Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1921, p. 4

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., CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE: COMPANY Z Lim ited KINGSTON, ONTARIG, EVERYTHING IN LUMBER Lath Shingles Trim OUR BSP ECIALTYY: Hardwood Flooring ALLAN LUMBER CO. VICTORIA STREET . . PHONE 1042. THOS. G. BISHOP ENGINEER A ND MACHINIST Brass and Iron Castings, Electric "and O%y-Acetylene Welding King and Queen Streets Phone 38 - - - - & FEEL HOT AND DUSTY ? So do the rest of the staff. Get that fan now. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. PHONE 94, Corner of King and Princess Street. r-- Now Manufacturing the Automatic Sehled Grave Vaults--Guaranteed i Waterproof KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS FACTORY FAULTY PLUMBING Is Comtly No Matter How Low the Price Our Plumbing is being built up on a quality first basis. DAVIE & BARRETT 208 Wellington Street Phone 658. H. F. Norman, Manager, Corner Charles and Patrick Streets. Phone 730w. oo HOOPER & SLATER Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldingwn, ete All kinds of Dressed and Rough Lumber. 128-132 ONTARIO ST. DAVIS DRY DOCK Co, Automobile and Motor Boat Re- pairs, Gasoline Engines built and re- paired, dry docking and wood work- Ing. East End of Wellington Street. ~---- The Laturney Carriage Works Manufacturer . BUSINESS WAGGONS AND AUTO BODIES yy Special designs made to order. 380 PRINCESS STREET - FRONTENAC MATTRESS CO. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER Renovating a Specialty 17 Balaclava st. Phone 2106w. -------- TIRES, SOLID Tire value mus up to the highest prove that they are wnexcelled for endurance and long life. Steam Vulcaniz- ing a specialty. We also carry a full line of Oils, Grease and Gasoline. SUDDABY WROTHERS Corner Queen add Welllngflon Streets Phone 74. 7 PHONE 1352. > \ CANADA CUTLERY to. Limited Manufacturers of POCKET and PEN KNIVES C. A. Eaton, General Manager Kingston, Ontario, Phone 1988, Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes W. H. COCKBURN & CoO. HARDWARE 95 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 210 7 -- THOMPSON BROS., Launderers, Limited tin i Operating IMPERIAL LAUNDRY ...... KINGSTON LAUNDRY +++... Phone 302 s¥esnsrasd. Phone 23 - > SAFES! | __ KINGSTON'S ONLY DYERS -Let us prove ovr work, by giving us one trial Dry Cleaning our Specialty PATTON'S DYE WORKS Phone 214 > J FOR OFFICE AND HOME ~ J. R. C. DOBBS 41 Clarence Street N Typewriter headquarters 840 Princess Street. . : 74 ~ HAVE YOU SMOKED A DUNHILL ? { ' WE HAVE THEM, BAKER'S CIGAR STORE O GREAT SIN TO BLOW YOUR. |] ke a ride home or to work on the ickel's worth you've had in a long ;- IN THE HOT WEATHER IT IS N ~ self to a nickel now and then. Ta street cars. It'll be the biggest n time. KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH and CATARAQUI ELECTRIO RAILWAY a THE DAILY BRIT | INDUSTRIAL WEEKLY REVIEW BOOST OR KNOCK--HHCH? \Which Is Worse, to Rob In- 'dividuals or' | Crowds ? Boosting is good stuff. The who boosts usually is and a help to the mtr When everyone boosts, everything moves, {and all bénefit, Knocking works m | Inverse ratio. By that knocking we mean a consistent and senseless dis- paragement of the efforts of others to improve conditions Yet there are, times when the boosting theory does not work out Just that way. Supposing you found a burglar about to carry off all the valuables in your 'house, would you beost him or knock him? Supposa the man who brought the milk around ia the morning gave you three-qarters of full measure, wonld you boost him or knock him? Sup- Vose-any number of men, of any in- | dividual, after verbosely crying alond {that he was out for the good of ihe {¢emmunity, should turn around and | perpetrate robbery on the comm:uai- lity should we boost or should we | knock ? | Inthe local June 14th, the man papers of Tuesday, carpenters' "local lodge, No. 249, through its secret- {ary, asked some very fair questions {by means of letters to the respective | editors. The first question was: | "Why do some of our local mer- {chants bring carpenters from Toron- [to