Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jun 1921, p. 10

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DAILY BR WHIG. THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. ITISH WANTED GENERAL POSITION BY COMPETENT grapher. Experienced 153s w. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion, 1¢ & word. Each con- secutiv. inseriion tbecealier, hall cent a wore inenim charge for one inserticn, Z5¢: (hres insertions, #0 cents. The above rales are for cash only, avs double. Phone ONE SET F HEAVY SINGLE ness i Eg, celive "WANTED, | FARM To RENT, ABO | by p.astical farmer; vis de Appl SEW ORK Wil MAID FOR GENERAL HOUS Apply Mrs Finney, 44 Upper lian Street. ' EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR AMATEUR finishing: Apply Kingsion Studio, 34 Princess Street Herring. Cel D TO RENT FOR ' Beason, skiff and canoc mahble Phone 14, Whig EXPERIENCED CAPABLE MAID FOR general nouscworlk, Apply Mrs. © 12. Skelton, 138 Albert Street. ! MOMAN BY THE HOUR OR Li repair Price prics and lo- Whig Office ly located; ja good under $5000. ate cdtion to Box j-15, employment. One who can do plain LADIES Apply $1 Sydenham St 4 hunest-to-goodness ial Suit, a skirt thade, or cleaned, pressed and ma like new? if go Irving, the Tai f DO YOU WANT A Hn cooking. A MAID FOR GENERAL | work; one who ¢an do plain coc Mg. Apply dre. J. C. Conneil, King Street West. ° COULD USE A GOOD, LIVE man to cail on an and iraae sample Pockel commission, Box F-13, fice. sales. 2CCesrory Liberai Thi Of- Whig Of | Mec 1 ' } MASONRY A! & BATTERS rk, pastering-and repairs by Lhe day. Also Satistaciion given. 10 veel, wirgston Phone general mrs eet samara mer eases a Aiea Seb mri 45 } EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GENERAT housework. RAiust he good plain; cook; family of three; no children | Phone 681 i OGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER FOR! Princess Street Methodist church; ! daties to begin Sunday, July Apply to P. H Baker, Grocer, cor Princess and Frontenac Streets EE TL ER ART Sn POSITION WA 3rd. | mmr remem EXPERIENCED FEMALE COOK, ! sires position iy town lic preferred Appl) Whig. 01 out. Box + { YOUNG MAN FOR FRESH MEAT AND provision trade; one with experi-| ence preferred. Splendia opportun- { ity for the right man. References required Apply, stating experi- | ence, to Box C-15, Whig | HANDY MAN, MARRIED, work Carpentering, Furniture Repairing, Wing, 7 Quebec Street. AGENTS WANTED SALESMAN CALLING ON AUTO AND garage trade, to sell as side line Porcupine Boots Good commis- sion. W. L. Renton & Company, 16 Jarvis Street. Hamilton, Ont. | WANT A RELIABLE SALES, agent for each unrepresented coun- ty or territory. Exclusive selling rights; good pay to energetic rep- | resentatives. Our agency is valu- able. Write Pelham Nursery Co Toronto, Ont. WE COME AT ONCE---~MEN $6-10 DAILY, special short courses; none month Auto Mechanics' course $50; one month Gas Tractor Course $50; plenty of time to finish for the spring rush. Hemphill Bros, Auto s Tractor School. 163 King st. » Toronto. Board .and room $8.50 up. Call or write. CARPENTERING. ESTIMATES ON ALL KINDS OF CAR- peéntering, Jobbing, and repair work, working men's cottages a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed Apply Brocklehurst and Sleeth, 412 Barrie Street DENTAL. DR, A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w. THE UNEMPLOYED--MEN WHO have ambition to achieve success and are willing to put forth the re- valred effort we have positigns that fre worth working for. Call for fnterview between 10 am, and 2 pm, Mr. Whitehead, Royal Bank f'hambers (upper floor) Kingston, ae, WANTED, CANDIDATES FOR THE Nurses' Training Class at the City Hospital, 'atertown, N. Y Tralping is thofough. The course is 2% years. Location and sur- roundings are very pleasant. Pay is $20.00 per month and board. A first class opportunity for young ladies, who want to progress in life. Correspond with Miss Mabel Hibbard, Superintendent City Hospitkl, Watertown, N. Y. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, UEN- tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 346. DR. RUPERT PF, MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phonu 1550. Open evenings by appointment. DR, AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE- sumed practice at 92 Princess St. over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone '6 . { I | FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established In 1860; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. AMBITIOUS MEN WHOSE ABILITY ; in their present position not re- wognized, and who aspir to do tpfnis in a big way, to such who e been looking. for a field to Aemonstrate their ability, there is now open an* opportunity in the largest, most remunerative. most successful field in all the Domin- fon of Canada. For confidential in- terview, give phone number ty Box +9, Whig Office, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- ment Society; incorporated 1561. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- president, A. B, Cunningham. Money issued on' city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R, C., Cartwright, manager, 27 Cldr- ence street, Kingston. ER a GOOD, RELIABLI MAN WANTED TO take orders-and deliver the finest line of Teas Coffees, etc, in Can- ada. Highest commission ¢f any concern in the country paid; all r0ods ape guaranteed or money re- inded. Each applicant must be unancially responsible. If you are Jdooking for a good, independent, permanent position with unlimited earning posgibilities, this is vour opporiunity. Quick action neces- sary. Patricia Blend Tea & Cof- fee, 651 Queen Street Fast, Toronto. CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELIS; D.C, Ph. C, Cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone §22J. Hours 9 to 12 aru. 1 to 6 p.m. Zr oe MEDICAL. DR, C. HM. ELLIOTT, 362 BROCK ST. $eeesstsessontaes + A good, smart boy. with bicycle + # after four o'clock. Apply Whig. CARTING. * * EEL E2922 0 000 EATING DONE. SX THE furniture moved, Chas. GENERAL i shortest notice; etc: three horses on the job. Andre. Phone 1082w. YOU ARE MOVING THIS SPRING place your order with us now; general carting, ashes moved. etc Charles Andre. corner of Bagot and Charles Street. Phone 1849F. TEACHERS WANTED. NORMAL TRAINED teacher for Invi PROTESTANT Ary 8. 8. No 2 Storrington, tes to commence Sept, 5th. Apply, stating salary and qualifications to Jas. E. Dixon R2, Kingston. IF ! MOVING AND CARTING BY MOTOR truck; long iistance work a specialty, urniture. pianos and baggage given careful attention; led cars towed in. C. ARCHITECT POWER, Foy AND DABVER, ARCH]. ects,' Merchants Bank .Chambers Ly A : rock Bruton, phone 1611m. Garage, 244 3 Cr B ang Wellington University Avenue, mA HIGHER PRICES? On July 1st Hard Coal prices will have advanced to the trade fifty ceats per ton since April. No mistake to get your co al order in now, ~- James Swit & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson St. ' ~~ ~ewBchebler Carburet or. li. W. Spark Coll 5. --sfamson Spark Coils. : \ ~--e=lron Propeller Wheels 19" to 20" diameter. ------Automobile and Motor Boat Engine repairs. D : AVIS DRY DOCK GO. East End of Wellington St. ssa a---- ' rae -cHi_ -- 1. Auction "A Reo Truck }{"= Side seats for 13, $1250.00 cash only, Also § soda water cy- linders gheap. ---- vs - i Yo os Baiha. Ca sity A HAR- wagon A SMALL BRICK HOUSE, CENTRAL-| FOUND BLACK AND TAN DOG, tailed. Owner may ha ticulars at Police Static LADY'S SILVER WRIST about iwo days 3 AGO, A SM ALL f monex. Apply to F W. Coates : ON BATH ROAD, FRENCH ivory hair brush. Owne ply at 121 Beverley Street. A LONG BLACK RIGHT HAND kid glove on Princess Street Saturday. Apply 210 Princes Streel PRINCESS STREET, TUES. day afteraoon