THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921, Brand new COLUMBIA RECORDS, regularly sold at $1.00 each. We sire opened our eyes when we received official permission from ® ihe Columbia Company to put on sale, over 500 different selections. These are not seconds or defects--absolutely new, guaranteed records If you want a good pick, come early. this sale-- RECORDS cannot be sold for less than 69¢. at any time. exceptional opportunity to secure a good assortment for a long time to come, Popular, Sacred, Dance, Instrumental Reeords--all included in the FIRST COME--FIRST SERVED extraordinary offer of @9c. each. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ees BALE BEGINS 9 O'CLOCK FRIDAY MORNING Come early and get a good place in line. There's bound to be a big crowd of bargain hunters attending this sale. - . Set your alarm clocks for 7.30--then you'll be here in time, The old adage holds good for This is an | In the World of Sport THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In a two-hour session which lasted : the full eighteen rounds, Verona de- | feated Lakeviews in the County Lea- | gue fixture, piling up a 9-run lead in | the second innings and keeping fairly well ahead throughout the game as a result. Fifteen men faced Saun- ders in the first of the second, and, of these, nine crossed the plate and seven picked out good hits. Saun- ders went up completely in that round and his support went with him. From then on he steadied con- siderably and in the last three inn- ings not a mark was put up against him, Williams threw masterly ball for the visitors but his turn came also, in the last of the second when Lake- views touched him for four hits and four ion crossed the plate. Like Saunders, he teo steadied toward the end of the game. In general play the Verona team undoubtedly had the better of the argument. A few errors were chalk- ed up against them but their playing was much more steady than that of the Kingston team. Williams gave them confidence and they gave him support. B. Craig was a little oft color in left field but accounted for a | two-bagger, a single and two runs at and partially redeemed Verona Defeated Lakeviews, 14 to 9; Famous Plumbers Beaten At Last Two Games Al Crickei Field Last Night----County Game Two Hours=-Movies Trounce the Plumbers, 9 to 4, in . Mercantile League Fixture. ss and rf; Blomely, If; W. Beswick, 3b; Richards, c; Briceland, cf; G. Beswick, 2b; Saunders, p; Conley, rf and ss, The score by innings: R HE Verona 090104000--14 13 5 Lakeviews ..040011300-- 9 11 11 Umpire--Hornbeck. Base Umpire--Fraser Smith. Plumbers vs. Movies, The surprise of the Mercantile League year of 1921, coming simul- taneously with the breaking of Balti- more's string in the International, may be too much for some of the fans but it must be told that Movies put it over Plumbers, 9 to 4, at the cric- ket field on Wednesday evening. The game was not by any means dead. There was something doing .every minute and a lot of the doing was done by Movies. Davison, the big centre fielder for Plumbers, had an off night and the crowd certainly let him know it. The ball simply would not stick with him. He did quite a lot of earnest talking to himself too, but it did not seem to work any change. Dunlop started in the - box for He was relieved by Fenning who did Neither man Plumbers and was 'badly battered. | { Rochester | | | Little Bits. Cleveland 6 16 Philadelphia 5 16 Batteries--Coveleskie and Nuna- maker; Hasty, Keefe and Perkins, © Game at Boston postponed. Rain. International League, First game-- Buffalo :s 5 4 7.0 Batteries--Rogers and Bengough; Groves and Egan. Second game-- Buffalo Baltimore Batteries--Gordonier and Tragres- sor; Thomas and Manning. First game-- Rochester Newark 2 6 1 N00 OS Ik HHT ---- Batteries-- Wisner and Hargrave; | Sicgleton and Withrow, Second game-- 25 1 Newark 11-4 Batteries--Blake and Hargrave; Barnes, Perrynian, Stewart and Smith, ! Syracuse Jersey City : Batteries--Sells, Delaney, Kir- sheer and Meddens; Heimiller, Met- wier and Freitag. Toronto ; Reading g d Batteries-- Winters and Sanberg; Brown and Johnson, - é | | gis EASTERN SPRUCE Our present stock of Spruce is supplied by some of the largest and best mills in Que- bec and New Brunswick: "Customers. are thus assured of sound stock and) first class milling. « ALLAN LUMBER CO. Phone 1042. - . . . Victoria Street A Hl Nc, Print SALE OF DINING-ROOM SETS AND BUFFETS AT ROBERT J. REID'S Qt. Cut Buffet, reg. price $100, for $85.00 | Mah"g Buffet, reg. price $50, for $39.00 Hardwood Dressing Cases, $25, for $18.00 Iron Beds, from $6.50 to $25.00 Chesterfields from $75.00 to $250.00 each %/ 0) (Best quality of Tapestry) R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker - - Phone 577w. | the plate himself. "Bill" Beswick was a great help for Lakeviews and it was greatly through his efforts that they steadied | down and started to play ball. He TREADGOLD SPORTING | GOODS Co. ial PHONOGRAPHS--BICY CLES--C AMERAS--FISHING TACKLE | Lakeviews are gradually rounding not do 'much better. had any support to write home about, Karl Quinn pitched a