Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1921, p. 14

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THE 'DAILY BRITISH WHIG. BETTER BULLS WANTED. SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921, AE EASTERN SPRUCE Our present stock of Spruce is supplied by some of the largest and best mills in Que- bec and New Brunswick. Customers are thus assured of sound stock and first class milling. - ] 80¢; do, new, imported, per barrel, $5 to $6.50; beans, 'wax, hamper} | $4.50 to $6; rhubarb, outdoor, doz. Campaign Starting to Replace Scrubs | | ar e S orts 125 to 40c; lettuce, Canadian head, | In Saskatchewan. i | | dozen, 50 to 75c; onions, Bermuda, | \ gaywatenewan, with a view fo | | 50-1b, crates, $2.25 to $2.50; peppers, | keeping the quality of her live stock | | { {doz., 76¢c to $1.25; carrots, hamper, 13 C.W., . No. ed, | $2:25 to $2.50; beets, hamper, $2.25 : : lac; Not vr, Ae; No. 2 food [to $2.50; do., Cdn., doz. bunches, |t08 BB Dotter Bull campaign a nono 140% ee track, 46% c. Barley--No, 3|76c; cucunibers, imported, fancy, |8 Start this year. The work will be Toronto, "June 17..--Manitoba C.W., 8c. No. ¢ C.W., 67%¢; reject- | hampers, $7.50 to $8.50; do., hot- | under the direction of the Provincial Wheat--No. 1 northern, - $1.89 1-4; ed, 703%c; feed 70340; track, 80%ec. house, 11-quart basket, "$4 to $5; to- | Department of Agrigulture backed by {No. 2, $1.87 1-46; No. 3,831.79 1-4c; | Rye--No. 2 C.W., $1.60. Mmatoes, flats, crates, $2.75 to $3.25; [the Saskatchewan Cattle Breeders' [Nc. 4 wheat, $1.71 1-4. ---- do., hot-house, Ib., 45 to 50c; new | Association and stock breeders' clubs I Manitoba oats--No. 2 cw. 48 Chicago. Mississippi cabbage, crates, $5 to | throughout the province. Procedure 1-4c; No. 3 ¢.w., 43 1-4c; extra No Chicago, June 17. Wheat--No. 2 $5.50; asparagus, Can; bkt., $2.75 to [18 being based on the experience of 1 feed, 43 1-4c; No, 1 feed, 41 1-4c; red, $1.58; No. 2 hard $1.66 %. Corn | $3.25; Parsley, 11 gts., 75¢ to $1.25; | Stock improvement movements in | No. 2 feed, 40 3-4c. sie; | NO. 2 mixed, 63% to 64% cs No. 3 ormelons, each $1.50 to $1.75; a bon gpg BE Manitoba. barley--No. 2 oF. $173 | yellow, 84 to 65c. Oats--No, 2 white, | spinach, bush., 75c to 31; Cante- |," (SC Percentage of common cutie | No. 4 cw, 76 1-2¢c; rejected," 7 38% to 39%c; No. 3 white, 35% to | loupes, flats, $3.75; do., standards, shipped from points 'in the provines | I+Zc; feed, 70 1-2¢c. 38%e¢. Rye--No. 2, $1.39. Barley, 58 | $8. is expected to result from the work. Paid-up Capital $ 9,700,000 up to that in other provinces, is put- Reserve - =. 18,000,000 Resources - 230,000,000 A Start in the Right Direction # The temptation to spend money in your pocket is greater than when.'your money is in a savings account in the bank. That margin of temptation may mark the difference between an opportunity to go into iness later on or of working for wages with nothing saved and noth. ing ahead, at the end of Your working years, . Why not apen a sav. GRAIN QUOTATIONS Toronto. ALLAN LUMBER CoO. Phone 1042 . . _ =" Victoria Street UHM NR al American corn--No. 2 yellow, 75¢, | 1! Lard, $9.77. Ribs, $9.75 to $10.50. c.l.f., bay ports, All the above in store, Fort Wil-|J 67¢, Timothy seed, $4.50 to $6. Stock breedevs' associations im : i Gil ob liam. Cover send os $18. Pork Wont: [ THE Kn " see--ssteameee, (Saskatchewan, and the Provineial | A | Canadian ¢oro--Feed, nominal. THE KINGSTON MARKET| and Dominion Departments of Agrl- | ttt emir, Minneapolis. . Kingston, June 17. -- g 65¢ to 5 , To pas adie mainse ie Minneapolis, Minn., June 17. == ings account in The Bank j Ontario wheat--No. 2, $1.50 to Hoag jamily patents sudted 8 33.75 : V Scotia to-da . .0.b., shipping points, accord- | to n 93-poun ! " ; of get | y! JLo, Hardy gti $1.40 to | Bran, $15. Cash wheat, No. 1 North- Creamery butter, Ib... 32 to 36 Your account will be ) $1.45; No. 3 goose wheat, nominal, [ern $1.58% to $1.73: July $1.41% | Dairy butter 30 c FISHING TACKLE --Steel Poles. --Reels. ---Bass Oreno Baits. > i --Pearl Wobblers, RR Minmows. ~--Spoons. 