Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jun 1921, p. 3

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- THE DAILY BRiT'SH WHIG. and the prizes were won by Mrs. Hal | loway Waddell, Miss Hora, Miss Ali Rutherford d Miss Florence | BE a ea orin:gte PROBS: -- Thursday, fine; moderately warm. = db Es a Cunningham. At the tea hour, Mrs. | Anglin made the tea atsthe flower | Told In Twilight |"... ie nn FEE =EE) [ eo pw : . of oM ed on Tuesday afternoon, when her === pretty flower decked rams were fill- ed with visitors. Col. Ms lell came in (Notice--Hereafi 'r, the Whig, in vi $ i | ; L | at the tea hour and paa le stayed on : 'Hlieommon with other papers all over | : e I The name given- to §Eommon will make a charge .of $10 have a chat with Xm, and the : SPECIAL . = . | for inserting an engagement, mar-|young daughter of the house, Miss . : : y the sixth month is be- [riage or reception announcement.) |Beatrice Bedell, who 3 happily re- | : : TKingmon and Ee eo i -- covering from a very £3 ious illness. | { of Kingston 'and district, we lieved to be taken | 7 get the Whig's society writer, av ~ are making a special offer of {telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street, Mdlle. Gabrielle Lan€ry, Montreal. : . ' ! * : | i fitted frames with spherical from Juno, the pat- gave a "The Dansant" on Saturday | lenses for $2.95 Blue dancing waves in the harbor, foo yo. guests, Miss J C. Beaudoin ne testing. and. proper ron deity of marrage {foliage of vivid green, scariet uni-f,.4 nice Jsobel Hughe ~Kingston. ; gi --the idea that it was | forms, girls a say Super Trgeks, The rooms: were fragrui:s with sum-' SPECIALIST IN CHARGE . {made the charming picture Al i mer blossoms and the da pes tna fol- the month of brides greeted the board of visitors and the |, ved the tea was al it uy . : dates back to early" {parents of the cadets, who Ba Same the many guests. amiiton Congr A L T Best, s i ¥ |trom~ Montreal, Toronto, Ty . gis Roman days, when it |and Ottawa to see' their sons take Mrs. W. B. 'Carey, Alert str. tf, | their part on Saturday afternoon, in was the hostess of a small sea on PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST was Sonsidered yery [the mounted sports, for which (lie |Tyeeday when her guests hat the 0 t f 1 Phoas sp. lucky for weddings, {l royal Military College 1s tamous. To Rime Of tts ee Hare Tide ur stocks of summer wearables are now at their best and are itu- [f] the left of the campus were the hand- | dee, Scotland, who is visiting nar 1 } : : : and the Superstitu- (i/o lefi of the campus were 1b¢ Bsns a ue ar replete with many charming novelties for the incoming Summer sea- e a Mar- y ilits 3 : . y . . . tion still remains. stone, aud to the right, the old Mar: | goal Military College. Il] son. The prices, too, we might mention are most attractive, being in b | 1 {tello tower, with its loopholed wai, | CHOICE We have a splendid land through its arched gateway| Mrs. James Hamilton, was the hos. every case based on the new low levels. PS I == SAS data Fl Ai RL ob «fs "or stock of ---- |came riding the cadets like youns!tess of the Bridge. Club at the Coun- {knights of old with their lance inf ery Club on Monday. JUNE WEDDING jrest, till galloping past The staff ene| « + a WESTERN | |closure, they vainly or successfully! Mrs. Frank Phillips, Johnson GIFTS attempted to bear the peg lance high [street, entertained at bridge on Tues- to the goal. The band of the R.C.!day evening. z - ye lar .music, tea was Weddin Marriage H.A. played popu , : : 2 arFtag |served from a marquee on the green,| Miss Grace Mooers has returned to Rings. Licenses. lll 1,,q lest this was not entertainmes. |the city from Bishop Strachan's {enough for their guests, two clowns, | School, Toronto, and is with her mo- |a goat and a long enduring steed ther, Mrs. H. Mooers, Barrie street. Bib Roasts ........ Y . r 'Re ; | were on hand to add to the fun. In Dr. A. N. White, Denver, Colo., Oven Roasts ....... rf [the staff enclosure were Lady Mac-|surprised = his father, Ex-Ald. J. T. . {donell; Sir Arthur Currie, General | White, on:Monday when he arrived Pot Roasts . BI | {and Mrs. Greisbach, Commissioner |in the city to spend vacation. He Hamburg Steak .. 