THE DAILY BRITISH eT -- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion, 1¢. & word. Bach cou Secutlv insertion thereafter; cent a word. alin'mum charge for Une insertion, zac; turee inseriions, 50 cents. The avove rates when charged --_---- mo ee = Te HELP WANTED, 5 MAID FOR GENERAL HOU SEWORK Apply Mrs. Finney, 44 Upper Wal- luau Street MOMAN BY THE MOLR OR STEADY employment cooking. Apply ol Sydeuunam St MAID FOR Wurk; one who can do plain cook- ing. Apply Mrs. J. ¢. Cunhell, hing Street West. EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Must be good plain cook; family of three; no children Phone 651. OGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER FOR Princess Street Methodist church; duties to begin Sunday, July 3rd Apply to P. H. Baker, Grocer, cor Princess and Frontenac Streets ---------- hey are double, A YOUNG MAN, ACTIVE, WILLING TO take a chance, with three to five hundred to Invest as partner in light anufacturing proposition Pax V-1i, Whig. WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepresented coun- ty or territory. Exclusive selling rights; Food Pay to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency is yalu- able. - Write Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto, Ont. SALESMEN--WE PAY WEE offer steady employment our complete and exclusive of whole-root trees and plants. service. We teach free. A money-ma ity. Luke Brother Montreal, lings and equip you king opportun- ualf are for cash only, Oue who can ao plain GENERAL HOUSE. 350 KLY AND/ : selling fresh-dug-to-order Best stock and 8' 'Nurseries, of | WANTED GENERAL COMPETEN Experien POSITION BY STENO. grapher, P 153sw, T i hone A_ FoORtD WANTED TO PURCHA rred. Phone Coupe, 1920 mode) | 1608J ONE SET 0F HEAVY . ness and . Apply W ABOUT 200 ACRES, view ty pure Ccleman FARM TO RuNT, | by p.astical farmer; cnase. Frank Herring, P. 0, E Toronto. WANTED TO RENT FOR SUMMER season, a skiff and cance. Would buy if reasonable Phone 1837, or apply Box B-14, Whig. A SMALL BRICK HOUSE, CENTRAL- ly located; in good repair, Price under $5000. State price and lo- cation to Box E-15, Whig Office, MASONRY AND CARPENTERING BATTERSHILL -- tering and general Y the day. Also painting. Satisfaction given. 10 Patrick Street, Kingston, Phone 2153 RS Tee POSITION WANTED, MeCLENNAN & | brick work, plas i house repairs b EXPERIENCED FEMALE COOK, DE- Sires position in town or out. Apply Box Y-13, Whig. J HANDY WANTS 2 Shingling, etc. R. A MAN, MARRIED, work Carpentering, Furniture Repairing, i Quebec Street. EXPERIENCED, REFINED, WO- man is open to Prepare and serve at afternoon teas, bridge and din- ner parties; references. Apply Box X-13, Whig Office, Eo RA Wing, AN Ee | | | FOUND LADY'S SILVER WRIST WATCH about two days ago, pn Bagot street. Owner may have same by applying to 130 Low- er Bagot Street A SHORT TIME AGO, A SMALL Sum of money. Apply to F. W. Coates. Su i ON BATH ROAD, FRENCH | ivory hair brush. Owner a ply at 121 Beverley Street. A LONG BLACK RIGHT HAND kid glove on Princess Street Saturday, Apply 210 Princess Street. | ON PRINCESS STREET, TUES. | day afternoon, June 14th, Automobile license Owner may have same by applying at Whig Office. INITIALLED CUFF LINK, ON , | June 6th. Owner may have | Same at Whig Office. | | ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE, FOUND Anyone finding anything and wajiag to reacn the owner may uo $b by reporting 'the facts te i The British Whig. The adver- } tisement will be printed in column free of charge. "Found articles" does not clude lost dogs, cattle, ete. These, if lost, may be vertised for In the "Lost" colu i | 30x3% TIRE, ON RIM, SATURDAY, Finder kindly advise Box 2-13, and same will be called for, A FRENCH POODLE, WHITE, AN. Swering to name of Teddy. Re-| ward. 868 Princess. Phone 654. BABY'S GOLD PIN WITH INITIALS on it, on Division Street. Owner FOR SALE AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, CANOES, Phone 