2 : Everything in Fishin g Tackle at:-- Dairy Products, welcomed and- you wil] Ee -| Corn. No. 3 yellow, 52 to 53c: Oats,| Whey butter. _ 28 | have made a start in the Ontario oats--No. 2 white, nomin No. 3 white, 34% to 35c. Flax, No. 1, Eggs, fresh, doz. , ..... 30 to 33 right direction, al, 42¢ te" 44c, according to freight Oleomargarine rrr 28 outside, Cheese, ...., 8, .... 25 Peas--No. 2, nominal. Buckwheat--No. 2, nominal, / Rye--No. 2, $1.40, nominal, . Rye--No. 2, $1.40, nominal. Ontario flour--90 per cent, pat- ent, $7.50; bulk, seaboard; 90 per cent. patent, nomingl, in jute bags, 218 $1.87% to $1.89%, THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA A. N. Syster, Manager, KINGSTON 'E STOCK: MARKETS. LIVE STOCK MARK Vegetables, Beets, 2 bunches .. Cabbage, head Lettuce, bunch Carrots, 2 bunches . Potatoes, bag Montreal Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Montreal, June '17.--Cattle--Bu!- cher steers, choice, $8.75 to $9; good, $8.25 to $8.50; medium, $7.75 to $8.25; common, $6 to $7.50; butcher Montreal and Toronto. Typical Bull's Head. Manitoba flour--Track, Toronto, | heifers, choice, $8 to $8.50; medium. cash prices: First patents, $10.50; $7.50 to $8; common, $4 to $6.75; ; culture have for some years been second patents, $10. Butcher cows, choice, $6.50 to $7.50; Beef: advocating a province-wide move to Prec on see Millteed -- Carloads, delivered, medium, $3.50 to $6; canners, $1 to Porterhouse steak, 1b. .. | improve the quality of cattle Lerds incl i. ($2; cutters, $2 to $3.50; butcher teak, 1b. In the province by the introduct Hoot Mon! Moatrea Segue, ie at: bulls, good, $6 to $7; common, $4 to Bowie steak iy | of pure-bred bulls in the place ol | A Scotsman named Macdonald was ton, $25 to $29; feed flour, $1.70 to | $8. Good veal, $7 to $8; medium, $5 Western carcase, cwt | toroia at De hea S el daisy aud | very proud of his ancestors, and was 2 to $6.50. Ewes, $3 to $5; lambs, good . } ol 8. ! $2. ' Western hinds, cwt .. Saskatchewan's share of the total a 3, a boasting about weem, [*%, per ton, baled, track.|$13 to $14. Hogs. Off car weights, Pork; loss of $23,000,000 in the Dominion Da re or --- pi Al Toronto, $20 to $22; SLAW, $13 per [selects $11.50 to $12, sows 31.50 to Loin roasts, Ib "es 35 [ due to the use of inferior bulls and friend that his clan had Hved before ton, car lots, $8. Rib roasts. Ib, ai 35 | lack of finish in killer cattle is $3, the Flood, ; - Pork chops. 1b 35 to 38 | 000,000 per annum. With the gen- Well," replied the other, "I never Montreal Buffalo. Oris chops, Ib .. .... | eral run of cattle in Saskatchewan heard of the 'name of Macdonald Montreal. June X17 Oils Cana-| Buffalo, N.Y, June 17.--Cattle, | Hogs, live weight, cwt | improved by better breeding the ganging in the Ark." pon nD 61 vu y 62 oi dt [shipping steers, $8 to $8.35; butchers Hogs, dressed, cwt | farmers of that great grain produe- | "Noah's Ark!" retorted Macdon- [dian W estern, No. 2 7 to 82g; 1 © $7.75. to $8.26; yearlings $8.25 to Bacon, breakfast ing province will have little trouble &ld, contemptuously. "Who ever No. 2, 56 to 57c. Flour, Manitoba | o,20 heifers, $5 to $7.75; cows.| poo [in finding the wherewithal to finish heard of a. Macdonald that hadn't a |SPring wheat patents, firsts, S030, | ir and feeders, $5 to $7; fresh | peonec 1h [them in accordance with the most boat of his own ?"