Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1921, p. 5

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SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921. gis gp -------- | CHOICE WESTERN MEATS . and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street ear _ FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | Cartage of every description-- « Kingston Transfer Co. | Phone 377. 153 Wellington Street. | DAVID SCOTT - Plumber | Piomblay and Gay Work a Mesias | | i i A J) BUILDING ? ty. All work guaranteed. Addre, 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, |e teen. DR.A.W. WINNETT D {NTAL SURGEON, . Corner of Johnsun and Wellington | Streets Phone 865 | At Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Angrove's Repairs Ben) Talking Machines, Bicycles, a Lawn Mowers, ete. We repalr work right and guarantee near 197 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers 'and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763, Res, 1137, Phone 256. " be -- W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK. For Quick Desserts' Try Oliver's or concentrated JellyCrystals Made of pure fruit extracts com- bined with the very finest Calf's | Foot Jelly. | Far superior to the average Jally Ih Powder, Ib Each packet makes one pint 'of , delicious jelly. Six flavors. A trial will convince you. At your grocers WEIR SPECIALTY CO. LTD TORONTO - CANADA "Beware of imitati REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son {21 Main Street. Phone 1670. Partridge Wire Works NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING i Now prepared to do this work. Manufacturing Wire Fencing, Flower | Border Guards, ete. 2 KING ST. WwW, = = PHONE 30, DR. NASH DENTIST | 183 Princess Street. "Phone 755 { WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. Dormoform Gas administered for ex. traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6, Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, "Halibut and Cod. BOOTH FISHERIES (Canadian Co. | Rev, Fr. Connolly, Trenton,. | woramanship. We carry a large stock | of blue Kingston and Vicinity ge It Does Pay | To advertise and it does pay to read advertising in this Helng In this newspaper, Garden Party at Onew at Ongwanada, La Salle chapter, I.0.D.E., intend holding a garden party on these beautiful grounds on Thursday, June érd, 3 to 6 p.m. 3 It Gives You A grand and glorious feeling to know that your clothes from head to toe are good in style and quality. | Advertised garments insure this { happy state of mind. sure -------- Asks For Funds, Campbeliford council will be asked | by the school board to pass a bylaw providing for the raising of $100,000 instead of $75,000 for the erection of a new high school. Made Assistant at Trenton. Rev. Fr. Creamer recently ordain- ed has been appointed assistant to At pre-| sent Fr. Creamer is the guest of his | { mother in Syracuse, N.Y. Died at Georgetown, N.Y, | Rev, J. W. Briggs, Methodist, died at Georgetown, N.Y. He was at native of North Augusta, who, after | his ordinance in Brockville several | years ago, took up Methodist pastoral { ! | work in New York state, | { Tt Would Pay You To Call. Our range of made to measure suits are of the best material and and black serges, English worsted and Scotch tweeds which wa will make to your measure at a very reasonable price, Prevest, Brock St. ---- Some Duck Egg. James Gordon, Athens, has a duck that evidently is not on Strike, She laid an egg measuring eight and a | half inches around lengthwise and six and a half inches short way. Who says it doesn't pay to keep ducks. -- A Princess Street Tragedy. Phone 520. 63 Brock Ste No. 9-3240. FOR SALE Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials. 1. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, fYou ...o- Suffer: wesmipsion Take a course of the famous Beecham's Pills. ranipk relief offen follows the first dose. People everywhere are proving the value of BEECHAM' S weiiz PILLS so Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by uv rr BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 LAWN MOWERS All makes of Lawn Mowers repaired, sharpened and ad- Justed. Garden Shears sharpened. J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. Phone 2056J, CORNER POSTS FOR CEME- TERY LOTS. At" pre-war prices. $12.00 a set. J. E. Mullen » Wagsta®s Ginger Marmalade, , Wagntail'y Plueapple Marmalade, Wagstaft's Bramble Jelly, We also have a full lime of other reliable makes of mas Tlades, Jam ang Jellies ry Bhi Bon Marche 3 Grocery y, on License: aod nr Saris : Phone 1544. MARRIED LADIES ARE XOU STILL DOING IT? You must know it is not fair to your husband to continue buying: new Hats every season when we can reshape your old ones into the very latest Spring styles. Get wise! Save $10.00. and put it into that Suit you have In wind. The Kingston Hat Cleaners Opposite 15: Tnllege Book Store. 