THE DA ILY # BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1021, * . NEW FUR COATS, CAPES, STOLES, 'SCARFS, and CHOKERS , - j-\ Old Eurs remade and repaired. kK" Place your order now. en $i 4 . sa f¢ Summer prices." a] JOHN McKAY, Ltd. _ THE FUR HOUSE 149 to 157, BROCK STREET | | {At Barriefleld Camp on Satur- Gen. King, H | Brig-Gen. W. B. Ss. King, G.O.C., {M.D., No. 8, inspected tt 9th brigade |C.F.A, at Barriefield Saturday morn- ! {ing, and the units presented a very | [ fine sight going through the various | movements in artillery drill. "Gen, King was accompanied by Lt.-Col. { Hodgins, D.8.0., general staff officer | Aecompanied by Lt.-Col. Rierdon, | D.8.0., officer commanding the 9th | brigade, Gen. King made an inspec- tion of the lines, and at 9 a.m. the | 32nd battery O.F.A., Kingston, undor command of Lt.-Col. W, J. Morgan, Was inspected on the field where a | saluting base was fixed and the bat- tery went through/ceremonial drill and marched past. A splendid deé- monstration was given in unlumber- ing, gun laying, etc, in all of which [ the mer showed a considerablo de- gree of proficiency. Gen. King com- ! plimented the officers and men upon {the appearance of the camp, the man- | nex in which the .training was being | carried out, and the progress shown, { &11 of which reflected much credit on {all ranks. The Gananoque battery, 3rd C.F.A., under command of Major F, Sterling Spark Plugs Best Grade Sponges ......... 50. Extra Large Chamois ... . .....$2.00 Ford 5-socket Wrench Sets . . . ~$1.00 White Rose Gasoline : Good Motor Oil Dominion Tires Good Tire Repairs $7290--Brock Street; brick; 9 | , rooms; electric light; gas; hot water furnace; hardwood floors downstairs; good cellar. Grocery and dwelling, consisting of brick store an 6 room dwsiling: electric light; good cellar; large lot; garage and stable. Well established business. $4500--Clergy Street; brick: 7 rooms; furnace; garage. $3300-~Barrie Street, near City Park; brick; 8 rooms; hot air furnace; electric light. $2100--McDonnell Street; brick; 6 rooms. SAFE INVESTMENTS Victory Bonds, at market, Province of Ontario 6% Bonds ave 1536 a 9%. ity of Edmonton, 7 Bon due 1941, at 99. I% Bonus, Province of Saskatchewan ¢ Bonds due 1936 at 98.59. » All kinds of Insurance Money Spin Out ..10 Ibs. $1.05 @ iba, for 23, Granulated Sugar Rolled Oats Bellevlle Creamery l. Fancy Cakes Best Beef Dripping Fancy Oranges . .. 40c., 45c. don. Evaporateqd Apples, per ib. «.13e, Salada Tea Strawberries, Cream, Melons, Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers, new Potatoes, SAVE THE DIFFERENCE Cullen's CASH AND CARRY Al FRED and PRINCESS sTs, ~anvpiey make or mar one's looks. You wear nothing more conspicuous than your Glasses, so why not have them really becoming to your features, instead of "any old kind." Our Glasses are made to your especial order, for your face, and your face only. Consult: J. S. | 342KING ST. a 4 oo lll by the Gananoque battery for the 2 Ibs. for $1.00 | 1 tin Pears, in tin Cherries 4se. | Phone 1019w. J. Mooney, was inspected at 10 a.m., {and all ranks acquitted themselves in a high creditdble manner; Gen, King is an artillery officer, and command- ed a brigade at the front in France | for some time, later taking over com- {mand of a corps, and he is right at {home among the guns. It is such | | experience as this that places the |'C.F.A. of today far in advance of that of pre-war days. Gen. King has the | in operation in Kingston schools. {ion of the churches a coming event, | day Morning by Brig.- | Sr CHAS. JACKSON RETURNS {at 114 Princess street, where carpen- benefit, too, of many overseas bat- tery commanders in his district, of whom Lt.-Col. Rierdon is one. The training that is now being carried i out is, therefore, of the greatest im- | portance, For the more finished tech- | [nical work, firing detachments will | | be sent to Petewawa after the close of | | the local camps, where they will be | { thoroughly instructed in firing, range { | finding, signalling and learning to lay out the field in the block system. The training in the local camps is prelimihary to that rt Petewawa, the great artillery camp for R.C.A. | Gen. King gave an address to the officers and men at the conclusion of his inspection in which he made | a stirring'. Hoeal for devotion to thelr respective units, reminding