811. F. W. Cooke. A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. PHONE 94. between 9 a.m. and 6 pm. WALL PAPER FROM 12¢c. to 20c. PER roll, at' Hancock's, 155 Bagot St. A COMMODIOUS -MAHOGANY SECRE- tary. Apply to Mrs. Rodger, 151 Earl Street. STUBTBAKER LIGHT 6; GUARAN. teed first class and wel] equipped. Box W-13, Whig. | GAS AND COAL RANGE COMBINED; | also gas range and gas water heat- er. J. 8. R. McCann. Phone 326 or 621. . GARAGE, 11 ¢" BY 17' 6", SHEETED | With iron, wired for electric light. | Can be moved. Apply E. E. Wathen, | 143 Nelson Street. | ! PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE €gEs, Martin's Dorcas strain. $3.00 10 $5.00 for 15. Also 60 egg Cha- tham Incubator. J. Turner, Ports- | mouth. | i | WEST END; | eats could be GROCERY BUSINESS IN no shops close by; m handled; reasonable price will | glve lease to desirable party. Ap- | ply Box 0-9, Whig. | USED CAR GARAGE--SMASHING | REDUCTIONS $1500 Chandler, 1920. Cost $3400. $450 Ford Special. $275 Ford Touring. 275 Overland with starter $130 Truck; good condition $175 Motor Boat, 20 ft. x 5 ft. $125 Motorcycle. Cleveland Bicycle Peclal Wood Valve and Tube Carburetor; Ford Repa GEO, A. PALMER i Steam | fits any car ! irs a Specialty, STORE, AT FOUR-ROOME WHIG. TO Lr, 143 PRINCESS, ndolph. D, FURNISHED FLAT verandah. fice. APPLY Hotel Ra on bathroom floor, with Apply Box T-10, Whig O GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN and Bagot. Apply D. G..Hay R. R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 ¥ -- FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements: centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Axe STABLES AND SHEDS ON CORNER of Wellington and Barrack street, by Muy 1st. Apply $1 Rideau St. NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, 146 Montreal St. all improvements. Fhone 1099 ring 3. Vacant Apri St A A FURNISHED EARGE FRONT ROOM --all conveniences. Apply 313 Unj- Jeraity &viue or phone 852W, after pm. APARTMENTS, UNFURNISHED; ALL modern; bright, airy rooms, $25 and $30 a month, at 520 Princess street. HOUSE, MODERATE SIZE, garage: convenient Union Street West. Montreal. WITH situation, 17 Apply Bank of TWO VERY NICELY FURNISHED and attractive rooms; three minutes walk from Post Office. Ap~ ply Box D-15, Whig. . TO RENT, OR FOR SALE, COTTAGE on Wolfe Island water-front; large garden; handy to boat landing Phone 12 r 2." Wolfe Island. STORAGE FOR FU RNITURE, CLEAN, 0iay, alry rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299. 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 989w. 152 PINE STREET, 7 ROOMS; ALL 1. provements; good garden. Posses- sion June 1st Apply H. F Norman, corner Charles and Patrick Streets. WO OR THREE ROOMS FURNISHED Or unfurnished for light house- keeping; gas for cooking. and all other conveniences. Apply 168 Di- vision Street. - T TWO FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOMS | on bathroom flat; electrie light; all convenineces. ' Use of phone. Ap-| ply 376 Barrie street, near Princess | or phone 2238w, FURNISHED FOR SUMMER MONTHS, nine room house: balcony and ver- lake; modern con- STRAND LAST DAY OF SHOWING "Sentimental Tommy" ATURDAY COMING THURSDAY, F RIDAY, » "TWO WISE WIVES" GET WISE CONCERT by the Famo us Strand Orchestra The Coolest Spot in Town ! ee -- | NEW SUMMER | PRICES MATINEES Adults ..... \ Chlidrea LET EVENING Adults .. .. .. Children .. .. {Tax Include 10e. 10e, 2Te: . 