163 Princess St. Upstairs. 'Plone 1483. NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES ARE BACK TO PRE-WAR PRICES Our prices are reduced again, and once more are within the reach of every candy lover. "Homemade (80c.) now ......680e "Reception" Assorted, Hard Centres ($1.00), now «ns se SOC. "Demonstrator," *Super-8ix" nuts and hard centres ($1. 28) now tiaev sae n<83100 NEILSON'S quality is unexcelled in very attractive packages. New wtions and new boxes at:-- S M. R. McColl Corner of Clergy and Princess Street : : : Phomes2 Mary Jane: --*'I saw. Louise today | on Princess street, and she had a per- { fectly lovely Persian lamb stole on | her." Grandpa: --'"Dear, dear! Ain't that too bad! And are they likely to catch the thief?" Issue of Mar riage License, Reorganization in connection with the issuing of marriage licenses will probably go into effect by Scptember 1st, A bill was passed providing that in future all marriage licenses would be issued by the town clerks or city clerks. ---------- New Organ At St. Andrews, At a meeting of the congregation of 8t. Andrews chureh, Perth, it was decided to purchase a new up-to- date pipe organ, The present organ has been in serviee for a lengthy period and has about outlived its use- fulness, -- Best Investment Centre. "Kingston is rated as the best in- vestment centre in the Dominion," re- marked a representative of an out- standing securities house in Toronto on Saturday. He stated that there Was more money here for the size of the city than any other place in Can- ada, and that bond salesmen were always welcomed. -- - Size of Berry Boxes. Market Clerk William McCammon has received notification from the do- minion Fruit Commission that ber- ries must be placed in one or other of the following containers: (a) four- fifths of a quart, (b). one pint in a container four and three-eights by four and three-eights at the top and bottom and one and seven-eights inches deep, (c) two-fifths of a quart. Additional Degrees. Among those who received the bachelor's degree in theology at the Union Seminary were: Charles R. F. MacLennan, B. 'A. B.D., John Stanley Cornett, M.A, B.D.,' John Lewis Rose, B.A., B.D., William John Scott, B.A., B.D, and Coral Wesley Topping, B.A., B.D,, of Queen's Theo- logical College. Orangemen Organize Band. The Kingston Orangemen have organized a band and have secured a band room on Brock street facing the market square. An instructor is busily engaged in teaching profic- iency on the fife and drum, in prepar- ation for the "Twelfth" when the band will be seen at the head of the procession, Approved of Suggestion. Approval was expressed by the Smith's Falls Board of Education of a suggestion from Kingston that, in- as much as the present was not a suitable time to advance salaries, there should be a conference between the Federation of Teachers and the | {rustees' section of the Ontario Ed- ucational Association with regard to salaries. Made Salary Increases. The salary of Principal Trench of | the Perth institute has been advanced from $2,400 to $2,500. He had ask- ed for $2,700. The board declined to increase the salaries of the lady teachers of the collegiate, five of whom were asking that their salaries be raised from $1,800 to $2,000 and one who was asking for an increase of $400, from $1,300 to $1,700. Over the Summer, B. F. Bunting, president of the Black Donald Company, who has spent the winter in the United States is now at Calabogie, 'accompanied by his two daughters who will spend the summer with him at their cottage on an island in Whitefish Lake near the mines. Mrs. Bunting and her two sons will join the family later. Lost Valuable Pony. A pony, owned by J. M. Caines, was kicked on the leg by another Lorse at Barriefield camp on Thurs- day and its injuries were of such a nature as to necessitate the shoor- ing of the animal. The pony went under the name of "Doc" and was a great favorite with the owner and many of his friends, and was very valuable. The Drift Block Sold. Prof. Smidt has sold to Mr. Hil- ton, corner Henry and McColl streets, Trenton, for $600; also 132 x 132 ft., on Dundas for $1,320; also the stone house, for $2,500, and the residence with the balance of the land to Col. Bywater, for $6,750, thus making a total of $11,170, besides making $950 on option money from different parties, A Young Man's Success. Herbert IX Moss has taken over the plumbing business for some time ran by Alfred Gould, Smith's Falls, and will add a tinsmithing depart- ment. Mr. Grant is to remain with him as a