RITISH WHIG. THUKSDAY, JUNE 28, 1021. THE DAILY B CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES. First insertion, lc. & word. Each con- ' secutiv- insertion thereafter, half cent a word. Min'mum charge four One insertion, 25c; tnree insertions, | 50 cents. Tre above rates are for cash onl When cnarged they are double. me mn a is ar WANTED GENERAL SMALL SECOND HAN ator in good cond POSITION BY Srapher La3sw, { come Ff a © HELP WANTED, PER FOR FAMIL) | i ee ---- | A HORSE TO HELP IN | Will pasture him ---------- ro to { SECOND-HAND } od condit hone 221 GOOD HOUSEKEER of three. Apply 241 Brock Street, A COOK, FOR THREE MONTHS AT summer hotel; good wages. Apply YING O TE SNOV THE PEOPLE'S FOR UM SLY ee -- ---- Cnn ( \ | FOR SALR FLAGS, CANOES Cooke TENTS, .W | | AWNINGS, | Phone 811 NCH oF | Stre KEYS, ON 94, between § am. and 6 p.r LARGE mi Earl . A COMMODIOUS MAHOGANY SE tary. Apply ty Mrs. Rodger, Earl Street. CARPET, VERY HANDSOME lish Axminster; scarcely used; 12; $225. Phone 642. UP-TO-DATE OR ANGEADE COOLER morning. , same at W MONDAY ON Street, a bund er may fic RUG M.C } v Box T-235, Whig. tse ee eet nn er COOK, GENERAL, FOR COTTAGE AT 1000 Islands. Refersrices required Apply 47 Wilijam reet. NT----SMALL App \ Mrs Johnson Str ONE SET op HEAVY SINGLE and ess flies. Box N-21 Wh : » pn | FARM TO Rp» » ABOLT 200 ACR FAM. by pL. anstical farmer; view chase, Frank Herring, P. 0, E. Toronto. GENERAL SERVA ily: references. lavingston, 181 A VOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- | work, and to help with care of an invalid child Apply Mrs Bray, RMC, WANTED 10 Buy a desk, one with 1s preferred . Whig Office HOUSEKEEPER; ONE WHO CAN DO plain cooking dar. family of four Apply Mrs. J. "AX" McFarland, 312 University Ave. MOWERS LAWN vall at TO GRIND, e and g 1d you - 'Pp 4 car ATTENTION--SALESMAN WANTED; Phon experience not necessary; good | chance for advane ment; returned married men or college men pre- ferred Apply 34 Brock St, ¥ to o ' -- dd i SALESMEN, WE HAVE THE 'house-to-house proposition market. Send dime for Daisy Stamping Co., 608 v: Toronto. WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepresented coun- ty or territory. Exclusive selling rights; good pay to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency is vaju-! able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto, Ont. RETURNED SOLDIERS--wWE HAVE real positions to offer returned | soldiers who can quality. Call for personal interview WANTED RCHASE A well es a good stana cf TO PLE tavlishe PB BAC BES 2; mus on th Semple nge St, | _ WANTED, THR would musica! profits ply Jac Lie EE YOUNG MEN WwW tu enter vaudevi d 800d sala apital requir Room 2 HC come smail K Rose ge Hotel BY ortable furnish ks--July Zn 1ith Terms moderate five no small children § part lars, 10 C Roaq, Ottawa iouse for six between 10 am -m. 'Mr. Whitehead, Royal! Chambers (upper floor), | Kingston, Ont COME AT ONCE--MEN 36-10 DAILY, | special short courses; one month Auto Mechanics' course $50; month Gas Tractor Course plenty of time to fAuish for spring rush. Hemphill] Bros, Auto Gas Tractor Schooul, 163 King st, + Toronto. Boara and $8.50 up. Call or write. ESMEN, A LARGE tion with branch offices cipal cities of the U and Canada is expanding salesmen of to-day will be managers in a few months You | can be one if you are willing to | ble and. ambi- appoint. Whig WANTED I need two or three more resi. dences, where I can attend to the garden and lawns every week. Good and tidy'work guar- anteed by expert gardener H E. Smith, 2 King St, phone SAL ORGANIZ The | the | MASONRY AND CARPENTERING ------ [ Met 1 .» plastering ang genera pairs by the day. Satisfaction given, rick Street, Kingston, 3 house, re painting. Pat 15 AMBITIOUS M in their pr cognized, and who aspire things in a big way, to such who have been looking "for a field to demonstrate their ability, there is now open ap opportunity in the largest, most remunerative, most Successful field in all' the Domin- ion of Canada. For confidential in- terview, give One number ty Box K-89, Whig Office. ENz WHOSE ABILITY esent position is not re- to do TINSMITHING, DELBERT BENN, ONTARIO'S FAM- Ous tinsmith, has given of his customers satisfaction $ tern pumps he ig famous to repair 1y 17 Thomas street ee CARPENTERING. ESTIMATES ON ALL KIN pentering, jobbing, and work, working men's cotta Specialty; satisfaction Apply Brockleh Bajrie Street. ey SIGNS SIGNS oF ALL KINDS, ete. large or small, guaranteed XX gold leaf; posters, showcards, artistically written ana. desi by Shaw, at 206 Princess Nt Kingston. =m | i h © GOOD, RELIABLE MAN WANTED TO ' take orders and deliver the finest line of Teas, Coffees, etc, in Can- fda. Highest commission of any concern in the paid; all Hoods are guaranteed op money re- unded. Each applicant must be financially responsible. If you are looking for a £00d, independent, permanent position wi earning possibilities, opporuunity. Quick action neces- sary. Patricia Blend Tea & Cof- fee, 651 Queen Street Bast, Toronto, ges guaranteed GLASS, WOOD, Teet, REACH AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN, NoT Vass, but to travel ang cal rep esentatives, In expenses guaranteed, chance to make $60 a week and State age and qualifica- Experience unnecessary Cb., Dept. G., Toronto. DENTAL. DR, A. 6B. KNAPP, DEN 258 Princess Street. TO CAN. appoint lo- Phone 652w. -- PARKS, DEN. on street, ove Phone 346. DRS. SPARKS AND s tists, 159 Wellingt tions. Carnovsky's. Winston DR. RUPERT P, MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phoov 1850, Upen evenings by appointment. tet UR. AYKROY D, DENTIST, HAS RE. 6umed practice at yz Princess St., over, Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone 16027. POSITION WANTED, CHAUFFEUR MECHANIC, MARRIED, desires position; six years' experi ence; first class reference; can Mork around house and garden, Pply A. Geekie, 212 Kj St A Phone 2257. 2 Feet PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WHEN WANT] Paperhangin A. Mounteer FURNITURE FI ISHING CALL OR DROP A CAR €oll, 23 John street ARCHITEQT POWER, soN AND DREVE] tects, Merchants Bank Chi corner of Brock ang WwW streets. NG PAINTING OR & done, drop a card to « 84 Arch sireet. HENRY WARD & Sox, PAINTERS, Paper Hangers and interior deco- r~.ors. Now is the time to have your interior decorated. 1567J. D TO W. DR1s. ARCHI- ambers, elliagton PAINTING AND PAPE Flanagan, Painte Estimates freely gold letters for st windows, 247 Phone 1482. R HANGING --J, r and Decorator given. Metallic Ore and office Montreal stree: MEDICAL, DR. C. H. ELLIOTT, 362 BROCK ST, Fresh Coal &Wood Weekly Arrivals. Our message to customers js: BUY COAL Now. Uneven distribution tends to create a James Swift & Co, Limited Foot of Johnson St. coal shortage. | THIS IS THE SEASON ing to get out on the when you will be arrangi . water and in order to do so you want a boat with a reliable engine. y not get one from Davis ? They are good and built at home. A few left to choose from. DAVIS DRY DOCK co. East End of Wellington St. Auction T am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. FORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THK 'A Reo Truck 'Side weats for 12, $1250.00 cash only. Also § soda Water cy- linders cheap. Avenue. WiLL SMALL 3€ With in Whig Prince QUEEN'S TIRE AND RIM, BE R.