THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Out Fitting vv The vacation season is here and we'd like to check you through to outing comfort. Soft Shirts, and they're beauties, $2.50 to $3.75. Athletic Underwear, $2.00, $2.50. Coo] Neckwear. Cool Hosiery, that's fine. Panama and Straw Hats. Alpaca Coats. White Duck Trousers. White Flannell Trousers. Stripe Flannell Trousers. Grey Flannell Trousers. Palm Beach Trousers. Summer Belts. Cool everything to wear you can ask for. Livingston's ~ Founded 1847. 75-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk' Anderson Bros. Limited Wednesday & Thursday CHERRIES Sweet and Sour. + Gooseberries, Watermelons, Canteloupe New Peas, New Beans COOKED---JELLIED AND ROAST MEATS 1 Jellied Veal Roast Sugar Ham ellied Ham and Roast Leg of Pork Baked Macaroniloaf| Tongue Jellied Ox Tongue | Ham Bolonga Jellied Hocles | Reef Bolonga Jelied Lunch Tongue | Headcheese Jellied Spiced Beef| Soused Feet fam. Wienerwurst Everything for cottager, camper, the pic- nicker or general home use in Pickles, Sauces, Catsup, Salad Dressing, Prepared Mustard. : Preserved Sweet Pickles in balk. High Class Sour Pickles in bulk. Ice Cream Bricks--Ice Cream Cones. Gurds Ginger Ale, Dry Ginger Ale. Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767. WEDNESDAY HALF HALIDAY-- STORS CLOSES 1 P.M. i JUNE BALL AT THE RM.C. i (Continued from Page 11.) | Mrs R. T. Brymner, white ¢ | opalescent beading. | Mrs. Halloway georgette and silver. Mrs. W. H. Craig, satin. v Mrs. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, viack satin, black and silver sequined net Waddell, white | black net and Mrs, Harold Hughes, rose geor-| gette with gold. Mrs, W. E. Kidd, blue silk net. Mrs. Harold Davis, black satin Mrs. R. J. Vair, gold satin, roses Mrs. George Patterson (Toronto), black satin, gold, roses chine. .ophela roses. Miss F. Baxter, blue chine, georgette, roses. Mrs. W. J. Gibson, black satin and net. crepe de j | | | | MAJOR-GENERAL SIR A. C. MAC- DONELL mt Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, black satin {and sequined net. | Mrs. T. Bedell, black charmeuse, | gold lace and sequins. * | Mrs. Bayly Ransom, Paris | midnight blue sequins, long tulle sash, shoes match. | Mrs. T. 8. | sequins. Miss Betty: Massey-Bayley {(Mont- bronty. mauve crepe de chine and gold, |' Miss Dozothy Crookall (New | York), jade green tulle, silver lace, | feather fan. { Miss Catharine meteor crepe, Miss Jessie black satin net. Miss Elzanor Phelan, tulle, Fren.h flowers. Miss Hilda McTear, American beauty satin with silver, and Ameri- can beauty roses. Miss Edita Healy, coral satin, fea- ther fan, roses. Miss Kitty Torrance, green satin, petal overskirt, girdle with gresn tassels. Miss Gec'ge tulle. Miss Laddia MacKay (Toronto), lace and silver overdress of rcse taffeta. nosegay of sweetheart roses. Miss Chrissi Goodwin, cream satin, blue sash. | Miss Phoebe Lewis (Galt), tur- | Guoise blue brocaded satin. Miss Phyllis Knight, yellow and mauve: georgette. Miss Lilian Fair, old rose georg- ette, roses. Miss Nora Macnee, orchid and gold embroidered net. Miss Marjorie Harvey, orchid satin, silver embroidery, feather fan, roses. : Mrs. Bray, pink silver, Mrs. J. Osler, Toronto, white tuile and sequins, roses. Mrs. W. Harty, white tulle and se- quined net, American beauty roses. Mrs. Cassels, Toronto, mauve taf- feta, American beauty roses. Mrs. James Baxter, black lace over gold, with jet, and American beauty roses. Mrs. James Hamilton, mid-night blue charmeuse, overdress of black and gold net. Mrs. R. D. Sutherland (Toronto). black charmeuse, jetted. Mrs. Aubrey David (Newmarket), blug panne velvet. Mrs. W. B. Dalton, silver overdress midgnight