practical plumber. Mr. Moss, {of the curriculum at Smith's Falls | ing was $94,984. who came from Renfrew, is mani- festing push and enterprise, and looks forward with confidence to an excellent business. Now in Detroit. J. D. Evans, who retently complet- ed a tour of the agencies controlléd by the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 'located in Alabama, Louis- fana and Texas, is now at the head office in Detroit, Mich., and for the present is filling the position of chief of the field sudit staff and division. (Copyright, 1921. SALARIES FOR WIVES By CHARLES GRANT MILLER All Rights Reserved by United' Feature Syndicate.) wives a salary. Nine-tenths of the wives of the takes the spirit of independence out Manifestly this is unfair. She can never go gadding about woman's nature. red necktie, "Formerly," to know who is mayor." 'any sweetness of*disposition that can can gild over complaining discontent. As to Leauty--well, "beauty is a¥ Deauty A Chicago club woman wants the federated woman's clubs to demand ot the legislature of all the states laws requiring husbands to pay their country are home women, declares the author of this proposition, and have no property rights whatsoever. The husband can dictate just how much she shall spend. buy a pair of expensive trousers he can do it without consulting her; but if she "wears the trousers" he reserves the right to regulate the cost. This it he wants to of a woman. Without money of her own to spend as she pleases, and, above all, without independence from her husband's domina- tion, a woman can never be a man among men in the women's clubs. to conventions, resolving things and demanding the emancipation of women who don't want to be emancipated from that sweet dependence in love, which is the sacredest part of a She cannot clip her hair and split her skirts, and stand before the world as an example that woman is equal to man in all things--not while she must go to her husband for permission to buy a pair of half hose of a urges the author of this proposition, "husbands were held by beauty and sweet disposition. While those attributes were com- mendable, the husband of to-day wants 3umething more; he wants his wife It would be interesting to have an estidate of the regular salary supposed to be required by a woman to enable her to know who is mayor. ~It would be even more interesting to know why the beauty and sweet | W disposition that once held husbands seem now to be deemed insufficient. . Possibly the women who demand laws for the subjugation of in | husbands neglect to cultivate the sweet disposition. Certainly they their] haven't be noticed at this distance. ; does." There is no beauty When women abandon love and their own 'natural graces as their instrument of power over their husbands, and resort to laws, they had Dotter see to it that the laws are good and strong. Mr. Evans was called to Detroit and | tendered the position of chief ac- | ccuntant for the Canadian corpora- | tion, but was forced © ceeline on ac- | count of othey plans for th; future. Mrs, Dennison's Estate. » The desire that her body should | be cremated is expresséd in the will filed for probate of the late Mrs. F. | MacDonald Denisop,, Toronto. The | deceased's estate, fade up of $6,794 | in cash and government annuities, is bequeathed to her son, Merrill Deni- son, who is resident at Bon Echo, Addington County. ---- Wait for This. The Oddfellows excursion to Gan- anoque and return on the popular and roomy steamer St. Lawrence, Monday evening, 27th June, 7.30. The Oddfellows' had the best excur- sion last season, Their aim this year is "better than ever." One hour at Gananoque, McAuley's five piece hour for concert and dancing. ------------ Dropping Several Subjects. Manual training and domestic science, for some years forming part THE INDIFFERENCE of the Coal Consumer has resulted in such a small demand for coal at the mines, that they are being operated only at about one-half their usual capacity. Unless Coal is mined during the summer, the Mines will not be able to meet the winter's demand It is therefore advisable for consumers who can do so, to buy ang receive their coal early and thus insure a tull winter's S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 06. Factory Phone 1415. bg o . . ----ne/ NEW PRICES CHARM TEAS BLUE PACKAGE BLACK RED PACKAGE BLACK ..30¢c. PER PACKAGE GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN 30c. PER PACKAGE THESE ARE THE BEST VA LUES ON THE MARKET. 