Juna 14th automobile license Owner may have same by applying at Whig Office INITIALLED CUFF LINK, June 6th Owner may same al Whig Office ADVER- A ON have FOUND ARTICLES TISED FR finding anything ) reach Lhe Owner cporting the facts h Whig The ad\ tisement will be printed in column free of ch Found av ey' clude lost 53 vic These, if lost t d tor in the ge does cattle, may Lost not in- norses, be ad- column 4 © LOST. A FRENCH POODLE, WHITE, to nam: of Teddy 868 Princess. Phone 654 swering ward PIN WITH INITIALS Division Street Owner same a 198 Frontenac | BABY'S GOLD 'n ; LEYS , two five gallon measuring cans and two funnels Finder please return to Canadian Oil Co, 'corner Ontario and Streets LOST OR STOLEN. | ON JUNE 15th, BLACK AND TAN DOG | Finder please King street and re- | ears and tail. to 154 ward. FOR SA FIVE PASS Princess Stre short return San LE. --g Apply JINE GRAPHONOLA sNU 1EN selectlons; your own choice, $42.50 Terms §7 casn: $6 per month. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF musical instruments, also cloth- ing and furniture. Call and get our prices. 1. Routbard, 289 Princess street. Phone 1723. CITY LOT, 69 FEET FRO) | feet deep; for cash $225.00. incubator, 140 egg, and two brood- ers; hot water heated. Only used once. Cawson, 248 Concession St. near Victoria Street. PURE BRED BARRED ROCK AND White Wyandotte Baby Chickens, 40c. each Hatching 'eggs from prize winners, $2.50 per 15. Joseph White, phone 2301 r. 4, Portsmouth, Ont. SCHOONER "BERTRA CALKINS)" carrying capacity 500 net tons. Can be inspected at Picton, Ontario. 'Further particulars and price on application. T. L. VanDusen, Pic- tun, Ont. i a. NS Semmes -------------- WI HAVE FOR SALIC ALL KINDS OF good second hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves ea¢ furniture to dispose of, we will vay highest prices. 3338 Princess street. Phone 1600w. COKE FOR SUMMER USE; CHEAPEST fuel on the market. We are de- livering 1-4 tons at $2.50; 3% ton at '$4.75, or a full ton at $9.00. Phone 1611m, W. C. Bruton. $3,500 WILL BUY A SEVEN ROOM single frame; electric lights; gas for cooking; Johnson street. §1.- 300 cash, Balance on time. PR. Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence Street. SEVEN ROOM BRICK DWELLING, 118 Colborne; attic; splendid basement; electric lights: gas for cooking; 3 piece bath; good condition. Pos- session June 1st. $3,700. Apply on premises. ONE FORD TRUCK IN GOOD RUN- ning condition; one Indian twin cylinder motorcycle with side car: one Excelsior lightweight motor- cycle; also two gasoline engines for sale. Apply Muller's Bicycle Works. 371-378 King Street. Phoné 103%w BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. ®7C. One gallon Ice Cream Freezer, $2.50 1 Edison Gramophone and Re- cords, $25.00. Sideboards, $7.00 up to $18.00 85 Dressers, from $7.00 up to $16.00, Camp Beds, Springs and New Mai {ress, $8.50. 1 Sewing Machine in good order, $9 I Drop-head Sewing Mackine, $25.00 LESSE'S ANTIOUE spor We buy all hinds ®t Furniture, Phove 1040w. 507 Princess Street. [1x wo | LrRIGHT i Brock | R CAR' J. Thompson, } Parlor set in Walnut; 4 pieces. $30 09. CARS LASTED FOR SALE AT THE new auto repair shop, will be in Al running vurder. All makes re- paired, washed, polished and greas- od. Satisfaction guaranteed at a icasonable rate Apply 2386 Queen, just back of ¥. M. C. A. Phone 270m. om me eres | | CLOTH. CLOTH. CLOTH. DO YOUR women folks need materials in &00d qualities for their dresses and suits? We have thousands of yards that will-be sold as low ag $2.75 per yard, half regular price, in goods 64 to 3%, Inches wide. his is an excellent opportunity to get ma- tevinls in better qualities than us- ually found in women's fabrics, and Aiso takes care of the children's ticeds Call at our sture. Knghlish & Scotch Woollen Company, 59 'rihcess Street. ---------------. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE / 22,000---FRAME; 4 ROOMS R : s+ NEW: B. . Bnd C; electric lights. [ms0nn C. SEMI-DETACHED; SIX reoms: B. and C.; down town RAME; NEW; 6 ROOMS: B. Sao LRARE, Nx lights, ; 8 ot tr 3 Pee Batik, 8, Hous; : and Cypress Re ot alr; § 'bath and w. floors Fimining; | easy: on oo CK; 19 ROOMS TEST dae A central,' "? - THREE STON north end. . Hana; ¥ HOUSES TO REN --FYRNISHED om FOR SALE TENTS, FIAGS, 11. AWNINGS, Ww. Cooke. : Phone APPY THOUGHT RANGE. 94, between § a.m. and § p.m 20¢, PER | WALL PAPER FROM 12¢. to H roll, at Hancoc 156 Bagot A COMMODIOUS MAHOGANY SE ! 2 ApplyS to Mrs. Rodger, La rl Street + STUDTBAKER LIGHT 6: teed first class and well Hox W-12, Whig. GUARAN- | equipped. | i WEBER PIANO; ALMO new. Will sell cheap for cash. Ap- | ply 1 Plum street. i ! GAS AND COAL RANGE COMBINED: | also gas range and gas water heat- | er. J. 8S. R. McCann. Phone 326 or 621. | CHOICE TRANSPLANTED TOMATO! and Aster plants 25¢. dozen. Apply J. P. Trenger, corner Quebec and Cherry Streets. GARAGE, 11' 6" BY 17' ¢", SHEE wi irons wired for electric light | ('an be moved. 'Apply E. 12. Wathen 142 Nelson Street { PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 to $5.00 for 15. Also 60 egg Chu- tham Incubator. J. Turner, Ports- mouth. . GROCERY BUSINESS IN WEST END; no shops close by; meats could be handled; reasonable price Will give lease to.desirable party. Ap- ply Box 0-9, Whig. "URES OF THE | THE STOCK AND FIX late William Carroll, Merchant Tailor, consisting of Woollens, tailor's trimmings, iron heater, gas, sewing machine and everything| else on the premises USED CAR GARAGE Used cars ang trucks Motor Cycles and Bicycles Ford Magnetoes charged---gives headlights, $5.00. Auto Indicator--shows stop, go left, right. Steam Carburetor saves two-thirds 28s. 'ronto Fire Extinguisher, Sun Visor, $7.00, Special Tubes, $2.40 up Accessories, all kinds GEO, A. PALMER Opposite Blue Garage Cor, Bagot and Queen Streets Phone 410J. big $5.75 | | STORE, AT 143 PRINCESS. APPLY! | Hotel Randolph. . | FOUR-ROOMED, FURNISHE on bathroom floor, with Apply Box T-10, Whig Office NEAR CORNER q Apply D. G. Ha Kingston. Phone 1100 r { | | D FLAT) verandah | I Ts R | GARAGE, and Bagot R. L i ------------------------ FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; | all improvements; centrally locat-| ed. Apply 243 University Ave, | eT ------ S$ AND SHEDS ON CORNER | Wellington and Barrack street, | - PY May 1st. Apply 31 Ridesu St. A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, 146 Montreal St, aM improvements. Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April 1st. | Y. 22. | A PURNISHED LARGE FRONT ROOM | ~--all conveniences. Apply 313 Uni- | versity avnue or phone 862W, after | 3S pm. l APARTMENTS, UNFURNISHED; modern; bright, airy rooms, and $30 a month, at 520 Princes street. TWO VERY NICELY FURNISHED and attractive rooms; three | minutes walk Yrom Post Office. Ap- | ply Box D-15, Whig. RENT, OR FOR SALE, COTTAGE on Wolfe Island water-front; large garden; handy to boat landing Phone 12 r 2. Wolfe Island. ALL i i | STORAGE atay, rooms; vour own lock I Frost's City Storage, 299. 05 Queen St. Phone 526: res. 939w. 152 PINE STREET, 7 ROOMS; ALL IM. provements; good garden. Posses- | sion June 1st. Apply H. F. Norman cornér Charles and Patrick Streets a 3 or unfurnished for light house- keeping; gas for cooking, and all other conveniences. Apply 168 Di- vision Street. eet at, TWO FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOMS on bathroom flat; electric light; all vonvenineces. Use of phone. Ap- ply 276 Barrie street, near Princess i or phone 2238w. FURNISHED FOR SUMMER MONTHS nine room house; balcony and ver- andah; near lake; modern con- veniences; rent moderate. Apply 236 Stuart Street. , J NEW SEVEN-ROOMED BRICK HOUSY hardwood floors and trimming, two colonnade arches; gas and electri- city; immediate posgession, Apply | 202 Upper Bagol or phone 951w. i eee eet | | TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPR- ! cially furnished for light house- keeping: gas for cooking and light, | at the Pioneer Apartments. 