| " -* EFL LS rb beg BATTERSHILL -- | Also | 10] Phone | gonoonen DS OF CAR- repair a urst and Sleeth, 412). TIST. OFFICE CARPENTER | Selby, Contractor, 21% le. Phone 18itw Capacity 2 gals; almost new der's Princess Street $200 BUYS A GOOD FORD TOURIN "7 Car.' A'snap. Palmer, corner Ba Bot and Queen Streets rere ------------ es SMALL PRIVATE SALE OF hold fu day, 2-5 Owner cal and prov ownership. ARTICLES ADVER- TISED VREE, ing i FOUND i Anyone finding anything and | Wishing to reacu the owner may HO B30 Dy reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this cqlumn fre Found a: ciude lost ere These vertised for |i 196 Nelson St GASOLINE PUMP AND tank contains 240 gal: 1 gal. cap. Apply G. A Cooper terprise, pm, at BOWSER tank; | GARAG with Can be moved 143 Nelson iron, wired for electrie light j Apply E. EE Wathen et. | e e | FORD TON TRUCK tires, newly ed. Cheap f corner Bagot TWARM-DRY, VEW or quick sale. Palmer, and Queen' Streets PEARLS, ON eee eee Streets Reward 166 York Street. t PURE BRED WHITE eggs, Martin's' Dorcas strain, to $5.00 for*15. Also 60 egg Cha- tham Incubator. J mouth. IN WITH INITIALS Street Uwner i9%8 Frontenac BABY'S GOLD it, on Division have same a » r -- -- 'S, MONDAY ily leave at aking Parlors A PAIR BOYS at no Fl ' instruments, also cloth- Call and get our musical ing and furniture prices. Ll. Routbard, sireet. Phone 1723 Unde RINGS. Finder | Street 'W EEN Napanee, Sunday return to 17 Rideau reward ton and Kindly and receive 3 THE STOCK AND FIXTURES OF THE late Willlam Carrol Merchant Tailor, consisting of Woollens tailors trimmings. fron heater, gas, Sewing 'machine and else on the premises ONE FORD TRUCK IN GOOD RUN- ning condition; one Indian twin cylinder motorcycle with side car; xcelsior lightweight motor also two gasoline engines for pply Muller's Bicycle, Works King Street. Phone 1020 -- ee en. PRIVATE SALE B® ROOM FURNI- ture, etc, bedsteads springs, mat- tresses, chairs, dressers rugs, sec- tional bookcase, Columbia grafo- nola, Encylopaedia and many Other things. Apply evenings, 6 to 10 o'clock, 406 Johnson Street AND 17 papers Whig BETWEN YARK on Friday, June containing legal Kindly return ON ROAD Kir ey lope Finder FOR SALE. me ALBERT ST, cellar; gas; etectric rooms; asso bath and Company BUNGALOW, No. 560, north, good light; tour toilet Mil GENUINE GRAPHONOLA selections; your own choice A Yerms §( cana, $6 per mont, OC. Lindsay, lamited, 121 Mrincess St | | | CITY LOT, 6) F 3 ) E | feet deep; [or cash $225.00. Also incubator, 149 egg, and two brouod- €rs; hot water peated. Only used once 'awson, 245 Concession St near Victocia Street. TWO WOODEN CASES, MADE matched lumber; corners forced with 30 iron clamps; hinged doors on end of box Size 6x6x11 an suitable for garage or house. Apply Kingston Transfer Company : FROM I "BERTRA CALKINS Carrying capacity 500 net tons. Ca be inspected ag Picton, untario. rurtner particulars and price on! application. 1. Li. VanbDusen, Pic. | wlacllrUnt, i eee WE HAVE FOR SA LL KINDS oF good second ha furniture and sioves. Any person having stoves 8,0 furniture 1o dispose uf, we wil; pay highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess sires Poone 1souw, | -- : COKE FOR SUMMER t 813; CHEAPEST | fuel on the market. We are de- | livering 1-4 tons at $2.9; 1s tuns 'at 34.45, or a tull ton at $9.00. | Foone 1slim. W. . Bruton. 1 ee ee------------------ | [oom WILL BUY a SEVEN ROOM | single Irame; electric lights; gas tor cooking; Johnson street. ¥1,.