them on the great a_hievements of the Can- adian army in the late war for Can- |ada and the empire. : Sport Events at Camp. On Friday evening a number of sporting events were held at Barrie field camp. In the tug-of-war Dbe- tween the 4th Hussars and the ar- tillery brigade, the Hussars won two pulls out of three. The prize, a' box of cigars, was presented to the win- ners by George Young, of the Mili- tary YYM.C.A. A baseball game between the left and right section of thes3rd field bat- tery was also played off. The score jj was 15 to 12 in favor of the right | section. . Cigarettes were given to the winners. A number of events were run off j entertainment of their wisitors at | Bay Company in an executive ¢ camp. There was blind boxing, toss- ing a blanket, and some wrestling. A ji quoit tournament wads started and it will be continued for two or three | days. : The Hussars will have a church {parade at 9 a.m. on Sunday and Lt.- 1Col."&" Gordon and Major Kidd will | cfficiate. Capt. Rev. Father Nichol. I son will officiate at the Roman Cath- olic parade. The C.F.A. brigade is leaving camp Saturday and only the Hussars || will be thers next week. They will || be inspected by Gen. King on Wed- resday morning, and break camp on Wednesday evening. | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. W. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders at 100 Clergy street. 'Phone 564w. Clayton, N.Y,, banks have tAken over the entire bond issue of the town, some $60,000. Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W. Lindsay, Limited. The efticlent man and woman to- day must consult the classified ad- vertisements to get the best results. All" the bass fishing grounds on the lake and, river is now crowded with sportsmen, the season having opened. Harold MacGrath, Syracuse nove- list, will arrive at the Carleton hotel, Cape Vidoent, June 30th, for his an- aual outing. y It was told in Tweed that Bella F. Comer was dead at Grand Rapids, Mich., hut Bella very hotly denies the statement sent to the Tweed News. : The amnual retreat of Bishop Fal- 1dn and fhe priests of the diocese of London, starts at Sandwich College on Monday. In the Kingston archdio- cese retreat will start in August. Let the classified ads help you find a capable housemaid. j AB Some $1,250 has been supscrided in Syracuse, N.Y., for the family of Police Officer E. - T. Griffin, killed while on service. Alexandria Bay | people are all collecting for the same jobject. | Fi Dr. and Mrs. Huxtable were wel comed to Newburgh on their return from their wedding trip, by a repre- sentative the 80 successfully and profitably | | as that I | will have a strong 'influence th the | Y IS INSPECT | general adoption of some such plan | TO CITY OF BIRTH / One of Kingston's Own Sons to Open Popular Ladies' Store With Business Partner. When the head reporter of Whig staff first shook Charlie Jackson 'by the hand in his new palatial. store ters and laymen of all descriptions were busily engaged, he could hard- ly believe that the sturdy, clean-cut manly chap'in front of him. was the Charlie Jackson we all remember as a boy around town in knee pants. - Since leaving the employ of C. ~ COME Good Housek Review, Le Bon Ton, venture, Smiths, Livingston and Bro, Mr. Jackson has had a world of experience in the merchandising world, going first to Edmonton, Alberta, in a large men's | wear shop. He was not long tlere when hig abllity was soon recognized, | and he was enggged by the Hudson's Oe ay Wt wits Ign / Saturday Evening Open Nights, AND HEAR THE NEW SUN RECORDS Eventually it will be bers for Home and Camp A 5 : . July Magazines for Camp Reading ing, Women's Home Companion, Pictorial cCalls, Hearsts, McClures, Blue Motion Picture, Photoplay, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, etc., etc. Special for June Pre-War P rices on Post and Journal For the balance of June we will accept subscriptions for the Saturday Evening Post and Ladies * Home Journal at pre-war prices. One Year's Sub scriptions to:-- Post--regular $4.00 Ladies' Home Journal-- regular $3.00 THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE IN TO-NIGHT a the SUN you will buy. All the latest num- purposes. Book, Ad- Picture Play, American, / . . Special $3.00 sane ene rn «Special $2.00 Phone 919, NINA sm, -------- se CHARLIE JACKSON | city at that