15e. ad) TO-DAY IREAL i VENTILATION NORMA TALMADGE in "The Passion Flower" Spain Gives of Its Greatest Drama Scr to the Queen of the World's een "NEXT WEEK-- THE B A SUNSHINE SAVER "You have brought the sunshine back to my life," said the fond father to the prodigal son, after re- covering from the effects of the fal) of the son upon his neck. IRTH OF A NATION" Ask Your Grocer FOR WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADE Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins RETR SININS NAt AAAS Att) BOILERS, TANKS, TRACTION AND THRESHING ENGINES, CONCRETE MIXERS, ETC. REPAIRED, Builders of Tanks, Smoke Stacks, Breachings, light structural steel, ete. 20 years' experience. Phone 1672 may have same at 198 Frontenac | Street. | JUNE 14th, . BETWEEN SEELEY'S | Bay and Kingston, two five gallon | measuring cans and two funnels. Finder please return to Canadian Oil Co., corner Ontario ang Brock Streets. | FOR SALE. } cr mpiivm-------- GENUINE GRAPHONOLA selections; your Own choice, $42.56, | Terms §7 cash; §6 per month. C. W. | Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. | WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS oF , musical instruments, also cloth- ing and furniture, Call and get our prices. L. Routbard, 289 Princess 723. andah; near Yenlences; rent moderate. Apply 236 Stuart Street. t -- NEW SEVEN-ROOME hardwood floors an colonnade arches; gas and electri- city; immediate possession. Apply 202 Upper Bagot or phone 951w, tht - TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE. clally furnished tor light house- keeping; gas for cooking and light, at the Pioneer Apartments, 212 and 214 Division street. Phone 1434w, APARTMENT, HARD. wood floors, . electric light, gas stove, heater, refrigerator, modern in every way. Apply to White's In- surance Office, 239 Bagot street, BRICK, WELLINGTON | rooms; bath; excellent | cellar; side entrance; yard; rent] $26.00, includes Water. Suitable for | Le families. Apply 276 University | ve, AGENTS WANTED SALESMAN CALLING ON AUTO AND garage trade, to sell as side line Porcupine Boots. Good commis- sion. W. L. Renton Company, 16! Jarvis Street, Hamiljon, Ont. | | "Well, dad, fook upon me as a daylight saving movement," replied the son prodigal. W.J. MILLARD #4 KFromt e Street = Kingston W. KENT MACNEE--- Bank of Commerce Building, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327; General Insurance Agency Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. Representing Only Reliable Companies, ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES The next term will open September 1st Allowances for Nurses in training. trerieiess... $25.00 per month rereeess. 830.00 per month $35.00 per monty Uniform, Board and Laundry are alse provided. The graduates of Rockwood Hospital have always taken 8 high place in the Medieal and Surgical service, Applications will now be received for entering the Training School, 'and may be 'addressed to the-- 2 Medical Superintendent, Rockwood Hospit Opposite Blue Garage Cor, Bagot and Queen Streets Phone 419J. ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND OREVER, ARCH]. tects, Merchants Bank Chambers corner of Brock and Wellington Streets. _-- FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, DRIS- coll, 23 John street. = a ee PERSONAL | -------- | DR. FERGUS O'CONNOR, 193 EARL | 3 Wishes to request his | 2 YOUNG GIRLS wanted for ternoons. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. D BRICK HOUSE d trimming, two =} | | MEN AND WOMEN, vass, but to'travel COME AT ONCE--MEN 86-10 DAILY, | cal representatives, special short courses; nne month expenses guaranteed, with good | Auto Mechanics' course $50; one chance to make $50 a week and month Gas Tractor Course $50; €xpenses. . State age and qualifica- plenty of time to finish for the tions, Experience unnecessary, spring rush. Hemphill Bros., Auto W. NOT TO CAN-| and appoint lo- $21 a week and | SNL TERN FOUR ROOM Winston Co., Dept. GG, Toronto, As Tractor School, 163 King st. mm at «» Toronto. Boarq $8.50 up. Call or writ | CARPENTERING. | Hh eters Sts ee tees------eas. | street. Phone 172 ESTIMATES ON ALL KINDS OF CAR. | ness ] pentering, = jobbing, and repair| CITY LOT, 60 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 work, working men's cottages a feet deep; for cash $225.00, Also specialty; satisfaction guaranteed incubator, 140 egg, and two brood- | Apply Brocklehurst and Sleeth, 