Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jun 1921, p. 7

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id EE _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Te fror------ bo $1.95 SALE OF LADIES' WHHITE SHOES AT A LOSS & = Ladies' White Canvas Pumps-- mostly high héels; well made and best grades of canvas. Last year these goods sold 'from $3.50 to $5.00. Fal CLEARING THIS WEEK ....... ............ «=91.95 tyre | include within its sheltering chival- | i Rotary is Amerfcan But Rotary | . 10 GLASGOW CLUB is just as truly British. Aen of | e a va ing 3 3 Glasgow, this flag which I present | . : 3 ; f (Continued. from Page 4.) meaningful as when it stands, as It' | tionality had been the creation of one | does today, where it can reflect the | {But with us in America, with our while, at the same time, it can eatch | {cities a babel of tongues, and our! the light of the radiant stars'of Old THE PROBABLE FUTURE OF MANKIND { bak to alien pasts and strange lands, | ples' find a perfect expression in the | BY H. G. WELLS this definition was without meaning. [life of men until they can find a per- | i : supreme hour of our country's need |the English-speaking democracies of | conflicts of natural politics of political parties, and of k shall come. shall. we find a national the world. i the class war, as compietelv as he can, then to play such ! [spirit which shall make us one, and a! | | may be most conducive to a widesthinking, wide-ranging furnish a common {impulse for a education upon which we can base a new world order. great common purpose?" That ques- | : Large N FOR. SALE BY: whelming answer, 'when from the| Attended by Large Numbers-- { Held in Wolfe Island the limitless horizons of our plains, | Church. {from the rock-ribbed hills of New| {beneath the blending blue of south-| ing's bazaar took place on Tuesday ern skies, boys of every tongue and | afternoon on the grounds of the heard the call of America and pour- Isiand, and large crowds attended. {ed a ceaseless current of khaki ac-| The weather was ideal and the oc- SENTING A BANNER ry the peoples of all the world. Yes, | to you is never so beautiful nor 80 | 7 ° oo * LU1L ization I blood, one language, 'and one ' land. |rich, regal red of ydur Union Jack! homes a medley of memories running | Glory. Nor can its spitit and pring'- | 2 i - ifect translation in the language of | I ask the reader to detach himself from these present And mem anxiously asked. "When the | : rr -------- a part in them regardless of any other consideration as binding national passion which shall FATHER FLEMING'S BAZAAR tion received a startling and over-| |§ | dense populations of our cities and | England and the pillared porticoes | The opening of Rev, Mather Flem- 4 9 i | tribe, of every creed and custom, | church of the Sacred Heart, Wolfe érne y S oe | ross the Atlantic, to make St. Mihicl | casion was one of real enjoyment. . i ------ Campers and {and the Argonne forever sacred in| the story of the fight for the freedom o { of the world. . | d um | I repeat they heard the voice of jAmerica, But what was its compell- {ing challenge? It was not the call of | | a common past, nor-the sympathetic | j utterance of a common language | Long lines of booths in charge of ! ladies of the congregation contain- ed everything one could wish in the way of dainty articles of wearing apparel and for household use, and | in variety and beauty cannot be ex- | celled anywhere. They were pat- ronized eagerly by throngs, A sump- 7 Yellow al H ae yperopia : 3 is a condition of the eye, which causes severe-head aches and eye pains to people who have appar- ently normal vision, but the vision is only sustain- ed by severe straining of 'the nerves and muscles, and Green Gold "Orange Blossom' Wedding Rings Marriage Licenses. causing pains. Our ex- amination and glasses | America is not a lineage, nor a lan-| | guage, nor a land. América is a lofty | {ideal of human freedom which chal- | {lenges the nobility of men's spirits in | |every land and in every-language 19/| ja great human service. And I am con- | vinced that the day we lose the vis- | | lon of that ideal we shall lose our na-| | tionality. We shall destroy the sub-| | tle, spiritual tie which binds, and be- | jcome a chaos of conflicting interesrs | |and an easy prey to provincial pas- | | sions and alien ambitions. | | Brothers