steady and consistent game for Movies and not even the heavy-slugging Plumbers could down him. Arthur Quinn, the youngest of the .brothers, relieved "Jimmy" behind the bat and James went to third. The Quinn family was Simultaneously with the fall of the | Baltimore Orioles comes the defeat | of the "Invincible" Plumbers of local | fame by. the Movies. Wednesday, was | a bad day for two great teams. | | Plumbers' -- tre fielder sure pot the "razz'" but it was nothing to the 88 PRINCESS STREET : " THE PLACE TO G ET THAT RECORD" into shape. They have received a few Telephone 529. setbacks but will give a good account FANS | H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. Phone 441 - . . FANS | FANS I > 167 Princess Street OUR SELECTIONS IN Spring Woollens! while not as large as some years ago, is very attractvie and we think we can meet your taste. Our prices are reasonable, consis- tent with high-class work. . 353 erres . ; 'Custom Tailors wu Sat Eww ------ CRAWFORD & WALSH TAILORS Bagot and Brock Streets of themselves before the schedule is very far run. Had it not beeu for Williams' pitching last evening they would have taken down even the nine run lead which Verona held over them, The teams: | Verona--Burnett, cf; Davy, e¢; Trousdale, 2bi~Vandewater, rf; Wil- liams, p; Curran, 3b; W. Craig, 1b; Johnson, ss; B., Cralg, If. Lakeviews--H. Bird, 1b; Weaver, For Stiff Neck And Sore Throat still there. in force however. Bone shifted to first base in the absence of Ryan and Fitzgerald moved to short. Neither team had its full comple- ment of regulars, Burke was back- stop. for Plumbers, with Shangraw at first base. Jimmy Arniel held down the third sack and "Scotty" Ramsay the second, with Murray at short. Arniel slammed out a homer .for Plumbers but it did not win the game. He lost no time getting around either and was crossing ths plate be- fore the ball was back to the in- field. This game puts Moviés on the map as the only team, besides the Printers to down the Plumbers. Hard work Immediate relief comes from rub- bing Nerviline over the chest and | lower part of the neck. Rub in line reaches the congested parts at once, relieves tightness, takes out the soreness. A bottle of Nerviline in the home relieves a hundred ills, internal ahd external. Used for nearly half a century, as a general household remedy. Large bottles 35c¢., at all dealers. ! Portsmouth Gasoline Service Station BEST GRADES OF OILS AND GREASES George Granger Phone 129. did the trick in both cases, but 'the next team to meet Plumbers will sure | have to travel after the lesson the deeply--Ilots of rubbing helps. Nervi- | boys with the pipes and wrenches re- ceived last night, The teams: Plumbers-- Burke, ¢; Dunlop, p and rf; Shangraw, 1b; Ramsay, 2b; Murray, ss; Arniel, 3b; Ferguson, If: Davison, cf; Fenning, rf and p. Movies--A. Quinn, ¢; K. Quinn, p; Bone, 1b; McDonald, 2b; Fitzgerald, 88; J. Quinn, 3b; Logue, If; Davy, ef; Cliffe, rt. .Umpire--A. Twigg. -------------------- BASEBALL YESTERDAY, National League. New York Chicago Batteries -- Brennan, Barner, Smith and Snyder; Vaughn and Kil- | lifer, Brooklyn For the Skin seuss Pittsburgh Batteries-- Grimes and Miller; | Cooper, Powder and Schmidt. i p The Velvet Touch| | | | Philadelphia { Cincinnati Batteries--Smith and Peters; Su- gue and Wingo, Batteries---Oeschger and O'Neill; Doak and Dilhoeffer, American League, Chicago pa T15 0 New York 2 8 0 Batteries--Kerr and Schalk; Quinn, Shehan and Hofman. 3 Washington 712 0 Batteries--Shackey and Sevetied; Courtney and Gharrity, "razzing" he gave himself all through the game and after it. Lakeviews have not captured much yet this year but there are still two or three golden opportunities. Fifteen men batted in one inning for Verona last evening against Lake- views, Today, or this evening, the King- ston Athletic Club (that is "Staff" | Hammond's team) are battling for the honor of Kingston up in Pleton. It was expected that Mayor Nickle would accompany them, Good for Hughie. The Bay bridge will go free on July 1st, the lease of the present lessee then expiring. Unfit to'Live--Must Die. This verdict is rendered a thou- sand times every week--no corn can live, it must pass out, drop. off, if Puttam'e Extractor is applied to coroe and warts. Use the old reliable "Putman's," it never fails. 25c., at all dealers. | | aw 4000 MILES FOR $15.00 Non-Skid Tire 30x3%, Can you beat it? We are offering for a limitéd t ime a guaranteed for 4,000 miles for $15.00. EASTERN CANADA MAX OTIRE RUBBER CO, A. NEAL, Manager 284 On tdrio Street. Phone 2050 \s City of Edmonton 7%-20Y ear Bonds Interest June and December Price 99, to yield 7.10 Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "2he Home of Good Investments." 237 BAGOT STREET. 835 Bay Street, Toronto, PHONE 1728. Qo A EN MACD Eine FOR THOSE SMOKERS WHO LIKE er -------- ONALD'S|| HL MACDONALD'S CUT FINE, OR WHO "ROLL THEIR OWN" A= = 70. 24 oY & Wellwood BRINGING UP FATHER 32 $4 # it ° BY GEORGE McMANUS ILL THROW ME HAT INF \T STAYS IN ILL&O IN: : -. MACLIE'S AWAKE ALL RIGHT - | WONDER IF SHE NOI WANNA GUT A ROOM' FER THE MIGHT MMO. GOIN HOME?