212 and 214 Division street. Phone T424w. | | TWO OR THREE ROOMS FURNISHED = A an GRIFFIN'S | Thursday, Friday, Sat. ey KING STON'S George Walsh In His Latest Produc tion Full of Pep "DYNAMITE ALLEN" A Romance That Hrethes Chivalry --Quaint, Sharuing and Delightful : ND CHARLIE CHTA MATINEE «5. 10<15e. EVGS... Tax included. NEW SOMMER PRICES MATINEES Adnlty " Children EVENINGS Adults... Children . . . (Tax Included) The: Coolest Spot in Town ! A Lois Weber RAroduction "olo WISE WIVES" ARE YOU WISE? IF NOT, GET WISE! : CONCERT by the Fame us Strand Orchestra Ohver cYooore : MEAN CuUSS! : Wifie: She's the worst gossip in town! | was told yesterday that she-- \ : 3 Hubby: thing about you? said the same WHAT HE SAW Lawyer: Were you there when he turned on his adversary and drenched him? Witness: No, sir; | only seen him when he turned on his hose. HER FATHER'S A REGULAR GUY Teacher: What is the definition of the word Prohibition? Little Minnie: Well, know teacher, 'cause | heard papa say last night, 'but. | thought we shouldn't say bad words In school. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of George F. Charles, D., late of the City of Kingston, De~ ceased. Notice is R. 8. O., Cap | i | i bi e | hereby given, pursuant to | 121, Sec. 56, that ali} creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said George FF. Charles, who died on the 12th day of March, 1921, are required on or be- | fore the 8th day of July, }921, to de-| liver to Miss J. Edna Comér. 80 Divi-{ sion Street, Kingston, the administra- | trix of said estate, their nameg and addresses and full particulars of their! claims and of the securities, if any, | held by them | And that after said last mentioned date said administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased | among the persons entitled thereto, | having regard to those claims only of | which she shall then have had notice, and that she will not be liable for any part of sald assets to any person of whose claim she shall not have had no- tice at the time of such distribution. J. EDNA COMER, . Administratrix MUNDELL J Sol une 16th, 1 icitor. 821 ee perce FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS- coli, 23 John street. PERSONAL DR. FERGUS O'CONNOR, 1903 EARL Street, wishes to request his spond, kindly call Chas. J. O'Con- nor, 238 Ear! street. Phone 2318w and leave message there. Amma HAIR, MOLES, - WARTS, BIRTH. marks skin cancers, scars, etc. re- moved permanently, glasses fitted and furnished after Othore have failed. Goitre removed. $5 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Mye, Kar, Nose, Throat, Skin, PAINTING AND PAPER HAN FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD. . Wood Moors, electric light, g stove, heater, refrigerator, mode in every way. Apply to White's In- surance Office, 239 got 'street. DWELLING, BRICK, WELLINGTON street; seven rooms; bath; excellent celiar;"side cntrauce; yard; rent $26.00, includes water. Suitable for i%a amilies. Apply 276 University Ave. SYDENRH tree i. an APARTMENTS, BROCK wood 1 4 rooms aod bath; hard- floors; electric; gas stove; re- frigerator; laundry; janitor ser vice. Poss on June Ist. Apply McKelvey & -Blreh. =F A NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE AND barn on Alfred street, near Corces- sion. Also a new furnished £m- er cotiage at Wastview Park. Ap- ply te J. UD. Boyd, 332 University Ave * TWO FLATS ON BARRIE STREET near Princess; suitable for dental) offices or ilving apapt- Will siter tu suil tenants, Also one apartment ou _Mrincess street near Hattie, Immediate pos- session. 