- | 300 cash. Malance on time. A. Chas. Bell, 13v Clarence Street. Ee FORD CAR A snap for a quick buy- er. Ford car, with built in starter, speedometer, tire carrier, detachable rims, shock absorbers, etc. Easiest riding Ford in city. A1 condition. Good reason for selling. Address Box P-21 » Whig Office. rn. | ---- ~ CARS LISTED FOR SALE AT THE new auto repair shop, will be in| Al running ovraer. All makes re-| paired, wasned, polished and greas- ed. satisfaction guaranteed at a reasonable rate Apply 258 Queen, | Just back of Y. M. , A/ Phone) 1Z7um. i USED CAR GARAGE 'oe al A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. PHONE CRE- 151 ENG- 19x HOUSE- rniture, Thursday and Fri- P » 11' €" BY 17° 6", SHEETFED painted and overhaul- WYANDOTTE $3.00 Turner, Ports- WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF 289 Princess erything rein-| hen | r---- LEGACY OF $200,000) Left By Mrs. Hammond to the | War Widows of Ontario. Toronto, June 23.--War widows of Ontario are to benefit to the extent | of some $200,000 through the first - " The Coolest Spot In Town STRAND TODAY | re. | THOMAS "THE CITY OF A MEIGHAN SILENT MEN?" His most appealing role since "The Miracle Man" : CONCERT BY THE FAMOUS STRAND ORCHES STRA i ) beguest recorded in a private will. | The 'bequest comes from the will of | the late Mrs. Kathleen Hammond, who died recently, and it is under- | Staod that the terms of the will state | distinctly that the money is for the use of war widows alone, News of the bequest has reached the Soldiers' Aid Commission, al. | though, as the will has not been ,| probated, the exact agmount is not - known. At the commission offices {It #8 understood that the amount wi!l be wbout $200,000! It is also under- | stood that no organization has been {named to handle the bequest, so that, j under the authority given by the | legislature, administration of the y| fund will basefirough the Solder: | Aid Commission | "We will undoubtedly apply to | have the bequest turned over to {for administration when the will i | probated," said Mr. J. Warwick, {secretary of the Soldiers' Aid Com- | mission, in speaking of the bequest. Mr. Warwick said that details were | aga as vet lacking and would not be | F available until the commiss ion's legal | department investigated Howw- | ever, he ur derstood that the bequest | merely stated that the money was | to be used for war widows. and that | No party or parties were named to handle the money. 'In the event of phe will being as | amc we think, then both principal and | hav interest will be immediately | { | N R | live | sior trix add cla helc A | dist avail- | ang able when the will is probated, and | par | will be used for the benefit of war | yh | widows," said Mr. Warwick. So far | as can bo learned there are about [1,000 war widows in and about To- | [ronto who may benefit by the be- quest, Kin Mrs. Hammond was thé daughta- of Mr. and Mrs. James McParland, Kingston TE sr tA i st TO LET, ¢ REE ROOMS; PARTLY FU RNISH- ed. Apply 403 Division St. nN. | LE FURNISHED ROOMS AT CA n Street 1K more Residence, 207 Williar Phone 504 BEDROOMS ND SIT- Apply 27 Wellington en 6 and 8 p.m St FURNISHED : 7.30 ting-room Street, betwe CORNER QUEEN Apply D. G. Hay, R. | Kingston. Phone 1100 r 23. GARAGE, NEAR and Bagot R. 1 } sme. | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; céntrally jocat- | ed. Apply 243 University Ave | for STABLES AND SHEDS ON CORNER | of Wellington and Barrack street, by Muay 1st. Apply 31 Rideau St, ROOMED' STONE HOUSE, | improvements. Vacant April | A NINE 146 Montreal St., all Phone 1099 ring 3. | 1st. | APARTMENTS, UNFURNISHED; ALL modern; bright, airy rooms, $25 and $30 a month, at 520 Princess street. TO RENT, OR FOR SALE, . on Wolfe Island water-front; large garden; handy to boat landing | Phone 12 r 2," Wolfe Island. | FURNISHED BRICK BUNGALOW; 6 rooms; electric light; all improve- ments; good cellar. No children. 