to do their work when there 8 | plenty of help of that sort right here {in the city?" That question has not | been answered publicly yet. It there |a@re reasons, why do not these mer | {chants come forward and state those [ reasqns, trusting' their case to the {Judgment of the pubife as the car- | Penters have done? | The second question: "Does it |Seem reasonable or just for those | merchants to employ outside help |and expect to be patronized by the | laboring class?" No, it certainly | does. not. At thig time, with so many | industrial workers ont of employ- { ment, it is nothing short of criminal | for any local man to bring in out- side help unless his reasons are very, {very good indeed. What does he | expect local workmen to do when {they start out to buy the goods he handles? Will they buy from him, the man who would not employ thaw when he had fork to do and they had not, or will they go to some oth- er merchant or to outside mail-order houses? The answer \Is obvious. At times there have been "Buy- at-Home" campaigns in this city. Op the bill-boards you can read Patron- ize Your Home Merchants" to-day. "Boost for Your Home Town," is another motto we have heard be- fore, They are all good mottos. The point is, the merchants of Kingston must live up to these mot- SA --------_------ | | The Imperial Life The Imperial was the sixteenth Canadian Company to enter the Life Assurance field. 'In twenty- two years it has overtaken and passed nine of its competitors, so that there are now only six other Canadian companies that have as large an amount of assurance in force. Their ages range from twenty-eight to seventy-three years. J. B. COOKE District Manager, Kifgston, Ont. oo live wire | tos just as closely ag the rest of the community. They have no more right to break the rules than a work- fngman has. If mail crders were in- creasing in number from the city of Kingston, these very same merca- ants° who ro calmly employ outsiie labor Woull be tho. first to raise a hue and ery about "Patronize Your Own Merchants." If those people who are hit by the letter from the carpenters' sécretary think that they had good and suffict- ent reasons for employing outs'ds labor, then there can be no harm in letting the ~eople of Kingston judge their ¢ Let them came forward ond defend themselves. If they can- not do £0, tien the #Zocusation of the carpenters must be true and for those men who are accused the motto will become: "AS THEY SOW, SO SHALL THEY REAP." . ---------- GOOD PROSPECTS AHEAD S---- Should Be Building on a Large Scale Here in a Short Time-- Other Things Follow. Starting building operations g0- ing and industries moving is some- thing like getting sheep into the cat- tle car. Each hesitates to be the first to venture forth into unknown terri- tory but when one leads all the rest follow in quick order. That is about the Situation at the present tile, here in Kingston. The new comdi- tions, the suspense while wages and prices stand bowing betore the door of: the future, each waiting politely for the other to go through first, the armed watchfulness of capital and labor against each other, all these tend to slow things to the stopping point. Yet someone must be first, and at present, it seems as if the first firm to start will be the outside con- tractors who have received the con- tract for the new service building at the Kingston General Hospital. It is slighfly unfortunate, in some ways, that a local contraetor did not secure the award, but ji remains for the authorities to see that the firm that does this work employs King- ston labor. Once this starts there are other prospects. Queen's building opera- tions, not to mention the Stadium and the skating rink, are about due to commence and the Dominion Mob- tion Pictures, Ltd., intend construct- ing large studios here. THE PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY McGinnis & O'Connor In the Middle of Extemsive Operations on This Work, McGinnis & O'Connor, highway en- gineers, are certainly tearing the bot- tom out of the old Front Road be- tween here and Gananoque. Opera- tions started here last year and will be completed far