THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1921, the charm of its hillside ight--are* ; ISG 85 30 and labelled ardens, the glint of tropical 8) "the little" leaves that hold--to give you a beverage that Tenew your energy, stimulate and cheer. In pound and half-pound cartons. CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal, Que. 1s "CURES "= Coaths, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, hooping Cough, Asthma, Ete, . MATHIEU'S SYRUP isa sovereign tonic combining' the curative rties of TAR an the stren virtues of COD LIVER OIL. Ce ds; when neglected or badly treated give rise [ consequences of suchagrave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. a i THIEU the only genuine remedy whose see yam Ry THn Le upmany imitations of dog peien, ON SALE EVERYWHERE rN, mn \ > \ | { WAYS " GENIUS. TAILLEUR OF CHAMOIS CLOTH | TE wavs or aovics. Brandy Used by Edgar Allan Poe to "Inspire" Him. Grieg, the musician, when about to compose, would first memorize the words whose meaning he wished to express by sounds "I require several days to heat my head," he once said; "then I lose my | abPpetite, my eyes become inflamed, {and the imagination is stimulated f [Then I compose an opera in three | weeks." Most people will agree that | work produced under such conditions | deserves to succeed. Edgar Allan Poe 'was in the habit of drinking brandy for the same purpose. Voltaire went in for coffee, and De Musset for a mixture of beer and absinthe. De Quincey is said to have used opium, though he found it as much a hindrance as a help; and Burns preferred whiskey. There are other methods stil, however, Schiller put his feet in ice | while he sat in a room filled with the | odor of rotten apples. Milton buried | his head in cushions and banklets. | Rousseay preferred to have the sun | heating on his head, while Shelley | wrote with his head close to the fire. | Quite a number of people, other | than men of genius, have discovered | the advantages of thinking in bed; but of the intellectual giants who always preferred this method, Des- | cartes and Leibnitz are noteworthy. Lecky, the historian, modified the | method; he used to kneel upon a | Specially constructed sofa and write {upon the head of it, so that the |line between head and heart was | horizontal and the blood | by aided. | cured more comfortably | burne, who used to write In contrast to these, Victor Hugo | his desk. | always stood upright at | Herbert Spencer used to utilize phy- has a smart loose coat embroidered in | sical exercise, perhaps the best motifs of brown, with an unusual, | method of all. draped collar of the same material, | ing with a ball | sit down and dictate. Later he would | try more exercise, and so on. ------ This novel tailleur of chamois cloth ------ Death came quite unexpectedly to | tlie home of Wesley Morton, Thomas- | i burg, on Tuesday, and claimed for | '8 victim Ruth Graham Stewart, the | seventeen months' old daughter of | Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex, Stewart, Belle- ville. Nector and Beeswax, According to Mr. Gaston Bonnijer, i of the French Academy of Science, flowers make nectar for in order that they ollén on their legs { attract the bees, one blcssom to an- Z7ROGERS /S LIVE RP > "THE mbassador PATTERN pattern makes an instant bassador design meets with admirer of fine silverplate, The fresh beauty appeal. The ty--and the reason without qualification, Remember the Ambassador Pattesn when you select gifts. A cold meat fork, a berry spoon, or a sugar shell; these are always acceptable, If your dealer does not have the neew Ambassador Pattern he can get it for you, The Family Plate for Seventy-five Years MERIDEN BRITANNIA COMPANY, Limited, Hamrox, Made in Cemada Canadians and sold by |, Canadian als throughoui the RD ating Ox. rr ---------- A ------------ Be SS em, "1847 oe w _------t-- BRO LATE oates Rogers Bros" Knives, Forks and Spoons. : M. Bonnier also has demon- | strated that bees do not get the wax | of which their honeycombs are built from the flowers, as is generally Supposed. They secrete it themselves, The wax is described as a fatty substance, formed in Special glands, situated under several rings of the abdomen. It exudes in the form ot whitish flakes, which the bees gather with their legs and use as building material. The nectar formed at the base of the corolla of many flowers is used by the fertilized fruit or seed as nutriment in growing, much as the yolk of an egg is used by the em- bryo chick. This, according to M. Bonnier, is " \ proved by the disappearance of the | nectar as the fruit bug enlarges. But the nectar has another use; Namely, to check the e€vaporation of water from the surface of the plant, for Sweetened water evaporates more slowly than unsweetened. The bees suck up the nectar, which does Dot pass into the stomach but into an expansion of the esophagus. There it undergoes a partial chemical transformation under