point, and Vahcouver the Pacific coast. The Whig was glad to learn that Mr. Jackson like other sons ef King- ston when the call to the colors came was fount not wanting ard soon be- came a member of the western forces going from the province of British Columbia and returned late in 1919] with thé rank of sergeant. The mili- tary discipline no doubt has a great deal to do with his speedy decision nn any matter of business. Since re- turning from overseas Mr. Jackson hay, been connected with many mer- cantile enterprises in Tor.nto and vicinity, the success of which are in a large measure 'due to his untiring efforts. Charlie wag not long in deciding that Kingston was the one spot to open a store, ard after a short inter- view with Mr. Metivier, of Toronto, his friend and partner, they closed a deal which brings to Kingston the second store of a chain known as "The Little Grey Shops." Ralph R. Metivier is a wide awake, LADIES enterprising merchant in Toronto and Is held in high esteem by the trade In general. As a buyer of values he has few equals and has built a re- markable business on the one idea of quality merchandise at small pro- fits and large turn over, This same policy will be carried out in the King- ston store, which is beautifully fitted with every new idea in modern storéd equipment, which means fast service, The Whig joins the many King- ston friends of Mr. Jackson in wish- ing the firm of Jackson & Metevier, Limited, the success men of their calj- bre deserve. Are You Satisfied With your position in life? Use the classified advertisements for a general improvement, ' H. P. Abrams, Harrowsmith, left on' Saturday afternoon for Rosiere, N.Y., to visit his brother, James Ab- rams, and other relatives. "Headquarters for Headwear" enough on dark, cloudy days, but not in the sun. Get a new Straw or Panama to-night and get a good one, You will feel better, look better and enjoy "real comfort. The hat is the most conspicuous article a man wears. °° gr STRAW SAILORS $2.50 to $5 ® PANAMAS - ++ N$2.50 to $10 JIN: Our Bargain Bulletin FOR SATURDAY NIGHT WILL INCLUDE: LADIES' WHITE BLOUSES .......... $1.50 LADIES' CORSETS BOYS' BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR v. 39. FINE QUALITY CREPE DE CHENE_ Colors . . .. and many other snaps. Newman & Shaw "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" oes ere L 8150 4 y ~ An Encouraging Record, The "Excel Club," composed ot men who have written at least $100.- 000 of new life insurance for the Bx- celslor Life Insurance Company, will meet at the Windsor Hotel, Montreal, August 17th to 20th, and a record at- tendance is expected, The substantial increase in the club's membership is an indication of the finalcial condi- dition of the people, and is confirmed by the records of the company. These |' show an increase of business over the record of 1920. Some people are complaining of adverse business con- ditions, but they cannot find any trace of them in this company's re- turns. Many 'people have awakened to the fact that the lowered buying power of the dollar has left them with decreased insurancd protectian, which accounts for the greater amounts being taken to make up the shortage. The lessons of the war have contributed to the general rea- lization that life insurance is a ne cessity. 3 , ¥. M. C. A. Boys' Camp. The plans for the Y.M.C.A. boys' camp, to be. held from July 2nd to 17th, to Grenadier Island, on the St. Lawrence, are about completed. From early moriing till lights out the' boys will be under the watchful eyes of a fine stat! of leaders, S. T. ! p is lack of equipment, there- the number of boys going to limited. TWO MORE FRAME BUNGALOWS | TO SELL AT. tN ON LOWER PATRICK STREBT --4 rooms each and improve 1 | ments. Easy terms. [| A LARGE ROOMING HOUSE ON JOHNSON STREET -- 2 upper i : flats, furnished; 11 bedrooms; hot water heating; hot and | cold water in each room. '3 balconies. . At a tempting price. E. W. MULLIN & SON . | Buyers buna Beljern of Rent Hata oof oh kindh, . Cor. Johaton and Divisione Since, =~ Phonds 539w and 580J. | /'1021 SHOES" AT "1914 PRICES" $4.95 Men's Brown Side Calf Summer-weight Brogue Os- fords--Goodyear Welted Solid Leather Soles: perforated vamps; brogue sffect, and iow flat heels. An ideal shoe jor Bammer wear. A regular $7.00 value. All sizes, Aerens Savanna ET ." S. J. MARTIN,