412] ers; hot water heated. Only used | Barrie Street. once, Cawson, 248 Concession St.. | z ee ITE GX near Victoria Street. PURE BRED BARRED ROCK AND White Wyandotte Baby Chickens, 40c. each. Hatching eggs from rize winners, $2.50 per 15. Joseph hite, phone 2301 r. 4, Portsmouth, Ont. ee meee SCHOONER "BERTRA CALKINS,» | y v carrying capacity 500 net tons. Cap | 35 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J, be inspected at Picton, * Ontario. Lake, Xye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin Further particulars and price on --_--emmseeeee -- application. T. L. VanDusen, Pic- | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING "tem, Ont. WE HAVE FOR WHEN WANTING PAINTIN on good second Paperhanging dons, urop a re tw stoves, Any person having stoves A. Mounteer, §4 Arch sireel. 84a furniture to dispose of. we will 'pay highest prices. J, 'Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600w. COKE FOR SUMMER USE; CH. PEST fuel on the market. We afe,de- livering 1-4 tons at $2.50; % tons at $4.75. or a full ton at $9.00. Phone 161lm. W. C. Bruton. $3,500 WILL BUY a SEVEN Room single frame; electric lights; gas for cooking; Johnson streef. §1,- 300 cash. Balance on time. R, Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence Street. SEVEN ROOM BRICK DWELLING, 118 Colborne; attic; splendid basement; electric lights; &as for cooking; 3 plece bath! good condition. Pos- Session June 1st. $3,700. Apply on premises. THE STOCK AND FIX late William Carroll, Tailor, consisting of Woollens, tallor's trimmings, iron heater, gas, sewing machine and everything else on the premises. tears v-------- ONE FORD TRUCK IN GOOD RUN- Bing condition; one Indian twin cylinder motorcycle with side car; one Excelsior lightweight motor- cycle; also two gasoline engines for sale. Apply Muller's Bicycle Works. 371-373 King Street. Phone 1032w. and e. room 8 DWELLING, | street; seven THE UNEMPLOYED--MEN WHO have ambition to achieve success and are willing to'put forth the re. fred quired ef NOT A FIRE BUG "His wh be burnt." "He's a scoundrel then." "No--he's a tobacconist." spond, kindly call Chas, A NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE AND | ole stock was laid in to nor, 258 Earl street. Phone 2318w barn on Alfred street, near Conces- | and leave message there. sion. Also a new furnished sum. | | . White | | ---------- ---------- mer cottage at Kastview Park. Ap- Chambers (uppe Ont. head, Royal Bank r floor) Kingston, ist year 2nd year ,. drd year DENTAL. TIST. OFFICE Phone 652w. -- DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 346. DR. A. E. KNAPP, DEN HAIR, MOLES, WART ly t --D. Boyd, 332 Unive 258 Princess Street. . A o J.-D oyd, 332 University marks, skin cancer SGars, moved permanently. ; Satisfactory glasses fitted and fu ished after others have failed. Go: THE PARK AVENUE CLINICAL HOS. etc, re- pital Training School for Nurses; three years' course; eight hour day; six day week; edu- cational requirements; one high schoo] or equivalent. formation apply to Superintendent of Park Avenue Clinical Hospital, i859 Park Avenue, Rochester, New York. . | Two FLATS ON BARRIE STREET near Princess; suitable for dental | parlors, offices or living apart- | ments. Will alter to suit tenants, | Also one apartment on Princess | street near Barrie. Immediate pos- session. I. Cohen & Co DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 1550. Open evenings by appointment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. sumed practice at 92 Princess St, orer, Bank of-Nova Scotia. Phone Tg . | SALI ALL KINDS oy hand furniture and LAND SURVEYOR Ff. F. MILLER, B.Ap., Se. C.K O.L.S, DLS, MEIC, Napanee, Ont. On: tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of- fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- ---- er AMBITIOUS MEN WHOSE ABILITY in their present position is not re- Sognized, and who aspire to do things in a big way, to such who have been