- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 1 Smee seeing the sights. They made a gay | --~ ee group of boys and girls with their ral! and yellow caps and pennants. | , PROBS: Sunday fair and warm * ] . ' . . * * I Among the debutantes at the | June ball at the Royal Military Col- | Twiligh | | lege on Monday will be Miss Helen | wi 1g t Tofleld, Miss. Clara Farrell, Mise Bar- | [FS == Me bara Bidwell, Miss Anna Mitchel: - " Joe Miss Isabel Minnes. > [i | + 5s = v = ws d . (Notice--Hereaft 'r, the Whig, in| alls rant § EYE GLASS | The name given to [ll common with other papers all over| The staffs of thé city banks wen | 1] i s | y Brophy's Point this after- . : Lo : . Canada, will make a charge of $i down to RRYS | i SPECIAL the sixth month 18 be- for inserting an engagement, mar- noon on the str. Wolfe Islander for Ek : riage or reception announcement.) |a picnic, which will be one of many & Te Introduce to_the people I lieved to be taken a {outings given during the summer. | 5 : of Kingston and district, we To got the Whigs society writer, | . Loe ee 2 : Da Lak 8 special offer of from Juno, the pat- | telephone No. 857w.., 189 Earkstreet. | yo Halloway - Waddell, 'Lower | fitted frames with spherical ! . 3 : : ! Union street, w the. hostess of a! fenaen for Pcs ron deity of marriage fll win the guests at the June pai | Unter Sra oF roatustess of 4] Careful testing and 'proper : : {send a short description of their | 6 eda : | : ' -- | {with Miss Jessie Smith as the guest] : fitting, the idea that 1t was | gowns to the address at the head of [Suk Miss eset . guest] BE . SPECIALIST IN CHARGE the month of brides {this column before Tuesday, June | .« 0» | 21st, so that it may be included Bf Mrs. R. J. Gardiner gave a small | dates back to early [the Whig's dccount of the ball. tea @t. "The Chestnuts" on Friday | i - . - L: T r Roman days, when it [f| | for Mrs. P. G. Grey,.Boston, . | Mrs. Mark Trumpour who recently . + PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST was consi ered very {came to Kingston as a bride, feceiv- Mrs, W..B. Carey, Albert street, " lucky for weddings, fed for the first time since her MAI | ertertained at the tea hour on Fri. | Yet . - Phone 59. . 3 {riage at her home on Lower Union |gay for some of the visitors in town. : 0) { and the superstitu- | street, on Friday, wearing her charm- | « = = | fl tion still remains. | ing wedding gown of white charm | Mr. and Mrs. S. Colson, Kingston, | : Hit WW 3 |euse, embroidered in seed pearl with |, spending some tims with her | Ee | e have a splendid | Carrackmacross lace and a touch of | parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Gallagher, | : : . : { stock of -- {orchid in the georgette lining the | pong =] \ : { |train and in the knot of tulle tying | app and Mrs. Hunter, Kingston | Keeley Jr MO D 0 { JUNE WEDDING [her bouquet of deep pink roses. Her [are visiting her sister, Mrs, Wyatt, | 9 ileal - |mother, Mrs. Edward Wilson, Nap- | cooper. TH | -------- black satin wins sequin. Inmnise. to Harrowsmith, after spending a : The house was fragrant with roses, |;onth with her brother, Charles | Wedding Marriage sweet briar, the lovliest flower of Stewart, Sr., High ~ Park, Toronto, Rings. Licenses. June, filling the fire place. Pink | j roses centred the polished tea table, | nt, * + 2» Store Open Un til 9.45 o'clock |falling on the maderia cloth, and | Nr ang Mrs. Charles Wright and | Here Mrs. C. H. Finkle made the tea today for Peterb. be | ~ . . . . io Fain todsy lor Retarbore fo be | Attractive bargains in wanted, seasonable merchandise--priced THE | ana Miss Rogers cut the ices, with present at the closing of the Normal | il Mrs. C. H. Boyes, Mrs. T. H. Renton, School. Miss Rose Wright will re- | . Re Sp onsibility ll Jeweless . Limited Miss Gladys Trumpour, Napanee, turn with them. exceptionally low. and Miss Douglas, as their assistants. Col. and Mrs. Rudolf and Miss Ru- | . ¢ - " | Established 13540. {An afternoon the pretty rooms were dolf, T /ill.be in t f he | . Tnrean haus rhy | Register Opticians | tilled with visitors, glad of this op- | > h oronte, will-be 1u tows for ¥ i SWISS RIBBED VESTS, 39¢.