the influence of a substance called invertase, which acts as a ferment. When the bee dis- gorges the honey into the wax cell it also discharges a little invertase and, before closing the cell, a tiny drop venom from its sting to prevent fermentation. "Thus," says Bonnier, "the bees invented 'antiseptics before Pasteur or Lister." It is this drop of poison that pre- serves the honey for years, ---------------- No Actresses, There are so any actresses to- | day that it is ha-q to believe there Was a time when there Was none. Yet, | before 1656 AD. no civilized coun- | try could boast & woman "star." {| There was no law Was considered a disgrace for a wo- man to appear on the stage, and wo- man's parts, as in the Chinese thea- fe of to-day, were taken by boys or en. Rose Coleman broke the ice in 1656. She appeared in "The Siege of Rhodes," sand her success was so great that scores of English women followed her example, and France, Germany and other nations followed Suit in haste. --N. Ys Sun. ---- American Family Lite. + In America, according to figures recently compiled by Dr. Murray Butler, president of Columbia Unij- | versity, about 21 million families oc- | cupy 19 million houses; six million families own their Own homes; three | more million families have the on | mortgage, twelve million people have bank deposits, ete.; there are 61 million farms, ang 3,000 public lib- | i Taries exist. A Mean Man. Sandy--"One of the meanest men I ever knew was Fergusson. He | Smoked a cigar--if given to him--to the last haif inch, chewed the Stump, and used the ashes for snuff. Then he wasa't satisfied, and gave up | Smoking." "What for?" "He couldn't think of Lsing the smoke. * -- The First Telephone. The first telephone ever installed vate at Marlborou in 1878 on underer, and between the and . of the them Princess of % : -------- : : A Rocket. A rocket to remch a height of would have any way of gh House. It was board the flow there- | The same result was se- | by Swin- | while lying | After rowing, or play- | for a time, he would | use, and not, as Darwin believed, to | re ------ -- much | against it, but it | Or Sleeveless Dresses i Tower -------- To Wear Thin Waists | | | (Beauty Topics) |it is an easy matter for any woman | | to remove every trace of hair or fuzz from' face, 'neck and arms. Enough | of the powdered delatone and water 1 18 mixed into a thick paste and | Spread on the hairy surface for about | two minutes, then rubbed off and | the skin washed. This completely | Temoves the hair, but to avoid dis- | appointment, get the delatone in an | original package. Gouraud's Oriental Cream for cooking cream left in. | Some 200 farmers leave Hamilton |on annual two-day motor tour. ne | | | | | | residence is still to be | Was subsequently fix. | iH | { | i | | | | have it handy | | | | } With the aid of a delatone, paste, | GIVES HEALTH AND STRENGTH _ This Preparation containg in :a palatable form the soluble nutritive properties uf fresh Beef, Cod I of Oil, with t phosphates of Lime. Soda. Potash Iran , leasant to take Tones up. Builds up. d all the year round Your Physician wil} tell you there is no better tonic for adults op Sa Drug Store Sargent's 186 PRINCESS STREET. Vacuum Cleaners To Rent For Spring House-Cleaning Motor Boat Supplies, Dry Cells, Spark Plugs, Coils, Switches, etc. - HALLIDAY ELECTRIC co FOR SALE 8 Roomed Brick House on Frontenac Street, Park; newly decorated throughout; session at once. Price $5,600. KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited J. 0. HUTTON. B. G. ROBERTSON Phone 708 - 67 Clarence Street. near Victoria new hardwood floors. Pos. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL. KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE UPTOWN OFFICE--Mc GALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. COAL COMPANY 18K SOWARDS SUMMER - and New Clothes CLOTHES for travel, motoring, boat- ing--for tennis, golf, informal dances --You need more different k clothes in summer than at an time of the year! , do without a single one this summer, Fornow you, yourself, can make love- lier clothes than ever before--clothes that will have real Parisian chic--and 'saveactually more thanever, through a wonderful new picture-guide, "he DELTOR That Saves You 50c to $10 This wonderful new aid to home sewing tells Joi by means of pictures so simple that you follow them almost by instinct--at once-- 1 How to save 50c to $10 on materials The Deltor gives you a "picture- layout", worked out by Butterick experts for your own individual pattern, i i saves you anywhere from X to 1% yards of goods, 2 How to achieve tha; coveted Parisian charm Stitch by stitch, as yourneedle flies in and out, basting, then stitching, just as the Deltor's How to finish like the cleverest 3 French modiste The Deltor will tell you the French modiste's own answer to every Fo a | yourself -- taking in all | Summer ace | tivities and sports For FICTION HOMEECONOMY ETIQUETTE