loo Ing for a field to fGemonstrate their ability, how open apn opportunity largest, most remunerative, most Successful field in all the Domin- ion of Canada. For confidential in- terview, give phone number ty Box 29, Whig Office, ---- BENRY WARD & SON, PAINTERS, 2 gers and Inwrior deco- 8 the time to have decorated. Phone HELP WANTED. APPLYs BURNS BAKERY, Street north. BAKER. {set interior == ron 18674. Frontenac A YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- work; smal] family. Apply 55 Clergy Street. -------------------- EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR AMATEUR finishing. Apply Kingston Art Studio, $4 Princess Street. YOUNG MAN FOR FRESH MEAT AND Provision trade; one with experi- ence preferred. Splendid opportun- ity for the right man. References required. Apply, stating experi- ence. to Box C-15, Whig. $ret vrrtrtrncene + A good, smart boy # after four o'clock * * PPP F FHS IFPI SICI OGG LEGAL ' 0 tse esr tates CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- : | ers and Solicitors, 359 .Clarence | street, Kingston. B. Cunning- | | | | ham, Cyril M. Smilin. and Solicitor. Law oXice, corner of | King and Brock, over Royal Bank Money to loan. Phone 1999. Westport Tidings. Westport, June 13.--Mr., and Mrs, Culp spent the week-end in Smith's Falls. Mrs. Edward Egan is confin- | ed to her home through illness, Rev. (G. W. Commerford was in Cornwall last week attending the session of the Montreal conference of the Meth- '| odist church. Mrs, W. Muirhead and | daughter, Helen, who have been the | guests of Mrs. John Egan, for the past two months, returned to King- ston on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hull, Portland, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Hull. Miss Annie McCann has returned to New York after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, A. Egan. Mr. and Mrs. B. Foster, New York, ar- rived in town, on Wednesday and will spend the summer at their cottage, Wolfe Lake.' Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Brennan have returned to Roches- ter, N.Y., after visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Weatherhead. H. C. McEwen, Toronto, is spending a few days in town., Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Richardson' Balderson, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Forres- ter. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bateman, Par- ham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Goodfellow. ---- Notes From Glenvale. Glenvale, June 11.--A large num- ber of sympathizing friends attended the funeral of the late Sydney Alport at Sydenham. Deceased was a form- er resident of this place and was highly respectel. Mrs. John Cooper attended the funeral of her brother- in-law, Mr. Pietrie, at Elgin, receut- Iy. Miss Maud Leonard, Kingston, spent the week-end at B. Gordon s. Mrs. William Atkinson, Gananoque, and Miss Gladys Orser, Kepler, were recent visitors at J. Ellerbec's. Misa Arthur spent a few days at her home near Almonte last week. Oliver Ore- OTOR er and tamily visited at Wes'port on nd [Sunday and H. and fam- ily visited friends at Wilton. ------ad Invite Rev. Norman A. MacEachern | A unanimous call was extended to LMA. becomes pastor ~of church, Toronto, PAINTING AND PAPE Flanagan, Paliter ang Decorator, Estimates freely given. Metallic Bold letters tur Sture ang oftice Windows. 