-- 180 fine Swiss Ribbed Cotton reputation. portunity to welcome this young mat Major Cawthra, Toronto, will be | . . One of them {is that we don't ron and her husband to KifEston. lat 134 Earl street, for the ball. i Vests; a splendid value at 50c. each Nea ie ie ..To-night 39c¢c. . depend on others for any part i : $2 Miss Jessie Walker, who has come - It. 18 mot plains By 4 : oe =| Miss Anne Minnes, Bagot Strevt, | trom Branksome Hall, Toronto, with ~ others: nor do ota arty ITH Sulertainad og tea hour oe Fn Miss Anna Mahood, is with Mr. any) out our plans. i ay for Miss Jessie Bryson, who is |p. George Mahood, Uui®™rsity ave- ' : . Tohed bg RRL i SN No.2 [ the guest of Mrs. James Minnes. | E : y | STEACY S SPECIAL CORSETS, $1.00--200 pairs of Steacy's " Ce | Lovely roses from the gardens were | = se | Service. | : 4 ? | . . ' . . in the drawing room and in the din. | Mrs. A. Barrett and her little son Special Coutil Corsets; in sizes 21 to 28, with four strong gart- | Ns are vitally Interested in | ON Nou.3 o y @ result of our work and to ! {ng room the tea table was centred | ; ~ Insure success do all of it our- bh. No.2 for Blood & | oe : {have returned : from 0; densburg 4 . ITE {ren 8 silver basket of gorgeaus ved | LF, DITICT Trl Capt Bar- ers and reinforced front: a regular $1.50 value . To-night $1.00 | selves. { | SOLD BYLEADINGCHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND. Ss. feges, while smaller baskets held GIF I'S anee, received with her, gowned in Miss Isabella Stewart has returned I CLERCMed Co. HaverstockRd..N W 3. London. rett. De WORD "THERAPION IS ON half opened buds. Miss Eva Martin Miss Belva Halliday, Chatham, will { BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFASED TO GENUINE PACKETS. . Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. poured ea a yy --yinnes be the guest of Mrs. Harold L. Day, X NC JET i rik t Manchester, : y = ing street west, for the June ball. song pm (FR h gots Rigged en Mims RU amd | > Tho oe de hall ||] CURTAIN SCRIM, 25c. YARD 500 yards of fine, floral, bordered tile workers accepted their em- || : Mrs. Na dustrial training school, Toronto, is . . , . |Zentte otter, de Nears aense: aiiaq visiting his aunt, Mrs. Joyce, Charles | Curtain Scrim; 36 inches wi de; a regular 35c¢. value. : ' . street. Roberts, Mrs. Harold Hughes, Mrs. : | hod Miss Rose Joyce, R. N., has return- oii e Tom ht 25¢ Stuart Robertson, Mrs. Frederick ed from Westport, g . Cays, Mrs. Howard Penhale, Mrs. Miss Mona Osborne, who has been Phone 927 Lo W. G. Beeman, Mrs. Bayley Ran- visiting Mrs. R, Uglow, Barrie street, | Screen cm, Mrs. Neil Black, Mrs. Keith returned to Arnprior today. i , . oe. Ina Re ve. TOWELLING, 25c. YARD--800 yds. Bleached Crash Towelling; x : . di : Mr. and Mrs. W. J. B. White have M Marv M hail, ) ra) : 1 Doors He i Nap Sane to thelr cottage at Dead Man's ourregular40c. quality... ........... ... . To-night 25¢. Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Miss Maud ' Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Calvin and Shalngs (Toronto) and Miss Nora Miss Hilda Calvin are at Garden Is- § i . land for the summer. a 7 Screen The first tou of 10s sduistes in medicine, tv secon? |l] STEACY'S SHETLAND FLOSS, 15¢. BALL--450 full one ounce 5 8.0 } Season Was graduates in medicine, ig in Ganane- held at the Yacht Club Wed - - . hn Progen Bin a gh Jie. but will shortly ieavp for New balls of Shetland Floss: in colors Black, White, Navy, Buff, Old ind Win ows the pretty club house was the scene . . . Dr. Carl Y. Ford, D.S.0., a King- of a Jolly dance, £004 music, good Soman, we hy N50, King. Rose, Silver, etc., regular 25¢. aball . . ..... . . . To-night 15¢. partners a a ful moon shedding during the war, will be the guest of FLY SHOPPING is always preferable to Fly Swating. That's Its rays upon the harbor, making the the Dean of Ontario for the June | affair an altogether delightful one. ball at the R. M. C [Sy the general public fs Sa Tag and Wore 1b favor of aay might the men gave of 3) StiNG RM. OL was the WHITE SILK HOSE, 89¢.