between and the United States. | ternational | Great Britain | posi | 0 | | { GOOD MERCANTILE GAME. Civil Servants ang Electricians Fight Hard for Lead, | One of the best Mercantile games played here this Year was seen by 4 ° | nealthy crowd at the cricket field last night when Civil Servants de- feated Electricians 9 to 3 after a hard battle, Both teams were de- | termined to win and some good play {Ine was the result with both sides hitting heavily at times. Now and | then a ball would be slammed to the junior diamond but the fielders ale ways pursued it in time to prevent a four-way circuit. | Hunter was in the box for Civil | Servants and played his usual steady { game. Derry, brother of "Punch," | threw for the Electricians and showe- {led that he has the makings of a | pitcher. He twirled good ball but needs a little more experience, |: "Del" Cherry did his best to drive | his "live wires" along to vietory but Joe Daley was figuring at third base Fa the opposition and kept a watch- | ful eye on "Delmar" all the time. This no doubt accounts for the vies tory of the Civil Servants. Daley should be barred under the over ' weight rule, | The teams: Civil Servants--Mallory, ¢; Hun- ter, p;" Walsh, 1b; Kane, 2b; Nichol- son, ss; Daley, 3h; Hubbard, If; Mor- jr cf; Angrove, rf. | Electricians--Jackson, e: Derry, |b; Buck, 1b; Kelso, 2b; Ledford, ss; | Patterson, 3h; Davy, If; Cherry, of; Paynter, rf. Umpire--A, Twigg. By increasing its hydrogen content English chemists have made whale oil become a substance closely resembl- ing mutton tallow, . i. | peting in the Kiwanis-Rotary base: backstops behind the plate the Ri | es series, as also may the golf club wanis ball team would be a negative | at Tedd Gree; xr all quantity when it comes to figuring in | Put, as ¥: Green says, 34 the score line, Stan. Driver threw for the Ki- wanis. He had just enough steam to prevent them from doing serious damage and not too much for "Shorty" Dick to hold. Besides, when a man did get on he was pick- ed off by "Shorty' between bags, The two features of the game were the home run made by Driver with two on in the second inning and the double play by the same player on Ward and Graham, which ended the evening's festivities. He sure is A clamp that holds many thick- nesses of cloth on a table for clothing makers automatically counts them as they are cut, Buenos Ayres is considering the construction of a general system of underground railways to relieve traf- fic congestion, ore than six feet high when ex- tended, a complete hat and clothing Tack can be folded compactly for & Minnesota man has patented a { for freezing fish in boxes lin- With oiled paper so they can be ped by mail, -- KEDS Cut Coarse, for Pipe Use Cut Fine, for Cigarettes in a good cause." . We would not for a minute think of discouraging the ball players but, if Mrs. Man asked some of them to work that hard around the house there would be a family war, Herb. Steacy says he is sick of playing the whole game Limself, every time Rotary and Kiwanis meet, If the Rotarians only had some person who could catch "Humpy" Stewart they would leave the Kiwan- ans far behind, Their battery fis very weak. M. S. Grace is one of the few men who can talk fast and play first base at the sawe time, The Kiwanians seem to have a weakness for driving the ball down Union street. Must be something wet down that way besides water, The Howe Island Baseball team is doing some great talking. They ought to be brought up here for a game with some of the Mercantile teams. If they are half as good as the fans say they are they should be worth watching, WOMEN'S KEDS- Worth $3.00, price . .$1.50 GROWING GIRLS" KEDS.-- aves TE CHILDREN'S TAN. SANDALS MISSES' Leather soles . . |... .$1.50 vavvee a. $1.80 WHITE SANDALS The Victory Shoe Store "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" BRINGING UP FATHER The Bankers are all ready to lick anything now. They have bolstered up their lineup and have had some practice, both of which have made a wonderful change in the team, Also, don't forget that Toronto Leafs have won some more games, Things are looking up for the Can- adians, When that diamon in Vietoria Park it big help. d gets fixed up will sure be a Have you seen the in Arthur's window? best cup ever seen Arthur certainly got was going. Mercantile Cup It's just the around here. the best that The mystery of the hour is "Where is Tom, McGinnis?" Another mystery is whether Noble or Herb. is the better player. At least we'll Say Herb, is a better pit- cher, , Washington 3 8 Batteries--Leonard, Middleton, Sutherland an? Oensmith; Zachary, Gharrity and Bressler, . Umpires--Moriarity and Evans, . International League. Jersey City 0] SALE OF DINING:ROOM : ROBERT J. REID BUFFETS AT . i SETS AND - Qt. Cut Buffet, reg. price $100, for $85.00 | Mah'g Buffet, reg. price $50. for $39.00 Hardwood Dressing Cases, $25, for $18.00 Iron Beds, from. . Chesterfields from $75.00 to ~ (Best quality R. J. Lasiling Undertaker Some fellow they call "Stub" plays $ ' 2 SAAN] MACDONALD'S PRINCE of WALES CHEWING i ' $6.50 to $25.00 $250.00 each of Tapestry) Reid «=: Phone 57w. ~~ Co nS Ge DR. NASH DENTIST TAKE X-RAY PICTURES" of troublesome teeth. oform Sat administered for ex. ~ traction. e and painless, ; OFFICE HOURS: 9.6, PIANO - | WONDE COULD GT HER THE PIANO! a PATTON'S DYE WORKS ps Only rer. BY GOLLY: | CAN'T STAND YIN ON MAGGIE'S PLAYIN ON THE a OF PLACE. RIF TO LET Bs IN THIS HOUSE] MAGLIE -DARLIN'-DON'T YOU THINK THAT DIANG WELL -IT'S he TRLE THATIT DOESN'T MATCH WITH THE REST OF THE TURE} \\ % Ny 1 THINK IF YOU. GOT. RID OF IT WE: COULD GIT SOME THING ELSE TO PUT ily THERE