of Great Britain, I know | | of no better place for American Ro- | |tarians to pledge anew their loyaity | {to their national ideal than here, on { British soil. For it was here in the] {infancy of democracy our fathers | | first learned to lisp the language of ! tuous dinner was served in a large | dining hall from 6 to 7 p.m. and dancing took place throughout the evening the music being furnished by Salisbury's orchestra, Supper was served at 11 p.m. The ladies of Wolfe Island are famous for their cookery and any persons who have once been to Wolfe Island desire to go again. Special arrangements have been made to convey visitors to and from the city during the continuance of the bazaar this week. The ferry Wolfe Islander is chartered during the evenings and the trip across Tues- | day evening was delightful. Many citizens, planning an outing 'for the evenings, are going over in groups. They will get their supper or dinner PicknicersSupply with everything you will need for Eating and Drinking on your outings. The Unique Grocery and Meat Our stores are well stocked C. H. Pickering Market, 490 and 492 Prin- cess Street: Phone 580. my { liberty, and took their first steps in | constitutional freedom. | there and return on the early or late | boat as they choose. Each day's programme opens early | Brothers of Britain, there are pen-| i; the afternoon, and the people of {ding between our governments now, | island are FOR SALE Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET { thé giving their whole- | and always will be, issues of conflict | yooriag support. A feature of each [ing interests. But they are of the day is the dinner and supper and the |same nature as those differences be- dancing, the latter proving a wonder- tween sections and parties in each | ful attraction to the young people. country, which make for wholesome The following ladies are conflict of opinion in every true de-| charge of the different booths: mocracy. . It is easy to trace the sin. | Booth No" 1 --Mrs, Harris; assist- |ister suggestions that 'these differ- | ;nts, Mrs. Flood, Mrs. E. LaRush, ences might lead to a tragedy of war. |'Mrs. L. LaRush, Mrs. I. Greenwood, Such a thought could only be father-| yr. payer, Mrs, William Laughlin, ed by a diabolical desire. Our differ- | yi' Aqair Mrs. W. Taylor, Mrs, A. | =r ees onces are commerclal, our agree-|yonna1g 'Mrs. M. McDonald, Mrs.| It's difficult to convince ments run back through the centuries | pn White, Miss T. Grady, Miss Nellle | has been up against ge ig to a common origin in the well-|\finnald Miss Quirk, Miss Louise | moons that he has a lot of good luck spring of Anglo-Saxon devotion t0 | 0'Brien, Miss Sadie Baker, Miss |coming to him. : justice and Soustitutionsl jreedom. | Lithie Hawkins, Miss Ruby LaRush, | - ur sons have already met on the! Classified advertisements have a {same field of battle, but their faces | i rani, Miss Gulu, Staley; + great cash value, ; were turned to the same foe, abd] it, Mrs. T. Moran. Mrs, Hal. _ : their blood was poured as a libation | = Johnston, Miss Catherine dl [upon the same altar. Let those graves Johnston: Miss Mildred Moran, Miss across the channel, where sleep the | vary a y Lyons, Miss Francis Mc- sons of Britain and America, be our Kenna, Miss Marion Staley. = . Y pledge and prophecy for the future. Booth No. 3.--Mrs. Archibald Save You And the inspiration for this faith | Staley; assistants, Mrs. Morey Spoor, is to be found in the quality of com- | Mrs. Mosier, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Her- £ ' radeship of this gathering. The spir- | man Staley. Mrs. Jas. O'Reilly, Miss Eyes Y, ¥ 33 = - Many people when they get out in the bright sun have to squint their eyes, GOON, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 67. rd - _ will correct the defect. in HOME--THIS STORE SPECIALIZES "IN HOME OUTFITS For years, we have made a careful study of the requirements of young couples starting out in Housekeeping. We give you the bentfit of our long experience. JAMES REID Phone 147 for Service. THE LEADING UNDERTZKERS $25" Men's pure wool Blue Serge' Suits. Sizes 35 to 44, # RONEY'S, Princess St. = Automobile Repairing ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1030. Res. 1337). 