--Tit-Bits, Rolled oats, bag 90 Ibs., $3.05. Bran. | 5 25 to $6; bulls, $4235 to $6; onl IP. - | exacting demands of the home or o $27.25; shorts, $29.25. Hay, No, 3,;*"" 0 Ys ' 50 to $120 » se | export market. Ontario breeders | lots, $21, to $22 Sows and gpringers, § oo | Leg, 1b | can Heartily wish the Saskatchewan | A New York fireman is the inven- | Per ton, car lots, . ste ed, yorkers and light mixed and pigs, Loins, 1b .. a jn a es. oewan | tor of a helmet with a dry battery : Calves, $5 to $11. Hogs, heavy, mix- €hops, 1b oro 5 as ecie Ipalen- very pa light in front for illuminating and for : Winnipeg. ices: | 38-65; Troughs, $6.25; stags, $4 to Mutton, 1b, ... 'e 18 | breeders are more than likely to Signalling by passing red or green Winnipeg, June 17.--Cash prices: $5; lambs, $6 to $12.50; yearlings, 30 | benefit' from the increased demand . glass in front of its lens. Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $1.80%: 145 to $10; wethers, $5 to $5.50; | for good pure-bred bulls that will Con hs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, result from the undertaking. hooping Cough Asthma, Ete. b ? Machines have been invented that | No. 2, $1.87; No. 3, $1.78% No. 4, |ewes, $1 to $4.50; mixed sheep, $4.50 MATHIEU'S SYRUP isa opereign tonic combining' Quickly sort for length bolts and $1.71%; No. 5, $1.56% ; track Mani- | $5. o . 15 to 123% nt rivets that accumulate about Indus- | toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta $1.- Toronto. Eels, Ib. .. vous | British Farmers Gain. cen the curative properties of TAR and the stren, gthening virtues of COD LIVER OIL. trial plants and shipyards. 81%. Oats--No. 2 C.W., 48%ec; Ne. | Toronto, June 17.--Good heavy |Filets, 1b .. . Since lifting the British embargo --~---- Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise so Steers $8.50 to $9; Baby beeves, §8 |Finnan haddie, 1b ., .. .. 18 | on Canadian cattle depends on that to $9.50; butcher steers, choice $8.50 | Haddock, fresh, 1p .... [action benefitting the British, and ' consequences of sucha grave character that youshonld not risk using inferior preparations. * | to $9.00; butcher steers, good $7.50 Halibut, 1b .. .. 25 to 30 | since the British farmers have a MATHIFU'S SYRUP ie the putation 25 | Kippers, pair | lot t in th tter, the part of | : tcher steers, common $5.25 | 1ot to say in the ma 5 p o 3s: = enn heifers; choice |Pereh, 1b .. .. ., | 12 | Canadian farmers in the controversy 2 oo / Pike, 1b, ... should be to point out that removal experience of success- ful advertisers is a guide to oh vy Pe: prt Mg VL lead. ; 80c; chickens, spring, 4b., 60 to The; | | E11 5 «| compared with pair matings, = , vidual hens unless fowl, 1b, 33 to 38c; ducks, Ib., §0e: ; Toronto, Toronto, June 17.--Butter, dairy, 34 to 39¢; do, creamery, 35 to 40¢; margarine, Ib., 28 to 82¢; aa dd ----rtedd a ne ---- i turkeys, Ib., 60 to 66¢; oranges, Val encias, $5.50 to $7; lemons, Califor- 3 nia, $9 to $10; grapefruit, Porto A locomotive crane | Ricos, $5.50 to $6.50; pineapples; > } Baars 56-ton i at agp $7 case, $5 to $7.50; peaches, c . feet, which has been built for use a crate, $5.50 to §6; $f | the ¢ medium $6.50 to $6.75; common, Trout, salmon, 1b 2% | breeders of cattle than to Canadians at your command, talk the matter over mon, $2.75 to $3.75; feeders, good, Poultry, result in increased activity in cattle . b 3 Productive Progress - fers and springers, choice, $75 to $85; ees $1.00 | cheaper feeders for the British fin | ER " THE Se DARD BANK to $16; good, $13 to $13.25; culls| Hay, baled, ton $14 to $16 | 0 Nana of the embargo removal is | : "| $10 to $11; Sheep, choice, $5 to $6; | Hay, loose, ton 1109 | doubttur. to $10.25; off cars, $10 to $10.50; 1. Oats, local -45 | benefit immediately. But, if the »® * . : Admit that we are getting en msn: Wheat, local... ... .. Canad