below Kingston by fall. The road presents a sorry state now, due to the excavations and the steady traffic of the giant Backard KEELEY'S Eyesight Service Eyes examined scientifically, Over 20 yearw experience, KEELEY JR. M.0, D.O. 226 Princess Street. Phone 927, 7 ISH WHIG KINGSTON SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921, -------- the work but in a few month's time | it will be a treat to look at and to ride on. The completed road is Just | commencing to top of Barriétield Hill towards Gan- | anoque. Down along the picturesque Front Road it Stretches, flanked on either side by the newly-dug drain- ing trenches and deeply routed here and there by the stone trucks. Men are scattered out all along for a dis- tance of seven or eight miles, doing the advance' work for the main gang which follows with the appara- | tus for finishing the surface. At present the road is like a chau feur's a billiard board. ! --i BUILDS YOU vp, One of the Best Foods You Can Buy Or Use, Your healt is just like. a_ tower or a building. If some part of ft weakens it must be strengthened at once or there is danger that the | whole structure will collapse. Every | pint of milk that you drink is an-'| other brick in your health tower. It some part of the tower gets weak there is no better reinforcement or repair material than milk. Its food value is universally recognized and it is one of the easiest things in. the | world to acquire the habit of drink- | ing milk. | Price's Dairy turns out pasteuriz- | ed milk, so treated that all germs are killed and not one can Possibly | escape. Price's milk is a good build-| er, Try some of jt and watch the re- | sults. i ta | The Marvel of a Watch The mainspring' is one end of a watch's mechanism, the hairspring Is the other. In these two springs lies the secret. The mainspring supplies the pow- | er to the action of the watch, while | the hairspring controls this power and converts it into accurate motioy, The fitting of the parts surround- ing this 'hairspring is extremely delr cate, the thickness of the finest hair being Sufficient to throw them out of adjustment, so accurately are they fitted, Friction of accumulating dirt, 1ack of proper lubrication, efe., destroy the perfect adjustments of the deir- cate parts. Do not let your wa'ch ruin from neglect. One branch of the work of Smith Brothers, Jewelers, Ltd. King street, is the care of watches and the cpinion of the expert watchmakers costs you nothing. A lot of the tale men of a few weeks ago have found temporary Jobs and alittle more work is ap- rearing all the time. Things are better. A little idleness is a dangerous thing because it grows very rapidly. NA A A ctr rt | THE MeCALLUM. GRANITE CO, Limited MONUMENT BUILDERS 395-397 Princess Street. « Phone 1931, 7" VINEGARS Ask your groger for these goods, guaranteed pure--made from best selected materials. The Wilson Lytle Badgerow Co, Ltd, +» Bagot Street ' trucks which are carrying stone for | steal away from the | ; nightmare; by fall' it should be like |" THE TOYE BREAD CO. Limited Manufacturers of MOTHER'S and QUAKER BREAD 105 'Ontario st, Phone 834, ~~ PRINCE OF WALES DINING ROOM AND LUNCH vor LADIES AND GENTLEMEN . T#y our Special Dianer from 11.30 am. to 7 | Table Serviee--Pricey Moderate, Jee--Regular Breskisst--3de, Oatmeal or Corn Flakes, Ham, Ba- con aud Kgg, Toast, Wheat Cakes, Tea, Coftee or Milk, wi PRINCESS STREET, American Management, PHONE 344. Sa s ARROWROOT BISCUITS Have you trieq our ARROWROOT BISCUITS? The Kiddies thrive on them. If your grocer does not keep them ring up the office. Try a pound and be convinced. THE w. J. CROTHHRS CO, Limiteg JAS, SWIFT & Co, Limited Importets and Shippers. ya . A. D. HOLTON Domestic and Steam COAL Florist 250 Princess Street Phone 661. JAMES RICHARDSON & SONS Lia Established 1857 Head Office = = Kingston, Ont. BRANCHES: Fort William Saskatoon Winnipeg S. 5. CORBETT Funeral Director Ambulance Phone 143. Residence Phone 215. Montreal Calgary Toronto Quebec 7 i 7 We Promote Industry and Build Character by Rendering Service : M. M. SIMS Representative : 130 Claremce Street @ ® H Kingston, Oat. / / 7" 8.8, 'sr. LAWRENCE--- 550 PASSENGERS 8.8. BROCKVILLE-- 300 PASSENGERS, Open for charter for 8. S, Picnics and Excursions. Call us up and get a good date, ~TELEFPHONE 100 a "HEAPER CANDY ' GRIMM'S 5 POPULAR LINE OF CHOCOLAT ES NOW SELL AT B50c. TRY THEM ! per 1b. Smith Bros., Jewelers, Limited DIAMONDS, SILVER AND GOLD GOODS Expert Watch Repairing Established 1840. 