blue. Mrs. W. H. Sawyer, orchid charm- euse and georgette sequin trimming. Mrs. J. Nelson Gibson, pale blue charmeuse, gold embroidery. Mrs. Hamilton Roberts, georgette, Mrs. Howard Penhale, white satin. Mrs. John Gordon Mackenzie (To- rinto), gold colored satin, and goid lace. Mrs. Hugh Ryan, silver brocade. Mrs. Everett Birdsall, white and silver. Miss Katie Moore, French gown of blue silk and' silver 'tissue. Mrs. Stewart Robertson, frock" of mid-night biue and sequins. ' Mrs. W. Hird, black satin gold filet lace, French flowers. Miss Mary Tyrrell, Toronto, blue gown, black Scott, black satin and Minnes, orehin Bryson (Ottawa), apricot (Toronto), yellow satin charmeuse and cloth, yellow French black ty roses. ed silk and white lace. ¥ "Miss Grace Edgar (Toronto), green satin, draped with georgette caught up with orchids. ette over pale blue, caught . with French i ; Miss Edith Carruthers, pink satin, with silver lace and blue girdle, 'Miss Marjorie Williams, 'black taffeta with overdress of chantilly lace and tangerine sash. : "Mrs. G. R. Rooney, Black charm- ense, net overdress. ' Miss Alma Graham, pink silk, blue overdress beaded with silver. : Miss Elma Lake, blue net over cloth of silver, silver shoes, roses. Miss Belva Halliday, Miss T. Gallagher, white charm- 3 Miss Harrie: Vair, orciaiild crepe de I and stockings to] georgette and silver, American bea- Miss Marion Ogilvie, peach coloz | Miss Judy Edgar, orchid - georg- Chatham, Le pink satin, pearl sequins, pink roses. [aso [euse draped with silver lace, pearls, { pink roses. i | Miss Mary Strange, powder blue | eatin and georgette, French flowers. | Miss Caroline Schoffield, Chicago, | "7 | orchid chiffon, silver girdle, ophelia roses. ei Miss Ethel Olive Joseph (Mont- | real), yellow chiffon, golden daisies. | Miss Yvonne Hughes (Lgnden, Eng.,), white brocaded satin ani | chiffon, silver band in hair. Miss Aline Rutherford, | crepe-de-chine. i Miss Cecily satin, Miss Rhoda Wurtell, with silver. Miss Doris Spackman (Montreal), ccral ripple satin and silver. { Miss Morphy (Montreal), pink | georgette, Miss Helen Baxter, flame charm- | jeuse with silver, American beauty | roses. | Miss Laura Kilborn, blue rose girdle and pink roses. | Mrs. J. N. Gibson, turquoise blue | charmeuse, with gold trimmings. | Mrs. John Waddell, black nat embroidered in gold and silver over | white #atin, diamond bandeau and | osprey in her hair; orchids. | Mrs, Willlam Bermingham, black satin and sequins, deep red roses, Mrs. Constantine, black satin with | touches of white and chantilly lace. Rutherford,' pink 1 blue. silk | satin, | overdress of black fringe. | Mrs. D. E. Mundell, black satin, net | overdress. Miss Marjorie Newman, point d'- esprit over pink satin. Mrs. Neil Black, jade green charmeuse, silver lace, silver shoes, jade green feather fan. Mrs. Cowan, Oshawa, Rlack and white. Mrs. Sandford Calvin, sequined trimming. Mrs. G. W. Cook (Montreal), black | satin ana jet. Miss McLaughlin (Oshawa), black net and steel. Mrs. W. G. Hinds (Quebec), black with touches of blue. Miss W. Gordon, georgette over pink fiowers. Mrs. Arthur Macnee, black seqa- in gown, Mrs. Garnet Greer, white satin. Mrs. Macdonald (Monfreal), black satin and jet. Mrs. Young-Smith mauve crepe. Mrs. Forbes (Toronto), satin. Mrs. John McKay, black satin. Mrs. Murray-White (Toronto), French gown of orchid satin, sequ- ined tunic, roses. Mrs. J. F. Norris (Montreal), blue kitten's ear crepe with sequins and gold beads. Mrs. H. E. Boak (Toronto), black net. ~Mrs. H. K. Hill, pale blue satin and lace. Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, and rose tulle. Mrs. A. D. Durnfogd (Montreal), black satin and green brocade. Mrs. James Rigney, black net over silver. Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick (Ot- tawa), black brocade and georgette, with touches of jade green, jet medalions. lack satis, Chinese blue (Montreal), apricot rose satin The Close of the Ball. Unrestrained gaiety followed fes- tivities Tuesday morning. After the last dance, the cadets rushed to the main building where the results of the examinctions had been posted. The senior class membe:s were giv- en their bumps, and after the pig- ture had been taken at half past six o'clock there was a dash for the city Accompanied by their guests at the ball, the cadets raided uptown res- taurants and secured healthy break- fasts from the hospitable proprietors. At half past seven thé" good times were still continuing, and persons on their way to work were interested spectators. Canadians Help blind to help themselves. DAILY MEMORANDUM, Matinee races at Fair Grounds Wed- nesday, 2 pm. Free admission. Baptist Choir moonlight excursion to Gananoque Thursday, 7.30 p.m. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE. KINGSTON. » DIED. BLAKE-In Niagara Falls, N.Y. June 21st, 1921, Berton second son of Mrs. Jane Blake, Kingston, aged thirty-eight yeamns and seven months. --d Funeral notice later. SHANE--In Kingston on June 2th, 1921, William Shane. Funeral wiil take place from his. late residence 308 Queen St, Wednes- day at 1 p.m. (eity time) to Camden East Cemetery. Friends and aequainganchs are respect- fuily invited yo attend. ' WELSH~--In Kingston, at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, on Monday, Jone 20th, 1921, Mrs. Robert Welsh, aged twenty-six years. Funeral will take piace from the resi- dence of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Prior, Howe 1sland, on Wednes- day morning at 9.30 o'clock (stan- dard time), to St. Philomena's - church, where a .solemn requiem ass will be sung for the happy Fri agen pouk : ends cquaintances rés - 3 ly invited to attend. bectruj yellow Mrs. Douglas Young, black satin, silk," Frenchy ARE THE NEW ~ SUMMER FROCKS Frocks of lovely Cotton fabrics, whose fresh- ness and beauty make their success certain. They are in Ginghams, Dotted Swisses, Or- gandies and Figured Voiles, in all the colors of the rainbow. Delicate embroidery, ribbon, pretty laces, buttons, are some of the trimming features, clever Vestee effects add their smartness. A few moments of your time spent in our Ready-to-Wear Section to-morrow will, indeed, be intere sting, not only as to variety of styles. but the moderate pricings as well. ORGANDY FROCKS ........... ............. S1000up FIGURED VOILE DRESSES......... ...... ...$950up GINGHAM DRESSES .........i. . .. il... 94.50up TAFFETA FROCKS In all this season's new sty le creations, made from Swiss Chiffon Taffeta Silk, enriched with such trimmings as e:nbroid- ery work, eyelet work, self frills and organdy sashes. Besides Navy and Black, all the wanted shades are among the broad range. Priced at-- $22.00 UP BUY YOUR TUB SKIRT NOW As the weather gets more pleasant, the out-of- doors will have an irresistible lure. That's when you will need plenty of chic TUB SKIRTS for outings, for sports' wear, and for informal New models of Cotton Gaberdine, Tricotine and parties in the afternoon. PRICED $3.00 $3.75 $3.95 Pique, with and without pockets, are hand- somely styled and tailored with the same pre- cision as the Silk and Wool models. vr PLEASE CALL FOR YOUR JULY DELINEATOR MAGAZINE. ohn Laidlaw & Sen, Limited Stylish Shoes For Children We have just received this splendid Summer Oxford Girls' - White Buck Lace Shoes, welt soles, square toes.' Sizes liito2 ....... Sizes9to 104 ..".... Canvas Lace Shoes .. . . Canvas Strap Shoes . . $5.00