yearlings; bulk beef steers $7.50 to | Beef Hides, No. 1,, 5 | they were fed grain, even to a limit. Regula . cents lower; quality plain, bulk $8.50 even in small sums, will make your balance in- sen *+::-UD to $1.75 | Brain, how will he manage to keep 3 : ; > cessful advertisers have not pigs, 10¢ to 15¢ lower, Native spring | sirable to take advantage of the re- | 39.50; western fat ewes, $4.50; na. |Lemons, dos..." "" 30 to 40 When the chick Is hatched ft meals a day, wear eral days. What chick requires, at rest. When the chicks show Positive More Agreeable ioks Show Positive ; Ib.;. dairy, 25c; cooking butter PAID.UP ITAL . . $15,000,000 Ber : T lead normal lives. Ham--Large size, 32¢; cooked, right, don't resort to harsh calomel, | crumbs to one of eggs is used. Feed 38¢ to 40c: fowls, 32¢ to 35¢; geese, | Out all impurities and wastes, . Beans--Canadian hand-picked, Pills can't be improved upon. Good | ©f sour milk where they will have \. 67 Clarence Street. No. 2 timothy, $21 to $22; No. 3 tim. | Mont: 1 Tpuesting is usually sot practi- ee es though it pays well to head the farm I h s 3 by - Price 99, to yield 7.10 canal, is believed to be $7.25 to $8; medium $6.50 to $6.75. Salmon, Ib eh. hk 30 to 40 | of the embargo would result in great- F your progressive ideas for cattle rais- | 55.25 to $5.75; canners and cutters, | White fish ....,.... 22 | who are in the same lines of busi. ing are beyond the financial resources | $1 to $3; butcher bulls, good, $4.75 Herring Fresh, Ib, 123% | ness. | with the local Manager of this Bank. 900 1bs., "$7.50 to $8; short-keep, 1,.| Hens, dressed, 1b 30 | breeding here, this would mean big- | 100 lbs, $8.25 to $8.50; stockers, ger business for British breeders of Standard Service aids ® " ishers of cattle for the block. These | i ] | common, $40 to $65; Calves, cholee,{ Bran, ton ................ 27.63 | advantages to the British farmer are | A $10 to $12.50; good, $9 to $10; com. Shorts, ton tans 'gg | 28sured, while the ultimate benefit | a OF CANADA heavy and bucks, $9 to $10; culls, $1 3 With the embargo removed, Cana- | TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS to $2; Hogs, fed and watered, $9.75 | Flour, standard (Gov't) | dian farmers with feeder cattle on | JF. Rowland, Manager. s bs 33 es v 39.50; to farmer, $9 Straw, baled, ton.... .. $8 to $12 | business of exporting feeders contin- puta Straw, loose, ton .... $8.00 | ued for any considerable length of we . Chicago. lan farmer's farm would sut- 1 da an - Chicago, June 17.--Cattle--Early fer. There would be very little into dog ys, d that busi / ness is not so good. DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS ont 4810 7: Se onan 2 Bi at SH inost ; . . out fattening cattle to fee mostly $6 to $7; bulls steady; bulk, Santi | to, how would the Canadian farmer | crease surpri . and $9.25; good stockers steady; oth- his farm in heart?---Removal of the a singly. 'For example: ers and feeders dull. Hogs, top $8.25 8 to 10c | embargo is desirable for a number | ° End End End 5 ceased advertising. They > $ 1.00 Weekly _...... $5360 $106.95 $162.8¢ lambs, top $11.75; bulk, $11.50 to { moval of the embargo is a question. kno that during the sum- 10.00° Monthly ....." 121.65 246.92 375.98 $11.75; Idaho and Oregon springs | Bananas, doz . 30 to 40 ---- w tives, $3.50 to $4.25. Oranges, doz 30 to 60 comes into the world with a sum- ---- eT cient supply of nourishment in the | THE CANADIAN BANK [Tena 2am, {Sickening Calomel clean their teeth, use auto- » ] » Montreal the start is not feed but warmth and mobiles, buy things for va- Montreal, * June 17.