41 Quebec St, Possession July 1st. COTTAGE | In (he Estate D., late of the City of Kingston, De- ceased. creditors anc Charles, of March, fore the date said administratrix WOLFE | Ad ~------ One of the largest | ever found, weighing uncovered by a man d You will be well pleased. IDEAL To-day : VENTILATION tropical skies he recalled the shot; the shot and a fugitive from love. that Just 'Beneath the made him a fugitive from justice for the sake of his brother. "NOT GUILTY" Here's real Oriental romance by Harold MacGrath, featuring Sylvia Breomer and Molly Malone, --~---- Notice to Cretitors | Ask Your Grocer | FOR WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADE of George F. Charles, M. | otice js hereby ven, pursuant to] 8S. 0, Cap 21. 3 56, that: all| others having claims estate of the said George Who died on the 12th day | 1921, are required on or be-| 8th day of July, 1921 to de- r to Miss J. Edna Comer, 50 Divi: Street, Kingston, the administra- of said estate, their names and resses and full particulars of their | mS and of the securities, if any, | 1 by them nd. that after said gi S inst the 2 Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 Ib gold lined tins last mentioned | will proceed to of the deceased | entitled thereto, | ribute the assets SING NAN. PAIN SA ng the persons ing regard to those claims only °f| OILERS, TANKS, TRACTION ANE ¢h she shall then have had notice, 2 = bra A Tr CONC that she will not be liable for any | THRESHING ENGINES, CONCRETE t of said assets to any person of| MIXERS, ETC. REPAIRED, se claim she siall not have had no Bullders of Tanks, Smoke Stacks Breachings, light structural: steel, etc at the time of such distribution | 20 yeurs' experience, Phone 1673 W wNDBLA W. J. MILLARD Administratrix 94 Freomtenac Street Kingstos W. MUNDELL, Solicitor gston, June 16th, 1921 ~~ NS Aon, | | i i | W. KENT MACNEE | Bank of Commerce Building, Brock ani King Streets. Phone 701 or 13273. General Insurance Agency Writing; Automobile, Fire, Accident | Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete Representing Only Reliahle Companies A pi sie. GRIST MILL irinding on Tuesday and Friday R. H. RICKEY COLLIN'S BAY R. M. D. No. 8 lf ISLAND LAWN 'soci AL. -- mm me Xcursion to Lawn Social in aid of | ' Andrew's " PresLyteran Churen, | 1 Island, Friday Evening, Juae! Come and hear Sandy Macdonald, | WHY PAY MORE ? All kinds washed 81.0¢ Scotch comedian, of Toronto eamer Wolfe Islander leaves city at | Polishing, Greasing and Repairing at a reasonable rate. returfiing at 11.20 (city time) Insion, fucluding boat fare, 35¢. me gold nuggets 151 Ibs. was igging a grave | | | { i 286 Queen Street, just back a friend, of thé Y.M.C.A ANNOUNCING | The Opening of THE DAINTY RESTAURANT, 83 PRINCESS STREET ON SATURDAY, JUNE 25th Special Dinner for o For good things to pening week. eat, well served, come in and see us, and Expert Chef. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS oN i bathroom flat with all conveni- | ences. Suitable for light house- keeping Apply 10 Nelson Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, Used cars and- trucks. Motor Cycies and Bicycles Ford Magnetoes charged--giveg big headlights, $5.00 Auto Indicator- right Steam Carburetor saves gas Pronto Fire Extinguisher, Sun Visor, $7.00 Special Tubes, $2 40 up. Accessories, all kinds. GEO, A, PALMER Opposite Blue Ga se Cor, Bagot and Queen Streets * Phone 4104. CLOTH. CLOTH. CLOTH. Women folks need 800d qualities for the suits' We have thousands of yards that will be soid as low As $2.75 per Yard, half reguiar price, in goods 94 to oS inches wide. 