--200 pairs of White Silk Stockings . . ' y pT -- SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS ymokes with the TNT dome Vand] eet or Hr A Knapp, Johnson We carry a nice line of Doors in all the best sizes -- hee. street, for'the W. C. T. U. convea- with lisle garter top, toe and heel; all sizes; from regular stock from .... $2.50 complete to $4.30 complete. Mrs. Frederick Mahood, « Stuart + a h I 25 . T . h 89 LY hat Street, gave a merry little party on ro ; wort ' APaI ....... ....y 2.svesss es. To-night 8c. FLY SW ATTERS Friday evening for Miss Anna Ma.| Mrs. W. T. Minnes went to Port . $ P ' g and when they do get in it's time to swat Jem. This is the {hood and Miss Jessie Walker, To. Hops dos he Sjouing of Trinity Col- most effective means of exterm ination. ronto, when her guests were some o° | [ese pg oh Grant Minies returned 4 . the boys and girls who have return- i pte . . . Screen Wire for Doors or Windows. All sizes, dll widths Mrs. R. T. Brymner, West streat 1 . . ed from boarding schools to spend Wen 0 BohaTon rae aL site BLACK LISLE HOSE--300 pairs of fine Black Silk Hose; in sizes in stock, from ........ 15¢. to 50c. per yard. their holidays in town. sin» Miss Marion Kirkpatrick, Ottaw . . : 1 1 : : The "8.A." English class from | Will be in town for the June dans. 8} and 9; regular 35c. apair..... .. .... . To-night 25¢c. pair Carthage, N.Y., came to Kingston on Miss W. Gordon was the guest of ' * ® * Friday, chaperoned by their teach- | Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, Ottawa, ef, Miss Petrie, and spent .the day | during her visit to the capital this . . 3 ~~~. | week, where she was one of the SILK GLOVES, 89c¢. 150 pairs of Niagara Maid Silk Gloves; mn . * * speakers at the closing of the Otta- Big, Busy Hard fa adler Coliege. moe, a sizes 6 to 81; in black and w hite; reg. $1.25 . To-night 89c. pr. ip Boy lardware li STROUD'S TEA ||. Jui "Sumer, sre : Phone 237 - = blew. Kingston TRY OUR DOLLAR TEA T. Minnes, at "Hillcroft," will leave : Mes. BH. Brows; 'Athens: who MEN'S CASHMERETTE SOCKS, 39¢. PAIR.-- 180 pairs of for Toronto early in the week. For Special Occasions -> 2. vas in town for the W.C.T.U. - : 1 1 Seton Ta ae ry ah son. Black and Cordovan import ed Cashmerette Socks: in sizes 10, Pierce, Victoria street. 4 . - F reckles Wr. 2: Whester: wit hoo beer , 10j and 11. A special value to clean-up, regular 60c. a pair ; visiting Mrs. Frank Phillips, John- » Don't Hide Them With a Vell; Re-[son street, returned to Oras on value... i. 0... 000 veieve.... Tonight 39¢. move Them With Othine--Double Friday. : ; : Strength. #| Mr. Southey, Oshawa, will be in tos Preparation for the Femoval town for the week-end. o 8 's usually so successful in| nrg gy 4 Fitzgibbons and little removing freckles and giving a-clear, beautiful complexi that it is sold son, Watertown, N.Y., have returned home after spending three weeks Wy ay russia suder funrantes to | 20M her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, J. "dg Don't hide your freckles under a| Doyle. . vell; get an ounce of Othine and re- Miss Dorothy Mann, Montreal, will : move them. Even the first few appli- | be the guest of Mrs. William Skinner, cations should show a wonderful im-| 134 Earl street, for the June ball. provement, some of the lighter freck-| yo Marjorie Richmond went to les entirely. nt Bostwick Island gn Thursday to join \ os IS oan hid, it Sor the her aunts, the M 'Richmond, at that is sold on the money-back guar-| "Rosencath." 8 ; ' -- : C antee. ¥ (Continued on Pages 8 and 20) - Do You Want Some Bargains ? ---- : . Regular 50c. to $3.75 each. Span | Chesterfield Suite (3 pieces), Chesterfield, 36 Nett and Pique Collars; slight] i ; § v hair i ood i Bi x3 4 : Ee : : : only, Organdy, Lace, okt and 'Jue Bras 8 hy Rockerand Arm Chair in a good quality of 1 is NI ; _ soiled from handling; priced as above to clear-- | | . TONIGHT .. ...... 25c. EACH ions), good quality T Ho Me Heath oes, Oxfords a lien . ~~ $197.00. Speci aad ol, 3122.00 : | 4 A reduction of from $15.00 to $48.00°each on §! 4 Oxfords, White Soles and . all Rugs. ~ Ql} Heels. Sizes5},6,6},7,7}and8 ..$4.00 If you want a bargain, call early, AR rt dy . 5 os