--No. 1 tresh . . signs of hunger, Medicine Described | stout too ao5os,. days, give them 20¢; oleomargarine, 20e per 1b. RESERVE D . . $15,000,000 Eggs--No. 1, 33¢; extras, 36c, used as they once were. . When the/! Shick grit Lynd Brat feud, hare KINGSTON BRANCH-R. T. Brymner, Manager. head aches, when the stomach is up- | i ee 50c 1b. leasant 'agreeable remedy | ttle and often alternating this feed The so-called dog da are, Bacon--Windsor boneless, 52¢ per like yg rn Mn Pills, Pony with scratch grains and dry mash. » . f nine times out o ten, ex- D rye. oles ' - | tuce or something similar. After the ressed Poultry----Milkfed chick- | tion, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are ex frst. week hoppers" dry mash | $4 GORE STREET. RENTAL $45.00 PER MONTIL {33¢; turkeys, 58¢ to 60; ducke cor. | remedy Is no on adapted for gen- ' » , » i A ti e POSSESSION JULY 1st. per Ib, and pomily use. For constipation Place grit, water and a dish ng : $2.65 to $2.75 per bushel; Peas, | for the young, the old, the sick, the | free access to them. Nothing pro. * a $2.50 to $3. well ones. The benefits of Dr. Ham- | Yides animal food in better form than ed Rolled oats--Standard grades, | ilton's Pills are manifold. Needed | does sour milk. ' ; . $3.45. and useful in every home. 25c,, all nie rem dvertising 18 othy, $19 to $20; clover mixed, $17 - . cal on geheral farms where chickens | City of Edmoy . 7%-20 Yeat Bonds Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "ite Hote of Good Investmjents." . butcher cows, choice $5.75 to $7; Steak, cod, 1b --12% to 18 [er benefit to British feeders and to §6.25; fair, $4.25 to $4.75; com- If export of feeder cattle should 700 to 800 1bs., $5.50 to $6.50; milk. high class breeding stock, as well as mon, $4 to §7.; Spring Lambs, $15 | Buckwheat, bush . to Canadian farmers from taking ad- | Ad tisi CWE ... ... ... $5.10 to $5.35 hand at the present moment would * Kingston Branch: = time, there is little doubt that the top $9.15 paid for mixed 760-pound Hides and Wool. chance of profit in feeder cattle if rity in depositing in our Savings Bank, 31-80 to $6; veal calves generally 2 ++.75¢ to $1 | feed up his grain; it he sells the | Nevertheless, the great suc- 5 for one load; bulk, $7.90 to $8.15; | of reasons. But whether it is de- | Deposits of: 1st Yr. 2nd Yr. 3rd Yr. - OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AND PROVE IT. held higher; Washington yearlings, | Grape fruit .. . ++ 1210 18 New Hatched Chick. mer most people eat three * a at form of egg yolk te last it for sev- | Not Favored. OF C MMERCE made butter, 30c per ib; prints, 21c cation, occupy houses and Calomel and Blue Pills are not | feed scattered on a coarse sand oF Lard--In prints, 17¢ 1b, set, when the liver is not working | Proportion of about four 'of bread ---- 1b; breakfast, 38¢ to 47¢ per Ib. largely vegetable in their composi- | SUPDly tender green feed such as let- 28e to goo 450 Ib; selected chickens, | tremely, mild, yet they surely AUD | should be keloPpers. hen cuse of a lazy man for.evad- IF INTERESTED, ACT QUICKLY, and bowel trouble® Dr. Hamilton's J. 0. HUTTON. B. G. ROBERTSON Hay--Baled, per 'ton in car lots, | dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co, Value of Trapnesting, o A * is. real. Just as great as it ever na Vi to $18, ex-track. are kept largely for eggs and meat, 3 : . Interest June and December PHONE 1728. adian, box, 25 to : Bia, crate, $4.50 to $5: ly sweets, basket, $2 to $2.50; apri- I eots, crate. $4.50 10 $5; apples, Wine} saps, E. F., boxes, $3.50 to $4.26¢| cherries, California, box, $5 t0 $6.50; Potatoes, per bag in small lots; 70 to "| the largest machine of the kind In the world. . . | According to an English Scientist ! Is an individuality in heart the han to that it can be identi. nified. mugn Inwed by Canedian Daily Newspapers Association, Head Office, Toronto,

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