330 9<Ing Street THE THOMPSON BOTTLING CO. "Belfast Ginger Ale" OFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET I'HONE 304 7 KINGSTON NAVIGATION CO., Limited | p McLaughlin Motor Cars. Gabriel Snubbers, Michelin Tires. Samson Tractors. If we didwn't think these hrands were the best in their line we wouldn't handle them for one day. : ' BLUE GARAGES Limited. THOS. B. ANGROVE, Manager. PHONE 067, \ ' - - - ha BIG SALE GOODYEAR BICYCLE IRES THIS WEEK Tire for' $2.50 ents for PERFECT, OVERLAND and coLUMBIA BICYCLES GEO, MULLER, 371-373 King Street. Phone 1032w, | JOHN McKAY, Ltd. ) BUYERS and EXPORTERS ol /WOOL, SKINS, GINSENG, hy RAW FURS : 'Write for further information. : KINGSTON, ONTARIO Ne J x --s DEVELOP YOUR CITY dr pr Belt mE RE should you desire it, sell your list your TEMAN, 159 WELLINGTON STREER J ---- £ McGinnis & O'Connor ie niet - Kingston Ice Company Limited Save food by using Ice. Our Ice ig certified to by Queen's University Laboratories as being pure. Telephone orders to 1307. Prompt' delivery is ouf specialty. A "is an asset of little valye un mpanied by character, = 2 wenn LUMBER FOR SALE Good Hemlock Sheeting, sized and dressed to 6rdef, THE K.D. MANUFACTURING CO'Y MONTREAL STREET. CE Frank .Robbs "TONSORIAL PARLOR" s 4 Chalra<--Bent of Service We Specialize in CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING 183 Wellingion St. Fhone 1318, ~ Choice Fruits OF All Kinds ' y Fresh Strawberries dally. ~ Imported Fruits a Specialty. Big variety of choice Vegetables Call at the store and see our big display. ~ M. AMODEO 240 Priucess Street - hone 77¢ 7 STORAGE Company + Choice Rooms and Spaces in our Storage--ciean, bright and dry. 200-305 Queen Street. Phone 526. . Vacuum Cleaners. All kin THE HYD Publie Utiiicl ' 268 Prine types of home. HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY © It would pay you to drop into THE HYDRO SHOP Street and have our representative demonstrate on Princess the most improved ds of kaegtrical Appuances for the RO SHOP 8 Lommissivn) AM Bireet. 7 WILLARD BATTERIES New 'low pfice for Willatd Service now effective. E ES 19 Broek « 3 Office: 338, vonxkiEY NLYAGE & Whsox. ING Tugs, Clim Sheil Uighters, Divers, Salvage work almee failure, rd Bol 1 ti - ! OHS NAELLY po J Street Phone 1340 --i for Scrap-Iron, Metals, Rags and you to ring 2087 or PG ~~ g We Are Always InThe Market ] 2000J, We are ~ tion to-any call, which may be received 140 RIDEAU STREET Rubbers. It will be of benefit to willing to give our best atten- through 'phone, VESTA BATTERY COX: THE BATTERY WITHOUT REGRETS Place our Vesta Battery in your car And forget all your Battery troubles. It is a real Matiery of service. Whateyef You use it for--fur Ignition, for Starting, for Lighting, etc, It will serve you Weil : A ery you will reculamend to your fellow motorists. Phone 410w, deen and Mager Sts, W. MILNE and F. KING : . ~ | BOOTH FISHERIES CANADIAN CO, Led JOBBERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, GAME AND POULTRY . 6 BRULK STuELT . "» FPHONE 3520. B N ON 6% 10 YEAR BONDS CITY OF KINGST 00 SA 00 ' i Denominations $100--$500--%1000 PRICE 100 ANU ACURURL iMdaiinsy No better investment to be had than jour uv, home city, Applica tions received at this office by mail or ju persvi 4nd bonds desivered Wherever specified. Not a large lesue. Get oo. ; wiuers in early. : BOSGAND, HIERSON o Col Thoxn al L 7 Bigot Street: - . LC. . 3 The Medical Health Officer Advised The Boiling Ui Al wilk Why not let as do tor you and do it right ? Wa clarity it first and then, pasteurize it. . 5 It is clean--it is safe--and it is the best aud cucipest sud yoa ean bar. * + : PRICE'S DAIRY '4717 Princess Street. -- ~ ay a bie ea GEES i BT The FROST CITY | =

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