25¢c. PER PACKAGE Collegiate Institute, are to be tem- porarily removed from the curricu- | lum, 'This was done at the regular | meeting of the Board of Education a few days ago, when, in the re- engagement of teachers for" the en- suing year." W. T. Ferguson and Miss Miller were not retained on the staff. It was indicated that the step was taken in the interest of economy. Gave Him a Present, While at Calgary on Thursday A. E. Calnan, Picton Gazette, paid a great tribute to Roy Sayles, the man- ager of the Canadiau Weekly News- paper Association 'and asked Mr. Cowie to make a little presentation to Mr. Sayles showing their apprecia- tion 'of his work since his appoint- ment, J. L. Cowie, Carberry, Man., asked Mr. Sayles to receive a very handsome bag to which Mr. Sayles suitably replied. -- Hospital Tenders, The price submitted by the success- ful tenders on the new hospital] build- As showing the wide disparity between the Toronto firm and the Kingston contractors it is stated that one Kingston firm ask- ed $110,000 and another $124,000. It is stated in' explanation of this that the Toronto firm of Dickie, is highly equipped for handling big jobs and has constantly on hand contracts in the neighborhood of $1,000,000. They are therefore in a position to turn their services and equipment SPRING FURS Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's BROCK STREET right onto the job without the initial expense, -------- Mrs. William Service Buried. Francis C. Osborne, wife of the late Rev. Wm. Service, passed away at the hom» of her son-in-law, Rev. F. Pitts, Wales, Ont. She was born at Fish Lake in 1844 and was mar- ried in 1870. She spent forty-two years with her husband on circuits in the Bay of Quinte and Montreal. conferences, She leaves one son and two daughters to mourn their loss--- Dr. C. W. Service of West China, Mrs. (Dr.) R. C. Armstrong of Toki 0, Japan, and Mrs. (Rev.) F. Pitts of Wales. The funeral was held at the home of her daughter in Wales after which her son-in-law took the re- mains to Picton where a short ser- vice was held by Rev. L. Wickware of Northport circuit. Th. remains were buried in the family plot beside her husband who died some twelve years ago. A SPLENDID TONIC FOR WEAK PEOPLE | Dr. Williams' Pink P Pills Act On, the | = A Blood and Nerves. Food is as important to the sick person as medicine, more so in many cases. A badly chosen diet may re- tard recovery. In health the natural appetite is often fickle and depraved. Proper food and a good tonic will keep most people in good health. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a fine tonic medicine, harmless and certain in their action, which is to build up tire blood and restore vitality to the run-down system. For growing girls who are thin and pale, for pale, tired women, and for old people who fail in strength, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an ideal tonic. 'Thousands have testified to the benefit derived from the use of this medicine, among them is Mrs. William Gallie, Hantsport, N.S.,, who says: Before I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I was 8G weak and run down that I could hardly do my own work. I often suffered from headaches and was very nervous. I then began the us= of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I can truthtully say I have found them the best medicine I have ever taken. You may depend upon it I will advise other sufferers to take these pills." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Piils through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. : Steele-Kennedy W A A quiet wedding was solemnized Friday morning at 10.30 by Rev. J. W. Stephen, minister of St. An- drew's Presbyterian church, when he united in matrimony Ida Ken- nedy and Ross Steele, both of Tich- borne. The happy couple were as- sisted by Miss Kathleen Steele, sister of the groom, and W. M. H. Kea- nedy, brother of the bride, bride looked very becoming v 3 We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) TO. NIGHT FOR 25¢ 18 dozen Good, Strong, Huck Towels --splendid size for bedroom use-- fOr. .io.i'vi vin. 25¢. cach / 26 dozen Kitchen Towels-- hemmed ready for use; full size--for 25c¢ ea. Women's Strong Cotton Stockings -- Black, . White and Brown, for trea vaicn nevey ves. 200 2 PRir ~. Men's Socks--Grey, Black and Tan for', ui... . .25¢. a pair Ww. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. ~-- N 3 a The {the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Stewte | in alleft on the first train for Toronto, ravy tricotine sult with hat and veil {then going to Manitoba and Alberiz to match, The bridesmaid wore a where they will biue suit with hat to match. After | moon, Afterward in Toronto, Both Mr. and Mrs. Steele are popi'arly known and many handsome resents were re- ceived from friends which testify their popularity. spend a brief honey- taking up residence

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