'This is an excellent -opportunity to get ma- terials in better qualities than us- ually found in Women's fabrics, and also take care of the children's needs. Call at our store. Knglish & Scotch Woollen Company, iy Princess Streei. PERSONAL WILL THE GENTLEMAN WHO Siste cident evening send his this office shows stop, go left, two-thirds on ult name, in confidence, $3.75. Box 8 HAIR, MOLES, marks, skin can moved permane glasses fitted ag WARTS, cers, Scars, ete, re- ntiy. Satisfactory roished experience, . Elmer J. years' p Ear, Nose, Throat, Sk Lake, Wye. DO YouR materials in ir dresses and MAY 16th, AT was hit by a of Princess an Kingston 1 5 p.m, truck at d A WOMAN the corner Montreal Streets he gentleman why » the Crown Cafe Witness of the acci- dent, please w rite Box H-16, Whig, Or phone 1999. Se FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURA agents; established in 1860; the most re sented. or any other NCE 1 Columbia Cabinet tie Gramophone with $65.00. Three-quarter and | complete with new i $16.00, 318.00 and $2 Grand Au tgma- 39 Records, full size Beds Mattresses. $1200 5.00 | With 20 Records, ee e-- RONTENAC LOAX aND INVEST. meng Soclety; incorporated 1x61. President, W.'F, Nickle, K.C.; yice- president, « B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm broperties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. Cc. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence street, Kingston. CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELIS, D, Ph. C, Co ner Princess and barrie Streets. 2nd floor. Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. $22J. Hours 9 10 12 am. |v . } Vietor Gramophone, large size, §40.00 1 Gentleman's Bicycle $12.00, Story Books, ali cloth bound, ach. | | ! léc. e 1 Kitchen Cabinet, $20.00 1 Gas Range, four burnér, with oven, in good condition, $18.00. | 1 three burner Oil Stove with warm. | | ing closet and oven, $18.00. ! | LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP | Phoue 104Cw. gor Princess Street, : TR OO rt------------------------------ i A GOOD BUY FOR INVESTMENT OR | for a home. One of the best built | stone houses central lo- cation, le | | i f | UPHOLSTERIXG. age and stables. the owner and sa Will take $5,000 for cheap at $8,000, Consult the own- er. Apply Box R-21, Whig Office. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE CALL OR DROP CARD TO Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bago W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. Leave o ers at or drop a card to sireet. . WwW. J. quick sale. It's A" 104 Clergy VERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. der in all popular shapes and sizes. Upholstering and repairing done. E. J. Goodridge. 24% University Avenue, > $2.000--FR ROOMS;' and C. lights, © $2.800--R. C. SEMI-DETACHED rooms; B. and C.; down town. $3,000---FRAME NEW; ¢ ROOMS: Bn. NEW; B. AME; 4 . nL six FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ished; guns, gramaphones, ete. re- paired promptly and guaranteed. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St. FANCY GOODS. cordion, Hours § k A. I 4 Viet Terrace, Montreal St. Obposite Artiliery Park. LAND SURVEYOR FF. F. wm B.A GK, OLS, | RSLS Fabien onl 01 & Walkem, 33 Clar- fice: Walkem 3 and C.; electric lights. $4,300---PRESSED BRICK ¢ ROO: ho bath; 'electric Deni ih foo : on easy t air; 3 piece ne an i w. TS and Cypress trimming, terms. $6.500---BRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATEST Improvements; central. $10,000 -- THREE STONE HOUSE; north end. : HOUSES To RENT--FURNISHED on unfurnished. BATEMANS REAL ESTATE 159 Wellington Street. Kingston. ms { AS. BIRTH- x Telephone | 1to6pm/ 10 aiay, airy rooms; your own lock and Key. Frost's City Storage, 299. 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 939w. IBN PO --et-------------- | BY JULY IST, AN APARTMENT OF | four rooms and hail, partly furn- Ish; electric light; gas for cook- ing Apply 313 University Ave, phone So2w, {TWO OR THREE ROOMS Fi RNISHED unfurnished for light SHED | for cooking, and all | neces. Apply 168 Di- | or keeping; gas other convenle vision Street. O FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOMS | on bathroom flat; electric light; al] | vonvenineces. Use of phone. Ap- | ply 376 Barrie street, near Princess ur phone Ixw. |W -- | eS -------- i | FLRNISHED FOR SUMMER MONTHS, ! | nine room house; baicony and ver. | near lake, modery veniences, rent moderate 236 Stuart Street. | se et FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, | wood floors, electric light, Stove. heater, refrigerator, modern in every way. Apply to White's In- surance 'Office, 239 Bagot street, i andah; | | | ~ A NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE AND barn on Alfred street, near Conces- sion Also a new furnished sum- | mer cottage at Kastview Park. Ap- Ply to J. D. Boyd, 332 University Ave. me SR SUMMER COTTAGE ON MACKENZIE Island--Ideal place for families WILLIAM STREET-- (downto wn) a seven roomed dwelling: hot water heating; electric light; gas for cooking; hard- wood floors; sun room and garage--all for $4,200. VICTORIA STREET--About t Wo acres of the choicest garden land, with good dwelling; all modern, also good out- building. This property is particularly suitable for a market garden, THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones 68 and 2240m. 56 Brock Street, . By having vour he me equipped with Electric Toasterg and Irons--from 4.350 up to 88.00. ' Single and Double Hot Burke Electric Company 74 Princess Street, Plates Phone 423 with small chiidren; shallow bath- ing beach; good dock-landing for launches. Apply Supt Orphans' Home, SYDENHAM APARTME NTS, Bi Street; 4 rooms and bath; wood floors; electric; frigerator; vice. RICK HOUSE, HARD. and natural wood trim- and electricity, hot wa- ment, reduced rent, Pper Bagot St, | New soLip mB wood floors ming, CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, eérs and Solicitors, 79 Street, Kingston. A B ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE sHEA, BARRIST- -Clarence Cunning- | ng and Money to CONTRACTORS 2 Will 'be received by Up to noon the 4th July, for the ex on of a Club House for {he Cataraqui Go t ! if. and Country Club, Plans and specificatio at the Architect's office 3 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ¢ POWER, SON a DREVER «+ Reg. Architects, Merchants Bank Chambers, Kingston. t the Archite Ns may be seen ANNOUNCING A NEW MODEL . " The "FB 50" (Baby Grand) Special The famous Baby Grand Engjne and Chas- sis, with Special Body, Special Top with Bevel Glass, Rear and Side Curtain Lights, Cord Tires, Bumper and several other im- provements. Body painted dark blue with white stripe. Price $1,875.00. e greatest car value ever offered the Can- adian public. Note the cord tire equipment. We are now demonstrating this car. May we show it to you. BAWDEN & EDWARDS CHEVROLET saLes anp SERVICE 80 MONTREAL STREET - - PHONE 400,