20c. e Jewelers - Limited and Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Hughes (Eng-|is with Ex-Ald. and Mrs. W. 1. B. Pork Sausages .... 25¢c. a Ib. |1ana), Major General McBrien aad |White, University avenue, Established 1340. {several of the board of visitors. Hugh Weir, ih fous while at- . . 9 tending the Angligan ynod last week . | Choice Spring Lamb by the } stered Optic i Registered Opticians | On Monday evening many cars|was the guest of Mr/and Mrs. John quarter. 85¢ Kirg Street | were seen on the lake shore road, fll- | Weir, University avenue. ed with peoplé who had taken advan- Miss Wilhemina Gordon, Univer-. ' HOGAN S 5 TTI, |tage of the announcement in the [sity avenue, has returned from Tor- press, that Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle | onto. MEAT MARKET t would be "At Home" at "The Sheil- Mrs. P. G. Grey, Boston, who has i |ing,"" on this, the tenth anniversary many friends in Kingston, her girl- 822 King Street. Phone 283 | N {of their wedding day, to offer their |hood's home, will spend the month of | | congratulations and good wisheg in [June with Mrs. Herbert Robinson, HERAPION No.3 | person. As everyone knows the gifts [Bagot street. No. 1 for Bladde: 0. 2 for Blood & | . . gr ' Skin Diseases. No.3 for Chromic Weaknesses. (on this anniversary must be of tin, The Dean of Ontario, left on Tues- Furniture--Freight--Baggage 1! Di LECLANC Mad Cor Haverstoek Ra N W 4.1 onion. $0 tins large and tins small, tins for |day for Niagara-on-the-Lake, to at- TRANSFER rE AD Oo auANON is ON use in every room in the house, were |tend the meeting of the Canadian =~ brought by the visitors and accepted | Historical Society which is held there | Phone 1 776J | Although cribs easily lose their | with laughter and thanks by the host this week. | ° : E S. WHITEMAN claws they readily grow them again, {and hostess. This charmingly in- Mr. and Mrs. William Brymner, . y © " ¢ 210 QUEEN STREET Unlike European cuckoos, Ameri- | formal reception was held in the {Montreal are spending a week with e 1g u owing 0 can cuckoos build their own nests. lovely grounds of "The Sheiling," | Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brymner, West where the flowers of early summer | street. Mr, Brymner's work as a Can- COOK WITH ELECTRICI1 Y were scenting the air and here re-|adian artist is well Known, not only ; : ia freshments were served during the|in his own land, but in the galleries Ea | Yo Ao Silt ae I Sports and Dress Hats many good wishes to their farewells, *Ty = - » ) Miss Marjorie Bennett, who was | i TI ears: [With Ms sud Mes. William Seruine. .Aregularbevy of beauty" was the apt reply of a customer on ranged shower on Tumlay evening Miss Coates will remain. at "Otter. being asked how she liked our sho wing of new Summer Hats yester- meal Cr ie ME oi tev |] flay --and evra i rm usly ade s pas and pink ribbons attached to a wed- Major Jack Day will come to town : : : . . . ding Dell in 1h Contre; armel = war [ron donor Toll Some 10 tow telle shades of Swiss Organdies, with attractive color combinations. opy, under which the bride-elect spend a few days with his cousin, , 3 - GD Titans Ta pe Tras Wg, U2, A Bis sovsin There are Hats for every occ asion--hats for weddings, after each ribbon to its end. In doing this, |King street 'west, before going to noon wear, for golf, tennis, yachting and general utility wear, in a many delightful surprises awaited | Barriefield camp. ' . . fits 'lo Sreat fun was the result of | Miss Maud Chalmers, Sudbury, who |}] host of shapes and shades. Priced to make instant appeal from-- this clever plan. The table in the [will be bridesmaid to Miss Eleanor . dining room, from which the buffet |Minnes, whose marriage to Capt. Ed- 4 00 : ¥ supper was served was all pink and | ward McKay, M.C., takes place next ° on up fo 18. 