247 Montreal siree: Phone 1432, Po nathan . BIGNs SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, etc. large or small, 80id leaf; HR HANGING «uy, E. DUNPHY PHONE 11908J. GOOD, RELIABLE: MAN WANTED TO take orders and deliver the finest line of Teas, Coffees, ete, in Can- ada, Highest commission of any concern in the country paid: ail goods are guaranteed or money re- unded. ach applicant must be financially responsible. If you are "There's a judge who says blondes are fickle." "Probably a married Judge who's been trying to flirt with his blonde stenographer." Body of Thomas Maloney, Peter- boro, missing three days, found in Trent Canal. Vancouver G.W.V.A. and A. & N. Veterans will continue to sell beer to members. USED CARS FOR SALE 3 Briscoe Touring. I Reo Touring. ; I Studebaker Touring, Ford Truck. I Chevrolet Truck. See our new 1921 Bris pe Touring Car, ANGLIN BROS., Bay St. MR. ROBERT W. ANGLIN, MANAGER --_-- GLASS, WOOD, uaranteed XX TURES OF THE earnin in Merchant opportunity, sary. Patricia fee, 651 Queen S -- Kingston. UPHOLSTERIXG, -------- OR DROP" A CARD TO upholsterer, 216 Bagot W. HAROLD FOR YOUR up. holstering and 8enera] repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to A04 Clergy street. with bicycle Apply Whig. + CALL Gavine, st, w. SELL OIL, GREASE, PAINT, SPECIAL- ties. All or part time. + Commission basis: Should have car or rig Samples free, Write for the profit. able terms. - Deliveries from our Ontario Station. No_duty or ex- change. Riverside Refining Co. Cleveland, Ohio. COVERED BUTTONS der in all popular Upholstering ang repairing done, BJ Goodridge, 244 University Avenue, v ES ------ FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ished; guns, gramaphones, ete, re- paired promptly and Suaranteed. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St. Experienced Cigar Makers. Also | Girls to learn trade; steady work for 1921 guaranteed. Apply-- MADE TO OR- BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. ®T0. shapes and sizes. One gallon Ice Cream Freezer, $2.50. 85 Re- 1 Edison Gramophone and cords, $25.00. Sideboards, $7.00 up to $18.00. Parlor set in Walnut, pieces, $30.00. Dressers, from $7.00 up to $16.00, Samp Beds, Springs and New Mat- tress, $8.50. 1 Sewing Machine in 800d order, $9. "I Drop-head Sewing Machine, $25.00. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP We buy all kinds of Fu Phove 1045w. 5o7 Princess Street. CARS LISTED FOR SALE AT THE Dew auto repair shop. will be in Al TURDISE Srder. al makes re- paired, was polls; and greas- ed. Satisfaction Suaranieed" at a 2 2 SALESWOMEN wanted. Ex- perienced in Dry Goods preferred. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. GEO. A. McGOWAN CIGAR MFG. co. FANCY GOODS, HEMSTITCHING rico EDGING, AC- cordion, knife and Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs, E. A. Card, 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal ~ HIGHER PRICES?» On July 1st Hard Coal prices will have advanced to the trade fifty cents per ton since April. James Swit & Co., Limited a ------ a EE ee -------- i 5] for immedia te delivery ------&chebler Carburet or. bl. W. Spark Coil 5. opposite Artillery Park. CHIROPRACTIC. WM, A. MARCELIS, D.C. Ph. C, Cor ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free, Telephone $22J. Hours 9 to 12 ara, 1 | MEDICAL. DR. C. H. ELLIOTT, 362 BROCK ST. GEN) L CARTING DONE ON THE he" dnd Rbtice; arnitare moved, 6; ¢ horses on the as. / Andre. Phone 1052w. ------ OU ARE MOVING THIS SPRING Eonoral 'Sarcing: aah' moped"sts and Charley Sires" Phone HME Moving AND CARTING BY a Joi dis ANNOUNCING A NEW MODEL The "FB 50" (Baby Grand) Special The famous Baby Grand Engine and Chas- sis, with Special Body, Special Top with Bevel Glass, Rear and Side Curtain Lights, Cord Tires, Bumper and several other im- provements. Body painted dark blue with white stripe. Price $1,875.00. The greatest car value ever offered the Can- adian public. Note the cord tire equipment. We are now demonstrating this car. May we show it to you. BAWDEN & EDWARDS CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 30 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 400. CARTING. is an a Sian oa: diameter. Boat Engine repairs, DOCK Co. End of Welling Motor DAVIS DRY Side.seats for 12, $1250.00 cash only. Also § sods water cy. linders cheap. with his wife in Cherry Vallev. Many will remiem- ber that in 1904 Mr. Williamson was warden of Prince Bdward county. i Eo WHEN You ! je Sane aes aiversity Avenue.