1, C & Co LAND SURVEYOR Sc., EE LE Riapanes: i ker & Welkom 55 lor: | F. ¥. MIL Dla tario s dee: Walkem & Wal gston. A 5 ham, Cyril 3. Smith ] AMBROSE SHEA, BA, BARRISTER King and Brock ou oval Bank or 5 Money to loan. Phone 1999. GING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Baseball HAVANA RED SOX | Lawrence canal at Morrisburg. a returned member of the second bat- talion, C. E. F. M. were seized on a H -- Ars rir IDEAL VENTILATION ALLEN | TO-DAY ZANE GREY'S POW ERFUL NOVEL 'DESERT GOLD' You Have Read the Book, Now See the Picture NEXT WEEK--D. W. GRIFFITH'S "THE BIRTH OF A NATION" -------- em mtr Ask Your Grocer FOR WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADE PAINTING and DECORATING E. DUNPHY PHONE 1198J, Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins CRICKET FIELD . Friday, June 17th 6 p.m. Saturday, June 18th 3 p.m. All Oddfellows and Siyter Rebekahs | are requested to meet at he Y.M.C.A, | Sunday at § a.m, whence they will pro- | ceed to Cataraqui Cemetery for the pur~ | pose of decorating graves of deceased | members. W. J. ARNIEL, Chalrman, AAA a EE BOILERS, TANKS, TRACTION AND THRESHIN 8S, CONCRETE | MIXERS, ETC., REPAIRED, |. Builders of Tanks, Smoke Stacks, Breachings, light structural steel. etc. | 20 years' experience, Phone 1672, W. J. MILLARD 94 Frontenac Street Kingston + HAA A re A eA AA een W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Building, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 12275 Geueral Insurance Agency Writing:-~Automobile, Fire, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. Representing Oply Reliable Companies. seta En Ns By Rellane er wen "WILLIAM STREET-- (downto wn) a seven roomed dwelling; hot water heating; electric light; gas for cooking; hard- wood floors; sun room and garage---all for $4,200. VICTORIA BTREET--About t wo acres. of land, with good dwelling; all moder building. This property is parti uisr] market garden. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones 68 and 2240m. ATHLETICS mnt Frank J. Hawkens, Brockville, has | en' appointed overseer of the St. He is | Machine guns, destified for Ireland, oboken pier. the choicest garden n, also good out- y suitable for 'a - 56 Brock Street. USED CARS FOR SALE 3 Briscoe Touring. I Reo Touring. | Studebaker Touring. "1 Ford Truck. I Chevrolet Truck. See our new 1921 Briscoe Touring Car. ANGLIN BROS., Bay St. . MR. ROBERT W. ANGLIN, MANAGER Paperhanging dene. drop a card to A. Mounteer, $4 Arch street. HENRY WAXD & SON PAINTERS, | Paper Hangers and 'interior deco- | r~.ors. Now Is the time to have | your interior decorated. Paone | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING J, Flavagan, Painter and Decorator. Estimates freely given. Metallic gold letters for store and office windows. Montreal street Phone 1432. | A SIGNS SIGNS OF A et far and designed Shaw, at 205 Princess prio ingston. --- 3 a UPHOLSTERIXG. CALL OR DROYT A CARD TO Gavine, upholsterer, 316 Bagot F. WW. uA LD FOR YOUR holstering and genera) repairing Leave orders at or drop a 104 Clergy street. COVERED BUTTONS der '= all popula NITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ished; guns, gramaphones. ete. re- paired promptly and nteed. & Slesth, 35 ncess St. MEMSTITCHING, PiCoOT ING, AC~ cordion, knife and x 4 Hours 9 10 5.30. Mrs E A ed. 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. opposite Artillery k. FANCY GOODS. ANNOUNCING A NEW MODEL . The "FB 50" (Baby Grand) Special The famous Baby Grand Engine and Chas- sis, with Special Body, Special Top with Bevel Glass, Rear and Side Curtain Lights, Cord Tires, Bumper and several other im- provements. Body painted dark blue with white stripe. Price $1,875.00. The'greatest car value ever offered the Can- ~adian public. Note the cord tire equipment. We are now demonstrating this car. May we show it to you. BAWDEN & EDWARDS CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 80 MONTREAL STREET - -

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