0 white, with streamers and confe:ti| week is expected at Hillcroft on Sat- and centered with orangs blossoms |urday. set in billowy pink tulle. The guests| Miss Mary Dickdon and Miss Ger- were all old friends of the bride aud |trude Sangster have returned from | » : the affair was altogether delightful. (spending the week-end, the guests of | hd ° . * so Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Sangster, Miss Ruth Martin, Clergy street, is|Outremont, Montreal. ew es or dnp éar Mr. and Mrs. George Weir, Money- 5 entertaining at tea this afternoon f »» Miss Eleanor Minnes, one of next |More, Ont. have returned home, hav- week's brides. Mrs. W. T. Minnes | ID2 spent the past week with Mr. and . . and Mrs. H. E. Richardson will make | MS. John Weir, University avenue. For Women, Misses and Children the tea at the table in the dining . 5 4 room, where golden' buttercups and| Col and Mus. Street, who soent We have now ready a com plete assortment of White and starry daisies are proclaiming that the week- x : in " . . summer has really come several Heber ey ine ata ne, Colored Middies mn Jack Tar and "Admiral" makes -- all weeks earlier than usual, turned to Ottawa on Monday. Col. the new styles and sizes. Priced from fae $1.48 to $4.50 each Ane Street is one of the board of the Let us explain how you can pay for the installation in the | Miss Kathleen Saunders, Alice Royal Military College visitors. first six months. MecClary's Elec tric means perfection, and the street, was the hostess of a small Col. and Mrs. Birdsall went to last word in kitchen efficiency. bridge on Tuesday afternoon in hon- | Peterboro for the Huycke-Cressman or of Miss Jessie Smith, who is in wedding, which took place to-day, . ° town from Ottawa, 5 and which was a very smart affair : McKELVEY & BIRCH, Limited Mrs. Hugh Ryan, Sydenham street, Tndeea. and Mrs. Alexander - Mac- {NEW YORK ORGANDY, Attractive Georgette Crepe, entertained at bridge on Monday af- | phail, Clergy street; will leave on VOILE, SWISS NETT AND Canton C repe, Tricolette, EE -- ------ -- . ternoon, in honor of her sisters, Mrs. | Saturday for Montreal, where they Douglas Anglin and . Mrs. Everett |will spend a few days with Sir An- GINGHA M DRESSES Crepe de Chene and Lingerie Birdsall. Four tables were in play, [drew Macphail, and be guests at T° the wedding of his daughter, Mi rr, Dorothr dh epeail neater; Mise 500 of the season's smartest WAISTS Prof. and Mrs. McFayden "have . . . CORNS He Podge Le Ae ey, Save styles to choose from, in a won- We have just received a num-| will occupy it shortly. drous array of designs and ber of very smart new Waists ust now we are Lift Right Off Miss Carrie Beard h ' . J J wii on Hom Hanlon gy Ao iuimed colors to choose from. Never --beautifully designed in the showing the most Shiller in her house on O'Kili have we had such a broad and Season's choicest fabrics and ades. ractical and ser- Magic! Drop a little "Freezone - ss' . " e ew 1 Pp! on an aching corn, instantly that corn| Mrs. A. Maddigan, Bagot streef, varied assortment for your se- shown id now: Style Js viceable Porch |} | stops hurting, theh shortly you lift|announces the engagement of her : The si it right off with fingets. Doesn't)daughter, Trend, to Oliver. son of lection. e sizes range from ions stamp of approval. The and Garden Fur- hurt a bit. Mr. and Mrs. G. Prevost, Earl : Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of | Tic to ey ~~ 16 to 44. The range: really sizes range from 34 to 44, niture in the form | ee Cor A low tonth, sullelent |, "eae. oataereny on etl} must be seen to/be appreciat- Georgette Cre 50 Ry . i ' : A . 4 Cr epe » Fain : ef of old Hickory | a on a Continues On Pages 7 ana 8) ed--so we take this opportun-| | Canton Crepe .... A Tables, Chairs, ity of inviting inspection. ' | Crepe de Chene ... $6.50 up ' and Settees. | Lu OUTING SHOE SPECIALS : Priced from $3.95 on up to : Silk Tricolejte adele $4.95 up ado Fin nd ue, ps, [If Merge boos kathcled Hf | wmso "fr ve Sn | and Cocoa Matting, by the yard. {ll Men's Brown Canvas, rubber solesand -Ji}l a 'i : 4 Bamboo Blinds, etc., fitted to sizes. 18 heels; sizes 7and8 only ...:....$2.35 | When thinking of high-grade ready-to-wear at popular prices re- + Let us supply your: requirements now, i Men's Heavy Brown Duck, double $i fig then mde ny . memb ered. : : and you will have the comfort of having fill Joist, Diack Sublier goles Rad 3.00 sl Bony our porch in readiness duriig the summer. [lx fl ine of versa Bor Canad S20 | vag yi n ht 4 , / 'ing Boots in i 1. Harrison Co. Limited rose 0 i] JACK JORNSTON'S SHOE Toke. {5,9 i

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