378 BROCK STREET "The House of Better Classes" Opyosite the Post Office Phone 649 - ~ . . Kingston x _---- BONDS AND DEBENTURES C. 8. KIRKFPATRICK 36 Clarence Street. Tel. 568we -- r---- it of Rotary is abroad and shall yet | i t permeate the peoples of the earth. | Ate Connolly, Miss Sadie Yo . Booth No. 4.--Mrs. Jas. sBirown; We have been disciples learning our lesson. Today from this mountain | 28istants, Mrs. Maxim (Greenwood, . ' y : «| Mrs, Martin Kane, Mrs. Thes. Con- np ve Tote ve wiv Sonn Soron b 8% | holly, Mrs. Charles Ryan, Miss Kate A a Aliens Ay Jou them | yioGlynn, Miss Irene Doyle, Miss Mil- at citizenship means service and|...; Kane, Miss Mabel Greenwood, that a nation, no more than an in- : Miss Harriet Dawson. dividual, can shirk its world-wid> Booth No. 6.--Mrs. Edward Payne: responsibilities and keep company | assistants, 'Mrs. Jerry Murphy, Mrs. with civilized peoples. The Rotary Jas. Casey, Mrs. D. A. McDonald, Mrs, circle is widening. : Its horizon shall | . : | John O'Brien, Miss Margaret Brown, be lifted until its eiveled sare shall | yiee Clara Hogan, Miss Minnle Hogan. a Sp ASPIRIN Booth No, 6.--Mrs, Dignem; as- sistants, Mrs. John Murphy, Mrs. Al- Only "Bayer' is Genuine as the sun's rays trouble them. Many suffer from headaches if they stay too . . . arie, long in the bright light. Religious articles.--Miss B. Staley. ¢ Fisk Pond.--Mrs. Kelly and Miss i Itogers, A pair of Tinted Lens would relieve : Afternoon tea.---Mrs. Shields, Mrs. "both the above conditions. | Raymond Greenwood. / » 2) AYER If you need Glasses we will tell you, and we will tell you if you don't. rR { German busin@ss interests and the or XS HU Bere mi German press are extremely skeptical lets of Aspirin." Unless you see the | 2POut the value of the preliminary name "Bayer" on package or on tab-| trade agreement entered into with lets you are not getting Aspirin at|the Russian Soviet Republic by the all. In every Bayer package are di-| German government and frankly de- rections for Colds, Headache, Neu- clare there is little reason to hope falgla, Rhoumatissh, Earache, Tooth- | for immediate trade with Russia on te pocumDYSY Sid tor Pain, Hyndy | any consideration. cents. Druggists also sell larger Consistency is a jewel that is miss- packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin |!08 from the diadem of many an is the trade mark (registered in Can. |®arthly angel, Seart' looks ik : ; re Baye Masulacture of Mew Sy as ooh nem ----All flavors sold in Bricks, Cones or in bulk, or made . to order for Weddings, Lawn Socials and Private . Parties, ' | TWICE TOLD TALES MASOUD'S | News of Kingston We make Yce Creain--I ce Cream made our reputation. 238 Princess St. Phone 980 TEN YEARS AGO. * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 2 The county council has made an{ The Free Methodists close their Kingston, Ont. additional grant of $8,000 to Syden- camp meetings at Lake Ontario Park ham High School. tomorrow evening and the Sunday Ross Donaldson, formerly of King- | street' cars cease. he n in| The popular opinion was all 'in stcn, now holds a fing positio favor of Mr, Britton, the Grit candi- date, at the nomination meetings in by FOR S ALE Pie the city hall last night. . ; . Kingston-- ra : . Everything here is affected by the | pricy 33958 Tog d JX, : Sl \ ; forthcoming federal sions, The DR. GBODWIN'S RESIDENCE, NO, '1, ALICE STREET -- Jodie ean think or upthing Also 100 ft. lot east of this house. For particulars apply: -- The local police formed two teams, "The Deep Thinkers," and the "Big Four," to contest in shooting. The | former won the firs: mateh. The Bell Telephone Company is constructing a second metalMe cir- cuit from Kingston to Montreal. Are You Satisfied {With your position in life? Use | the classified advertisements for a | general improvement. '¥ || R. J. RODGER Optometrist . - - - 132 Princess St. Per ~ Phone 347. AA Artis Place Your Order With Masoud's FOR ICE CREAM OF QUALITY Is C--O. ------------ 5 A -------------------- Eh dre facing what prosmioe to be » bis ssc for wie | «Canvas Footwear, in view of which we have made the neces- White Canvas Footwear in New Cross Straps, One and Two Straps, Pumps and Oxfords . Tennis Shoes and other liu es of suitable Footwear for all * outdoor Sports and Recreation s. : A petition to the city council asks for the removal of the.cab stands Plenty of others; all sizes and on easy terms of :

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